View Full Version : Teacher student relations
10-04-2012, 02:05 PM
What are the thoughts of this by our members?
10-04-2012, 02:54 PM
Wow. Government school teachers are sick bastards.
In our neighborhood this morning, I noticed a Romney yard sign that had been set on fire.
The barbarians are not going to take losing very well.
10-04-2012, 04:06 PM
Wow. Government school teachers are sick bastards.
In our neighborhood this morning, I noticed a Romney yard sign that had been set on fire.
The barbarians are not going to take losing very well.
All I gotta say is bring it Barbarians.
10-04-2012, 04:21 PM
For what it is worth...I live in Wisconsin and have seen teachers act about as badly as people can act for the last two years. They protested, trashed the capital and acted in a totally uncivilized manner at pretty much every opportunity. There was no repudiation of their bad behavior by any teacher that I could see (and I was looking). I have forever lost all respect for teachers and rate them at the bottom of my list of people.
10-04-2012, 04:24 PM
Even below lawyers?
10-04-2012, 05:17 PM
Wow. Government school teachers are sick bastards.
In our neighborhood this morning, I noticed a Romney yard sign that had been set on fire.
The barbarians are not going to take losing very well.
barbarians didn't know any better, teachers know better, so to me that makes them lower than squid sh!t on the bottom of the ocean. Just sayin
this coming from ol jocko who graduated with a teaching degree in business education which meant I was a typing teacher. Just sayin:der: back in the days I could type 140 words per minutes, course most were incorrect, but I could understand them and that was all that mattered. Just sayin
10-04-2012, 07:33 PM
back in the days I could type 140 words per minutes, course most were incorrect, but I could understand them and that was all that mattered. Just sayin
Am I the only one that finds this really funny? ;)
Honestly, we love you man. Not in a funny way though....
10-04-2012, 07:41 PM
It's the rented fingers he uses.
He types like he rented em.
10-04-2012, 07:52 PM
Honestly I really don't understand why anyone is surprised. This is exactly why we homes school...
10-04-2012, 07:57 PM
It's the rented fingers he uses.
He types like he rented em.
Now that's funny too.
10-04-2012, 08:20 PM
It was just a gift from God-- Just sayin, he knew ol jocko was special..
For what it is worth...I live in Wisconsin and have seen teachers act about as badly as people can act for the last two years. They protested, trashed the capital and acted in a totally uncivilized manner at pretty much every opportunity. There was no repudiation of their bad behavior by any teacher that I could see (and I was looking). I have forever lost all respect for teachers and rate them at the bottom of my list of people.
I hear you. I seen enough pixelated out middle fingers from teachers at the capital on the local evening news for me to remember it for years to come. Lately there has been a rash of articals about how teachers don't get the respect their profession deserves. Gee, wonder why that is???
10-04-2012, 08:53 PM
not sure I agree with you guys on this one. I bet the teacher was joking, as stated, and the 16 yo freaked out which it was intended to do but the girl folded much harder than the teacher thought she would and now has PTSD and doesnt want to go to school. The article didnt say that she was actually thrown out--- just told to leave and this confused her. My teachers at that age would do things like that all the time. There is a lesson to learn here. A life lesson if you will. Now if she was really thrown out, that would be different. It would be like wearing a jersey of a professional football team and the teacher challenges you and says get out of my class this is (pick another team name here) country so get out! Is everyone really that sensitive? There is more to learn in school than math, reading, writing--character building and social interpretations. I think the teacher wanted to goad her into taking a stance on something and possibly defend it. Instead, her little world was rocked for a second and she cried and ran home to her over protective parents.-- she needs to grow up. Here honey, have a mochachino frapachino, its ok. Let us know if you get too much homework too. We dont want school to take away from your "me time".
Teachers beware, dont even look sternly at your students, it could mean a transfer is in order.
10-04-2012, 10:08 PM
Public sector union employees at their finest. I say that's bullshit that "it was a joke". It was a joke because the parents went to the principal about it.
10-04-2012, 10:29 PM
I was surprised a week ago when my 4th grade grandson told me he had to write a paper giving his opinion on "should it be against the law to ride a skateboard without a helmet." He said that's a good idea and went into a spiel repeating what the teacher told the class about how helmets protect you.
