View Full Version : Sandy is coming
10-28-2012, 06:07 AM
Those of us Mid-Atlantic area are preparing for a real nightmare for the next 72 hours.
Hurricane/Nor'easter Sandy is headed our way. Predicted high winds, flooding and a whole lotta headaches.
Right now the track looks like it's going to direct hit on the New Jersey Coast and track right inland to eventually park herself in the center of PA.
Will post updates as we get them.
If you're in this area please let us know how you're making out.
I know downtownv is right on the Jersey Shore. And there are a few others.
Lets hear from you.
10-28-2012, 06:58 AM
So far hear in Bucks Co. Pa. we just have some light gusting winds and a little drizzle. No big thing so far. Yesterday I had a busy day making sure the gutters were clean from falling leaves ,and everything that could possibly take flight is moved indoors or tied down. I even took my American flag down off the front of the house. That does not happen very often. The generator is gassed up and ready to go if we should loose power from falling trees or there branches. We have some pretty big old oak trees in the area and they could be a problem. We have extra food , water, and batteries and of course some goodies in the house. Both my truck and the wifes Explorer are topped off and ready to go . A few extra guns are fully loaded just in case we should loose power and some bad guys decide it might be a good time to be an A**hole. I'm about as ready as I can be. We'll just have to see what Sandy brings our way and deal with what we have to deal with as it comes. We even took pictures of the house and property so if any damage does happen we'll have them for the Insurance Company. Good luck to all who are in it's path.
10-28-2012, 07:40 AM
I'm just north of you. Worried about all the trees with leaves still on. I figure we'll lose power. I didn't get a generator. Figured we'd dodged the bullet this season. WRONG. Definitely on the list for purchase this year.
Cleaned gutters, stripped the deck. Took flag pole down. Gassed up, and pantry loaded with non perishables. Stored water and couple of cases of bottled water. Weapons ready to go.
Hopefully all the preparation will mean we'll miss it but who knows?
Good luck to all and keep your heads down.
10-28-2012, 08:00 AM
Let her Rip. Gutters cleaned, backup generator gassed and ready & spare sump pump ready if needed.
A generator is a great thing. I would of had a foot of water in my finished basement during last years flood without it. Just a tip, inverter generators cost more but you can run sensitive electronics with them. I have a Honda EU2000. It's got enough power for sump pumps and oil furnaces. But it can also run satelite boxes receivers, LCD TV's, laptops and so on...
10-28-2012, 08:09 AM
ty for that tip.
This is my last storm without one.
les strat
10-28-2012, 08:43 AM
Glad to hear you guys are prepared.
Best wishes you guys make it through this unscathed.
10-28-2012, 08:59 AM
Into every life a little rain must fall. Hope all of you weather the storm. Don't let it prevent you from voting republican.
10-28-2012, 09:00 AM
Greetings from Long Beach Island NJ an 18 mile long barrier Island 1/4 to 1/2 mile wide...
We're battened down water food and supplies. Winds, tides and surf's up big! Yahoo
10-28-2012, 09:43 AM
The last hurricane that passed by our way caused a huge amount of damage. Some folks were without power for over a week, a couple deaths were attributed to the storm and the fed. govt. was closed for a few days. I watched a small tornado forming a few hundred yards from my house, saw it move northward over Quantico and minutes later heard the warning issued. Mesmerizing sight, to be sure.
This time around I have my wife's parents living with us and a newborn grandson, (and his parents), nearby to worry about. I'm a worry-wart by nature, so this will be an anxious time.
I hope for the best, prepare for the worst.
10-28-2012, 09:55 AM
Oh crap, they're call for snow also. My trees still have leaves. That means major tree damage. Maybe I previously spoke too soon.
10-28-2012, 10:24 AM
Last major storm we had some of my neighbors were without power for 10 days.
I had a 100'+ cords supplying one of them with enough emergency power for over a week. When the power came back on I didn't get so much as a thank you from either him or her. This time if there power goes out they can speak to my middle finger as I wasn't looking to be reimbursed financially but I certainly think a simple thank you might have been nice, after saving a couple hundred dollars of there meats and other perishable items they had in there freezer and refridgerator. That's not even talking about emergency lighting or the ability to recaharge cell phones or the ability to even make a cup of coffee. They still refuse to buy a generator,because that storm was just a friek storm in there minds. Well Hello Sandy you frieky thing. When I saw one of my other neighbors was up to his ankles with the water rising he couldn't have been more thankful for the use of my generator so he could run a submersible pump and run a shop vac.
