View Full Version : Well, got me a polymer framed pistol

03-13-2010, 08:58 PM
See link for updated posting


03-13-2010, 10:20 PM
And welcome to the other side ( The polymer side that is!)
Never say Never, that will show you!

03-14-2010, 01:35 AM
Like I've said before, I carry efficient tools, even if I don't like 'em!

One thing it really, really has going for it that most striker fired guns don't is the ability to field strip without pulling the trigger - one of the major reasons why I prefer hammer guns.

Haven't gotten an email yet about canceling IDPA, so it should be good to go :D

03-14-2010, 12:43 PM
Like I've said before, I carry efficient tools, even if I don't like 'em!

One thing it really, really has going for it that most striker fired guns don't is the ability to field strip without pulling the trigger - one of the major reasons why I prefer hammer guns.

Haven't gotten an email yet about canceling IDPA, so it should be good to go :D

Options are good even if we do not like them. Good luck in your IDPA thingy.

03-14-2010, 02:13 PM
First shots out of the gun, the mag was loaded to 8, no warm up period allowed. Split time of .235 seconds between shots with the M&P (did not load to full 18 capacity to keep apples to apples). This was with full house 9x19 JHP ammo.

1911 ran .223 seconds between shots for 8 rounds, with 230grain lead round nose tailor loaded for the gun.

There's .012 second difference between a gun I haven't really shot much before, haven't learned the reset, etc. with, and the gun that I personally have put more than 15,000 rounds down the pipe with and know the reset without thinking.

This likely will become my new primary carry gun after it proves itself, with the T40 pulling seconds.

03-14-2010, 02:38 PM
david Bowie did a super number on my M & P, When I got it the trigger was the worst I have ever encountered. I had fiber optic sights put on it front and back and when he got done tuing it and stipplying the grip. it was just one super shooter. Almost as close to a single action gun as one can get. It never gave one issue ever either, but for some reason I could take my g19 which I had tuned by Accurate Iron and shoot it better, all around, certainly wasn't as aesthic looking as the Smith by any means, , So I sold it, took my hit and moved on. Can't say a bad word about that M & P. I just decided I did not need to range guns shooting just as good as each other. the fella in texas that bought it has told me it is the finest shooting Smith M & P he has ever shot. He bought it from me based on David Bowie reputation. I wold recommend Bowie but he is so damn slow. Took 6 months, no more of that stuff for this ol timer. at 66 6 months is an eternity for some of us..

03-14-2010, 02:46 PM
I'm debating having a pro do the stippling on this gun - the trigger is great, reminds me a bit of a Hi Power (this has a 'trigger job' as SW calls it from the factory). Fair amount of pretravel, crisp, crisp break, and a bit of overtravel. Bowie is 'local' when it comes to the big name gunsmiths, and is very good, but I don't see myself spending that kind of dough to pay somebody to do a little polishing on a sear, and stab my frame with a hot nail.

Currently working on removing the overtravel, but there's not too much short of installing a block to limit forward motion that I can do to limit pre-travel.

Amazing little design. I'm sure I'll get better with it than my 1911 shortly after I get some 9x19 dies and start shooting it more.

03-14-2010, 02:58 PM
try accurate-iron.com. Mike cwyrus. he did my PM9 picutred on this sithe under jocko's custom PM9. He did my G19 also and my little P380. He is super reasonalbe and his work is super.

Ask him about his non agressive to agressive stipply work. tel him if you ar egooing to pocket carry or waist band carry. he has perfected a stipplying job that is far more than just good looking, it makes sense.
oops sorry about that I was stillthinking you were referring to a PM9 and not the Smith M & P. meaning no pocket carry..

