View Full Version : CM9 vs Coyote?

10-20-2012, 04:19 PM
Would the CM9/PM9 make a good up close/defense coyote weapon with the right ammo? as of lately our area has seen a big increase in yotes, i bike alot in the woods and am thinking of carrying my CM with me, neighbor was hunting and said 5-6 yotes got 40-50yds from him and they didn't seem to scared of him, said he RAN out of the area.
What ammo would you recommend? Thanks.

10-20-2012, 07:16 PM
It might be worthwhile to learn some facts about coyote behavior before deciding to try to kill them. There is abundant information on the web.

Steve in Sunny Fla
10-20-2012, 08:17 PM
I'm with Godan. I have lots of woods / hunting experience. Coyote's can seem really scary when they're howling in the dark, but in reality they don't want anything to do with humans. BTW, Running away from ANY predator animal is the wrong thing to do... Steve

10-20-2012, 08:25 PM
Coyotes are no threat to humans. One warning shot will send them to the hills and they always sound closer than they are. I will admit when they get to yelping and howling it sounds like fury from hell. 2 or 3 can make a hell of a racket. :target:

10-20-2012, 08:37 PM
Did some research and came across this......... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taylor_Mitchell
Not looking to kill them unless i have too but it seems that in some areas they are showing less fear of man, I don't think 1-2 would be an issue but things change with 5-6 hungry animals.........

10-20-2012, 08:54 PM
You couldn't get close enough to one to kill it with a CM9 even if you tried, unless you were up a tree. Hell the odds are greater of being killed by a buck in rut than a pack of coyotes. That article said one person in history and its wikipedia! That being said, if you ever go to Nova Scotia, go heavy. Stay thirsty my friend.

Yogi 117
10-20-2012, 09:01 PM
Did some research and came across this......... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taylor_Mitchell
Not looking to kill them unless i have too but it seems that in some areas they are showing less fear of man, I don't think 1-2 would be an issue but things change with 5-6 hungry animals.........
I would be careful around Coyotes if they have inched closer to your neighborhood area, as the pack will feed off other smaller animals and/or garbage. When they start to infringe on society, they also begin to lose their fear of humans. Don't for one minute think they will leave you alone 100% of the time. If there are signs of them in your neighborhood, I would definitely watch the kids & pets. Living out west, this is a known fact, so don't let your guard down. If it were me biking or hiking where they hang out, I would carry something with a little more firepower, although your CM9 is better than nothing. If you must carry it, carry extra mags just in case. Why take chances? JMHO! :D

10-20-2012, 10:00 PM
I'll point to the Gov of Texas for this one...


He used his .380 Ruger LCP with CT guard to do the dirty deed. This animal was acting strange, attacking with a human hollering. I'd of popped him too for charging like that. Alot of greif to Rick from that one and ALL the tree huggers and ALL the anti-gunners came out for the press to say how "they'd-of-dunner-different". It was a a good laugh to see all the brave folks speaking to the freindly camara lens, knowing they would have messed their drawers if the powerful plastic whistle had not stopped the "wild animal"...
But I digress.
When walking the riverside trail near my house, I carry a J frame loaded with two rounds of rat shot and three standard pressure 125grn rounds. I would not expect to face a coyote (they really do live down there) but feel what I carry is plenty for that job. I would not feel under armed with my P380 and you'd be fine if you had to use a CM9. Any ammo you would carry for SD would do the job, but if I KNEW I was shooting only a coyote I'd use a 115grn over say a 147grn due to over penetration issues in a cityscape situation. You would get a thru-&-thru shot on a skinny old coyote. Now the marauding pit bull, not so much...
Note: I have nothing aginst Pit Bulls!

For an extra, educational, laugh see how your local tree harmonizers would ridicule you if you ever had to shoot a Coyote...

And fun fact: Ruger made a gun about it. http://www.thetruthaboutguns.com/2010/05/robert-farago/ruger-coyote-special-380-lcp/

10-21-2012, 05:13 AM
That being said, if you ever go to Nova Scotia, go heavy. Stay thirsty my friend.