Kind of gives you some indication of who will help you if you should need help.
10-28-2012, 10:54 AM
I am in York Co. PA...Tracks look like it is coming right for us! So far just some light drizzle and calm....@11:50 am Sun.
Like the guys above I have been preparing but X2 as I take care of my moms house also. It is prone to basement flooding. I was up to get her Generator running (after some carb cleaning) and about 3 weeks ago I installed a brand new battery back-up sump pump system for her so this will be a big test for it!!!
I cleaned gutters here, and cleaned up and tied down outside, got my generator ready filled up all my gas cans and tanks of all 3 Jeeps (I can siphon it out for the Generator if necessary) Have food, water, and always guns at the ready. So I guess I am about as ready as you can get.
The last time a Hurricane came through here we were without power for a WEEK! Never again... I bought the Gererators and wired both houses so we can use back-up power with ease. I live in the woods and lose power in small storms frequently, so I fully expect that this storm will have me without power for a while...Hope I am wrong.
10-28-2012, 10:58 AM
Last major storm we had some of my neighbors were without power for 10 days.
I had a 100'+ cords supplying one of them with enough emergency power for over a week. When the power came back on I didn't get so much as a thank you from either him or her. This time if there power goes out they can speak to my middle finger as I wasn't looking to be reimbursed financially but I certainly think a simple thank you might have been nice, after saving a couple hundred dollars of there meats and other perishable items they had in there freezer and refridgerator. That's not even talking about emergency lighting or the ability to recaharge cell phones or the ability to even make a cup of coffee. They still refuse to buy a generator,because that storm was just a friek storm in there minds. Well Hello Sandy you frieky thing. When I saw one of my other neighbors was up to his ankles with the water rising he couldn't have been more thankful for the use of my generator so he could run a submersible pump and run a shop vac.
Kind of gives you some indication of who will help you if you should need help.
No shortage of AZZwholes out there....:p
10-28-2012, 02:17 PM
No shortage of AZZwholes out there....:p
LOL, and once you find out who they are you treat them accordingly. ;)
10-28-2012, 02:55 PM
Last major storm we had some of my neighbors were without power for 10 days.
I had a 100'+ cords supplying one of them with enough emergency power for over a week. When the power came back on I didn't get so much as a thank you from either him or her. This time if there power goes out they can speak to my middle finger as I wasn't looking to be reimbursed financially but I certainly think a simple thank you might have been nice, after saving a couple hundred dollars of there meats and other perishable items they had in there freezer and refridgerator. That's not even talking about emergency lighting or the ability to recaharge cell phones or the ability to even make a cup of coffee. They still refuse to buy a generator,because that storm was just a friek storm in there minds. Well Hello Sandy you frieky thing. When I saw one of my other neighbors was up to his ankles with the water rising he couldn't have been more thankful for the use of my generator so he could run a submersible pump and run a shop vac.
Kind of gives you some indication of who will help you if you should need help.
I think I would have hagning off that middle finger a sign saying FOKK U and the camel u road in on, iN CASE THEY jsut don't understand the middle finger symbol. Just sayin
10-28-2012, 03:50 PM
Really don't think that will be necessary Jocko. He'll get the hint. No offer will be made to help if the power goes out, and if asked none will be given. Simple as that. In the mean time it's raining with the winds getting stronger. This storm looks to be is about as serious as it gets for this area. I think we're going to be in for a rough couple days with not much sleep. :(
10-28-2012, 03:57 PM
Really don't think that will be necessary Jocko. He'll get the hint. No offer will be made to help if the power goes out, and if asked none will be given. Simple as that. In the mean time it's raining with the winds getting stronger. This storm looks to be is about as serious as it gets for this area. I think we're going to be in for a rough couple days with not much sleep. :(
the ol Harley protected. Just sayin:popcorn:
10-28-2012, 04:24 PM
the ol Harley protected. Just sayin:popcorn:
Oh yea. She's high and dry in the garage with a full tank of gas. Just in case I need to sifon some out for the generator. :D
10-28-2012, 04:28 PM
wellgoodluck these next 3 days, I think ur in for some real hell. Just sayin, but I am sure a phone callto Obummer and he will take care of u to. Just sayin
10-28-2012, 04:44 PM
wellgoodluck these next 3 days, I think ur in for some real hell. Just sayin, but I am sure a phone callto Obummer and he will take care of u to. Just sayin
Obama will only help democraps!