I asked him if what if government decides skateboards are still too dangerous and takes them away? He said it wouldn't be great but he could live with that (he's not big on skateboards). So I asked him what if they took away bicycles because they think they are too dangerous? He said there not taking away HIS bicycle!
I explained that once they take away anything they can take away everything and parents and kids should be able to decide if they want helmets. I could tell he was perplexed but the teacher will win out. I know because last month it was about a law to close all fast food places.
They don't have to call it what it really is to get the point across. But they are now required to teach a new federal curriculum in his grade this year and this is part of it.
I don't buy it was a joke either. Here's another video with a few new details:
If you're joking you don't try to deface private property by drawing on it. A joke doesn't allow other students to harass another student. A joke doesn't spill over so large that even a school janitor was involved. This was hardly a quick throw-away comment made in jest.
10-05-2012, 06:04 AM
Public sector union employees at their finest. I say that's bullshit that "it was a joke". It was a joke because the parents went to the principal about it.
was wrong whether she was joking or not, which IMO she was not. It was a dominate thing for the teacher. she went beyond common sense and if she felt the student was wrong she shouldhave coveredher a$$ by going higher up and having some backing or finding out she had no authority to do this.
I don't want to guess, surmise, maybe anything fro this teacher. Now ur giving her to much credit IMO
10-05-2012, 07:07 AM
I was surprised a week ago when my 4th grade grandson told me he had to write a paper giving his opinion on "should it be against the law to ride a skateboard without a helmet." He said that's a good idea and went into a spiel repeating what the teacher told the class about how helmets protect you.
I asked him if what if government decides skateboards are still too dangerous and takes them away? He said it wouldn't be great but he could live with that (he's not big on skateboards). So I asked him what if they took away bicycles because they think they are too dangerous? He said there not taking away HIS bicycle!
I explained that once they take away anything they can take away everything and parents and kids should be able to decide if they want helmets. I could tell he was perplexed but the teacher will win out. I know because last month it was about a law to close all fast food places.
They don't have to call it what it really is to get the point across. But they are now required to teach a new federal curriculum in his grade this year and this is part of it.
Excellent life lession. Me and the kids had a discussion 2 days ago based on should the government be able to restrict how many guns you can have, what type they are, should you be forced to be "government trained" to keep one in your house, should you be forced to register every gun that you have, etc...
They were back and forth on some of them but in the end saw my point about the slippery slope.
10-05-2012, 07:09 AM
was wrong whether she was joking or not, which IMO she was not. It was a dominate thing for the teacher. she went beyond common sense and if she felt the student was wrong she shouldhave coveredher a$$ by going higher up and having some backing or finding out she had no authority to do this.
I don't want to guess, surmise, maybe anything fro this teacher. Now ur giving her to much credit IMO
You hit the nail on the head. :7:
10-05-2012, 10:27 AM
I don't buy it was a joke either. Here's another video with a few new details:
If you're joking you don't try to deface private property by drawing on it. A joke doesn't allow other students to harass another student. A joke doesn't spill over so large that even a school janitor was involved. This was hardly a quick throw-away comment made in jest.
After reviewing the above link, I still feel that this was possibly blown way out of proportion fuel by media attention and election agendas
10-05-2012, 10:37 AM
Pattaya-Pistol can tell you that years of leftist indoctrination in Australian schools created a compliant populus that went along with the gun ban there, and most of them still favor the ban despite the increase in violent crimes against defenseless persons. Doctrination during childhood really sticks.
10-05-2012, 01:03 PM
If the shirt had a picture of satan would your replies to this thread be different? How much of the replies have to do with the fact that it was a Romney shirt?
10-05-2012, 01:12 PM
not from me they would not. Just sayin. I think the shirt had no photo anyhow but merely the word Romney... I see nothig wrong with a student wearing an Obama for President shirt. I think alot also has to deal with actual school policy. If the school's handbook states no clothing depicting people will be allowed, be they ppliticains, priests, or what ever is allowed on school property , then that is school policy, NOT A TEACHERS POLICY. School have dress codes that to my knowledge are not contested....
\I would bet had a student came i with a T-shirt saying LONG LIVE MARTIN LUTHER KING.that teacher would not have touched that stitaution with a 10 foot pole...Just sayin nor probably would have the school either.
Nor would maybe any school or teacher had even said anything if that student came in Nov.8th wearing that shirt either.
10-05-2012, 05:32 PM
From what I recall some time back, one school allowed "Che" t-shirts but not those with a tasteful small fish symbol on 1 shoulder.
