View Full Version : kahr's KS620 6 round .40 mag

10-15-2012, 10:13 PM
Does anyone have experience with Kahr's KS620 (http://www.kahr.com/Magazines/Kahr-6-Round-40-SandW-Magazine-W-Grip-Extension.asp) 6 round magazine, it looks like it has a full extension, not the crazy one that exposes the rear half of the mag. I was going to get the Pearce extension, but if this magazine fits well and has a full grip, I may look into a couple.

10-15-2012, 10:18 PM
Works just fine in both my PM40's.

Admittedly, I only use it at the range, but both of mine, which came with the guns, have been reliable. Some people are not as lucky as I am. :rolleyes: