View Full Version : PM9 Recoil Spring Guide Catching, Normal?

10-08-2012, 04:04 PM
I've had my PM9 for a little over a year now and after field stripping it and putting it back together the other day, I noticed that when I racked the slide back, the recoil spring guide was catching on the slide a little bit. Is this normal and I just never noticed it before, or is something wrong? I double checked that the recoil spring wasn’t bent, and it wasn’t, and the recoil spring guide is properly lubed, so what do you guys think? The link is to a video I took showing what’s going on.


10-08-2012, 04:16 PM
Hard to be sure. On my PM40 the cam action of the barrel lug prevents the movement from being completely smooth like a 1911 slide.

That feels like a little "catch" when operating the well worn slide on mine that is 100% reliable. I would ignore it unless you have Failure to Return to Battery issues.

10-08-2012, 07:15 PM
My CM9 doesnt do that, not sure if its normal of not

10-08-2012, 07:22 PM
When the pistol is fired, the slide is driven back in a totally different way than the slow, exaggerated way you're demonstrating. You should have no problem.


10-08-2012, 07:28 PM
what wy is saying is dead right. quit looking for things that are not there. thegun is not desiged to opertate in slow motion. Just shoot it like u stole it..

10-09-2012, 10:36 PM
My PM9 has done that as well after reassembly, i twisted the guide rod a tad and it returned to center. But that said i only noticed it once and have had literally zero issues of any sort with my PM9 for the last 800 or so rounds, JHP, speer gold dots, remington +Ps, etc. If its only catching a tad think of how much force that slide rocks back with and its probably not likely the little friction will affect it at all.