10-05-2012, 06:08 PM
Hell on the internet a few weeks ago a school sent a kid home who had a Payton Manning jersey on with the numbers 18 and they said that the number 8 was also a gang number so anything with an 8 in it was not allowed.. So WTf, when does this bull sh!t stop..
That would be a Denver area school and the Principal is currently being held in protective custody in a sub basement of the Wyncoop brewery. The school board members have been offered sanctuary as well and as I understand it at least two have accepted.
10-05-2012, 07:47 PM
After reviewing the above link, I still feel that this was possibly blown way out of proportion fuel by media attention and election agendas
No. The media is pro democrat, not pro republican.
10-06-2012, 05:14 AM
Philly is so far gone... it's a tree huggers paradise. The Black Mayor is the king of frrbies and will always get re-elected. The city rival Detroit as far as looks. A large caliper, multi mag 5 stars if you visit here. Right Tinman? Even South Philly (Lil Italy) is gone. N Philly looks like Mogadishu.
10-06-2012, 05:31 AM
The random violence is getting worse. Even so called safer areas are dangerous.
10-06-2012, 09:35 AM
I've seen Democrats bragging how they have keyed cars and worse with Romney stickers, how they'ved ripped up Romney signs in yards and destroyed private property. Some Obama supporters are are some pretty sick people, and nothing would surprise me, especially a teacher going after a kid in a Romney shirt.
10-06-2012, 12:19 PM
Oh teachers the profession that claims the be some of the most important in kids lives, and does not teach for the money!!
I can not stand groups or unions for teachers, they are the most coddled, spoiled. and whiniest profession I have ever had the pleasure of reading about. Let me get this straight they have almost three months off a year plus a week each semester, and two weeks for Christmas, and all major holidays, varies a bit by district etc but really this is the profession to get into. Starting salary in OK, one of the lowest paid in the country 31600 with guaranteed raises every year and only working a 75% or less of the year, AND vacation plus personal days! If I could stand kids sign me up! Chicago teachers striking and receiving 18% raises over what two year please sign me up.
As for schools it is has been like this for at least 20 years I did my HS senior paper over thought control in democracies, and found a Supreme Court ruling from the 80's which decided schools could expel kids just for disagreeing with the mission statements of the schools! Schools are as stated above nothing more than a place to learn something, not always right just look at the history books etc, and to indoctrinate kids how government wants them to think.
When the teachers go overboard such as with this example with original post they know they will be backed up. Kids also need to learn to stand up for themselves and take the teacher on mentally. Ask the teacher how Romney = equals lynching and killing of black people or other minorities.
Ugh nothing against teachers on this board as stated earlier the groups of teachers I can not abide. I have known many great teachers.
10-06-2012, 12:32 PM
was everybody here self educated? Lots of teacher bashing but somehow despite these terrible teachers, members are reading and writing replies. While there are some bad apples, most teachers work under more scrutiny, with more kids per class, with a student body that has less respect for authority and in schools that dont have money for paper or pencils....
10-06-2012, 12:37 PM
This is true.
10-06-2012, 01:45 PM
i don't think were really bashing all techers but one bad apple tends to runi the entire barrel. Just sayin. I had good teahers in my younger days, but heh they were nuns. U either learned and behaved OUR U DIED on the cross. Just sayi
10-06-2012, 08:01 PM
I've seen Democrats bragging how they have keyed cars and worse with Romney stickers, how they'ved ripped up Romney signs in yards and destroyed private property. Some Obama supporters are are some pretty sick people, and nothing would surprise me, especially a teacher going after a kid in a Romney shirt.
Remember when George "W" Bush won and Gore lost? Lots of damage done to Government property by Government workers, including breaking all of the "W's" off of the keyboards of the computer keyboards. :typing:
Makes you wonder what will happen if "O" loses.
10-06-2012, 08:20 PM
I don't remember that. Can you imagine what things would have been like with a president like Gore?
10-07-2012, 09:33 AM
I don't remember that. Can you imagine what things would have been like with a president like Gore?
It would have been bad, for sure! But he is way too stupid to have made it through 3 1/2 years and be so maddenly, mind bendingly close to being elected again! :mad:
10-07-2012, 01:33 PM
Obama's pretty close to being reelected which shows many Americans will vote the worst choice possible.
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