View Full Version : Questions about recoil and holsters, new to CC

09-30-2012, 11:10 AM
I have a couple of questions. I am in need of a CCW, and here is where my problems begin. I am a female, I stand a whopping total of 4'11" and 100 lbs. Every gun out there is highly obvious under my shirt, no matter how I dress. All of them, even the pocket guns. My hips push the gun out and away from my waist and ribs, unlike on a man. The only gun that doesn't print nearly as much is the Kahr PM9. So now I'm seriously looking at getting one for myself. Here are my questions....

How manageable is the recoil? I am small boned with small hands, so more affected by a sharp recoil than a man would be (for an idea, imagine giving a 9mm+ gun to your 11 or 12 year old daughter). I have never had problems shooting compact or full sized pistols, as they are heavier than a PM9. But the PM9 is so light... My local range doesn't have one in their rentals, so this will be somewhat of a blind buy and hope I like it, kind of thing.

Holsters. I need something extremely thin and low profile, as even the smallest bulk causes it to print under my shirt and I'm not having much luck so far finding something that I can use. I just don't have the body size to conceal anything, so even the smallest thing is obviously there. Leathers are thick and bulky on me. Now, I have seen pics of Crossbreed's holsters. They look fairly low profile and thin. Are they? The part that holds the gun needs to be extremely thin, and it does appear to be in the pics. I like that their holsters are adjustable for cant. The other one I've seen is the VersaCarry. Has anyone tried one? As far as I can tell in pics, it doesn't appear to have a sweat shield, which would be a problem since female underwear doesn't go up to the waist like men's does, so there is no barrier between skin and gun. A workaround would be to slip a piece of cloth there, so this is not a deal breaker. How likely is the barrel insert to eventually scratch the inside of the barrel? Any opinions on these holsters, or other options?

I think I read somewhere that a magazine for a full sized 9mm will fit into a PM9? Is this true? If so, that would be awesome for being able to have a larger capacity while at the range or a backup magazine for when 7 bullets just isn't enough.

Thank you guys and ladies for your time! I've never had the need to CC until now, so all my pistols have been full sized and they just traveled in my range bag.

EDIT: suddenly realized that CM9 has the same size specs as PM9. What's the difference between them? Kahr's website shows they are the same physical size but the CM9 is several hundred dollars less. Did I miss something?

09-30-2012, 11:47 AM
Welcome Starbug!

I'm new here too. Got a PM9 a few days ago. As I understood it, the differences between the PM9 and CM9 are very slight and few. Main difference is the rifling in the barrel + a few cosmetic changes on the outside of the slide. Everything else appears to be the same or very similar.

Can't help you with the CC holster. However, I am pretty short. I just received a pocket holster that fits in the front or rear pocket of jeans. Has a thick leather square that fits on the outside so no printing through the pocket AT ALL. Looks like a man's wallet. The question would be "what is she doing with a man's wallet?" It's here if you want to look:


As for recoil, not much more than my Glock 26. I'm pretty small framed and I have no problem with the PM9/CM9. If you're close to Kansas, your welcome to fire my PM9.

09-30-2012, 12:02 PM
Welcome Starbug, glad you found us. There's lots of wise folks here and some real gun toting ladies as well.

Krazman is spot on with the difference between the PM and the CM. Mostly just cosmetics on the slide, the barrel, don't matter much, one mag instead of two.
I think it's imperative that you at least handle one even if you can't shoot it and see if you can manipulate the slide etc. They are stiff with heavy recoil spring.
I think you can manage it with practice and the right technique but it's gonna be more difficult than your run of the mill Glock or XD for example.

Personally I don't care much for the Smart Carry system. The Crossbreed is a viable option although too much holster for such a small gun. I think a PJ Holster might be an option, it's very thin and you can work with him to build it to suit your needs.
In helping a few female officers your 180 apparently less hippy (not like the 60's hippy). They had issues with the gun grip digging into their side and rib cage and required an offset to prevent that.

I'm sure more help will be along shortly wiser folks than I.

Hope you enjoy it here and find our little oasis agreeable.

09-30-2012, 12:18 PM
welcome Starbug, what Bawanna states about racking a kahr is something thatyou really need to investigate before u buy anything. The cm9 IMO is the way to go. It is a super handgun, as lite as they get to. BUT kahrs ae buggers to hand rack, your weight and height stature tells me ur gonna have a hard time with this gun.

Go to a gun dealer, ask to see the cm9, then ask them to show u how to rack the slide, etc, how to lock open etc, how to release the slide etc. If they hesitate, then go somewhere else. Kahr's recoil springs are stout, by desig, if u can get pat that ur good to go. Don't rush into anything.

IMO, u just goptta be good at clearing the action of thegun incase of a jam, misfire, or just basic unloading it to clean it etc. Practice does nnot make perfect but perfect practice does.

