View Full Version : Just an observation...

10-25-2012, 10:38 PM
With much more on the plate than the presidential election coming up, there are many politcal adds for various local and state postions on the table.

Just an observation on my limited viewing, but it appears, at least down here in south Louisiana, that conservatives are putting the fact that they are conservative out there for all to know.

The liberals? I couldn't tell you as I have yet to see one of them call themselves that.

Just curious as to what the rest of us are seeing throughout the country.

10-26-2012, 12:39 AM
You're in LA, I'm in AL, and I'm seeing the same thing.

10-26-2012, 08:25 AM
Yeah, same thing here in NC. They'll say they are for more school funding and teachers, and that their opponent wants to make cuts. But none of them identify themselves as a liberal or a Democrat.

10-26-2012, 08:29 AM
In NJ Conservative is a dirty word.... We, as a majority,suck on the Government hind Teat with the unions and inner-city minority of Democraps! Same with NY MA CT PA and MD. It's pathetic!

10-26-2012, 01:57 PM
I live in a conservative county just north of liberal Austin.

All the conservatives have "republican" on their campaign signs, whereas the liberals' signs never have "democrat" on them.

Kinda funny, 'cause up until 20 years ago most all our Texas politicians were democrats, now they just call themselves republicans to get elected.

We haven't elected a democrat to a statewide office in this century. I guess that's what 100 years of being a one-party state after Reconstruction does for ya.

10-27-2012, 08:59 AM
With much more on the plate than the presidential election coming up, there are many politcal adds for various local and state postions on the table.

Just an observation on my limited viewing, but it appears, at least down here in south Louisiana, that conservatives are putting the fact that they are conservative out there for all to know.

The liberals? I couldn't tell you as I have yet to see one of them call themselves that.

Just curious as to what the rest of us are seeing throughout the country.

Haven't you heard? The liberals now call themselves progressives, but as you well know a zebra can't change its stripes. A skunk still smells like a skunk even if you call it a polecat.

10-27-2012, 05:10 PM
I live in an county that typically votes conservative, pretty much always sends a republican to both state and HoR positions. But due to more populated areas, our Senators and at least the last pres round went to the Dems.

Anyway, while that's the case here, last election the Obama stickers were RAMANT in my area. You couldn't turn a corner w/o seeing one in a yard or on a car. This time around, nearly crickets here. Yea, there are a few popping up here and there, but for the most part its either a Romney/Ryan sticker or nothing. I guess that's a good thing.