View Full Version : New PM9 owner, old school CM9 owner

10-12-2012, 09:07 PM
So I have always wanted a DLC PM9. I've had an older style stainless PM9 before that was a nightmare to own. I picked it up used and couldn't get rid of its ftf'ing self soon enough. I loved its size though, so I gave a brand new CM9 a chance.

I've had the CM9 for a yr, and it's been great except for 2 FTFs with jhps recently. It has about 500 rds through it. I haven't yet determined the cause of the FTFs, but the CM is a keeper.

The CM now will take a backseat. I just bought what I've coveted for over a yr, the DLC PM9. I've been admiring this thing all night. I literally can't wait to break it in. One odd thing, the PM9 is much easier to break down by hand than the CM9. After 500 rds, I'm finally able to use my thumb to pop the slide stop/ takedown pin. The first times cleaning the gun I literally had to use a hammer to lightly tap it out. First time with the brand new PM, it pops right out with just my thumb. Maybe I've become less of a girly man in the past year.

Have some 147gr hst on the way for carry, after the 200 rd breakin. Does anyone use the meprolight sights for the pm9? I use meps in my glocks and love them. I'm finally going to add night sights to the cm9 as well. Are the sights on the kahr site all that's available?

10-12-2012, 09:21 PM
That's interesting, as I recently bought a new CM9, and fell into DLC PM9 a day later. I also lusted after the PM but the CM's price swayed me. The PM was a rediculus deal I couldn't pass up. But I found the CM was tight, really tight in a lot of ways, and had some killer sharp edges. A super solid pistol but lacked the tlc that the PM seemed to have from the factory. Maybe just me, or that particular CM, but the difference in the two were measurable. Enjoy your new toy!

10-12-2012, 09:39 PM
So I have always wanted a DLC PM9. . .

I just bought what I've coveted for over a yr, the DLC PM9. I've been admiring this thing all night. . .
Congratulations! Looking forward to some pictures of your new baby so we can admire it too! ;)

I use meps in my glocks and love them. I'm finally going to add night sights to the cm9 as well. Are the sights on the kahr site all that's available?
I have Meprolights on my DLC PM40 and am similarly pleased. Kahr seems to have done a good job of providing a place to buy all of the night sights available for their pistols, at least all that I know about. Their web site may not be the best place from which to purchase, unless you also want Kahr to install them, but it is a complete list, so far as I can tell. Oh, and Kahr seems to do a nice job installing, so that may be a good option.

10-19-2012, 07:27 PM
actually sold my cm9 last night...found another barely used pm9 for $450 and couldn't pass it up, so now i have 2 pm9s. i guess i like to have backup, have 2 g19s as well, and my wife and i both have g26s...

anyway, put 150 rds through the dlc tonight flawlessly in about 30 mins or so. wasn't shooting for accuracy just trying to get through the 200rd breakin. i now have to get reacquainted with the kahr trigger cause my shots all grouped nice and low left. love the gun so far, loved my cm9 too so i knew i would like it. the pm9 definitely feels a bit better to me, but that's probably just a placebo affect b/c i did pay an xtra $200 for it. have to justify that somehow...

10-19-2012, 09:04 PM
Translate this for me, DLC. I am not familiar with that.

10-19-2012, 10:46 PM
Translate this for me, DLC. I am not familiar with that.

Diamond Like Coating is the name for the super hard black coating that Kahr offers on P and PM models.