View Full Version : Another Liberal Gun Owner

10-22-2012, 05:06 PM

10-22-2012, 05:48 PM
Politics makes for odd bedfellows. I wonder if Tony has taught her anything about skinnin? There are a lot of liberals who think that they should be allowed to go armed, but that you shouldn't. Most of the Hollywood leftists have armed bodyguards as companions.

Chief Joseph
10-22-2012, 06:02 PM
Considering her background of trying to take our guns and being the typical liberal, I'm sure she'll only rule on taking OUR guns while maintaining her own special right to them. But she is hanging with Scalia, at least there is hope that maybe a little common sense might penetrate that brain of hers.

10-22-2012, 10:23 PM
Sorry Crabby but I have to agree with the previous 2 post. I hope I'm wrong.

I tell you what though, if they come after your CM9 you can come hide out down where I am as long as you don't tell them where you're going. We'll succeed from the union again if they try to take um.

10-22-2012, 10:28 PM
Quote from article.. "Supreme Court Justices Elena Kagan and Antonin Scalia are ideological opposites, yet they share a pastime. They like to hunt together."

Doesn't Scalia know she is going to bag his potential dates....? Wait a minute, are we talking about hunting for chicks or CHICKS?:behindsofa:

10-22-2012, 11:38 PM
Given Scalia's recent dumb comments regarding the 2A, the fact that they are hunting together is irrelevant. That's where Kagan and the anti-gun liberals will go w/ this. You can still have a long barrel shotgun or a hunting rifle. Anything single shot or maybe a 3-5 shotgun is all you need to hunt or even defend yourself (will be their argument). And since Scalia believes that reasonable limits can be placed on the 2A thru regulation, he'll just go right along w/ it all.

It's how it's happened everywhere else. Scary black guns will go first, then handguns, then shotguns and hunting rifles much much later on.

That is, unless gun owners and sane people remove them all from office and begin to stack the deck back toward the Constitution. But that is unlikely if you ask me.

OK, now I'm takin' my foil hat off and coming back to the real world. I'm OK, really, I'll be just fine...

10-22-2012, 11:59 PM
liberals with guns are more dispicable than n a z i s. with a n a z i you know what youre facing. with a liberal they have their own rights above and beyond the everyday people. barbara boxer, charles schumer......pick one of the other gun owning dictators...