View Full Version : CW 45 Ammo

10-25-2012, 08:03 PM
Anyone have any suggestions for hollow point .45 ammo for the CW 45?

10-25-2012, 08:10 PM
My favorite .45 SD round is Federal Premium 230 grain Hydrashok JHP.

10-25-2012, 08:41 PM
I like hornady critical defense and Cor-Bon

10-25-2012, 10:18 PM
So far I've run Remington Golden Saber 230gr JHP, Winchester PDX1 230 gr JHP, Hornady Critical Defense 185 gr, Federal HST 230 JHP all without any malfunctions. I think you'd do alright with any of them. A lot is personal preference. Ultimately you want something that meets your needs ( expansion, penetration, etc) then make sure you run a few mags through your gun to make sure they feed reliably. Some suggest at least 200 rds without a malfunction. I know that's kinda pricey. I usually run at least three mags. I really like the Remington Golden Sabers. They have a proven street record of 93-95% one shot stops. I think they're ranked right behind the Federal Hydra -Shoks They're not too expensive. They're accurate. They have been 100% reliable in all of my guns. Although, I have heard that people have experienced some jacket separation in they're testing.

10-25-2012, 11:11 PM
If i can get my pm45 to run right with fmj i will give the 230gr. Speer short bbl gold dot a try.

10-26-2012, 07:02 AM
I currently have 165 gr Federal hydra shocks in my CW45. Fired off a couple of rounds with no issue. Does anyone thinks that 165gr is too light of a round in 45 caliber?

10-26-2012, 08:10 AM
I run Speer 230grn Gold Dot Short Barrel in both my P45 and Kimber 4" 1911. It's the most accurate round I've ever used in the Kimber, and the accuracy is good in my P45 although I've not tested anything else against it... no reason to.

10-26-2012, 09:26 AM
In .45, about anything that will function well and get you "on paper" will do the job and quite well. So try a few different brands and if it works 100% and you are satisfied with your "on paper" results, then there you go.

Am presently using 230gr FMJ for practice and for carry the 230gr JHP in Winchester.

I would not feel under gunned carrying any of the current name brands with their JHP offerings in .45 as long as I have tried it in the handgun and it functioned 100%. After that, which one felt the most accurate in the specific handgun for me.

To me, even the FMJ in .45 will do in a pinch if that was all I could find the handgun could eat 100%.

10-26-2012, 09:38 AM
I prefer bonded, standard pressure bullets for defensive use and carry Speer 230-gr Gold Dots Short Barrel version in my PM45. The BONDED Remington 230-grain Golden Sabers are good, too. BJHP=Brass Jacketed Hollow Points.


10-26-2012, 09:48 PM
In .45, about anything that will function well and get you "on paper" will do the job and quite well. So try a few different brands and if it works 100% and you are satisfied with your "on paper" results, then there you go.

Am presently using 230gr FMJ for practice and for carry the 230gr JHP in Winchester.

I would not feel under gunned carrying any of the current name brands with their JHP offerings in .45 as long as I have tried it in the handgun and it functioned 100%. After that, which one felt the most accurate in the specific handgun for me.

To me, even the FMJ in .45 will do in a pinch if that was all I could find the handgun could eat 100%.

I went to the range today and shot 2 mixed mags of 165gr hydra shock hallow points and 230gr fmj. I stacked the hydras on top followed by the fmjs. I stack this way when I carry. I had no jams or ftfs. I did miss the target once with the 6 round mag due to trigger control. I had no issues with the 7 round mag. Shot groups were tight. A couple were on top of one another. Nearly 350 rounds later and my CW45 has not hiccuped once. Although I shot all of my hydra shocks except for 8 that I will use for ccw purposes it was money well spent to insure that I can depend on the rounds with my weapon and with my life.

10-27-2012, 10:02 AM
To me, even the FMJ in .45 will do in a pinch if that was all I could find the handgun could eat 100%.

In lesser rounds, like 9mm and .380ACP, I think bullet selection is more critical, but I believe you are correct with the .45ACP/230grn.

At defensive ranges... practially any HP bullet will do, the key is 100% reliability. I read somewhere else that someone was loading a FMJ on top of the spare mag to insure reliable feeding of the top round on the spare mag. Interesting... but I prefer to stick with HP's.

10-27-2012, 10:30 AM
Shot placement is king folks. Theres an old saying: A good hit with a marginal bullet is better than a marginal hit with a good bullet.

