View Full Version : No Break-in Period for a MetroArm 1911?

10-05-2012, 12:22 PM
I'm a Newbie to 1911's (See Thread "Is This a Deal or What?"). Realizing my new 1911 (MetroArms American Classic Amigo) is less popular than most brands, I wanted to know more about this good looking gun. So, a couple of weeks ago I emailed Jesse Salientes at MetroArms, asking some questions about my new Amigo. I'll let you read my questions, his answers, then ask you to respond:

My Email to MetroArms
Hello, Jesse!
I just received a MetroArms American Classic Amigo as a gift from a friend. This is my first 1911, and I've been searching the web for the past week to learn all I can about MetroArms and this 1911 I now have.

Another member of americanclassic1911.com (http://americanclassic1911.com/) gave me your email and said you might help me with some questions. I've already shot 400 rounds in hopes of breaking it in, but I'm experiencing some failure to return to battery, failure to feed, and failure to eject. Today I shot 200 rounds: 100 TulAmmo (steel case) and 100 Federal (brass case). Both were 230 grain round nose. Of those 200, I experienced 12 failure to feed/return to battery, and 1 failure to eject. So, here are my questions:

1. Is this typical of a break-in period? How long to break it in?

2. Will using steel case ammo hurt my gun? TulAmmo is the cheapest, but I won't use it if you say it could hurt the gun.

3. Should I consider replacing my recoil spring/firing pin springs with Wolff? If so, what rating (total #) would you suggest?

4. What about the tension of the ejector? Someone told me it could cause misfeeds, etc. if it was no much or not enough.

Finally, where can I learn more about MetroArms? When I try to go to www.metroarms.com (http://www.metroarms.com/), I get a message that says the domain is expired. Are you the best way to contact MetroArms in case I have other questions?

I know you must be very busy, but I really appreciate your expert opinion and insight into my questions. I want to make this beautiful gun one of my daily carry guns, so thank you so much for helping me work out the bugs.

MetroArms' Response (From Jesse Salientes)
Note: I had read somewhere in this forum that Jesse was the gunsmith at MetroArms, but elsewhere I read he was the Vice President. In any case, here's his response:

Thanks to your email about your Amigo. Please find below my reply to your questions.
1. No, this is not typical. There is no break in period because the pistols have been test fired at the factory.
2. Steel case ammo is not advisable to use especially if the ammo is a reload. An oversize steel case might affect the finish and dimension of your chamber since it will be steel against steel unlike brass against steel where the brass is softer than the steel (chamber).
3. Please email me your complete address and I will send you a replacement recoil spring. I suspect that the recoil spring is the cause of your malfunctions. Since there is no misfire, I don’t think there’s something wrong with the firing pin spring but you may replace it if you like.
4. You must be referring to the Extractor. The Extractor is slightly bent for tension and this tension does affect the feeding and extraction of the empty case. But I think the problem is with the recoil spring.

Anyway, if after replacing the recoil spring you will still have malfunctions, I will refer you to one of our service center nearest your residence so a qualified gunsmith can do the necessary repair on your pistol.
Sorry for this late reply but I hope I was able to address your concerns.
Best regards,

So, contrary to so much that I have read about breaking in a new gun, especially my Amigo 1911, Jesse says there is no such need. He sounds convinced that the issue is the recoil spring, so he's sending a new one. Very thoughtful, don't you think?

Not sure why he had no comment regarding the dead website for MetroArms (www.metroarms.com (http://www.metroarms.com)), but I'm sure he's the go-to guy if I have more questions specific to the MA 1911.

Your thoughts and comments?

10-05-2012, 12:44 PM
I would think test fired and break in rounds could be two different thngs. Kahr test fires all their gun but yet we are still ask to shoot 200 rounds to getthe little gremlins out of it, if necessary. I gues su can call 200 rounds break in rounds or just general shooting rounds. both to me mean the same thing, My thoughts are if a new recoil sring is needed then u have encountered "break i" rounds. call it anything u want to call it. I would wait for the new recoil spring and proceed accordingly. I would definitely stay away from steel cased ammo util u get the gun running right. It could be ammo related even, who knows, u gotta start somewhere.

