View Full Version : Granddaughter wwas an indirect victim of a home invasion yesterday

09-29-2012, 10:54 AM
At noontime Friday three guys kicked in the front door of the house where her boyfriend lives (they are all students at Texas Tech University in Lubbock).

Fortunately she & her boyfriend were not present during the robbery - they were out on campus for lunch.

Granddaughter and her girlfriends live in a condo a mile away.

Anyway, the three crooks pointed a gun at her boyfriend's roommate & his girlfriend, made them strip nekkid and lie down in the bathtub covered by a blanket. The bad guys then stole all the TVs, computers, textbooks, & IPads in the house, along with a small safe that had $900 cash in it. Granddaughter's $700 laptop (a present from us) and her Ipad were among the purloined loot.

Thank God nobody was hurt or raped. Those electronics can be replaced.

09-29-2012, 11:31 AM
I have a handgun for her in my safe here, but don't think it's a good idea for her to keep it in a college condo where a lot of partying goes on.

I told her to keep a couple of cans of wasp & hornet spray handy in their Lubbock place - it's more effective than pepper spray.

Her dad is going to get her some small cans of pepper spray to carry in her car & purse.

Whenever she has her own place after graduating, you can bet grandpa will fix her up with a handgun & home defense shotgun.

Yes, she is proficient with firearms.
This is the stainless steel S&W .22 I bought for her when she was 12 (bought her twin brother one just like it except in blue finish):


09-29-2012, 11:47 AM
Sounds like hunting season is open in Texas. I'm glad nobody was harmed but I'd sure like to open a can of whoop arse on the scum bags involved.

I'm sure they were abused children or didn't make the team in school but no excuse for this. Texas is one of the better places for punishment if they get caught and they will get caught eventually. Weather they are linked to this crime or not doesn't matter.

09-29-2012, 11:47 AM
Glad no one was hurt. Never know when how these things will go when this happen.
Its a shame people are'nt safe in thier own place

09-29-2012, 11:56 AM
Be thankful no one was hurt. There's a big difference between being robbed and being physically injured or worse. Have you, or they, figured out how they were targeted? Crooks usually have an idea of the available loot, be it drugs, money or other stuff.

09-29-2012, 12:30 PM
They are thinking one of the perps had been in the house previously - possibly a friend of a friend. They knew about all the good stuff and the little safe with the cash.

09-29-2012, 12:31 PM
Door kicked in and 3 guys pointing guns is a loosing defense proposition. Don't go for the gun, or spray of any kind, unless you're betting your life that they simply won't shoot. In the risk analysis, defending is a total loose - out numbered, outgunned - so it's down to the odds of will they shoot or not. Risk of them shooting is lower if no aggression toward them, so take the best path of the bad options.

I wonder if they bad guys know the victims. The strip, into the tub, cover with a blanket is very kind of the bad guys. Almost protective.

09-29-2012, 12:34 PM
Victims only saw one gun, but it looked big enough to them. lol

09-29-2012, 01:10 PM
They are thinking one of the perps had been in the house previously - possibly a friend of a friend. They knew about all the good stuff and the little safe with the cash.

A very common scenario. Do the police have the names?

09-29-2012, 03:41 PM
If she lives on campus, she can't have one anyway on campus. Off campus is a whole different story.

09-29-2012, 05:04 PM
Also wasp/hornet spray? Can we say aggravated assault? I know that is supposed to work better than OC, but here's the thing it's a neurotoxin and will cause blindness (serious bodily injury, hence the agg. assault, plus the use shows intent) unless treated quick fast and in a hurry. No, better use that for what it's for unless it just happens to land in the hand but the odds of that are slim to none. Good shotgun is good idea, but something other than wasp/hornet spray is better. Just my .02.

09-29-2012, 07:52 PM
Glad it was only a shake down, coulda been a lot worse....

09-29-2012, 08:04 PM
If she lives on campus, she can't have one anyway on campus. Off campus is a whole different story.

She can have one on campus if she is of age.

09-29-2012, 08:45 PM
She can have one on campus if she is of age.

Not in Texas. And she's only 19.

But she lives off campus, so she could have a firearm in her condo.

09-29-2012, 08:49 PM
Also wasp/hornet spray? Can we say aggravated assault? I know that is supposed to work better than OC, but here's the thing it's a neurotoxin and will cause blindness (serious bodily injury, hence the agg. assault, plus the use shows intent) unless treated quick fast and in a hurry. No, better use that for what it's for unless it just happens to land in the hand but the odds of that are slim to none. Good shotgun is good idea, but something other than wasp/hornet spray is better. Just my .02.

All the better reason to use it, imo. With no reason to disbelieve ignorance of excessively harmful human effect there's no "intent".

