View Full Version : New to Kahr " I LIKEY"
10-23-2012, 06:27 PM
I was born and raised in Texas..that being said then you should know my pistol of choice is the "1911"...I have been carrying a 1911 since I was knee high to a puddle duck..getting OLDER I have started getting different aches & pains in different parts of my body...went to the Doc about a pain in my right hip..His exact words was "You are OLD & FAT & have ARTHRITIS in your right hip"..he told me in a second breath to consider carrying a lighter pistol..who me ? not carry a 1911..Well I started looking at a lighter pistol and discovered Kahr..after a lot of research, I decided to buy a Kahr CW 40... (16.1 oz.)..Got it.. played with it.. and then took it to the took about 2 magazines for me to get use to the DOA trigger..after that I was nailing the Bulls Eye..I am truly IMPRESSED with this pistol..I have 1911's that cost 8-10 times what the Kahr cost and I now carry my little Kahr around everywhere I go and feel very Confident about useing it, if I have to...I am another Very Happy Kahr Owner..
Thanks to this Forum and its members on all the articles and advice I recieved..
Thanks Again
10-23-2012, 08:11 PM
Welcome to the forum Tex. 1911"s are great to shoot but Kahr's are hard to beat when it comes to concealled carry. I love my Kahr's.
10-23-2012, 08:19 PM
My CW9 carries much better than my Colt Commander. As much as I like the Colt the CW9 is just a better tool for "my job"
10-23-2012, 08:34 PM
Welcome's a great site with excellent members. Congrats on your new CW40.
10-23-2012, 08:42 PM
I have a 4" Kimber that I carried quite a bit, but I found it hard to hide it in the summer on my skinny 6'2" 185lb frame... and let's face it, it's not the lightest tool in the drawer. I stumbled onto a used CW9 (at my FFL's) and bought it on a fluke... and instantly fell in love with it. It's now my primary carry pistol... I can hide it even under a T-shirt and wear it all day without problems.
Because I like the .45 (this IS Texas after all... bigger is better) I found a used P45 to replace the CW9. The P45 has some reliability problems I'm working out but, even though it's not much bigger, it IS bigger... I may just stick with the CW9. I thought seriously about getting the CW40 (in lieu of the P45) but the P45 deal landed in my lap.
Good leather makes a difference... although you probably know that after carrying a 1911 all these years.
10-23-2012, 11:02 PM
1911 Texan,
I'm not a Texan, but having grown up and lived most all my life within a stone's throw of the west Texas border, I'm probably a lot like you. Eastern New Mexicans and west Texans have more in common with each other than we do with the citizens in the rest of our states. I am also old and fat, and I have arthritis and pain in several places, so I can definitely sympathize with you. Most of the years of my life, especially my adult life, the Smith & Wesson revolver was my stock in trade. I had some flings on the side with the 1911 along the way and developed some fondness for them, but never really got really well acquainted. Nevertheless, I've owned some over the years and presently own two, one of which is what some would consider to be a high end 1911. Suffice to say, I could have bought a lot of Kahrs for what I paid for it. Not sure buying it was wise, but it is truly nice!
That said, I've owned four Kahrs, one of which I recently allowed one of my sons to borrow for a while. MY EDC is a P45. Since it gets into operation like the double action revolvers I carried and trained with for so many years, it's far more comfortable to me for serious social encounters. My poor old brain is well programmed to draw and fire double action with no other levers or buttons to push. I congratulate you on your choice of weapon. From my considered perspective, you made a very good choice. It is certainly much more pleasant to carry the weight of the Kahr around all day than the weight of my beloved revolvers or the 1911's that would also do the job very well. Especially when the Kahrs handle and shoot as well as they do.
I have every confidence in mine, and I'll be very surprised if you don't come to like it even more than you obviously do now! And this is very a definitely good place to learn a lot about them and share our mutual appreciation for them. I look forward to getting better acquainted!
10-23-2012, 11:09 PM
Well you pushed my I gotta know button on that high end 1911. I'd love to see a picture of that mystery gun, whatever it is.
I think you have to have 30 post but you can link to photobucket I think.
10-23-2012, 11:25 PM
The CW 40 is a nice little gun. I really enjoy mine. Welcome!