It is obvious that u own other semi's so the basics are the same, u already know what is required to do certain things I mentioned. Get by that part and u cannot buy a better 9mm sub compact than that cm9...

welcome aboard a avery friendly forum to women...

09-30-2012, 12:50 PM
Welcome to the forum Starbug!

With practice I believe you'll get used to the recoil. IMHO there really isn't a better option, I personally wouldn't carry a .380 as a primary gun, and they kinda seem to have significantly more problems with malfunctions in general than the 9mm offerings. I havent shot a subcompact 380 but with their much smaller size I'd think the recoil would be comparable to a supcompact 9mm, and my friend hates his Ruger LCP, says its very hard to be accurate with and I am very unimpressed with the build quality.

I have a crossbreed minituck holster and I absolutely love it. The PJ holster looks interesting also, but I like how the crossbreed has leather instead of kydex against your body and after treating the leather (i did so with ballistol) it literally forms to the shape of your body. I don't believe its too much holster either, having 2 clips helps distribute the weight of the gun more evenly, so it feels like nothing is there. Its kinda hard to explain, but I dont feel the rest of the leather as its form fitted to the shape of my body. I truly believe there isn't a better option out there, but Id love to try on a PJ hoslter as Ive only heard great things about them. BTW my friend in South Carolina somehow conceals a Glock 27 in a crossbreed supertuck, and he has trimmed off some of the extraneous leather on his holster. I do not feel the need to do this to my minituck.

*Disclaimer - I have only carried two firearms except for trying on a couple at the gun store, my scandium frame j-frame in a don hume hoslter that I hate, and my CM9. There are also many other folks on this forum that are MUCH more knowledgeable about this topic than I am

P.S. - I'm sure youve thought about this already, but if I was a woman I would probably carry in a purse mostly, although it wouldnt be as accessible as carried IWB. Oh and after breaking in the gun it gets 2-3X easier to rack the slide

09-30-2012, 12:56 PM
starbug, if recoil is an issue with the cm9 kahr, then just sent it to magna port and get if done right and enjoy the gun.I serioulsy doubt if recoil will be ur issue with a kahr, they are very maneageable and recoil is certainly in the eys of the beholder.

I just don't think u can beat the kahr cm9 IF U CAN MANAGE WITH EASE ALL THE THINGS THAT GOES ALONE WITH OWNING A SEMI auto. Just sayin.don't compare ur glock to any kahr. Glocks are IMO twice as easy to hand rack,clear and what ever, maybe due to a little bigger to, tha thelps alot but the recoil spring in glocks are #13 where as u kahrs are 18#. One is easy , one is not so easy, Both are OK if u can master it....

09-30-2012, 01:04 PM
starbug, if recoil is an issue with the cm9 kahr, then just sent it to magna port and get if done right and enjoy the gun.I serioulsy doubt if recoil will be ur issue with a kahr, they are very maneageable and recoil is certainly in the eys of the beholder.

Good point Jocko! Barrel porting didnt even cross my mind

For me it was an easy decision to go with the CM9 instead of the PM9. I don't need fancy rollmarks and machining on the slide. IMHO a match-grade barrel is pointless on a subcompact gun, you're not gonna be shooting at 25 yards, especially in a self defense situation. I do wish the CM9 had a dovetail front sight though instead of pinned in so itd be easier to install night sights though

09-30-2012, 01:04 PM
+1 with jocko. Only 156 rounds through my PM9 and I still find it quite difficult to engage the slide lock. I think racking THIS slide is your biggest concern, not the recoil.

09-30-2012, 01:16 PM
Welcome, Starbug! :)

I saw a post here yesterday where a member said his 100 lb 12 year old practiced and got to where she can rack the PM9/CM9 slide very well.

The PJ Holster (http://pjholster.com/?page_id=37) is definitely worth a look. The maker, Paul, is a great guy and will work with you to find a solution for your build and preferences, including tuckable. You might want a low ride to minimize any jamming of the grip into your side that might be caused by the flare of your hip. That over the belt clip is very stable and easy on/off. But if you are wanting to have nothing showing on your belt, he can do a tuckable Velcro attachment. You need a good, sturdy belt. But with the Velcro attachment it would not necessarily have to be 1 1/2" wide; a more ladylike 1 1/4" one would do. Get it with the FBI cant and wear it behind your hip. The comfort is incredible! You will literally forget it is there!

There are some other options for you to consider. The Flashbang Bra Holster (http://flashbangholster.com/) is one. There are also Neckchain Rigs (http://stellarrigs.com/gun_neckchain_rigs.html) for a small 380, but I don't know if one is available for the P380.

Edit: BTW, the recoil on the PM9/CM9 is surprisingly mild. And you don't have to load it with the hottest +p ammo. Hornady Critical Defense is very effective ammo and very light on recoil.