09-30-2012, 07:40 AM
Another thing you can do is reinforce the doors and locks, improve the locks on the windows, improve the outdoor lighting, install a peep hole in the door, get a big dog, etc.
I'm sure you can come up with more ideas.
I almost forgot, get her a kubaton (spelling) and show her some basic self defense.
Good luck!!

09-30-2012, 07:49 AM
Wow, glad no one was physically hurt, but the mental anguish goes on for some time.
I give all the ladies in my family one of the Kimber Pepperblasters. The home invaison was NOT the correct situation to deploy pepperspray in. However it works good and holds a constant charge for many years. I always worry that cans have too short a range and may lose pressure after a year long ride in a purse.
My son used his (very old) Kimber recently while working his second job at an apartment complex at 2am. A very agressive and large raccoon attacked when my son tried to shoo him away from the garbage collection point. two blasts to the face at 10 feet turned him into "rocketcoon" as the security guard who witnessed the encounter said.
The Kimbers are available form several places, I have been adding one or two to my Midway orders for some time. http://www.kimberamerica.com/pepperblaster
Good luck with it and I shall add your Grandaughter and freinds to my prayers that they may find peace in their mind after such a tramatic violation of their home.

09-30-2012, 08:03 AM
If she lives on campus, she can't have one anyway on campus. Off campus is a whole different story.

What you meant to say was "If she lives on campus, she can't LEGALLY have one anyway.". Or "ACCORDING TO CAMPUS RULES" maybe. I don't know from Texas. What I do know is that some rights are God given, and I don't gives a rodent's rear what any governing body has to say about it. Even the lowliest animal on this planet is created with the will to defend itself as best it can as a last resort if fleeing has failed. Are our lives worth less in His eyes? I've never paid any attention to gun laws except to be careful (sneaky) when breaking them.

Do I sound like a radical? I have known I can't tell you how many "liberals" and totally non political people I've known who have favored gun bans or strict gun laws, but have their own gun "just in case". It's like their minds are compartmentalized. Common sense for practical matters affecting them personally, head in the clouds when it comes to everything else. Many of these people were living in places where owning that gun was illegal, and I don't think they were even aware of it. If they were they didn't care. "Oh, those laws are for everyone else" I guess. But they wouldn't think of changing them. Never understood that. I may be radical, but I'm consistent.

EDIT: Not saying here that this was a good situation for defense with a gun. I wasn't there. Thankfully neither was the granddaughter. Glad she wasn't there. You have to weigh the risks. There are risks no matter what you do. I would not assume that if one of the victims had displayed a gun that a shooting would have occurred. Most of the time it doesn't. Like in over 90% of cases. The thugs have a threshold of trouble they want to be in, and they always have the option of fleeing. Human predators are, by and large, not so different than other predators: they do not want to tangle with prey that can disable or kill them. If a defensive firearm had been displayed, and the thugs had chosen to make an exit, who would have reported the incident? If the defender was illegally armed, my guess is the whole incident would have gone unreported, as happens millions of times in this country each year. No harm, no foul. Happens all the time. It's happened to me twice in my 66 years.

09-30-2012, 09:48 AM
Native New Yorkers have carried just a little 25 acp pocket gun for generations. If approached by a mugger, they show them the gun (without even pointing it at them if time and circumstances allow) and the mugger leaves. No 911 call. No calling for police. And no telling how many thousands and thousands of times this scenario has occurred in the big city.

Of course, the modern gang thug is a different animal. They often work in packs and it takes large caliber bullets coming at them and possibly even taking one or more of them down to convince them to run. And, of course, they are more likely to be armed and shooting back. That's why I don't want to live where I cannot legally carry a gun.

09-30-2012, 10:08 AM
It's an "elitist" thing... laws are for the "commoners" not the elite, most intelligent libtards who would "take care of" the poor, stupid masses. See how Obama abuses the"privileges" of office as if he were a king... an absolute ruler... which he definitely aspires to be! Four more years and at least one more liberal SCOTUS appointment and he could be our Great Leader for Life!


09-30-2012, 02:15 PM
All the better reason to use it, imo. With no reason to disbelieve ignorance of excessively harmful human effect there's no "intent".

This is a difficult situation, on the one hand you are defending yourself (we're big on that here), on the other hand you keep a can of stuff that you know will cause serious bodily injury (yes those are the words in the pertinent sections of the Penal Code), with the intent to misuse it in a way that you know causes serious bodily injury. Tough call, but the charge is still there, not saying it is a guaranteed trip to jail, just saying that some without a sense of humor can do that. In those parts though, most folks will recommend a good shotgun though. The level of force that is deployed needs to be considered carefully before using something. That's all I was getting at.