Good advice..........:D

10-21-2012, 07:09 AM
9mm works fine for dropping dogs and it will work on coyotes. They seldom run over 50 pounds and are rather lean (as opposed to bears and pigs).

10-21-2012, 08:15 AM
Coyote have been known to attack pets, farm animals and small children. If I perceived a coyote to be a threat I'd drop it in a heartbeat. They are also carriers of rabies.

10-21-2012, 10:43 AM
Coyote have been known to attack pets, farm animals and small children. If I perceived a coyote to be a threat I'd drop it in a heartbeat. They are also carriers of rabies.

This is all true. Coyote season is open 24/7. If they were lurking near my home I would go out of my way to shoot every one I could.

10-21-2012, 11:28 AM
cm9 is perfect for coyote...
i wouldn't hesitate to pick one off with a 1022 or 597 or gsg5... those are 22lr rifles if someone didn't care for rimfire... anyway those be my first gun i would pull even if i had a cm9 on me... gl

10-21-2012, 11:53 AM
If you consider a 9mm adaquate for self defense against a 200 to 300 pound 2 legged predator, why would you be concerned with a 50 to 60 pound 4 legged preditor? A 9mm will stop most things you will run up against in North America, short of brown or grizzly bears. I think it would be a deterent to those also. With that said, I generally carry a .40 S&W.

10-22-2012, 01:56 AM
Get a Varmint Rifle and thin them out. .223 would work fine. They kill a lot of fawns in PA.

10-25-2012, 10:53 PM
[QUOTE=Fxstchewy;193405]Would the CM9/PM9 make a good up close/defense coyote weapon with the right ammo? as of lately our area has seen a big increase in yotes, i bike alot in the woods and am thinking of carrying my CM with me, neighbor was hunting and said 5-6 yotes got 40-50yds from him and they didn't seem to scared of him, said he RAN out of the area.
What ammo would you recommend? Thanks.[/QU

Pepper spray is more effective. I have a compact size with a velcro strap that can be attached on bike handle bar.


10-26-2012, 09:05 AM
I'm with several of the other posters...shoot every one of the murdering #@! that you can...they are extremely proficient killers and virtually impossible to eradicate. It has been said that if the world ever experienced nuclear annihilation, the only two creatures that would survive would be coyotes and cockroaches. Around here, they are still paying bounties on them. - memtb

PS: While you are at it, kill off a few wolves...we have far too many of them!

10-26-2012, 09:27 AM
Canada won't let you bring your CCW with you, so I stay away from places like that. I also don't go hiking in places where I'm not necessarily at the top of the food chain... without a good sidearm!

Solitary hiking and communing with nature might get you a little closer to critters who don't KNOW that they should NOT eat you!:eek:

People have been saying that wolves don't attack people, either, but that's BS! Try telling that to the Rooskies that were disarmed after the Communists took over. They couldn't protect their flocks... or even their children or themselves from hungry wolves!! They are opportunists and will eat anything that they feel strong enough to bring down, especially in packs.


10-26-2012, 10:40 AM
For coyote , I would use a 115 or 124 grain HP.

I just love that Rick Perry story. I feel sorry for the two dogs that the owner would not try to save.

When camping, I have had coyotes come to about 25 yards from camp. I think they smelled our food. They howled and yipped. I left them alone.

If they came closer it could have been different. I as carrying a cw45 at the time.

10-26-2012, 06:29 PM
Believe it or not, we have coyotes here in Florida. Yup.

The problem we have with coyotes are that they are semi-predatory and they will kill unwary pets or livestock. We used to have them right her in town - so much for running from humans... they learned that humans have food in their garbage, and that humans have little dogs that put up crazy stands against a coyote.

10-27-2012, 04:40 PM
In the last few years there have been several cases of kids being attacked but I haven't heard of an adult. That could change in the future coyotes can quickly adapt to just about any prey source. Where I live in the last few years there is more deer then small game. The coyotes have learned to take down full sized deer. Frankly, it would be easier to take down the average human then a deer. What they are great at killing is dogs, any time I'm hiking with my dog I take a gun. What worries me is we now have mountain lions, one hit by a car a few miles form my house in Kansas City, and the first confirmed wolves in Norther Missouri.