09-30-2012, 01:18 PM
Good point Jocko! Barrel porting didnt even cross my mind

For me it was an easy decision to go with the CM9 instead of the PM9. I don't need fancy rollmarks and machining on the slide. IMHO a match-grade barrel is pointless on a subcompact gun, you're not gonna be shooting at 25 yards, especially in a self defense situation. I do wish the CM9 had a dovetail front sight though instead of pinned in so itd be easier to install night sights though

the match grade barrel on my PM9 and trust me, it ain't the barrels fault that I cannot hit jack sh!t. Kahrs regular barrel will shoot better than any shooter behind it. Polygonal rifled barrels are a debateable thing at best. Neither barrel would matter to me.

Hell u can now install the nex ex big dot night sight on the cm far faster than any dovetail sight and it ain't gonna fall off either. Nice thing is u canjust order the front xs big dot from xs and in reality, the back sight u can just leave as is. Gott admit the pinned sights are neater looking up front. at least tome they are. nuttin wrong with the pinned sights that xs or dawson makes. Glock has seemd to sruvice with pinned sights since day one. Nuttin wrong with shooting 25 yards, just for me it is about 15 yards to damn far. certainly for me it is not an ego bilder for me at that distance..

09-30-2012, 01:56 PM
welcome to the forum.

my wife is 5'04" and medium weight for her hiegth (so she says...LOL). anyway, hip carry doesnt work for her. she can pocket carry her Seecamp or appendix IWB carry a J frame or similar sized gun. anything worn on her hips is way obvious...thats just the way women are made. behind the hip at "4:30" isnt comfortable for her at all.

for women appendix carry is easier than it is for a man because women wear their pants higher so when they sit the botton of the rig isnt digging into their leg or pelvic bone....

09-30-2012, 04:51 PM
Thank you all for your great responses! You guys are awesome.

That wallet holster and the PJ do look very promising, I will check those out some more, they may just do the trick. My normal belt is a boy's stiff nylon mesh belt, just like many gun belts I've seen for sale, so it should hold up to a holster very well. Thank you guys for your recommendations, opinions, and experiences. I will be carrying while out hiking up in the mountains, which I've been doing daily now for 3 months. There are always cougars and bears around, and right now there is also a known killer cougar that is currently stalking the area that I live, work, and hike in. My neighbor's large golden retriever was killed on it's own back deck (owner saw it being dragged off, quite dead), and another large dog a mile away was killed on it's chain in it's back yard several days later (video surveillance caught it). I have also encountered the remains of it's kill, it was just like what you'd see on the Discovery Channel. I am snack-sized myself, so would make a great one-piece Human McNugget if it got bored of dog meat. I have been carrying my Beretta 92fs in my backpack, but honestly you don't know a cougar is there until it's on top of you since cats are ninjas like that. There'd be no way I could dig my pistol out of the backpack while fending off the cat. Time to get a concealable gun and holster and leave the bigger gun as a backup in my pack.

I have a friend with a PM9 that he has never shot. He's had it for 4 years now. It's very hard to get him off his couch (and our work schedules don't match AT ALL), so I have not yet succeeded in dragging him to the range to let me fire it. But I have had the chance to handle it twice now. I found racking the slide (w/empty mag in) to be oddly much easier than my Springfield XD, and yet stiffer than my Beretta 92fs. It was manageable and something that should only get easier with time. The porting idea mentioned above it a good one, and should the recoil prove to be much then that sounds like the way to go. Maybe I'll do it right off the bat anyway. OTOH, with adrenaline and the OH SH!T moment happening, I don't think I'd even notice the recoil anyway if I had to use it in self defense. My only handling problem is getting the slide release to work. The flatter they are, the harder it is for me to get a good enough grip to push the lever down. This is a problem with all guns, for me. But I can always have my welder fiance add a slight bit of a tab to it for finger purchase, so this shouldn't be a permanent problem on this gun.

If a match grade barrel is really the biggest difference between the CM9 and PM9, I think I'll save my pennies and go with the CM9. I don't think I'll have to shoot farther than 15 feet away, and more than likely it will be at contact-range with a large cougar or bear doing the Alien Face-hugger thing to me with it's jaws.

MW surveyor
09-30-2012, 04:58 PM
Whoa! You're hiking where a cougar has made at least 2 kills?

Venture to say that if it was me, I'd be taking something more than a 9 mm with me.

09-30-2012, 05:32 PM
Whoa! You're hiking where a cougar has made at least 2 kills?

Venture to say that if it was me, I'd be taking something more than a 9 mm with me.

Lol. Well here where I live and work, there are always cougars and bears. I can't get away from that, so you either never go outside or you go out and know the risks. They raid my back yard all the time for small critters, and sometimes you see them walk down the street like it's no big deal. I'd love to conceal carry a large caliber rifle instead, lol, but that's physically not possible and might freak out other people if I walked around with a rifle slung on my back. The anti-gun crowd is very vocal about how horrible guns are, they don't want to see them and they certainly don't want you to have one. :crazy: If I could CC a .40 or .45 caliber pistol, I would. But I'm too small.... so 9mm it has to be. And several extra mags, plus a full sized backup pistol hidden in my backpack w/extra mags too. And pepper spray. I don't take chances, lol.