09-30-2012, 05:09 PM
She can have one on campus if she is of age.

Not in TX she can't no matter what age she is. You can NOT carry CHL at any age on campus anywhere in TX, unless you are a LEO

09-30-2012, 05:13 PM
What you meant to say was "If she lives on campus, she can't LEGALLY have one anyway.". Or "ACCORDING TO CAMPUS RULES" maybe. I don't know from Texas. What I do know is that some rights are God given, and I don't gives a rodent's rear what any governing body has to say about it. Even the lowliest animal on this planet is created with the will to defend itself as best it can as a last resort if fleeing has failed. Are our lives worth less in His eyes? I've never paid any attention to gun laws except to be careful (sneaky) when breaking them.

This may be true, BUT she better not get caught, and with all the parties and people going in and out of a dorm or campus apartment, she can get kicked out, and be a felony if she is caught. We have had instances here in TX where people have gotten caught with one and gotten kicked out, etc, etc.

TX is as gun friendly as you can get but they don't play with guns on campus for ANY REASON except for a LEO.

Jlottmc please correct me if I'm wrong about the felony.

09-30-2012, 08:15 PM
This is a difficult situation, on the one hand you are defending yourself (we're big on that here), on the other hand you keep a can of stuff that you know will cause serious bodily injury (yes those are the words in the pertinent sections of the Penal Code), with the intent to misuse it in a way that you know causes serious bodily injury. Tough call, but the charge is still there, not saying it is a guaranteed trip to jail, just saying that some without a sense of humor can do that. In those parts though, most folks will recommend a good shotgun though. The level of force that is deployed needs to be considered carefully before using something. That's all I was getting at.

Problem with the shotgun option for a college dorm kid is you end up with a real problem when you accidentally kill the popular honors student on the other side of the wall. No one is going to prosecute a cute, innocent 19 year old who just blasted a potential rapist with bug spray. Trust me on this.

09-30-2012, 08:16 PM
This may be true, BUT she better not get caught, and with all the parties and people going in and out of a dorm or campus apartment, she can get kicked out, and be a felony if she is caught. We have had instances here in TX where people have gotten caught with one and gotten kicked out, etc, etc.

TX is as gun friendly as you can get but they don't play with guns on campus for ANY REASON except for a LEO.

Jlottmc please correct me if I'm wrong about the felony.

Always a good idea not to get caught. What was that old saw: "Better to be judged by 12 than carried by 6!"? Being illegal or against the rules also gives one a wonderful sense of restraint. You're not gonna' pull that gun unless you REALLY have no choice! :D

I'm legal these days. I live in a free state, thank God!

09-30-2012, 08:51 PM
Very true but if she gets caught it is a felony she is screwed on every aspect of her life. No job record for the rest of her life....

Sent from my Kindle Fire using Tapatalk 2

09-30-2012, 08:58 PM
Problem with the shotgun option for a college dorm kid is you end up with a real problem when you accidentally kill the popular honors student on the other side of the wall. No one is going to prosecute a cute, innocent 19 year old who just blasted a potential rapist with bug spray. Trust me on this.

If you bug spray someone in the bushes outside and don't identify the target it is aggravated assault. Which is still a felony in the state she is going to school in. She is still screwed all the way around. In this state they will prosute her no matter if she is a cute 19 year old college student or a 40 year old professional. What we are saying is the bug spray is still considered aggravated assault a FELONY

Sent from my Kindle Fire using Tapatalk 2

10-01-2012, 02:49 AM
What about bear spray? Would that be aggravated assault if it was used off campus?

10-01-2012, 10:14 AM
No serious bodily injury, no deadly weapon, no agg. assault.


That site is really used around here, it's the book, except online. The above link is the statute for agg assault.

10-01-2012, 10:45 AM
Do you know if on the iPad or on the laptop had any tracking program installed on it ?? If so they may want to have authorities activate and track it and hopefully catch the people. I hope this helps. God Bless :)

10-01-2012, 08:23 PM
Not in TX she can't no matter what age she is. You can NOT carry CHL at any age on campus anywhere in TX, unless you are a LEO

As far as CHL carry on a public university campus, it is legal in Texas, but you CANNOT carry it INTO a building on campus. A private college may post the .30-06 sign, however.

Students living on campus are NOT allowed to keep guns.

10-01-2012, 09:49 PM
As far as CHL carry on a public university campus, it is legal in Texas, but you CANNOT carry it INTO a building on campus. A private college may post the .30-06 sign, however.

Students living on campus are NOT allowed to keep guns.

Not entirely true. If you are on the premises of an event and you get caught, then you can and probably will get arrested.

10-01-2012, 10:07 PM