View Full Version : Pm9 new to me anyway

09-29-2012, 01:46 AM
1st poster here love all the info, I'm not a new kahr shooter though, on my second pm9. I always seem to come back when I need small and reliable 9mm. I purchased my second new to me pm9 , my 2 main questions because its been a few years since my last pm9 is the mag with the extension not supposed to drop free when empty? Mine kinda swells and sticks in the gun an has to be stripped out. Second is who has the best price on the flush fit 6 round mags?
Thanks and look forward to reading the great info on this site

09-29-2012, 06:54 AM
Cheaperthandirt.com had the best online price that I could find yesterday when I bought 3. $27.86 ea + $15 s/h for the 3. S/h under $7 for the 3 if using smartpost 7-10 days. I'm not that patient.

09-29-2012, 06:57 AM
Welcome to Kahr talk! The mag issue of getting them to drop free has been covered here in other threads. I have not found the threads but wait a bit and I'm sure someone will link them. It has proven to be a minor tweek to get most guns dropping the mag...
The Kahr website sells the MK620 flush fit mags for $40. Midway has them for $31.99 but be aware of their shipping. Not a bad price on the magazine and the shipping is ok if you need some other stuff too.
Others will chime in here I'm sure with their favorite shop spots. Again, welcome and enjoy your Kahr.

09-29-2012, 07:00 AM
1st poster here love all the info, I'm not a new kahr shooter though, on my second pm9. I always seem to come back when I need small and reliable 9mm. I purchased my second new to me pm9 , my 2 main questions because its been a few years since my last pm9 is the mag with the extension not supposed to drop free when empty? Mine kinda swells and sticks in the gun an has to be stripped out. Second is who has the best price on the flush fit 6 round mags?
Thanks and look forward to reading the great info on this site

PM9, one does not drop themagsandonedoes.My 24/7carry thatI have had for 5 years doesnot drop um and I want it that way. so it does not b other me. for some it does and there is a fix on this forum for that. If it wasme andur gonna order some mags, then wait until u get them and test them out and see which ones drop freely, and mayb e the others ucan just use for range use etc. It is the mags and not the gun. not an issue for some, an issue for others. ur choice. Just sayin

Bill K
09-29-2012, 07:52 AM
Welcome to the forum!

Neither of my two PM9 mags drop free. I feel them drag a lot on the inside of the grip so for me I supect it would not be a simple task to make them drop free.

09-29-2012, 08:22 AM
So, for you guys who have mags that don't drop and don't see that as a big deal, what is your thinking? Not trying to start anything here just curious. In my mind the last thing I would ever want to do is to take my eyes of the bad guy to fool with stripping a mag that won't drop. I don't think my motor skills would be working that well. Would really like to hear your reasoning.

09-29-2012, 08:47 AM
So, for you guys who have mags that don't drop and don't see that as a big deal, what is your thinking? Not trying to start anything here just curious. In my mind the last thing I would ever want to do is to take my eyes of the bad guy to fool with stripping a mag that won't drop. I don't think my motor skills would be working that well. Would really like to hear your reasoning.

My PM9 is for carry use. Having said that it also means I'm controlling where I am going. It also means I'm not trying to defend my home with a PM9, I have other weapons for that scenario.

I don't carry a 2nd mag. If I'm a position that I need a 2nd mag, something went wrong long before I drew the PM9. I realize I can't control every situation, but my best weapon is my brain.

I'm sure other people feel differently or are forced to operate in a different manner. Given that scenario you get to a different conclusion. Anything can be taken to an extreme. If you argue for a 2nd mag, why not a 3rd? Or why not argue for higher capacity mags? Regardless of your position, you reach a point where you say "that's enough".

09-29-2012, 08:48 AM
It's hard to beat Ivanhoe's prices and $5 priority shipping with your whole order:

http://www.ivanhoeoutlet.com/shop/images/products/detail_75_photo-not-available.jpg (http://www.ivanhoeoutlet.com/shop/images/products/large_75_photo-not-available.jpg)
SKU: MK620
Original Price: $28.95 Sale Price: $25.95 Stock: 5 Quantity:


Tell a Friend




09-29-2012, 11:29 AM
Nice find wyntrout! As usual, I'm a day late and $16 short.

