View Full Version : +P ammo?

10-12-2012, 08:57 AM
OK. Is +P ammo worth the money? Is there really and truly a marked difference or advantage in carrying +P ammo for self defense (9mm or .45)? I have a P9, CM9, and CW45. Thank you.

CW9 Shooter
10-12-2012, 09:18 AM
IMO......no. A well-placed shot with 99.9% reliable ammo will get the job done. I'd rather have perfection than power. A web search will give you all the info you need concerning +P ammo. If YOU feel the need, and believe you must have all the power available, then YOU probably should use it.

10-12-2012, 10:01 AM
I doubt that the perp would notice any difference. Getting shot with any load is very uncomfortable.

CW9 Shooter
10-12-2012, 10:05 AM
I doubt that the perp would notice any difference. Getting shot with any load is very uncomfortable.

Definitely ruins their day, and makes yours a great one! ;)

10-12-2012, 10:32 AM
IMO......no. A well-placed shot with 99.9% reliable ammo will get the job done. I'd rather have perfection than power. A web search will give you all the info you need concerning +P ammo. If YOU feel the need, and believe you must have all the power available, then YOU probably should use it.

u need both,perfection and power. certainly +P is power that will not change, perfection, I contend NO one here knows what a real SHTF situation is gonna make u do.

I kinda like to revert back to my many years of Bowhuntingj. I could (at one time) go in my back yard and at 20 yards keep every shot in a 6" circle, It was just no prblem. But I can also tell you that I hve missed quite a few deer at under 20 yards, due to what ever u want to call it... There is a difference. for me anyways Just sayin

I'm just not sure u can practice shooting someone..

10-12-2012, 12:05 PM
Without a doubt getting shot with anything is going to smart but let me throw this out just as my personal opinion...To answer the OP question, is +P ammo worth the money? My answer to that is how much is your life worth? A handgun of any caliber is not a one shot wonder and unlike on TV sometimes the bad guy doesn't want to go down...It is said that handguns make holes in things but rifles blow chit up so since you are more likely to have a handgun for a CCW it makes sense to have the best most effective ammo money can buy...Speer Gold Dot +P short barrel is an excellent choice and is designed to work from small handguns and the powder is designed so that you don't get a giant muzzle flash without giving up velocity...

In a real SHTF situation you are not going to be able to aim and hit like you would at the range and most folks don't bother to carry a spare magazine so you don't have very many rounds available to get the job done in the first place so IMHO it is best to have the best most powerful ammo money can buy to give yourself the best chance of surviving to fight another day...

There have been many studies done of what happens to the human body in real street shootings and there is not a one shot, one stop guaranteed handgun/ammo combination available...There have been cases of a person shot multiple times in the chest with large caliber bullets and living and there are cases where a person shot in the leg or shoulder dying from shock or blood loss so there's no rhyme or reason to it so to sum it up don't skimp on quality ammo, your life may depend on it and there's other things you can save money on...

10-12-2012, 12:48 PM
OK. Is +P ammo worth the money? Is there really and truly a marked difference or advantage in carrying +P ammo for self defense (9mm or .45)? I have a P9, CM9, and CW45. Thank you.

+P ammo I buy costs exactly the same as standard pressure.
Being proficient with the round and platform, including followup shots,
is more important that absolute power.

That said,
it makes sense to use the most powerful weapon, with the most powerful ammo,
that you're comfortable and good with.

Handguns are under-powered by nature.
We would all be better served to carry an AR or shotgun into a gunfight.
Some think all a handgun is good for is fighting your way to a shoulder weapon.
But being in public, not a war zone, we have to go concealed with small handguns.

Use what you're good with, comfortable with
and are willing to carry on a daily basis.

10-12-2012, 01:49 PM
Shoot what you can handle, first.
Most potent and accurate +P, for me are:
• Black Hills 115 gr. +P JHP
• Federal Tactical 124 gr. +P JHP

10-12-2012, 03:08 PM
u need both,perfection and power. certainly +P is power that will not change, perfection, I contend NO one here knows what a real SHTF situation is gonna make u do.

I kinda like to revert back to my many years of Bowhuntingj. I could (at one time) go in my back yard and at 20 yards keep every shot in a 6" circle, It was just no prblem. But I can also tell you that I hve missed quite a few deer at under 20 yards, due to what ever u want to call it... There is a difference. for me anyways Just sayin

I'm just not sure u can practice shooting someone..

I put 31 deer into my freezer over the years and never had the shakes until after the deer was down. Of course, none of those deer were shooting at me either. Just sayin.

10-12-2012, 03:25 PM
as u noted to, I said for me anyways. YMMV,

wasthis with a bow or a gun???Ther eis also a big difference there to..

10-12-2012, 07:22 PM
I Keep my "House Gun" loaded with 125grn "standard pressure" 38 specials (low flash). Missing with a +P round will not be as effective a me hitting a BG with a "standard" round.
Unless the miss sends him running for the hills...
Shoot some of your +P ammo in a darkend range before you bet your life on carrying it. Flash blind and deaf is a bad way to start a fight for your life. That and you should not be as surprised as the BG creeping through your house at 2am by what your gun sounds/looks/feels like going off in the dark.

11-05-2012, 01:09 PM
I would say that in 45 acp I wouldn't really be concerned with carrying +p but if I were carying 9mm then I would probably choose something in +p or +p+. The cost isn't really significantly higher. Some of the balistic testing on certain +p and +p+ loads have really been impressive. Federal HST's, Winchester Ranger ( especially the 127 gr +p+) and Speer Gold Dots are excellent choices.

11-05-2012, 01:34 PM
I would say that in 45 acp I wouldn't really be concerned with carrying +p but if I were carying 9mm then I would probably choose something in +p or +p+. The cost isn't really significantly higher. Some of the balistic testing on certain +p and +p+ loads have really been impressive. Federal HST's, Winchester Ranger ( especially the 127 gr +p+) and Speer Gold Dots are excellent choices.

Winchester Ranger T-Series 230 gr 45 standard and +P are exactly the same price where I buy.

11-05-2012, 03:37 PM

11-05-2012, 03:40 PM
+P in 9mm is very good and no doubt the most used round, no matter what brand u choose. Sure cycles the action nicely. Ur not gonna hurt ur kahr shootin it.. No doubt 124 golddot +P is the most popular brand, but we all have our prefances. #1 has to be reliability, #2 has to be reliability

11-05-2012, 04:13 PM
MY research shows that short barrel handguns don't benefit from +p ammo. I believe shot placement is most critical. There is not substitute for training as instinctive reaction to a life or death situation is what will save your life. Train as you play-play as you train. YOU WILL REACT AS YOU TRAIN.

11-07-2012, 09:28 PM
as u noted to, I said for me anyways. YMMV,

wasthis with a bow or a gun???Ther eis also a big difference there to..

One with a bow, three with a muzzle loading rifle, five with a high power center fire rifle and the balance with a shotgun and slugs. All but two were one shot clean kills. Shot placement was the critical factor in each kill.

mr surveyor
11-07-2012, 10:27 PM
I'm carrying Hornady Critical Duty 135 gr +P in both my CW9 and CM9. Never really felt the need for +P, but that was what was on the shelf at the time, and it certainly shoots good (at nearly a buck a pop, it should:))