10-28-2012, 05:01 PM
Everyone in the path take care. I lived on the gulf coast for 8 years during some busy seasons in the early 2000's so I really feel for you all. Youngest son is in Norfolk and his ship headed to sea to ride it out. Oldest son was there last year in school and he got sent inland. You all have got it the last 2 years. That's tough.
Well, out in Pa West (hour East of Pittsburgh) we've only had some rain. Of course the tornado that tore through here a year and a half ago was a new one on me. Seen floods, severe snow (several feet) but that was the first tornado. Watched it run a half mile from the house. Not so much as a twig on the cherry tree displaced. But others were destroyed.
Had a video of it crossing the street behind a minivan (caught on a Troopers dash cam). I'll see if I can find it.
Good luck fellow Pennsyltuckians. Keep your powder dry and watch your top knot!
Wife "purged" my old ********** card so the dash cam video is gone, but I found this...||||
10-28-2012, 07:56 PM
Wish you all the best. Went through Issac earlier this year and Katrina and Rita a few years ago. The only good things about hurricanes on the Gulf Coast is we don't have to worry about keeping warm after the storm.
I'm moving to CO to be done with the hurricanes! Hopefully next year, that is.
10-29-2012, 12:02 AM
Good luck to all of you, I hope everything will be ok and everybody comes out of this safely. I can only imagine what it's like to go through storms like these. Take care and keep us posted if you can.
10-29-2012, 01:37 AM
Wish you all the best. Went through Issac earlier this year and Katrina and Rita a few years ago. The only good things about hurricanes on the Gulf Coast is we don't have to worry about keeping warm after the storm.
I'm moving to CO to be done with the hurricanes! Hopefully next year, that is.
Hurricanes seem to avoid the Tucson, Arizona, area too. And, we have warmth similar to the Gulf area. Life is good! :D
10-29-2012, 08:32 AM
I'm unaffected here in the West, but Sandy does look pretty bad for those of you in the NE. Hope you stay safe, and are taking proper precautions:
10-29-2012, 09:20 AM
I'm unaffected here in the West, but Sandy does look pretty bad for those of you in the NE. Hope you stay safe, and are taking proper precautions:
LOL! I am in the totally screwed zone...Like usual :rolleyes:
Steady rain in York so far, but the real high winds didn't start here yet @10:20am Mon.
10-29-2012, 12:19 PM
Been raining here all morning with some fairly strong wind gusts in south east Pa. . Now at 1:15 pm the wind and rain seems to be picking up a little more. So far the power is still on and only minor flooding in the usual areas.
10-29-2012, 12:24 PM
This is scary and it's only getting started. 36 more hours to go. Just heard from my daughter and they're cancelling classes at PSU which they NEVER do. The Jersey Shore basically doesn't exist anymore and it's still 8 hours out from landfall.
10-29-2012, 01:02 PM
The thought actually occurred to me this morning - what will Snooki do without the Jersey Shore? I'm odd, I know.
10-29-2012, 01:05 PM
no problem. Sandy is going to be OK,l I just heard the great one on TV say all is well, as he is in the outhouse keeping claose eye on it. So rest assured this is a no problem thing. as he is a great problem solver..
10-29-2012, 01:16 PM
Getting very interesting in the neighborhood!
10-29-2012, 01:54 PM
no problem. Sandy is going to be OK,l I just heard the great one on TV say all is well, as he is in the outhouse keeping claose eye on it. I thought you were talking about Bawanna for a second, but now I got it...Obawanna. :D Now I'm gonna have to go to the outhouse too...
10-29-2012, 02:03 PM
I thought you were talking about Bawanna for a second, but now I got it...Obawanna. :D Now I'm gonna have to go to the outhouse too...
I think I better just change my life long nick name, it just sounds too much like that other.
10-29-2012, 02:09 PM
why, ur probaly related!!! Just sayin
10-29-2012, 02:13 PM
Kahr's facebook page says they'll be closed from 2pm till the hurricane's gone.
10-29-2012, 03:28 PM
I think I better just change my life long nick name, it just sounds too much like that other.
To Bidanna?
10-29-2012, 03:50 PM
I was thinking something very original and different.
How about Bob?
10-29-2012, 03:53 PM
spelled it backward. you dyslexic?
mr surveyor
10-29-2012, 04:27 PM
I was thinking something very original and different.
How about boB?
that better?
I was thinking something very original and different.
How about Bob?
Yeah.....then you can be part of the longstanding Bob problem
10-29-2012, 04:45 PM
Being part of a problem has always been one of my stronger suits. Almost a forte'.
10-29-2012, 05:20 PM
You can save on the tattoo as well.
Have a B put on each butt cheek.
10-29-2012, 05:57 PM
You can save on the tattoo as well.
Have a B put on each butt cheek.
That one is worthy of Dietrich!
10-29-2012, 06:03 PM
Might go well with my tramp stamp too.
10-29-2012, 06:03 PM
I just threw up a little in my mouth
10-29-2012, 07:41 PM
My fault for getting this train going....
mr surveyor
10-29-2012, 07:44 PM
now, back to Sandy......
How're all y'all up there in the Northeast hold out?
Bad stuff!
10-29-2012, 08:27 PM
I've noticed several complaints about service at Kahr today... they must have missed the Facebook notice about bailing out or evacuating for the STORM/HURRICANE today!!!
Kahr Arms (
Attention Kahr fans: We will be shutting the main office down at 2PM EST today due to the threat of weather. We will be back as soon as possible
10-30-2012, 06:40 AM
Some roads flooded, lots of people north of here without power. All in all not as bad as expected.
10-30-2012, 06:42 AM
I feel bad for all those folks up in the northeast. :(
No power, floods, fires, blizzards....what a mess.
10-30-2012, 07:24 AM
Here in Upper Bucks County PA we lost power at 8pm last night. Got it back nearly precisely at 8am this morning. Charged the laptop and iphones off an inverter in the truck. Made coffee early this morning on a 2burner Coleman propane stove. Will NEVER do this again without a generator.
Water under the slab came close but never topped off and flooded the basement. Sump pump is purring along right now. No major tree damage and I haven't seen any shingles missing. Scary as hell but could have been a lot worse.
Up until this week hurricanes were a New Orleans or Florida event and a curiosity as opposed to a serious event. Boy did I ever discover how unprepared I really am. That's gonna change in a hurry.
Prayers and best wishes to everyone not so fortunate.
10-30-2012, 07:43 AM
Glad to hear you are OK. A generator sits in my garage and in fifteen years it has only been used a few times. It is on my semi annually check list. I wired a 220 outlet on the bottom of my electric panel and made a heavy double male ended power cord and back-feed power from the generator to the house turning off those circuit breakers that draw heavy amps. Make sure all the mains are off and you are good to go. A very effective program.
10-30-2012, 08:11 AM
I need to get mine wired in. We get those ice storms now and then here in Missouri that take out power for days or even weeks. Not since I got the generator, but it is only a matter of time. I hope all is well for the folks at Kahr and our members in the region!
10-30-2012, 10:04 AM
I have a 15KW portable unit that has a 50Amp 240 outlet that accepts a drier-type plug. I got a another plug for the other end of a 6-ft drier cord and then got a cheap outdoor outlet with the female plug. I used 6ga 4-wire and armored flexi-conduit through the wall. I moved the top circuit breaker in the electrical panel and put the new 50A one in closest to the main switch. I made an interlock to preclude the main CB and the generator CB from being on at the same time.
I get 12KW to the house and just make sure that I turn off the water heater. If I want to use the water heater OR the range, I turn off the other heavy current items. My unit will pull the 3.5-ton AC and all my coolers/freezer. I do have some voltage swing because of the two wine-coolers, small fridge, small freezer, and the side-by-side fridge. I have battery powered UPS's for ALL of my electronics... a dozen or so... because they don't like the voltage swings! AND, I don't like my computing or video viewing or recording interrupted, either.