09-29-2012, 12:24 PM
So, for you guys who have mags that don't drop and don't see that as a big deal, what is your thinking? Not trying to start anything here just curious. In my mind the last thing I would ever want to do is to take my eyes of the bad guy to fool with stripping a mag that won't drop. I don't think my motor skills would be working that well. Would really like to hear your reasoning.

for me I am not that paranoid either. If I can't do it in 7 rounds more than likely I am dead. I don't carry a second magazine. If I felt a need for a second mag I would have gotten a double stack and just be done with it. Just me so YMMV. I think for me is that if I ever hit that mag release button accidkently or in my pocket either, that It ain't gonna flying jout of the gun either. Not defending it one way or the other, just for me it means nadda to me. I don't carry because I am scared, I carry because I am not scared. I don't carry to cover other peoples asses besides me and my family. That could vary but basicaly I am not gonna be a rambo, nor am I trained to be either. I would not want to go through what zimmermanis and has been going through either. I am very fast at removing my magazines, been doing it on my PM9 for over 5 years, I might just surprise u. But either way it is a mute point when u carry only one magazine..

I have pocket carried for over 48 years, never had to draw in anger, nor even been close to. Witnessed alot of bar room fights and I say WITNEESSED.
Bad Guyy does not know I m carrying, so Id o feel I have a slight advantage to think the situation over and let common sense prevail. "Am I in danger or is my family in danger-- PROTECTMYSELF. Is the fella down the street in danger or his neighbor-- PROTECT MYSELF

again YMMV. Just sayin

09-29-2012, 12:27 PM
So, for you guys who have mags that don't drop and don't see that as a big deal, what is your thinking? Not trying to start anything here just curious. In my mind the last thing I would ever want to do is to take my eyes of the bad guy to fool with stripping a mag that won't drop. I don't think my motor skills would be working that well. Would really like to hear your reasoning.

Don't quote me on this, but I believe many LEOs prefer the mag to not drop freely because if a bg grabs their gun and hits the magazine release, or if they accidentally hit their own magazine release, all they have to do is bump it back in instead of picking it up off the ground......not sure though.

Personally I'm torn between the two options, but I feel uncomfortable modifying the magazine myself because im not confident in my abilities and im afraid of messing up the reliability of the firearm. I think ive heard of 1) squeezing the magazine lips together or 2) taking off some material from inside the mag well. Again, not sure though

09-29-2012, 12:37 PM
don't screw with the mag well, then u fokk up any warranty, the issue is magazine related. most all drop freely kand if that is ur desire, just return the maggs to kahr that does not in exchance and retry. Most here seem to think they can do the mag mod by polishing the magazine with good paste wax, for some it works fine, some do squeeze the upper portion of the magazine and it wolks finer. It seems to be when it grabs it is at the upper top of the magazien and it is not rocket science to fix it, At leaset one thing is certain, u just screw up the magazine and not thegun itself. Mags arereplaceable, the gun is gonna cost u big time. Kahr can't put basck in that lower portion what u just grould out. so IMO don't do that mod.

send the mags back or adjust to it, which is also not rocket science. Just sayin

09-29-2012, 12:58 PM
You may have picked up a used/new PM9. Many of these smaller guns are bought by someone and they are actually shot very little. If that sounds like what you have, give your gun a little time to break in more. People seem to refuse to practice and work with small guns. They get shot, recoil is not totally pleasant, and they get traded. The secret in life is to get your hands on one before they get it to the gun shop and are given 50% of it's actual resale value.

I would see if it will drop free a full loaded mag. If so, break in the mag release button and mags by dumping full ones a hundred times or so. Please first run a zip tie through the barrel and out the chamber to prevent any potential rounds from entering the gun. Safe rather than sorry. I did that with my PM9 and the empty mags do now drop free every time.