09-30-2012, 05:46 PM
....maybe I'll have "Bad kitty" engraved on the slide, lol. :001_tt2::D If I have to use my gun, it's because the cougar was a bad kitty and tried to eat me. Lol

09-30-2012, 05:53 PM
if ur cool with the workings of a kahr, then go for it. buy the cm9, u won't regret it at all, IMO ur not cheaping urself in anyway. The barrel thing IMO is just good advertisng crapola by kahr. Wehave been shooting regular rifled barrels for years. they shoot just as good, and u won't shoot the gun as good as thegun can shoot.

The 9mm will drop a cat in his tracks. I hunted Mt. Lion in Utah some years back with bow and arrow. IMO if u hve thegun in ur backpack that is probably a bad place for it, but I also think that if u have it on ur side, u have gained a slight advantage ovber theback pack, but as u know a cougar is gona get the first shot at u,, not u at him. U won't know he is there until it isto late. Hell just watch an alley cat, now magnify that. they are smart, tey know their terrain better than u. Best advice Ican give u is walk with a friend if possable. not much macho stuff in pushing the envelope either. Will a 9mm drop a cougar ???It sure in hell will. a bow and arrow did it.

It would be nice if u could shoot ur friends PM9 to see how it does for u, as it will act exactly like the cm9, so it should give u some direction as to what to do. Certainly the more rounds down range to the smoother the gun will operate and the smoother some of the functions needed will get to..

good luck and just take ur time, do it right the first time and u will never look back..

09-30-2012, 05:54 PM
My daughter is slight, like you and she shoots the cw-9 with no problem, she's a taecher cc is not anything she's considered, though. The Flash Bang ra holster is limited to 380 guns, I believe. Good Luck and welcome from NJ.

09-30-2012, 06:06 PM
The only reason the Beretta has been in my backpack has been due to a lack of holster and lack of ability to conceal it on me (I've tried). It just isn't possible to conceal something that big on me. I know the cougar will be hidden, watching, until the very last second when he strikes... I'll never see it coming. This is why I started looking at pocket guns, and finally landed on a PM9/CM9. They are the smallest guns you can get, and they still hold the same number of rounds as a revolver, so it's not that bad. If I can have a pistol on my hip instead of in my backpack, then I at least have a fighting chance once the cat is on top of me. I hope.

I have 3 other people that go with me, so there's always at least two of us. I never go alone for safety reasons.

09-30-2012, 06:09 PM
now ur talkin 4 people is a deterent to a cat. THEY KNOW. BUY THE CM9 read the propper prep thread, review the lahr lube thread. CLEAN THE DAMNA GUN BEFORE THAT FIRST OUTTING. Don't take nuttin for granite..

09-30-2012, 06:11 PM
My daughter is slight, like you and she shoots the cw-9 with no problem, she's a taecher cc is not anything she's considered, though. The Flash Bang ra holster is limited to 380 guns, I believe. Good Luck and welcome from NJ.

The website shows a J frame in a Flashbang, so a CM9 would work.

09-30-2012, 06:20 PM
Starbug, just borrow the PM9 and go shoot it. (Take it down, clean and lube it first.) If it works for you, tell him you'll take it off his hands for $300.

If you are hiking in the mountains, alone or not, I would have the gun in my hand whenever walking where I could be jumped from cover, whether by a four legged or two legged attacker. Even high grass could be enough cover for a cougar to get near you. I wouldn't holster the gun unless I had 20 yards or more clear on every side.

09-30-2012, 06:21 PM
now ur talkin 4 people is a deterent to a cat. THEY KNOW. BUY THE CM9 read the propper prep thread, review the lahr lube thread. CLEAN THE DAMNA GUN BEFORE THAT FIRST OUTTING. Don't take nuttin for granite..

I saw other threads making the same recommendation about those care/prep threads. I'll read them for sure. I want to make sure the gun is going to work flawlessly the first time I have to use it, since my or my hiking partners' lives may be depending on it. Hopefully we don't encounter the one cat in the entire cougar population that's willing to take on 4 people...lol. Murphy's Law loves me.........

09-30-2012, 06:33 PM
Starbug, just borrow the PM9 and go shoot it. (Take it down, clean and lube it first.) If it works for you, tell him you'll take it off his hands for $300.

If you are hiking in the mountains, alone or not, I would have the gun in my hand whenever walking where I could be jumped from cover, whether by a four legged or two legged attacker. Even high grass could be enough cover for a cougar to get near you. I wouldn't holster the gun unless I had 20 yards or more clear on every side.

Unfortunately the guy never loans out anything of his to anybody for any reason. Apparently somebody burned him once, back in his early 20's and he never got over it. He won't sell the PM9, I tried last year.

