View Full Version : P9 trigger pin problem?

10-12-2012, 01:47 PM
I hear that there a known problem with the P9 trigger pin working its way out after shooting a few magazines. Can anyone enlighten me or point to a thread that exists discussing this problem and what it takes to get it fixed? Thanks.

10-12-2012, 02:51 PM
certainly not a KNOWN problem. Some trigger pins for some reason do seemto wanna walk, No more prevelant in the P9 thaqn any other poly kahr

My PMJ9 trigger pin walked early on when I had it, so one day I just drove it out a tad more andput some crazy glue on it and drove it back in and it never moved again. U might try that if i have this issue, but it is realy a non issue to...

10-12-2012, 02:55 PM
My PM45 had a bit of a problem and I made a "press" with a pair of Channel Lock pliers and reseated it and the retainer pin with a bit of crazy glue... no more problems.

There's no trend or anything... and no, it's not a "known" problem... another Internet "Rumor".


10-12-2012, 03:00 PM
Thanks for the info guys. I'll deal with it accordingly. :)

10-12-2012, 03:06 PM
is ur P9 doing this?? Or areu just asking about it in case???

10-12-2012, 03:08 PM
My P9 pin walks too. It has no retaining pin. I put a drop of super glue on the pin and pushed it back in. So far so good.

10-12-2012, 03:15 PM
My P9 pin walks too. It has no retaining pin. I put a drop of super glue on the pin and pushed it back in. So far so good.
That's a good point about the retaining pin. I've seen reports that some early P9s had pivot pins that walked, but after the retention pin was added this seems to be a rare occurrence (Wynn's being the only one i remember).
You can see examples of P9's with and without the retention pin here: http://kahrtalk.com/showthread.php?t=874&page=2
We do see the retention pin backing out every so often, but tapping it back in place usually fixes that.

10-12-2012, 03:29 PM
My retaining pin on my PMJ9 walked about the same time the triger pin did. One good tak with a small punch and it never showed its face again, not really sure whether my super glue on the trigger pin solved my issue or just driving the retaining pin backhome did it but eithe rway, that was years ago and it has never moved,, either one of them.

My little ruger lcp the two pins that held the allow framein the polymer gun, those pins drove me nuts. they also were polymer and being ruger atthe time copied the kel tek P:3AT, which was bad about walking pins. Super glue was my only fix for the lcp and it has worked perfectly.

10-12-2012, 03:33 PM
One I sold a friend is doing it and I'm going to take it back. I didn't know about itbut I saw it happen when we shot it together. I just wondered if it was a known problem and what I would be into to get it fixed. Doesn't seem like a big problem to fix- I haven't looked into the ones with a retaining pin yet. Mine probably doesn't have one though.

is ur P9 doing this?? Or areu just asking about it in case???

10-15-2012, 08:05 AM
My retaining pin on my PMJ9 walked about the same time the triger pin did. One good tak with a small punch and it never showed its face again, not really sure whether my super glue on the trigger pin solved my issue or just driving the retaining pin backhome did it but eithe rway, that was years ago and it has never moved,, either one of them.

My little ruger lcp the two pins that held the allow framein the polymer gun, those pins drove me nuts. they also were polymer and being ruger atthe time copied the kel tek P:3AT, which was bad about walking pins. Super glue was my only fix for the lcp and it has worked perfectly.
I see the retaining pin in the pictures of the thread you posted which lead me to take a look at my PM9, 2010 model - fairly recent I guess - and it doesn't have the retaining pin either. I've put several hundred rounds through the PM9 and never had an issue with the trigger pin walking on it. Although I haven't had an issue with the PM9, I expected it to have the retaining pin. :rolleyes:

The P9 that I referred to in the original post is a 2000 model. Does anyone kow when Kahr began putting the retaining pin the their pistols and if it was about the same year for all models.

10-15-2012, 09:40 AM
I would almost bet u ur PM9 has a retaining pin. Sometimes that pin is in farenough that the outside hole closes up even. I know of owners who never even knew that retaining pin hole was even there .....

10-15-2012, 10:22 AM
Maybe it does, Jocko. I just couldn't see anything there like the one in the picture you referred to. I don't think I want to try to get in there to see, especially as long as I don't have a problem. ;)

10-15-2012, 11:33 AM
amen to that, if it ain'tbroke, don't fix it. I am sure it is there.

10-17-2012, 01:00 PM
I just spoke with a the tech dept. at Kahr and a very helpful (but not very informative) man gave me a return auth. number and told me to send the P9 back to them and they'd see how to deal with it. I have no idea what to expect - anyone have any experience returning a pistol to Kahr?

10-17-2012, 01:33 PM
I guess my question to you is why. if it ain't moving, why mess with it. If kahr is not paying to send it back, ur talking about apossable $50 fee to send it back. Its ur gun, sou do as u must but for some years the earlykahrs had no keeper pin holding the trigger pin in place and really had no issues with um either. considfering thousands of guns are out there..

some forum membershave given u some easy fixes if everit happens even. Many has done it when it happened and never had it appear again..

I think I even stated that my PMJ9 trigger pinned walked a tad, and it had the keeper pin in it also. I did the crazy glue fix and it has never moved again..

