View Full Version : Need some good questions for a NJ State assemblyman

10-17-2012, 07:23 PM
I received this today:
I just want to announce an addition to this month's meeting schedule. In addition to the "Bug-Out-Bag" demonstration, NJ State Assemblyman Nelson Albano has agreed to address our group. This is an excellent opportunity to hear the Assemblyman's positions on 2A/RKBA and other issues related to new Jersey's Firearm's Statutes. This is also an excellent opportunity to open up the lines of communication between our Society and the Democrat side of the State Assembly. This has been a goal of our Society for some time.We have already developed a beneficial relationship with Senator Van Drew and this can only enhance our ability to follow, testify and impact legislation that will affect our ability to exercise our Constitutionally protected RKBA. Please come prepared with your questions for the Q&A session following the Assemblyman's presentation. I am looking forward to our members and supporters having the opportunity of showing our legitimate interest in the proceedings of our legislature.

Any good questions to hit him with??????

10-18-2012, 05:03 AM
Oh I might add... NJ does not issue CC permits and the NJ2Asociety has been fighting for these rights.
Has crime stats dropped in your stat since allowing concealed carry? By what percentage?
Has a CC permit holders saved any LEO's by having one?
these type of facts will help

10-18-2012, 06:06 AM
downtownv, im missing the reason why carrying a gun for self defense being a constitutional right isnt enough for the ccw arguement.

i know, youre in new jerseystan and n a z i s and tabliban run the show there.

10-18-2012, 06:13 AM
It goes back to archaic laws where the police didn't want armed citizens!
We've been making stides in changing that law. I have an op to ask questions and or state facts.
Looking for some help.
I have ccl's for 36 states as a non resident, however not in NJ!

10-18-2012, 07:58 AM
id contact the NRA since they would probably keep stats nation wide on this sort of thing...you know the armed citizen column they have and all that....

les strat
10-18-2012, 08:36 AM
I would have some stats pulled up to ask him why every state or city that implemented strick gun control and/or banned CCW had a drastic increase in violent crime.

Of course, we know the answer.

10-18-2012, 09:44 AM
thats a good turn; point out the high crime rates where ccw is not allowed.

11-02-2012, 06:33 PM
Jerry, ask him if as a law abiding citizen he was carrying a gun would you as a law abiding citizen have anything to fear from him?