There is certainly plenty of cover for a hidden attacker, that's for sure. I constantly scan the bushes and trees both behind and ahead, and keep my ears open for any and all sounds (even the lack of sound, as that could also be a warning of a predatory animal). Being aware of bird and squirrel warning calls, crack of sticks/branches, rustle of bushes, and smells. I keep an eye on every person we pass too, because I don't necessarily trust them either.

09-30-2012, 06:39 PM
bypass that owner, go out and buy a cm9, if u don't like it,this forum will be more than gladtotakeit ouff ur hands. Probably can buy one on line alot cheaper than most walk in gun stores. U might even wantto cruise our buy sell section and if not one there list that ur lookin for one..

09-30-2012, 06:40 PM

Welcome to the forum.
Regarding the holster, the other day, someone posted a Youtube vid done by a young woman who's 5'4 and 120lbs.She carries a PJ on her strong side 4:00 position. She does a lot of gun and gear vids from a woman's perspective.


09-30-2012, 06:48 PM
....maybe I'll have "Bad kitty" engraved on the slide, lol. :001_tt2::D If I have to use my gun, it's because the cougar was a bad kitty and tried to eat me. Lol
Welcome to kahrtalk...and watch out for those cougers !:)
As it was getting dark, this guy set up his camera to take a picture of himself with the elk he had just shot.
When he got home and downloaded the pic, this is what he saw.

09-30-2012, 06:53 PM
bypass that owner, go out and buy a cm9, if u don't like it,this forum will be more than gladtotakeit ouff ur hands. Probably can buy one on line alot cheaper than most walk in gun stores. U might even wantto cruise our buy sell section and if not one there list that ur lookin for one..

Yep, what Jocko said. You can get the CM40 if you really want more punch.

My wife is your size. If the CM9 fits you well get a really thin Inside waistband holster and appendix carry at 2 o'clock. it's always in front of you then. The recoil is not bad. My wife likes the CW9 better than my LCP by a long shot.

Here is a lady that has done a lot of holster reviews.

Here's another one

09-30-2012, 06:55 PM
call me a doubting thomas,but I ain't buyin into that photo.

09-30-2012, 07:01 PM
bypass that owner, go out and buy a cm9, if u don't like it,this forum will be more than gladtotakeit ouff ur hands. Probably can buy one on line alot cheaper than most walk in gun stores. U might even wantto cruise our buy sell section and if not one there list that ur lookin for one..

Yeah, he's a lost cause. But having this forum as a place to quickly unload the CM9 if I don't like it, is a good Plan B. I have a local gun shop that has always been very fair in his prices. He's a small shop, been around forever, no other employees. My fiance has been frequenting his shop since he was old enough to buy his own guns. The guy is well-loved by all the locals. Everybody frequents him to try to keep him going, keep the small gun shops alive. The man will get you anything you want.

09-30-2012, 07:04 PM

Welcome to the forum.
Regarding the holster, the other day, someone posted a Youtube vid done by a young woman who's 5'4 and 120lbs.She carries a PJ on her strong side 4:00 position. She does a lot of gun and gear vids from a woman's perspective.


Cool, thanks for the vid. I'll have to wait until my fiance is done playing Saints Row, as the speakers are now set to the tv. When he's done, I can set it back to the computer and watch the video and any others this lady has. Thanks! :-)

09-30-2012, 07:06 PM
Welcome to kahrtalk...and watch out for those cougers !:)
As it was getting dark, this guy set up his camera to take a picture of himself with the elk he had just shot.
When he got home and downloaded the pic, this is what he saw.

Holy crap! :eek: I wonder if that's real or photoshopped.... it is entirely plausible that it's real. Damn, you just never know when those fuzzy ninjas are there. Makes you wonder how often you really are alone when you hike in the woods.....

les strat
09-30-2012, 07:08 PM
Welcome starbug!

I think a j-frame .38 special revolver, like a 442, 642, or a bodyguard with a good trigger job and light springs would serve you well and can hide pretty well on a small frame. Reliable as an AK47 and no racking of a tight slide like most small semiautos have. Start shooting at about 8-10 feet and work out from there to build your accuracy

Good luck, and let us know what route you take.

EDIT: BTW, check out these videos from a well informed female about choosing pistols and carrying on a small frame with form-fitting clothing.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B68ILSzggTc&feature=plcp (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B68ILSzggTc&feature=plcp)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ogGBPVk5GQk&feature=plcp (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ogGBPVk5GQk&feature=plcp)

EDIT #2: I see someone fas already linked to Falia's youtube.

09-30-2012, 07:13 PM
Yep, what Jocko said. You can get the CM40 if you really want more punch.

My wife is your size. If the CM9 fits you well get a really thin Inside waistband holster and appendix carry at 2 o'clock. it's always in front of you then. The recoil is not bad. My wife likes the CW9 better than my LCP by a long shot.

Here is a lady that has done a lot of holster reviews.

Here's another one

Good to know. Thanks for the links, I'll read the one and watch the other after my fiance is don't playing Saint's Row. He's hogging the speakers, lol.

09-30-2012, 07:26 PM
Welcome starbug!

I think a j-frame .38 special revolver, like a 442, 642, or a bodyguard with a good trigger job and light springs would serve you well and can hide pretty well on a small frame. Reliable as an AK47 and no racking of a tight slide like most small semiautos have. Start shooting at about 8-10 feet and work out from there to build your accuracy

Good luck, and let us know what route you take.

My friend with the PM9 is big on revolvers, he has often pointed out nice small ones to me. While I have nothing against them, I do find the ergonomics to be uncomfortable. They feel awkward to hold, and my trigger finger usually has to reach too far. But that's just me. I should shoot one some day, though, just so that I can add it to my list of things I've shot. I've seen some really nice ones, big and small.

I will certainly let you guys know how things go. I'm having to sell my XD to be able to afford the Kahr, since I just had to redo my roof last month so now I'm broke as hell, but since I don't want to die from a cougar, I'm trading out guns. He agreed to it last night, so just has to come up with the money now.

09-30-2012, 07:27 PM
the match grade barrel on my PM9 and trust me, it ain't the barrels fault that I cannot hit jack sh!t. Kahrs regular barrel will shoot better than any shooter behind it. Polygonal rifled barrels are a debateable thing at best. Neither barrel would matter to me.

Agreed! IMHO with any quality firearm the limitation is the shooter, the gun shoots more accurate than any of us can, unless you're a top-notch IPSC competitor then maaaaaaaaaaaybe you might notice a very minor difference at, like, 50 yards or something ridiculous.

Hell u can now install the nex ex big dot night sight on the cm far faster than any dovetail sight and it ain't gonna fall off either. Nice thing is u canjust order the front xs big dot from xs and in reality, the back sight u can just leave as is. Gott admit the pinned sights are neater looking up front. at least tome they are. nuttin wrong with the pinned sights that xs or dawson makes. Glock has seemd to sruvice with pinned sights since day one. Nuttin wrong with shooting 25 yards, just for me it is about 15 yards to damn far. certainly for me it is not an ego bilder for me at that distance..

Interesting.....I havent looked into it much but I am jonesing to get a night sight on my CM9. But don't you need a drill press to install the front sight? Thatd be great if I could install it myself, but Im not very confident in my abilities. Ive done a couple tweaks to my Ruger 22/45, removed magazine disconnect safety, installed a new hammer bushing, new sear, "spring" modification so I can slingshot the rounds into the chamber, removed LCI, detailed stripping, certainly nothing complicated though that required specialty tools or that any average joe couldnt do (even though after doing the modifications the thought crossed my mind "hey this is fun, i wonder if i could be a gunsmith" LOL NOT!!!!!!, had to eat my humble pie )

09-30-2012, 07:35 PM
Holy crap! :eek: I wonder if that's real or photoshopped.... it is entirely plausible that it's real. Damn, you just never know when those fuzzy ninjas are there. Makes you wonder how often you really are alone when you hike in the woods.....

That's real. I know the guy in the photo. He's a gunsmith and builds sniper rifles for several agencies around here. The thing that will make your heart stop and his too is he didn't know the cat was in the photo until he downloaded the pictures at a later date. Even then he felt he needed to skivy shorts.

Pretty amazing, an scary.

les strat
09-30-2012, 07:36 PM
My friend with the PM9 is big on revolvers, he has often pointed out nice small ones to me. While I have nothing against them, I do find the ergonomics to be uncomfortable. They feel awkward to hold, and my trigger finger usually has to reach too far. But that's just me. I should shoot one some day, though, just so that I can add it to my list of things I've shot. I've seen some really nice ones, big and small.

I will certainly let you guys know how things go. I'm having to sell my XD to be able to afford the Kahr, since I just had to redo my roof last month so now I'm broke as hell, but since I don't want to die from a cougar, I'm trading out guns. He agreed to it last night, so just has to come up with the money now.

I didn't read every post when I posted.

Cougars? Hmmm. I might be looking at a 5" 629 strapped to my chest for hikes in cougar territory.

We are starting to hear more reports of sightings around here in NE Alabama.

09-30-2012, 07:40 PM
Yeah, he's a lost cause. But having this forum as a place to quickly unload the CM9 if I don't like it, is a good Plan B. I have a local gun shop that has always been very fair in his prices. He's a small shop, been around forever, no other employees. My fiance has been frequenting his shop since he was old enough to buy his own guns. The guy is well-loved by all the locals. Everybody frequents him to try to keep him going, keep the small gun shops alive. The man will get you anything you want.