03-14-2010, 03:03 PM
I was gonna say, that'd be a BIG pocket if you can pocket carry a gun with a 5" barrel :D

03-19-2010, 08:07 AM
Well, I've been a through-through John Moses Browning guy for a while. The 5" has been my daily companion (concealed and occasionally openly shown), range trainer for new shooters, and my competition pistol. .20-.22 splits without trying, dead accurate, holds a 9" group at 50 yards standing shooting with both hands. Steel frame, great ergonomics, good sights, great trigger....we stayed together through thick and thin, and looking back on the guns that I've bought and sold, I've always reached back to the 5" 1911. Something about a steel gun with soul - makes me drool.

Not any more. See, my thing is for efficient tools, even if I don't really like them. Glocks, Kahrs, KelTec's, Brownings, 1911's, XD's, etc. - I've done most of the more common pistols, and always found something I liked, but never one that I could run faster/more accurate than my tried/trued .45ACP 1911.

Then I got a chance to try a .40S&W MP compact. I like the .40 cartridge for it's power, but loathe it's snap and slow second shots for me. I ran the little polymer S&W MP .40 as fast as my full size steel 1911. :huh: Shorter sight radius, less mass, longer trigger travel, and a snappier cartridge. I chalked it up for a platform to remember, and said "it was probably those guy's reloads that made it so."

I then foolishly rented a full size MP 9mm, coughed over the cash for their rental, $25 for a box of 9mm (ouch) , and went to the firing line with about 200 rounds of my own 9mm that I wouldn't ever dream of shooting through their rental gun, since they said I couldn't. Well, we all know what happens when you tell kids they shouldn't do something.

My initial impressions were "wow." The gun was as accurate as my 1911, the felt recoil was more or less the same between all rounds, which ranged from Wolf that barely cycled the slide to +p+ 9mm that chucked brass over 40 feet. Split times I thought were very close to the 1911 at the end of the range session, shooting them back to back and guesstimating.

A few weeks later I went to a gunshow with my buddy - he teaches for the Appleseed Project, and I teach him how to shoot pistols. It was his birthday, which he wanted to spend at a gun show, that restaurant with pretty waitresses dressed in white shirts and orange daisy dukes, the casino, and later on to pay for his fair share of some pretty women's college tuition. After scouring for any decent deals on 9mm MP's, I had given up. I went to get a Coke, and there it was at the end table - a fiber optic front sight on a MP.

I negotiated a deal after verifying that I had available cash, telling myself I can sell my Kahr T40 and it's goodies to pay for the MP. I also now keep a 5" MP9 Pro on my side, not a 1911. After playing with a bench grinder, file, stones, and a felt wheel on a dremel on the sear and firing pin block, I got the breaking point where my finger is 90* to the bore naturally with little overtravel, and not much reset either. Shoots like a dream, accurate, quick, and doesn't feel any bigger to me than a single stack 1911.

I'm now also looking at selling my P3AT and my TT33 (after shooting the rest of my ammo for it) to help fund a MP9 compact. I've got a sickness, and dag-gonnit, I like it.


03-19-2010, 10:33 AM
Options and options are good, always is good to have an open mind. You cannot say you do not like something until you try it (you will be surprise how many people crossover to plastic after they try it). S&W did their homework with the M&P line, you should try the M&P45 and you may also buy it. But hey me, I only buy one gun at time.:eek: I am glad you like.

03-19-2010, 10:42 AM
One thing about poly pistols is they spoil you due to the weight factor.... When I shoot my full size S&W 4506 or my 1911 it feels like I am holding an anvil next to my CW40....I didn't use to notice it but sure do now, maybe I need to eats me spinach!!!!:biggrin1:

03-19-2010, 11:42 AM
Glad to hear you like the m&p.I've been wanting to get the 5inch for a long time.just can't decide wether I want the 45 or 9mm.and if I get the 9mm do I get the pro or just get the 9L and get a custom trigger job. The 45 compact looks sweet to,but I always figured if I got a 45 it would be a 1911. To bad there isn't enough money in my wallet for all of them. If you decide to get the compact you'll be pleasently surprised.shoots like a champ and is dead nuts accurate out to 50 yards easy.that's a lot from a compact pistol,and it just feels natural in your hand to.two 12 round mags and a tac light on the rail make the 9mm compact a perfect nightstand gun IMHO. And its fun at the range to. My girlfriend tried it out last weekend.her first time ever shooting a handgun and she hit 5 pop cans at 25 yards on the first clip.reminds me never to piss her off!