10-17-2012, 01:54 PM
I guess my question to you is why. if it ain't moving, why mess with it. If kahr is not paying to send it back, ur talking about apossable $50 fee to send it back. Its ur gun, sou do as u must but for some years the earlykahrs had no keeper pin holding the trigger pin in place and really had no issues with um either. considfering thousands of guns are out there..

some forum membershave given u some easy fixes if everit happens even. Many has done it when it happened and never had it appear again..

I think I even stated that my PMJ9 trigger pinned walked a tad, and it had the keeper pin in it also. I did the crazy glue fix and it has never moved again..
Jocko, I confused the situation by bringing my PM9 into the conversation - it's the one with the trigger pin that doesn't move. In the OP, I was talking about a P9 - it's trigger pin moves very willingly and that's the one that I'm talking about sending back. However, I may just try the glue fix myself and shoot it tomorrow at the range to see if that fixes it. If it does I guarantee you I'll save the FedEx shipping fee and move on to the next task. Sorry for the confusion. ;)

10-17-2012, 03:17 PM
u got nuttin to loose by trying it, last resortis to send itr back. back the pin out a tad and then soak both sides with super glue and then tap the pin back home. It might surprise u..

sorry I should have paid alittle more attention to ur posts to..

10-17-2012, 03:26 PM
No problem, Jocko. It's already glued and bagged for the range tomorrow. ;)

10-17-2012, 03:52 PM
cross ur finners!!! Just sayin.

10-17-2012, 03:57 PM
Fingers crossed, Jocko. Tell me how you got 32,000 rounds through your PM9! That's a lot of shooting. You must be a ****** ( and that's a compliment) with that pistol!
They ARE great pistols though, aren't they.

10-17-2012, 05:29 PM
got 32K through my PMJ9 ONE SHOT AT A TIME. Just bought anutter PMJ9 blunt noxe version tha tis 8 years old. looks new, works perfect. It is stock, nuttin done to it. Notgonna do anything to it either.

I shoot my PM9 terrible, never shot it good from day one. Just never got the hang of the trigger system but it is my 24/7 pocket gun and has been now for over 5years. I never leave home witout it. I truly love to shoot my PMJ9's. Ican promise u, my persnal carry peace with allthose rounds looks totally new, not a wear spot on the gun, it is now smoother than water off of glass..

10-17-2012, 06:44 PM
I don't know what a PMJ9 is. PM9, yes - PMJ9 = ?

10-17-2012, 07:10 PM
PMJ9 is a jocko bluntnose PM9. Simply the finest ccw on the market.

10-18-2012, 11:11 AM
................back the pin out a tad and then soak both sides with super glue and then tap the pin back home. It might surprise u..
Well, I tapped it out, cleaned the area with Gun Scrubber, dried it completely and put "permanent" Loctite on it before driving it back into position. After only 16 rounds at the range this am the pin had started coming out.

(As a side note I must say it's VERY accurate, even handheld by my old self at 35 yards. It's a pleasure to shoot!...other than this problem.)

It's going back to Kahr today - let's hope they have the fix and aren't seeing $ signs while they work. To be continued....

11-15-2012, 12:38 PM
Update on the trip to Kahr, I sent it on October 24, got it back exactly 3 weeks later with only an invoice (no charge) that they replaced the trigger spring and trigger pivot pin. I didn't try it out - I sent the slide off immediately to Ahlman's for a black matte Duracoat. That's my story.

10-07-2014, 11:50 AM
Sorry - this thread is two years old and I never did follow up on how I solved the problem of the "walking" trigger pin. I took the gun back from the person I sold it to and called Kahr explaining the issue. They said 'send it' to them. I did, they fixed it (no charge) and shipped it back to me on their dime. All it cost me was my shipping to them...and I still have the P9 and love shooting it, especially in IDPA BUG matches.

marshal kane
10-10-2014, 07:37 AM
700 rounds through my new P9 and no problems with my trigger pin "walking", YET.

10-10-2014, 11:04 AM
Marshall, I doubt you'll see that problem on yours. FYI my P9 with the walking pin problem is probably 8-10 years old. I think they've completely conquered that issue years ago. It's probably why they fixed mine at no charge to me (including return shipping,) I continue to be amazed at how accurate and reliable that P9 is - I think they're all that way. 👍

marshal kane
10-10-2014, 02:31 PM
Ditto with your opinion of the P9. For such a small gun, Kahr has tamed the recoil a lot and it is both accurate and reliable. I truly enjoy shooting my P9 and I'm sure you do also.

10-10-2014, 02:43 PM
walking pin issues are very rare, sending them back will cure it and also just crazy glue it in will also cure it. My PMJ9 walked in the early stages but I punched it out further and but some crazy glue on it and banged it back in and it never moved. someties if u look on the left side of the trigger housing u will see right below where that pin shows on the left side a pin, That is a keeper pin for the trigger pin. sometimes just a small punch ad a good tap will drive it in alittle further and take care of that also. I have seen that pin move outward sometimes to but a good tap and it will stay in. MY guess it was not set right from the git go..

marshal kane
10-10-2014, 09:50 PM
Thanks for the tips on keeping the trigger pin from walking out. Hope this never happens although the super glue cure sounds about my speed.