View Full Version : The Final Debate
10-22-2012, 07:11 PM
Though it hasn't started yet, I'm preemptively calling Romney the winner. Obama loses based on his handling of the terror attack on our embassy and the deaths of four Americans due to his lack of oversight. The Middle East is in flames and terrorism is on the rise. The apology tour was a failure.
mr surveyor
10-22-2012, 07:50 PM
I hope you're correct..... I just have a bad feeling about this one.... I'm afraid that "thu wun" might just pull a magic rabbit out of his a$$ tonight. I have plenty of cold beer and cheap tequila standing by to get through this one. I hope it's in celebration in a couple of hours.
10-22-2012, 09:09 PM
So Obama wants nation-building at home, eh?
Does he understand the phrase, or is it his anti-colonialism showing through?
10-22-2012, 10:12 PM
The Saul Alinsky community organizer is in full spin mode now. Remember all of the sincere sounding and wonderful things he said and promised in 2008, and how absolutely none of it turned out to be true? Well, tonight he was shoveling the same sh!t with the same shovel, sounding all sincere and responsible. He wants 4 more years to complete his fundamental transformation of America into a European style Socialist state that is a much weaker and smaller player in world politics. I think the American people are finally waking up. I sure hope so.
mr surveyor
10-22-2012, 10:31 PM
well... I didn't see a magic rabbit, although I did see a pile of rabbit pills trying to defend the last four years of this country being destroyed.
10-22-2012, 10:39 PM
He's still spiking the football over killing Osama and has now added a little end zone dance. The man has no class. Romney will make a fine president.
mr surveyor
10-22-2012, 10:55 PM
I believe that the strings on the puppet are frayed and near broken
10-22-2012, 11:06 PM
Hey Muggsy, how about get those voters straight up there in Ohio before election day???
What's your prediction for who Ohio will go to?
10-22-2012, 11:28 PM
Grab all the Romney supporters and drag them to the polls with you. I thought Romney did great. Of course the media is already starting the congratulate Nobama.
Romney did very well last night, very well. I don't like to use the TV phrase but he, Romney, did look Presidential.
Obama looked and sounded like a worried man constantly on the attack with little annoying, sarcastic remarks because he has a dismal four year track record to run on.
Obama looked like a man who knows that he is going to lose.
After the debate, a few of the commentators shot holes thru some of Obama's statements that he made but credited Romney as being correct on many of his points and counter points.
10-23-2012, 07:37 AM
Like Romney said, attacking your opponent isn't an agenda for the next four years. But that's exactly what Obama's agenda has been for the last four years - attacking Bush. He's still running against Bush. And still projecting all his failures onto Romney. I wanted Romney to tell him, "Hey, don't start asking me to check facts unless you want yourself fact checked!"
Romney was smart to keep a cool head especially when voters are judging his temperament as commander in Chief.
10-23-2012, 08:13 AM
Hey Muggsy, how about get those voters straight up there in Ohio before election day???
What's your prediction for who Ohio will go to?
I think it is going to be very close.
Hope to God that Romney wins here.
Barrack the Muslum Obummer is a socialist, maxist, arrogant, self serving, lieing snob....truley an empty chair, hot air bag, empty suit jackass of the highest order. Did I miss anything????
He must go for the good of our country.
10-23-2012, 08:32 AM
Tell us how you really feel DKD. ;) Actually don't, Bawanna might actually have to edit something then.
10-23-2012, 08:45 AM
Hey Muggsy, how about get those voters straight up there in Ohio before election day???
What's your prediction for who Ohio will go to?
I'm working on it. The race in Ohio has tightened. I'm seeing far more Romney signs than Obama signs. I'm hoping that Ohioans remember that the democrats had to bribe four of their own to pass Obamacare and that the bill was passed unread by the majority of democrats who voted for it. I'm hoping that Ohioans remember that cuts to the military also means cuts to the civilian workers at our military bases putting more people on the unemployment rolls and further weakening our tax base. I'm reminding Ohioans that Obama failed to live up to the majority of his campaign promises and that because of his policies we aren't any nearer to energy independence. I've also contributed as much as I could to republican candidates. I hope that all of us do everything possible to change the course that our country is currently on and I'm confident that you will. I believe that Romney can win Ohio.
les strat
10-23-2012, 08:50 AM
Romney looked and behaved as if he was the president, and BO the candidate.
Romney came across as more informed, calculated, level headed than BO by a mile. I think BO was expecting a grill on Libya, but got handed a plate of why we are weakening due to our failing economy on his watch.