Maybe just me but some b!itch about kahr telling u to shoot 200 rounds before peeing ur pants over issues. It is what it is. And we know that most little issues seem to go away within those 200 rounds, . I had a new Para carry 9 that gave issues and when i CALLED pARA ABOUT it they said call them back in 500 rounds. Practicaly every issue went away. We are still not advised to buy a new car and told to just run the piss out of it from the git go. I think there is a reason for that. Might be old school to but still every dealer I have bought a vehicle off of has told me that, except my Porsche dealer, who told me to drive it like I stole it, the egine spends 30 minutes running at 7000 RPM (red line) at Porsche before ever going into the vehicle. They did the BREAK IN for me but it was still BREAK IN TIME...

Hell this forum anyore seems to read about every new gun buy as perfect out of the box. Now to me perfect out of the box is great but the gun is still breaking itself in to. Recoil springs in new kahrs are stout out of the box fur a few hundred rounds later the owner seems to be able to hand rack it and report the gun just feels different. Callit what u want, I call it break in..

One maybe could take 5 AMIGO'S 1911 and all 5 might break in differentlhy. Onemight work perfect out of the box, another perfect after 50 rounds anutter at 200 and maybe one has to go back to the maker to get right. It is the nature of the beast. Those that have no issues are happy, those who do have issues are naturally not happy. It is what it is. I have not yet read of a gun made today in quanties by an maker that "some" didn't work right out of the box. Most makers will do the right thing and make it right.

Sometmes a gun that is sent back actually rec\eives that TLC that we expect from every gun that is coming down the assembly in "maybe to fast". When it gets to a smitty at the factory for an issue,normaly it gets priority care "one on one".

10-05-2012, 01:34 PM
All guns have a break in period. Some experience failures during the break in period and most don't. As long as you or the factory can cure the hiccups it's no big deal. Occasionally you'll run into a lemon. A good manufacturer will stand behind his product.

10-05-2012, 02:02 PM
I agree about the need for a break-in...with the exception of my revolver, of course. My PM9 coughed a couple of times here and there BEFORE reaching the sacred number, and now it shoots perfectly EVERY TIME! Just wanted to hear some feedback that agreed with my gut.

10-05-2012, 02:08 PM
I sometimes think we gt to excited abut the word BREAKIN

10-05-2012, 02:22 PM
unless a gun is hand fitted to simulate wear, a break in period is required for the parts to mesh. high end guns tend to have this meshing of parts done before they leave the factory and there fore have a better reputation for out of the box reliability.

10-05-2012, 02:27 PM
u still read alot about high end guns going back to. Sh!t happens.. thats why charmin will always be in business

10-05-2012, 03:39 PM
I am impressed that this gentleman wants to send you a new recoil spring!

That suggests a commitment to customer support and is a very good sign.

Be sure to follow up with the information he needs. This could be the beginning of a valuable relationship. :)

10-05-2012, 03:48 PM
cheaper than having him send it back. If the recoil spring does thejob which he feels it will, just saves alot of time and mental anquish. If the spring fails then it needs to probalby go back. We know kahr does that to. Just good business sense IMO.

10-05-2012, 03:50 PM
i think metro arms is tied in with rock island armory (RIA). if so they are great with C.S. from what ive read. my G.I. RIA hasnt bobbled once right out of the box. thats almost unheard of for a low end mil spec gun with no cutesy add-ons to it. well, it seems to be the standard for RIA though....

10-05-2012, 07:09 PM
I am impressed that this gentleman wants to send you a new recoil spring!

That suggests a commitment to customer support and is a very good sign.