09-29-2012, 03:52 PM
I don't disagree with your main point Jocko. I'm not looking to be Rambo either. I just want to have a gun in the fight if I need it. I can't see a situation where I would be in a fire fight (been there done that 43 years ago). I think when/if TSHTF it would all be over before 7 rounds. When I went to parachute jump class, everyone who left the plane had 2 shutes. If the first one failed you had a second chance. I guess I feel the same way about handguns. If the first mag fails it may be game over and BG wins. Odds certainly would look that way. But I practice mag switch anyway same way I practice tap and rack. At the jump school one of us asked what happens if the first shute fails and then the second fails too. The instructor calmly said "you work on getting that second one open for the rest of you life." :D

09-29-2012, 04:13 PM
that reminds me. about a week ago I was drinking coffee with some retired friends ofmine and in the group are a few retired school teachers etc, anyways Isaid my son just did two parachute jumps this weekend and this one gal who is a regular in our group and a mother of two,speoke up. Heh Ihave done over 400, floored me. The next day she came in with a photo album and damn this gal has done it all. water jumps. night jumps high altitude oxygen jumps. helo jumps, jumped ot of a 727 with 250 others. just blew my mind, such a quite lady to, she siad she had 3 emergency reserrve shoots in all those 400+ jumps. She quit jumpig when her two sons said . 'Mom I wanna learn tojump". U just never know

I thinik we all read in the past couple of weeks where I think it was in NY but anyway somehwere where two cops shot a BG but also in the melee shot 8 innocent people to, and they were shooting at the BG at less than 15 feet. So train all u want but when the time comes, u just never know, We think we do but we ain't been there done that. I know I certainly have never been shot at... The day they arm deer with guns, I am outta there bigtime.

09-29-2012, 04:54 PM
Sorry to interrupt with a noob question, but how exactly does one "tap and rack", and when is one required? Thank you.

09-29-2012, 07:03 PM
Just ordered 2 from Ivan hoes an I'm going to send the other 2 back to kahr when I get 2 more on hand, now to replace the sights.

09-29-2012, 07:12 PM
I'm waiting for pictures of the pistol.....

(que the Jeopardy song...)

09-29-2012, 07:13 PM
Sorry to interrupt with a noob question, but how exactly does one "tap and rack", and when is one required? Thank you.

when you pull the trig and don't get a bang you hit the bottom of the mag (tap) and pull the slide to clear the round (rack). sometimes called tap,rack, bang. A basic malfunction drill. I sometimes mix a few snap caps in when shooting to do the drill. check utube for tap rack and you'll see several videos.

09-29-2012, 07:18 PM
I don't do this at the range. I usually try to see if there was a hang fire with the pistol aimed at the target and if the mag is seated and there's not a stovepipe... then then I use the fingers over the slide with my palm and left thumb along the left side of the slide, I rack the slide vigorously and try to fire again. If the pistol does fire, I don't want any part of my hand to the rear of the slide.

The tap would be to rap the seated magazine into your weak hand hard and then vigorously rack the slide before firing again.



09-29-2012, 07:35 PM
when you pull the trig and don't get a bang you hit the bottom of the mag (tap) and pull the slide to clear the round (rack). sometimes called tap,rack, bang. A basic malfunction drill. I sometimes mix a few snap caps in when shooting to do the drill. check utube for tap rack and you'll see several videos.

and snap caps in with some live rounds does two things. One it shows shooter error real fast as far as flinching etc,and alsowhen u hit on a snap cap the drill comes into play. a very good way to practice IMO.

09-29-2012, 07:40 PM
I don't do this at the range. I usually try to see if there was a hang fire with the pistol aimed at the target and if the mag is seated and there's not a stovepipe...


I guess I never really thought about a hang fire. I only do the tap rack when I know I have a snap cap somewhere in the mag. In retrospect, I suppose I could get a hang fire in that mag too. I was trained to do them by my "Uncle", guess he doesn't know everything. Maybe I'll just do them in dry fire practice. Thanks Wynn

09-29-2012, 08:03 PM
I haven't heard of a hang fire in ages. Just sayin. I don't think in a SHTF situation that if u get a no banger, that ur gonna wait and see if it is a hang fire either. Just sayin

09-29-2012, 08:25 PM
Thanks guys for answering my question. Didn't mean to hijack this thread. Apologies to the OP.

09-29-2012, 09:07 PM
fear not those fokking samollies have nothing over this forum. We are pro's at hijackig. Just sayin..