10-23-2012, 11:32 PM
I've been a member long enough to have many more posts than I have. I've just mostly read and lurked. I really don't like to post a lot of personal info on forums, although I guess in retrospect, my last post above doesn't bear that out. There is an interesting relationship between my friends in Texas and I. Texans have a special and well deserved pride in their State, and that's OK with me. Not having been born there means I'll never be one, even if I move there. Both my sons went to college there and also married Texas girls (them Texas gals are something to see!) and all my grandkids are born and bred Texans. I know better than to get into a "mine is bigger than yours' contest with my Texas friends!!! LOL:biggrin1:
Let's just say that I spent some leftover vacation time money for that 1911 to reward myself at retirement. If my wife ever finds out what I spent for it, I'll have to take it and run!!!! She's finally given up on breaking me from my gun habit, but she still wouldn't like it! I hafta be really careful, since she has a gun or two of her own. Besides, it just looks like another 1911, especially when it's in the holster. It's when you point it at something an pull the trigger a few times that you know it's something special. It would have to be a very special occasion before I'd use that one for a serious social encounter, know what I mean?:laser:
10-24-2012, 08:44 PM
Welcome to the forum. I love my CW45. There are very helpful people in the forum. Kahrs are great accurate concealable weapons.
10-24-2012, 09:05 PM
Understood pudge. Personally the whole Texas thing is pride and you don't have to be a Texan to have pride. I'm a proud Missourian myself even though I reside in washington. Not as much to be proud of here, a sad but true fact.
On the front porch of my grandparents old abandoned now farm house are two parallel scratch marks. One slight more prominent than the other.
One when my dad was drafted into the Marine Corp (he got a delayed induction since he was the only that could drive the school bus, and the second when they drug me at a very tender age out to Washington.
I'll content myself with my own visions of that special 1911 and what it might look like. The line "it looks like any other 1911" kind of saddens me as they are all special even if only because it is yours or better yet mine.
As for post count I haven't been here nearly long enough to have so many post! I think there's something busted with the counter.
I'm consoled by those that feel the higher the post count, the less you really know. Makes me feel like proof of a true fact.
10-25-2012, 11:09 PM
Absolutely correct about having pride where ever you are. Seems to me there are things about every place that are worth being proud of, and all have their negatives. Depends a lot on what a person focuses on ...
My wifemate was born in SE Missouri and immigrated to NM when fairly young. All her relatives on both sides were from that part of the world and were good folks. I can't say I enjoyed the first family reunion I was privileged to attend there ... it was in July, and it was miserable weather for this dryland farm boy. I was mostly used to humidity readings in the single digits, so you can imagine what it was like for me. Plus, I managed to get a really good dose of chiggers while walking about investigating the countryside! Lots of memories!!!
I sure didn't mean to make you sad with my description of that 1911. I must say that it's a real dandy, especially as far as function is concerned. But at first glance, it probably wouldn't cause anyone to think more than "1911". But pick it up and things begin to change. Operate the slide or press the trigger when it's loaded and pointed in a safe direction, and you can tell it's not a run of the mill gun. I'll tell ya that it's built in the State of Arkansas, and those fellers who build them there seem to know what they are doing. I'm definitely proud of it, but not because of what it cost. It's just a very well made and very dependable firearm ... always wanted one, and one will probably do me. It brings me much pleasure when I hold it or fire it, and if I was more programmed to unconciously manipulate the thumb safety (especially under the influence of large amounts of adrenalin), I'd feel more comfortable having it at hand all the time. (I'm working on that!!!)
Having been thoroughly indoctrinated in the art of double action revolver operation, the Kahrs are very comfortable for me. They get into action in basically the same way, they have a great trigger, and the ease of carrying and reloading extra ammo makes them a very good choice in my book. The DOA semi autos finally convinced me to buy in, and the Kahrs just fit my bill all around better than any others I've tried.
Lots of folks have lots of knowledge and experience with firearms and their use, but not all have obvious common sense. Seems to me you are someone who does. I appreciate that. There is always lots to learn, and I appreciate this forum because there isn't much "attitude" displayed here compared to many. Thanks for being a part of that! I appreciate the opportunity to be a part ...
10-25-2012, 11:22 PM
"I sure didn't mean to make you sad with my description of that 1911. "
I'm not always glad but I'm very seldom sad.
10-26-2012, 05:22 PM
"I'm not always glad but I'm very seldom sad. "
In my case, I find that being either is a matter of my own choosing rather than being imposed by circumstances!!! (And I can get over either one by choice as well ...)
10-31-2012, 10:22 AM
Welcome aboard! For the record I'm an Okie but lived in Houston (Spring) for about four years and spent a summer in Borger before landing in Indiana. I love to handle and shoot 1911's but when I'm out and about I prefer something easier to conceal on my hip as not everyone around here possesses the same sensibilities about firearms that we south-westerners do. So my CW9, CM9 or S&W 642 are the guns that leave the house with me on a daily basis.
A friend of mine who is an Indianapolis detective turned me on to them and I have loved them ever since. They are allowed to carry them as backups and off duty and I think they are just about the perfect civilian CCW gun.
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