View Full Version : Cm9 won't feed defense ammo.

10-18-2012, 07:30 PM
So I I have been fireing FMJ throught my cm9. With verry good luck out of the 6 round mag and ftf with the second round in a seven round mag maby 30% of the time. I grabed a box of hollow points for a Deffensive roud 124g federal. Brought them home and I can't get them to feed the first round with a fresh mag and the action closed with a slingshot. But if the action is open then I put a new mag it will feed them. What's up think I need new defense ammo and if so what works in yours. Or do I need to polish the feeding ramp.

10-18-2012, 07:57 PM
you need to do what kahr says to do and load open slide only.... when you have more than 250 rounds thru it a sling shot method might be doable.

10-18-2012, 07:59 PM
shot hollow points with my cm9 recently and have no issues, but i don't load on a closed slide. My pm40 who has plenty of rounds can load either way so give it time.

10-18-2012, 08:38 PM
I use some old style federal and they feed OK but not slingshot. As long as they feed when your shooting I would think they are OK. Run at least a box of it through for a test though.

I'm fixing to start trying some 124gr +P gold dots.

10-18-2012, 10:02 PM
I have about 400 rounds through it and can slingshot FMJ.

10-18-2012, 10:03 PM
How do I send my 7 round mag in for a new 6.

10-19-2012, 10:48 AM
How do I send my 7 round mag in for a new 6.

my 7 mag was always nose diving on the 2nd or 3rd round. I found the tread in TECH section on reworking the follower and since then it has only failed once and that was shooting off hand. It has never failed again in about 100 rounds. I don't carry with the 7 only use it at the range. If you haven't reworked the mag you might want to try that before trading it in....

10-21-2012, 08:57 AM
If it will function properly using the slide release then it will function properly using the slingshot method. The problem isn't with the gun. The problem is with the technique you are using. You cannot allow your hand to ride the slide back into battery. With the heal of your left hand against the left side of the slide and all four fingers wrapped over the top of the slide pull the slide sharply to the rear. When the slide reaches the limit of its travel allow your hand to slide off toward the rear.

10-22-2012, 06:13 AM
So I I have been fireing FMJ throught my cm9. With verry good luck out of the 6 round mag and ftf with the second round in a seven round mag maby 30% of the time. I grabed a box of hollow points for a Deffensive roud 124g federal. Brought them home and I can't get them to feed the first round with a fresh mag and the action closed with a slingshot. But if the action is open then I put a new mag it will feed them. What's up think I need new defense ammo and if so what works in yours. Or do I need to polish the feeding ramp.

To chamber the first round, Kahr says do it this way:

1) Lock slide in open position with slide-lock lever

2) Insert magazine

3) Release slide-lock lever to allow slide to snap home and this will chamber the first round.

10-22-2012, 03:01 PM
I'd follow everyone's advice on using Kahr's method to chamber the first round. I would also experiment with different kinds of self-defense ammo. Federal HSTs don't feed well in some of my guns. I've used Remington Golden Sabers, Winchester PDX1 and Hornady Critical Defense in my Kahr CW45 with no issues.

10-25-2012, 06:48 PM
I took my new (4 weeks) CM9 to the range today to try out defense type ammo. Fed it Wins 147gr JHPs & Wins 115gr silvertip HPS, and Rems 115gr JHP. All fed, fired & ejected perfectly. Then threw in some 115gr target loads. Same good results.
I really like how well the CM9 shoots, crisp and accurate. :D

I bought a couple of pocket holsters for it - Blackhawk #3, and Uncle Mikes #4, just to see which works better with jeans (some tighter than others), work pants (slacks), a jean-jacket, and so on.

10-25-2012, 08:07 PM
put another 400 thru it and it will be easier to load it that way... or like i said from my first posts on this thread do it the way kahr tells you to

10-26-2012, 06:07 AM
I bought a couple of pocket holsters for it - Blackhawk #3, and Uncle Mikes #4, just to see which works better with jeans (some tighter than others), work pants (slacks), a jean-jacket, and so on.

OK. So what's the verdict?

10-26-2012, 03:05 PM
Pay attention to what your being advised to do. USE THE SLIDE RELEASE. Some pistols alos have a preference for different brands and even bullet type. I have used gold dot for years and never had a problem. many people do not pull the slide and release it cleanly enought for it to work reliably so stop trying for now. Change bullets types and thry it again.

10-26-2012, 05:18 PM
OK. So what's the verdict?

Both fit the CM9. For looser dress type pants, the #3 works good. Then for not so tight jeans, #4 does a good job of no print, looks like the outline of a wallet, easy draw. For tight jeans, I use #3, #4 looked like a large wallet in those. I have a concealment jean jacket from the NRA store soon, see how that works.