I don't care how the mainstream media calls it. The people that watched can see who was more presidential and who had to resort to personal jabs to make up for their lack of substinance.
Yogi 117
10-23-2012, 08:57 AM
Romney looked and behaved as if he was the president, and BO the candidate.
Romney came across as more informed, calculated, level headed than BO by a mile. I think BO was expecting a grill on Libya, but got handed a plate of why we are weakening due to our failing economy on his watch.
I don't care how the mainstream media calls it. The people that watched can see who was more presidential and who had to resort to personal jabs to make up for their lack of substinance.
+1...Amen brother! :D
10-23-2012, 09:21 AM
I saw a perpetuation of the status quo by both.
Chief Joseph
10-23-2012, 09:47 AM
I just can't watch anymore. I just want my ballot to help end this term of the WORST PRESIDENT EVER. But I live in oregon, so my vote will be cancelled by all the leftist loons that reside here, or one of the illegals the dems here love to allow to vote.
10-23-2012, 09:49 AM
I just can't watch anymore. I just want my ballot to help end this term of the WORST PRESIDENT EVER. But I live in oregon, so my vote will be cancelled by all the leftist loons that reside here, or one of the illegals the dems here love to allow to vote.
Washington isn't a bit better Chief. It is frustrating.
10-23-2012, 10:03 AM
Barrack the Muslum Obummer is a socialist, maxist, arrogant, self serving, lieing snob....truley an empty chair, hot air bag, empty suit jackass of the highest order. Did I miss anything????
He must go for the good of our country.
He's a MusliCom. :)
10-23-2012, 10:12 AM
Hey muggsy...sorry for the tangent...
Have you noticed how the gas prices have started dropping in our neck of the woods? Bet they'll be nice and low the week before the election, then mysteriously rise right back to $4 without rhyme or reason. Shameless the way they play politics in the swing states, ours particularly.
Any other state want to be the deciding factor? We're sick of the traffic backups with all of BO's and Biden's visits. Sick of all the phone calls asking us how we're going to vote. Sick of the journalists trying to convince the voters we need 4 more years for hope and change. Sick of all of the shenanigans.
Thank goodness for early voting, I was done two weeks ago. Now I have to go find my BP medication... carry on....
10-23-2012, 10:18 AM
I voted yesterday not that it makes one bit of difference.
I'll be glad when its over and we can fight argue and bicker about important stuff like what kind of grease or oil to use on your gun.
10-23-2012, 10:47 AM
10-23-2012, 12:47 PM
Barrack the Muslum Obummer is a socialist, maxist, arrogant, self serving, lieing snob....truley an empty chair, hot air bag, empty suit jackass of the highest order. Did I miss anything????
He must go for the good of our country.
I couldn't agree more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
But I would add that he is the number one enemy of any true American. And when he is no longer in office I will not miss the crotch salute during the National Anthem.
10-23-2012, 12:51 PM
Gas prices have fallen in Florida too. With the economy so bad, I guess demand is falling, pushing prices down. That's why when Romney wins and businesses start feeling hopeful, the economy will improve and demand for gas will go up, along with prices.
10-23-2012, 01:17 PM
I'm not so sure that what the oil companies say about supply and demand controling the price at the pump is really the truth...I buy gas from a Chevron station and got to know the owner pretty well....He is from China and his family is still there and he says the price for gasoline in China is $1.40 a gallon and they have the highest demand for fuel of any country in the world so how does that figure?...
10-23-2012, 02:43 PM
I just can't watch anymore. I just want my ballot to help end this term of the WORST PRESIDENT EVER. But I live in oregon, so my vote will be cancelled by all the leftist loons that reside here, or one of the illegals the dems here love to allow to vote.
Don't let that dissuade you Chief. Every vote counts.
10-23-2012, 02:45 PM
Washington isn't a bit better Chief. It is frustrating.
If you didn't vote absentee I'd better see smoke coming off of your wheels on election day, Bawanna. Jocko has no shortage of horse heads. :)
10-23-2012, 02:50 PM
Hey muggsy...sorry for the tangent...
Have you noticed how the gas prices have started dropping in our neck of the woods? Bet they'll be nice and low the week before the election, then mysteriously rise right back to $4 without rhyme or reason. Shameless the way they play politics in the swing states, ours particularly.
