View Full Version : Choice Made

10-27-2012, 06:41 PM
I posted a thread entilted "Choices" earlier regarding my decison to purchase a PM9 or CM9 for a duty backup weapon and for concealed carry. Fortunatley the weather cooporated today and I was able to run a couple of hundred rounds through both of them. In doing so my opinioin is:

1) Concealibility: The Ruger is slightly lager than the CM but, I found that small difference to be a BIG factor. The Kahr simply printed less and felt better utilizing the method of carry I prefer.
2) Reliability: Obviously this is a biggie. Both weapons functioned flawlessly utilizing hardball ammo. The slide was tighter on the Kahr when chambering a round which is probably attributable to the tight tolerances utilized in the manufacturing process but, I'm sure that will improve "as more lead goes down range".
3) Accuracy: Both weapons were fired free hand from standing, kneeling, prone positions and also tested while moving. Range varied from the 3-25 yrd line. The Kahr did better for me in this category and I attribute it to the Kahr's smoother trigger. It was "silky" and broke cleanly. The rugger's trigger was LoooNG and broke all the way at the back.
4) Site Picture: The sights on the Kahr were easier to pick up quickly to me and I liked it beter than the three dot system on the Ruger. Night sights are a must so I'll have to make that change.

I could go into other categories but, these four were the most important to me. That being said I'm happy to say I'M THE PROUD OWNER OF MY FIRST KAHR! I own numerous other handguns but this is my first micro other than my 3PAT which I've loved.

I guess my last question for now is... is the PM worth the extra money? My intent now is to keep the CM and put night sights on it unless I'm pursuaded otherwise. I look forward to chatting more with all of you as I have the opportunity to break in my Kahr.

10-27-2012, 07:35 PM
Welcome to the CM9 Owners Club! :D Our official symbol is the wide grin smily because we are so happy with our purchase that we can't wipe the smiles off our faces!

Here is your club badge.

I and a whole army of us smiling guys will tell you there is no better CC holster to put that CM9 in than the PJ IWB Holster (http://pjholster.com/?page_id=37) with over the belt clip and FBI cant. I carry my CM9 in one at 8:00 (I'm a lefty), which would be 4:00 for a righty. I tell you the truth, that super thin, 1 ounce holster is so comfortable that it and the gun disappear from my perception. All day long. I even took a nap one afternoon and forgot I had it on. Realized it when I got up. I have to reach back there and touch the gun to confirm it is there - no kidding! If you want dress up for the office concealment, you can get it tuckable. If you need the absolute ultimate concealment with no clip showing, get the velcro attachment for the tuckable holster. Paul, the maker, has a special gift to make these super thin Kydex holsters so comfortable and stable, and he is a great person to work with. I know you will thank me for the recommendation! :biggrin1:

10-27-2012, 07:44 PM
Thanks guys... will indeed check out the holster. Any input on the instillation of big dot night sights on CM?

11-01-2012, 08:56 PM
I prefer the night sights over the big dot, but the stock sight works just fine. It's a matter of personal preference. When the SHTF most point shoot and ignore the sights.