05-19-2010, 07:03 AM
Snatch, if you're not sold on the 9Pro (5") sight picture, get the 9L and drop in an Apex sear and striker block - your gun will have a MUCH better pull over the 9Pro.

I got a chance to finally run this gun in IDPA on Sunday.

I went from Glock to 1911, to M&P. I saw a massive improvement when I went to a 1911 platform, and usually got middle of the pack in IDPA meets, and top of the custom defense pistol class (usually about 30-40 shooters, 3-5 in the CDP class).

I got 8th overall (44 shooters), and 10th in SSP (they should have put me in ESP, which would have netted 2nd in class). I was using a retention holster as well, just to make things more difficult for myself.

I'm diggin this thing more and more :D

05-19-2010, 07:37 AM
Yup, you done it now. You got the bug again, and once the bug bites, it has to run it's course. I see a slew of M&P's in your future, and perhaps some poly framed Kahr's too. I hate that bug, it's so darned expensive. Fun, but expensive.

05-19-2010, 08:48 AM
I've been thinking of selling my compact to buy the 9L.I have a pm9 so I don't really need the compact for carry but its just so dang accurate.especially for its size.I just can't bring myself to get rid of it.hopefully some funds will appear and ill be able to keep it but if the right deal comes along ill get rid of it to get the 9L.I've been wanting a tuarus public defender to,just for the fun and novelty of it. Stupid guns and expensive hobbies.I need a new job

05-19-2010, 03:57 PM
Yup, you done it now. You got the bug again, and once the bug bites, it has to run it's course. I see a slew of M&P's in your future, and perhaps some poly framed Kahr's too. I hate that bug, it's so darned expensive. Fun, but expensive.

I've already got a 9mm compact, in addition to this long slide M&P.

I doubt that I'll have another polymer Kahr in my future - unless they change the action to allow for a short reset on each shot, ala M&P, Glock, etc., I probably won't go back unless I get offered an amazing deal that I can't turn down (like a TP9 for $75).

So, a S&W M&P 9Pro(5"), 9C - keeping my eyes out for an announcement of a 5" .45ACP model before I jump into them. I doubt I'll grab a .40S&W model unless it's a great deal for me :)

09-04-2010, 12:50 PM
Just to give this a bit of an update, 6 months later:

Well, I've been pushing my M&P 9Pro (5" with Apex Tactical Sear, home brew striker block) and trying to get it to fail. I've been doing this by shooting a LOT of 9mm lead reloads over the past couple months, and not cleaning the pistol at all. I have lubricated the barrel, but that's it - nothing on the rails, striker/sear, etc. The only modifications that I have made in addition to the sear and striker block is a complete stippling job of the grip on the frame, trigger guard, and where my thumb rests on the frame when shooting with a thumbs forward grip.

It hasn't malfunctioned on me yet, and cycles great, even though I can see a ring of lead building at the end of the chamber (which is why it's getting cleaned today). There's also a bunch of build up under the barrel hood, perfectly taking up the space between where the cartridge sits in batter and the barrel itself, and the same thick layer of **** on the feed ramp.

Keep in mind that this is my carry pistol - and feel free to cringe if that's your natural reaction.


Still runs like a champ. I'm sold :mrgreen:

09-04-2010, 01:01 PM
Dang! I'm glad you're going to stop treating it like a stepchild. I was about to call the Gun Health & Welfare Services. Nice pix... <shudder>

09-04-2010, 03:39 PM
What wynn said. I couldn't do that do mine. I understand why, but I could never do that. My ancestor's would come up out the grave and do some things to me that I can't even imagine. Like I said, I get the reasons, but YIKES.

09-08-2010, 11:08 PM
Here's the money shot that I was finally able to upload (had a bad camera cable and didn't know it)
