View Full Version : Anybody have a Ruger Single Six

MW surveyor
10-08-2012, 01:05 PM
And installed a Dawson Precision fiber optic front sight on it?

If you have, did you get the .125 or the .100 wide sight?

les strat
10-08-2012, 03:25 PM
Never tried the Dawsons, but heard that they are great sights. I had a Single 10 and it came with the Williams adjustable fiber optic sights. I'd look into that option as well.

10-08-2012, 08:24 PM
The .125 is more of a precision bullseye sight, while the .100 leaves a lot more room in the sight picture and is better for quick shots on less than stellar targets.

If I were hunting, or just for general plinking, I'd go with the .100, because the .125 is one that leaves virtually no "side light" at the front sight, making it precise, but difficult to acquire.

MW surveyor
10-08-2012, 08:39 PM
The .125 is more of a precision bullseye sight, while the .100 leaves a lot more room in the sight picture and is better for quick shots on less than stellar targets.

If I were hunting, or just for general plinking, I'd go with the .100, because the .125 is one that leaves virtually no "side light" at the front sight, making it precise, but difficult to acquire.

I'm leaning towards the .100 at the moment.

Took off the red dot that I had on it for general squirrel duty and wanted to get back to basics. Going to the range tomorrow to sight it in again with the iron sights to make sure that the front sight that I do get from Dawson will be the right one. Should be 0.420 high as that is what is on the gun at the moment.

Gonna have to cobble up a pistol rest in the morning before I go. The range takes a dim view of using their sand bags when shooting a revolver. Seems to catch them on fire from time to time. :target:

MW surveyor
10-09-2012, 05:45 PM
Well went to the range today to dial in the rear sight as it had to be removed when I had the red dot on the Single Six. Didn't take too long to get it shooting 1" groups at 15 yards using CCI 40 grain solids off a rest. Big problem was seeing the danged front sight.

So, came back to the house and ordered the 0.100 sight from Dawson. Not sure when it will come in as the order taker said that they didn't have any in stock at the moment, but they were working on them. Also, put in a request for a fiber optic front sight for my SP101. She said that a whole bunch of people want Dawson to make sights for the SP101, but Mr. Dawson hasn't made up his mind to make them.

mr surveyor
10-09-2012, 06:17 PM
that's also one I was thinking about for my SP101. I'm still curious about how "agressive" the edges are around the f/o tubes ... particularly with a holster

MW surveyor
10-10-2012, 09:50 AM
mr surveyor

Yesterday was revolver day so a took the j frame and the sp101 with the single six. did pretty good with all of them but for some reason the stock front sight on the sp101 was harder to see than normal. It is painted fluorescent green but it was real hard to make it out. I think shooting from a covered station into bright sunlight was the real culprit.

Anyhow, did a quick search and found a whole bunch of fiber optic type sights for the sp101. Some look like they will work in a holster better than others. Meprolight might be the best.

mr surveyor
10-10-2012, 05:30 PM
Yeah, I considering the Mepro as well as XS.

My eyes don't play nice at all with the shade/sun variations ... actually my eyes barely play nice with bright full sun all the way from my front sight to the target. Since I don't play target scoring games, all my shooting is done with the corrective eye wear I use day to day. That's what I'm going to have to be using whether it's work, play, hunting or whatever, so that's the way I spend my range time as well. Other than the magnetic clip on F/O tubes for vent rib shotguns, the only gun I currently own with f/o front is a Marlin Mod 60, and I have a scope mounted on it so never used the f/o sight.

Wouldn't it be nice if there was a relatively small front sight for good target acquisition that incorporated both tritium and f/o capabilities?


MW surveyor
10-10-2012, 06:04 PM
Every time I feel like putting a fiber optic on the SP101, I think about it (really obsessively) for a few days and then it's like, nah the gun is what it is.
The main reason that I took of the red dot from the single six is that for snap shooting it really wasn't doing the job.
When I go to the range I'll either wear my glasses or contacts. For practicing "wake up in the middle of the night shooting", I take the glasses off and just point shoot at the target. Definitely cannot see the front sight with the contact out or without the glasses so it's all muscle memory. Don't get any real groups but I do hit the target at 7 yards!

MW surveyor
10-14-2012, 08:27 PM
A big thanks for the quick shipping to Dawson Precision.

Ordered the fiber optic sight for the single six at 1400 on the 10th and received it at the house on the 12th and that's using USPS!

Can definitely see the front sight now even in the shade! Tried taking pictures but they don't come out well for some reason. Maybe it's because I'm holding the gun in one hand and the camera in the other. Will try again tomorrow.

10-14-2012, 08:29 PM
I really like the fiber optic Dawson sights on my G19. Best sights I have ever had...

MW surveyor
10-14-2012, 08:35 PM
Looks like it will be revolver day again on geezer Tuesday at the range!

BTW - The sights are pretty bright in full sun light and very noticeable in the full shade looking out into bright light.

mr surveyor
10-14-2012, 10:16 PM
that's exactly the characteristics I need on my revolvers.

MW surveyor
10-15-2012, 02:09 PM
My brain is thinking that I might just craft a fiber optic for the SP101 out of brass (or drill out the sight that's on it now) and use the spare rods that Dawson sent. Yes, I know I can buy a fiber optic for the SP101 but....I gotta do something instead of working, watching tv or working out in the yard. (I hate yard work!)