10-27-2012, 01:16 PM
http://www.freedommunitions.com/product-p/fm45j230n.htm boom

10-28-2012, 10:08 AM
Shot placement is king folks. Theres an old saying: A good hit with a marginal bullet is better than a marginal hit with a good bullet.

...and "You can't miss fast enough."

10-31-2012, 09:19 AM
My favorite .45 SD round is Federal Premium 230 grain Hydrashok JHP.

Same here. I'm not going to say there isn't something better but I have yet to find a gun (including mil-spec 1911's) that it doesn't feed reliably in and it has a proven street record. In addition I have found it to be a very accurate round in various 1911's, Glock's, M&P's and XD's. When I add a CW45 to my collection (hopefully very soon) this will be the defensive round I "audition" first. If everything goes well there'll be no need to go any further.

10-31-2012, 11:15 PM
I've been using Federal 230 grain Hydra Shoks, second generation, for a long time, as well as Remington Golden Sabers, same size. A good long while ago, I tested both in my guns, and I found the same thing that r2dhart mentioned ... they both work well in everything I've tried them in. Well enough that I bought a serious supply of them in the same lot numbers to have on hand for a good long while.

Neither is the latest and greatest designer ammo, but I suspect they'll get the job done if I can deliver them to the right location, followed by another or two for good measure. I could be wrong but I seriously doubt anyone could tell the difference between getting shot with either of these and any other decent self defense bullet of the same caliber. I learned a very long time ago that I should never depend on a one shot stop. It happens some times, but a majority of the time, it does not! It never happens when you hear click instead of bang!!!

11-03-2012, 12:11 PM
PDX1 work well for me in my P45. The Critical Defense just jam, they are about 1mm to tall and just stick every time.

11-03-2012, 02:30 PM
Over the years I found that Remington GS will work in almost any gun, even troublesome ones. I had a SIG P6 that was never designed for hollow points. I didn't want to spend the money to have the barrel reworked, so I tried the GS's. They worked when nothing else I tried would.

11-03-2012, 03:31 PM
The Rem GS's are like flying ashtrays but have a good side profile and feed well in most semi-autos.

I like a 185gr myself, and have been using the Taurus Copper Hex Ammo, bought a bunch a while back and found it to feed well in all my .45's, easy to manage recoil wise, accurate & inexpensive (at the time) as well as easy to find (again, at the time)

In the testing I saw (never had a chance to do any first hand) it also had consistent and reliable expansion.

I'm running low on it, and last time I looked, couldn't find it but have heard it's either back to being available or will be shortly, so will look for it again.

If I can't find it, there's plenty of good choices out there, so I suggest going with something that feeds reliably and is accurate in your defensive choice, and also easy to find.

As for the poster who asked about 165gr, again it's fine for defensive carry as long as it feeds well and is accurate...Placement is key ;)

Note: The Taurus Hex are (or were) comprised of Barnes All Copper Bullets, Hodgdon powder and loaded by PMC Ammunition in a nickel-plated case.

11-03-2012, 03:44 PM
I am using federal old style 185 gr jhp rounds.

11-03-2012, 09:39 PM
The Rem GS's are like flying ashtrays but have a good side profile and feed well in most semi-autos.

I like a 185gr myself, and have been using the Taurus Copper Hex Ammo, bought a bunch a while back and found it to feed well in all my .45's, easy to manage recoil wise, accurate & inexpensive (at the time) as well as easy to find (again, at the time)

In the testing I saw (never had a chance to do any first hand) it also had consistent and reliable expansion.

I'm running low on it, and last time I looked, couldn't find it but have heard it's either back to being available or will be shortly, so will look for it again.

If I can't find it, there's plenty of good choices out there, so I suggest going with something that feeds reliably and is accurate in your defensive choice, and also easy to find.

As for the poster who asked about 165gr, again it's fine for defensive carry as long as it feeds well and is accurate...Placement is key ;)

Note: The Taurus Hex are (or were) comprised of Barnes All Copper Bullets, Hodgdon powder and loaded by PMC Ammunition in a nickel-plated case.

I hadn't seen any of the Taurus copper ammo in years, but I always heard that it was pretty good. At least something they make is. I'm one for three with Taurus pistols and gave up on them several years ago.

11-04-2012, 01:15 AM
I'm still in break-in period. Some problems with 100rds of Winchester White Box 230gr FMJs. But the one box of Winchester PDX was flawless. The PDX bullet is the one chosen by the FBI.

11-04-2012, 08:08 AM
Can't go wrong with Federal HST. Velocity threshold for expansion is low enough to include the CW's short barrel.