View Full Version : If they want to tax....

Chief Joseph
10-09-2012, 09:55 AM

How about a tax on unwed mothers and fathers for each of the 15 kids they squirt out and then don't take care of who end up on the streets committing these violent crimes. Now that's a tax policy I could stand behind, yet in those cases, they get the medical care ON US, and every other cost ON US.

Longitude Zero
10-09-2012, 10:59 AM
No way to enforce that. Here is the best plan of all. Get rid of all taxes except a Point of Sale tax on EVERTHING. Turds eat, they buy stuff like bling, cars etc. Tax people on their consumption not on their production. Oh ya get rid of the IRS. It is not needed since there will be NO deductions for anything.

It would really help me out to not eventually have to pay tax on my investments

10-09-2012, 12:41 PM
a consumption based tax makes too much sense.

logic and reason have never been the propelling forces in chicago politics.

Longitude Zero
10-09-2012, 01:25 PM
a consumption based tax makes too much sense.

logic and reason have never been the propelling forces in chicago politics.

I would go so far to say in ALL politics.

10-09-2012, 07:25 PM
I've long been afraid that taxation of ammo might be used as a legal end-run around the guarantees provided by the 2nd Amendment, so this bears watching.

10-09-2012, 08:58 PM
this tax will only apply where people have the head in the sand defense and who are responsible for letting it get this far. chicago didnt turn into a crap hole over night, it took decades of denial and democrat votes do do it. once the stench of liberal policies took hold it was too late to change them so the folks who woke up moved out.

10-10-2012, 09:03 AM
I've never understood the debate on how we should be taxed. I say that we are taxed too much already. The debate should be about how we cut taxes and limit government intrusion in our lives. I'm Muggsy and I approve this message.

10-10-2012, 09:25 AM
Tax things you want less of, subsidize things you want more of.

So they want more unwed mothers and fatherless welfare brats, and less ammo for us to defend ourselves from them when they turn to a life of crime.

Anyone see a pattern?

les strat
10-10-2012, 10:58 AM
I've never understood the debate on how we should be taxed. I say that we are taxed too much already. The debate should be about how we cut taxes and limit government intrusion in our lives. I'm Muggsy and I approve this message.

Funny (not really) how they will try to figure out the tax equation every way except trying to cut back their own spending and waste. They just want more.

11-13-2012, 02:58 AM

I would go so far to say in ALL politics.

11-13-2012, 05:12 AM
There is a way to enforce this.... Every child borne MUST bear the Father's name on the birth certificate! He then is responsible for the child support, Problem Solved!

11-13-2012, 10:03 AM
I'm w/ muggsy on the 'taxed too much' and the consumption tax. The proposed 23% that fair tax is pushing is way too high. We are taxed too much and the progressive tax system is unfair and has built the entitlement generation that just put Obama back in office.

We need a federal consumption/sales tax, at something like 10-15%, done. If they cannot manage with that, they don't need any more.

Do away w/ the IRS, move the accountants to the GAO, done.

The improvement in the economy would make people's heads spin. The left would be absolutely dumbfounded at the success of this country.

11-13-2012, 11:54 AM

How about a tax on unwed mothers and fathers for each of the 15 kids they squirt out and then don't take care of who end up on the streets committing these violent crimes. Now that's a tax policy I could stand behind, yet in those cases, they get the medical care ON US, and every other cost ON US.

All that the bill will do is drive ammo sales out of cook county. Cook county residents can purchase out of county, or on line. This is the kind of worthless legislation you get from worthless politicians.

Longitude Zero
11-13-2012, 12:04 PM
I'm w/ muggsy on the 'taxed too much' and the consumption tax. The proposed 23% that fair tax is pushing is way too high.

I agree that the Fed tax of 23% is too high. HOWEVER in total 23% is not bad if in includes the fed, state, and local taxes. It is not just a FED thing. The states, cities, and communities have to have their cut also.

11-13-2012, 02:25 PM
The improvement in the economy would make people's heads spin. The left would be absolutely dumbfounded at the success of this country.

Dumbfounded? Maybe. What is for sure is that they would take credit for it.

11-13-2012, 06:57 PM
I agree that the Fed tax of 23% is too high. HOWEVER in total 23% is not bad if in includes the fed, state, and local taxes. It is not just a FED thing. The states, cities, and communities have to have their cut also.

Yea, that's what I mean. The 23% number is federal. Add state sales tax, potentially state income tax, local personal property tax, yadda yadda, I'd be WORSE off than I am now.

Needs to be lower, Fed needs to be spending for only what is enumerated. I know I know, good luck w/ that.