Good thinking to support the small businesses, I woulda preferred to purchase mine at a very friendly local store but they ask retail and won't budge on the price. Ended up getting my CM9 online for $375, about $425 after taxes and FFL transfer, which I believe is about average.

P.S. - I find it ALOT easier to be accurate, especially with rapid fire, with my CM9 than with my J-Frame. BTW - Its a scandium (13oz) .357 magnum, and I have NEVER carried it with 357 unless Im out in the woods, the recoil is absolutely ridiculous

les strat
09-30-2012, 07:43 PM
Agreed! IMHO with any quality firearm the limitation is the shooter, the gun shoots more accurate than any of us can, unless you're a top-notch IPSC competitor then maaaaaaaaaaaybe you might notice a very minor difference at, like, 50 yards or something ridiculous.

Interesting.....I havent looked into it much but I am jonesing to get a night sight on my CM9. But don't you need a drill press to install the front sight? Thatd be great if I could install it myself, but Im not very confident in my abilities. Ive done a couple tweaks to my Ruger 22/45, removed magazine disconnect safety, installed a new hammer bushing, new sear, "spring" modification so I can slingshot the rounds into the chamber, removed LCI, detailed stripping, certainly nothing complicated though that required specialty tools or that any average joe couldnt do (even though after doing the modifications the thought crossed my mind "hey this is fun, i wonder if i could be a gunsmith" LOL NOT!!!!!!, had to eat my humble pie )

You can purchase the night sights off of Kahr's website. The front is easy... just snap the stock plastic one off, make sure all the plastic is out of the hole, locktite and screw the new one on. The rear sights need a sight pusher to remove and install, but many here have just added the front as that is what you mainly focus on in a SD situ.

09-30-2012, 07:46 PM
You can purchase the night sights off of Kahr's website. The front is easy... just snap the stock plastic one off, make sure all the plastic is out of the hole, locktite and screw the new one on. The rear sights need a sight pusher to remove and install, but many here have just added the front as that is what you mainly focus on in a SD situ.

Woah!!!!! Thank you! I was given bad advice at my local gun store, but they are generally very helpful and friendly unlike another bigger store around here thats just looking to get your dollar (many clueless employees BTW, not saying im not clueless lol)

09-30-2012, 07:52 PM
That's real. I know the guy in the photo. He's a gunsmith and builds sniper rifles for several agencies around here. The thing that will make your heart stop and his too is he didn't know the cat was in the photo until he downloaded the pictures at a later date. Even then he felt he needed to skivy shorts.

Pretty amazing, an scary.

:eek: Just reading that makes me feel uneasy. That's scary as hell. I pride myself on my sharp hearing and sense of smell... I can hear police radar (before they switched to lasers in my area), I can hear bats and dog whistles/deterrents, I can smell where elk or dogs have peed on the ground outside and differentiate between them, I can smell when you have a sinus infection long before you have symptoms. My dad was the same way. So I've always hoped that I'd know the cougar was there before he attacked, but kept my guard up as though I wouldn't know. I've smelled bears before I actually saw them. But cats are so much stealthier than bears, and a lot less stinky.... your friend's encounter is very unnerving. I'm so glad he never got attacked.

les strat
09-30-2012, 07:55 PM
Woah!!!!! Thank you! I was given bad advice at my local gun store, but they are generally very helpful and friendly unlike another bigger store around here thats just looking to get your dollar (many clueless employees BTW, not saying im not clueless lol)

That's what I did to mine. I might do the back sights, but I sure have grown to like the bar-dot style sights on the Kahrs.

I also have a Crimson Trace laserguard on my CM9, and I feel very confident carrying my it at night with the CT and front night sight.

les strat
09-30-2012, 07:56 PM
:eek: Just reading that makes me feel uneasy. That's scary as hell. I pride myself on my sharp hearing and sense of smell... I can hear police radar (before they switched to lasers in my area), I can hear bats and dog whistles/deterrents, I can smell where elk or dogs have peed on the ground outside and differentiate between them, I can smell when you have a sinus infection long before you have symptoms. My dad was the same way. So I've always hoped that I'd know the cougar was there before he attacked, but kept my guard up as though I wouldn't know. I've smelled bears before I actually saw them. But cats are so much stealthier than bears, and a lot less stinky.... your friend's encounter is very unnerving. I'm so glad he never got attacked.

WOW. I bet a CM9 magazine's worth of ammo you don't smoke then, or play electric guitar, lol.

09-30-2012, 08:00 PM
Starbug - We have open carry around this area of Kansas. If it was me, I'd strap the biggest thing I can shoot onto my hip so I could get it quick if I need it. Mountain Lions outside of town here. My employee photo'd one outside her house.

09-30-2012, 08:06 PM
I didn't read every post when I posted.

Cougars? Hmmm. I might be looking at a 5" 629 strapped to my chest for hikes in cougar territory.

We are starting to hear more reports of sightings around here in NE Alabama.

