View Full Version : Gun control doesn't work over there, either

10-08-2012, 12:42 PM
I recently got back from an extended trip to the UK. While I was there the biggest story in their national news was about 2 policewomen who were murdered in the line of duty (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/crime/9552376/Manchester-police-shootings-we-had-to-let-Dale-Cregan-go-force-admits.html).

What makes this tragic story so remarkable is that following a mass shooting in Dunblane, Scotland, in 1996, the UK government banned private ownership of ALL handguns. All handgun owners were required to surrender their guns without compensation, and the vast majority complied. UK gun laws are now so strict that British pistol shooting competitors actually have to leave the country to practice.

In a classic case of "when guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns", 18 years later a gang member lures 2 unarmed British policewomen to a house where he shoots both of them with a handgun ... and then finishes the job with a GRENADE. :eek:

The UK is a pretty safe country, crime-wise, but crazies inhabit every country of the world, and laws don't stop them.

Chief Joseph
10-08-2012, 01:55 PM
I watched a video of a pitbull one by one attacking 6 of their cops. Had to wait for someone to show up with a gun to kill it. The uk has a long history of subjugating the people, that's why we exist. Why we would want to turn around and be like the country we fought to be free from is beyond me and an absolute failure of the unionized public education system that has convinced so many of our ignorant young go along with them. nobama and his party obsessively want to return us to it. As far as safe goes, would hate to go anywhere near the rioting muslims and hoodies that ravage the streets regularly there. I'll stay here where if I'm surrounded by those types, I'll have my Kahr or Glock 27 to ruin their day.

10-08-2012, 02:53 PM
I'm glad that I got to Europe and got enough travel done back in the 70's and 80's. I have studied a lot of languages and always tried to blend in... not be an ugly American. There were terrorists then and in Germany guns were for "sporting" uses only and hollow point ammo was illegal. I had to burn up what I brought with me clandestinely at the range.

I went to Rome by myself and arriving late, spent the first night in my car in a park to wait until the next day to get lodging through the USO. I checked that that was okay. That night I felt pretty vulnerable. Weapons are illegal there... even baseball bats, unless you're going to or coming from a game!

I have no desire to leave the States any more... or go to any that restrict my right of self defense... BUT, I have to go to ILL Annoy to visit my daughter and have a small reunion with my Ex and son, who comes there so we can all get together... me, my daughter, my son... and my TWO wives!:eek:

We're all family.


les strat
10-08-2012, 03:40 PM
I've posted this link several times, but going to drop it in again if someone missed it. THIS (http://www.nrapublications.org/index.php/12018/it-will-never-happen-here/) is what it will be like if we let the liberal gun-grabbers continue to hack at our 2A. It can happen in large chunks, or erosion a little at a time.

Don't ever think it couldn't happen here.

10-08-2012, 07:37 PM
I've posted this link several times, but going to drop it in again if someone missed it. THIS (http://www.nrapublications.org/index.php/12018/it-will-never-happen-here/) is what it will be like if we let the liberal gun-grabbers continue to hack at our 2A. It can happen in large chunks, or erosion a little at a time.

Don't ever think it couldn't happen here.

Great post, Les. Violent crimes of all types are up from pre-ban days. The same holds true for Australia.

10-08-2012, 07:43 PM
I'm glad that I got to Europe and got enough travel done back in the 70's and 80's. I have studied a lot of languages and always tried to blend in... not be an ugly American. There were terrorists then and in Germany guns were for "sporting" uses only and hollow point ammo was illegal. I had to burn up what I brought with me clandestinely at the range.

I went to Rome by myself and arriving late, spent the first night in my car in a park to wait until the next day to get lodging through the USO. I checked that that was okay. That night I felt pretty vulnerable. Weapons are illegal there... even baseball bats, unless you're going to or coming from a game!

I have no desire to leave the States any more... or go to any that restrict my right of self defense... BUT, I have to go to ILL Annoy to visit my daughter and have a small reunion with my Ex and son, who comes there so we can all get together... me, my daughter, my son... and my TWO wives!:eek:

We're all family.


You would have been reasonably safe in Rome, at least from bodily harm.

I lived in Rome many years, and like you, I always tried to "blend in" as much as possible (no white running shoes, baseball caps, shorts, etc).

While property crime was quite common there, bodily crime was *very* rare. If someone stole your wallet and you reported it to the police, they would tell you that it was your fault that you did not protect it better. But if someone picked your pocket and you fought them and hurt them, *you* would be considered the criminal. Interesting.

I also learned to have a very high degree of situational awareness, which kept me from becoming a victim of the ever-present pickpockets. This same skill has kept me out of trouble in this country - so far - and has caused me to express a minority opinion here from time to time on the need to be armed at all times.

Chief Joseph
10-08-2012, 11:25 PM
I've posted this link several times, but going to drop it in again if someone missed it. THIS (http://www.nrapublications.org/index.php/12018/it-will-never-happen-here/) is what it will be like if we let the liberal gun-grabbers continue to hack at our 2A. It can happen in large chunks, or erosion a little at a time.

Don't ever think it couldn't happen here.

That's the problem, the left is on a long term effort to slowly boil us. And too many of us sit back and say, "it will never happen here" and dismiss it all the while supporting odumbo to the bitter end. We have a few of them here even. They have a long term committed agenda and electing ANY democrat furthers their anti American effort.

10-09-2012, 12:41 AM
Meh I use two hands for control and find the effort worth it.