Any other state want to be the deciding factor? We're sick of the traffic backups with all of BO's and Biden's visits. Sick of all the phone calls asking us how we're going to vote. Sick of the journalists trying to convince the voters we need 4 more years for hope and change. Sick of all of the shenanigans.
Thank goodness for early voting, I was done two weeks ago. Now I have to go find my BP medication... carry on....
When Obama took office the national average for a gallon of gas was $1.87. Gas prices still have a long way to go. I don't base my vote on the price of a gallon of gas. I base my vote on ensuring my constitutional freedoms. The rest is window dressing.
10-23-2012, 03:16 PM
I voted mail in.
10-23-2012, 03:40 PM
I'm not so sure that what the oil companies say about supply and demand controling the price at the pump is really the truth...I buy gas from a Chevron station and got to know the owner pretty well....He is from China and his family is still there and he says the price for gasoline in China is $1.40 a gallon and they have the highest demand for fuel of any country in the world so how does that figure?...
Currency manipulation?
10-23-2012, 03:58 PM
I had to laugh and snort out loud after Obama pompously and with great condescension, explained the military advances of the aircraft carrier and submarine versus the horse and bayonet to Mitt. Does this uneducated fool not know we still issue and train with the bayonet and that horses played a large part in special forces operations in Afghanistan? What an idiot. A truely immature and ill-informed retort. Why do people call this knucklehead smart? :confused:
Corpseman, corpseman! The President just shot himself in the foot! :eek:
mr surveyor
10-23-2012, 06:10 PM
currency manipulation?
10-23-2012, 08:59 PM
Hey muggsy...sorry for the tangent...
Have you noticed how the gas prices have started dropping in our neck of the woods? Bet they'll be nice and low the week before the election, then mysteriously rise right back to $4 without rhyme or reason. Shameless the way they play politics in the swing states, ours particularly.
The price per barrel has dropped from $110 to $86 in the last two weeks. That's a reason. Also worldwide demand has been dropping because of the extended recession. Iran is now threatening to halt production if the sanctions are stiffened, but that would be economic suicide, so no one is taking it seriously, yet. If they did follow through on the threat, prices would go through the roof since they are one of the largest producers.
10-23-2012, 09:05 PM
I voted mail in.
I'm waiting for November 6th just in case I change my mind and decide to vote for Obama. :rolleyes:
10-23-2012, 09:15 PM
Your a brave man, making a statement like that. Even joking.
10-23-2012, 10:40 PM
Your a brave man, making a statement like that. Even joking.
Yep, it's h*** being undecided. :D
Chief Joseph
10-24-2012, 12:30 AM
Don't let that dissuade you Chief. Every vote counts.
Oh, I'm never dissuaded Muggs. I vote every election. I just hate to see the state my family has been in for over 100 years be overtaken by these godless scumbags. Were it not for Intel and other big corporations, which by the way, get "special" taxation to keep them here and happy, this state would be nothing but a big national park only the rich libtards could live in. Now if the rest of the business in this state could get the same treatment, we'd have a booming economy.
10-24-2012, 07:01 AM
So after all the debates are done, the impression I take away is this. Mitt and Ryan are mature, intelligent, and confident men who are probably playing their cards too close to their chest. Obama is a lying arrogant a**hole and Biden is a lying braying hyena. The way Mitt would just sit back and calmly smile as Obama told lie after lie impressed me, though it drives me nuts to let lies go unchallenged. No problem, the news (not the mainstream, the real news) actually pointed out Obama's lies the following day in each case.
I think it's looking pretty good.
I also pray that Mitt is really much more conservative than he lets on. I suppose he thinks it's too risky to say he's going to slash the budget, cut regulations, and reduce taxes, but that's what we need.
10-24-2012, 07:37 AM
So after all the debates are done, the impression I take away is this. Mitt and Ryan are mature, intelligent, and confident men who are probably playing their cards too close to their chest. Obama is a lying arrogant a**hole and Biden is a lying braying hyena. The way Mitt would just sit back and calmly smile as Obama told lie after lie impressed me, though it drives me nuts to let lies go unchallenged. No problem, the news (not the mainstream, the real news) actually pointed out Obama's lies the following day in each case.
I think it's looking pretty good.
I also pray that Mitt is really much more conservative than he lets on. I suppose he thinks it's too risky to say he's going to slash the budget, cut regulations, and reduce taxes, but that's what we need.
I think that Mitt did well to avoid confrontation. In the second debate he was up against two people, Barack and the moderator. Not so much a problem in the third debate. Barack came off as childish. If your opponent wants to make a fool of himself, let him.
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