Lol, yup cougars. They are all over the place here where I live and work. They stroll through my yard every once in a while like they own the place. But there is one that's a confirmed killer of large dogs, and that's the one that's making people nervous. It's been taking people's dogs right off their porches. This cat makes me want a large caliber rifle slung over my back instead of any size of pistol, because I'm not so sure it will stick with just dogs.... Two confirmed kills, only days apart. I found a third kill while out hiking, though it wasn't a dog carcass.

09-30-2012, 08:16 PM
Good thinking to support the small businesses, I woulda preferred to purchase mine at a very friendly local store but they ask retail and won't budge on the price. Ended up getting my CM9 online for $375, about $425 after taxes and FFL transfer, which I believe is about average.

P.S. - I find it ALOT easier to be accurate, especially with rapid fire, with my CM9 than with my J-Frame. BTW - Its a scandium (13oz) .357 magnum, and I have NEVER carried it with 357 unless Im out in the woods, the recoil is absolutely ridiculous

My local guy asks below retail. I honestly wonder just how much markup he allows himself, sometimes. I'm sure some items are closer to retail than others, depending on what it costs him to get it from the factory. But all in all, he's very fair.

Lol, I can just imagine the kick from that 357 magnum. Video, or it didn't happen! Lol.

09-30-2012, 08:38 PM
WOW. I bet a CM9 magazine's worth of ammo you don't smoke then, or play electric guitar, lol.

Lol, you'd be right. I don't smoke, never have. Can't stand the smell. I don't play electric guitar, somewhat try to avoid it unless it's not turned up too terribly loud, and try to avoid loud drums too. Earplugs at concerts are a requirement, not optional. CRT tvs are irritating, even when on mute. Fluorescent lights buzz, but it's not at an annoying pitch. Part of this sensitivity is made worse by being ADHD (untreated); I can't tune things out like everybody else can. So I'm always hyper-aware of my surroundings. It's got it's pros and cons....

09-30-2012, 08:46 PM
Starbug - We have open carry around this area of Kansas. If it was me, I'd strap the biggest thing I can shoot onto my hip so I could get it quick if I need it. Mountain Lions outside of town here. My employee photo'd one outside her house.

We have open carry here too, but I am not sure it extends to a rifle slung over my back. It may be legal, but the anti-gun people sure make a huge stink about stuff like that. I just don't want to draw unnecessary attention. Now if I lived on the eastern side of the state, nobody would bat an eye.

My fiance's co-worker hit a cougar with his truck on his way in to work a few weeks ago. Cat jumped out of the woods and landed right in his grill. The force flung it off the road, instantly dead. He investigated the area and found a freshly killed wild turkey just inside the woods. Cat had been sitting down to a meal when something (the truck?) caused it to leap out from the woods. Don't know if it was spooked or defending it's kill from the truck.

09-30-2012, 09:37 PM
For carry, consider appendix IWB. Very comfortable and concealable. CM9.


09-30-2012, 09:43 PM
Wow! Look at this.

09-30-2012, 10:12 PM
Wow, that guy did a good job. I thought about making my own IWB holster, but I wonder how well it would turn out. Maybe I should try it.... Need to get the gun first, lol.

09-30-2012, 10:20 PM
For carry, consider appendix IWB. Very comfortable and concealable. CM9.


I have never tried that, but I should. I'll have to play with different arrangements when I get the gun. I hope the buyer of my XD hurries up so I can call my local gun shop up! I hope the slide is as easy to rack as my friend's PM9 is. Seeing a lot of comments from others about how stiff it is makes me wonder if my friend's is unusual.

10-01-2012, 08:36 AM
Seeing a lot of comments from others about how stiff it is makes me wonder if my friend's is unusual.

It should be exactly the same as his seeing as how he has never fired it. The spring will take a set after your first range outing, then it will get a little smoother and easier with lots of rounds thru it.

10-01-2012, 05:12 PM
Cool, then I'm good to go. I was surprised at how easy it was, I fully expected it to be a lot stiffer.

10-12-2012, 11:17 PM
Well, finally got payment for my Springfield XD last night. Went straight to my local gun shop right after work today, lol. He told me I was the second person today to order a CM9. I ordered a second magazine too. Later, when I can afford it I will get more spare mags and a Crimson Trace. Now I need to order a PJ Holster.

My new gun will be here on Wednesday. I can't wait!

10-12-2012, 11:34 PM
Oh yeah... and the cougar was just around my house 45 minutes ago. Heard a ruckus like you wouldn't believe from a bunch of neighbor dogs, spanning several houses. Sounded like they'd all been told to kill a person. It was very different from normal dog barking; they were going nuts. Since I had been about to head into town for a minute, I stuffed the Beretta 92 into the puffiest jacket I own (only way to conceal something that big on me, and even then it made me look pregnant) before heading out to my car. No giant kitty encounter for me tonight, but I know it was nearby.