Be sure to follow up with the information he needs. This could be the beginning of a valuable relationship. :)

I second that, TucsonMTB. When he said he wanted to send me another recoil spring, it reminded me of the "extra mile" that Kahr took just to make me happy with the rollmarking on my PM9 slide. I hope to be as impressed with MetroArms service as I am with Kahr's.

Still wondering why they (MetroArms) doesn't have a dedicated website. Apparently, they let the domain name expire in August. I found this out by trying www.metroarms.com (http://www.metroarms.com) just a few days ago.

N E W S F L A S H....looks like MetroArms now has an official website up. Check it out at www.metroarms.net (http://www.metroarms.net). I'm headed there right now!

10-05-2012, 07:22 PM
Don't be too quick to judge a company by its website.

The people and how they perform are what's important.

Websites are windows dressing for marketing and sales . . . usually.

10-05-2012, 07:38 PM
Don't be too quick to judge a company by its website.

The people and how they perform are what's important.

Websites are windows dressing for marketing and sales . . . usually.

Thanks for that reminder....Sometimes I get carried away with the flashy. I'm just returning from my first visit and noted a couple of kinks in that website. But, most websites will have those. They could definitely use MORE info regarding their product. I'm extra curious about their warranty policy stated on this website: 1 year parts; lifetime service. Is that just in the Philippines, or does it also apply to purchases in the USA? Time will tell...

10-05-2012, 08:18 PM
I had some issues with my first Sig p238. I called Sig and the rep told me they would send the new Flatwire recoil spring. I thought to myself Like that's going to fix it. Since I put it in the gun has never had a malfunction. Maybe you will be lucky too.

10-05-2012, 08:32 PM
Hope so! In fact, I'm now waiting on a bunch of springs! I ordered the Wolff Calibration Pack that contains 4-5 springs of different weights 5 days ago, and they still haven't shipped them. I even paid extra for "expedited shipping" to get those here sooner. Must be backed up, huh? So, we'll see which spring gets here faster, Wolff or MetroArms.

MW surveyor
10-06-2012, 05:12 AM
Hope so! In fact, I'm now waiting on a bunch of springs! I ordered the Wolff Calibration Pack that contains 4-5 springs of different weights 5 days ago, and they still haven't shipped them. I even paid extra for "expedited shipping" to get those here sooner. Must be backed up, huh? So, we'll see which spring gets here faster, Wolff or MetroArms.

Wolff is always backed up. At least every time I've ordered from them. LOL. I've never had any springs come from them that shipped either the first or second day after I ordered them. But, they do good when installed. So, hang in there, they will get to you.

FYI - not a bash on the Wolff spring people or product. I'm happy with everything they've sent.

10-06-2012, 09:27 AM
I order Wolff springs from Brownell's. Usually ships same day or the next. I often contact Wolff and the people that answer the phone know their stuff and will tell you the part number or describe what you need.

10-06-2012, 10:46 AM
Never thought of that option, Bawanna. I did call a few local gun stores, but all of them said to order direct from Wolff. Wish I would have know "what Brownell can do for you" a bit earlier. No problem. I can wait on Wolff.

10-06-2012, 12:15 PM
sierrajb. I do hope u understand that when BAWANNA signs his name and address for an order that it gets super prioroty ove rus peons. Just sayin. Normally they will ship to him two days BEFORE HE EVEN ORDERS THE PRODUCT. When they canuse his famous name as an endorsement, well its just priceless. I have foundin the past that even mentioning his name will move u up a day or two over mentioning something Jocko sent me. or Tinman said to say hi. just sayin

10-06-2012, 12:25 PM
sierrajb. I do hope u understand that when BAWANNA signs his name and address for an order that it gets super prioroty ove rus peons. Just sayin. Normally they will ship to him two days BEFORE HE EVEN ORDERS THE PRODUCT. When they canuse his famous name as an endorsement, well its just priceless. I have foundin the past that even mentioning his name will move u up a day or two over mentioning something Jocko sent me. or Tinman said to say hi. just sayin

Just thinkin....