I wanted something to pull the house AC and keep the heat and HUMIDITY out of the house. For short periods it's not bad, but at around 2 gph, it can get expensive quickly. I have an unused 5550KW unit for a backup and made a cable to plug into my outlet... which is kept locked due to the "suicide" nature of the double male drier cord!:eek:
My panel is very neat... and for a real challenge, I did the wiring with the mains on. I did wear rubber gloves and used insulated tools.:D
10-30-2012, 01:58 PM
. . . My panel is very neat... and for a real challenge, I did the wiring with the mains on. I did wear rubber gloves and used insulated tools.:D
Nicely done, sir!
I can appreciate what you accomplished. When we lived in New Jersey, we installed a generator in a good sized shed about 50 feet from the house. Instead of your clever arrangement with the sliding mechanical interlock, we used an external panel designed for the purpose that included a limited number circuit breaker outputs to the furnace and essential appliances, so the toughest part was trenching in the direct burial Romex from the generator in the shed to the breaker box area in the basement of the house.
Fortunately, we only got to run it every few months to exercise the engine and practice switching loads. If we were still in New Jersey, I have no doubt it would be running right now.
I worked on everything cold. You are clearly a braver man than I. :eek:
10-30-2012, 02:17 PM
After evaluating my needs, I got this one.
Very quiet and economical. You do have to move cords around, because it doesn't power everything at once. I've found the refrigerator only needs to run about five times a day, oil furnace several times a day. It can run the refrigerator and the oil furnace at the same time. Or the the sump pump and the oil furnace. Most of the time it's just a power failure where you don't need any appliances. In that case it's running computers of the home theater. When not using these at home, you can take them to camp and not make any annoying noise.
If looking for sump pumps, I would suggest StormPro. If you compare them to Zoeller, you will find they are more efficient. Their motors pump more water using much less current. Very generator friendly.
After spending many thousands of dollars refinishing my basement with a 120" home theater media room I put a lot of thought into this.
As a backup system when you not home to start the generator, consider a water powered pump (if your house has public water). More reliable than battery and it will run forever.
Just my 2 cents..
10-30-2012, 02:33 PM
quote:My panel is very neat... and for a real challenge, I did the wiring with the mains on. I did wear rubber gloves and used insulated tools.
BALLS, just sayin
10-30-2012, 05:41 PM
Well I'm still standing! No cell or power but good supplies, dry and warm. Cell finally came back around 5 pm got to see limited areas but its quite bad.
Don't feel bad for what your seeing on tv.... Millionaires homes wiped out, but rarely used and well insured anyway. We're Jersey Strong we pick it up where we left off and keep goin'! Obama won't send FEMA trailers and we don't need them.
Thanks for all your good wishes
10-30-2012, 06:06 PM
glad ur ok, sure is sad though, Makes me appreciate Indiana, we don't have hurricanes but we do have an abundance of Holiday Inn's to sleep in ...
Some of our local fire fighters left today to go east to help out, not sure where they are actually going.
10-30-2012, 06:16 PM
Glad you're ok downtownv. Horrible pics from the shore.
you're resilient and will rebuild.
10-30-2012, 07:29 PM
Just so nobody gets the wrong ideas, at least 2 of the posts in this thread describe wiring arrangements that are in violation of the National Electrical Code, which requires the use of an approved "transfer switch" to connect a generator into any electrical system that also can connect to public utilities, whether actually connected or not. Some states require that the transfer switch be installed by a licensed electrician while others do not, but one is always required, primarily for the safety of utility company personnel.
10-30-2012, 08:06 PM
I thought that too but I don't know enough about it to tell for sure. I hate messing with electrical stuff. When I was doing construction I'd have sparky shut down the whole block and then make him touch any wire I could find to double dog make sure nothing was hot.
If I'm ever put to death, give me the firing squad or the rope, the chair just ain't an option.
10-30-2012, 08:15 PM
I'm a big fan of Mike Holmes and like to do things myself, especially in my own home. I did read a couple of books on wiring and designed and installed the safety interlock. I've heard that a lot of people just plug one end of a cable into the generator and the other into the dryer outlet. I don't want to be the reason some utility service guys got electrocuted!
I bought one of those live circuit testers like Mike uses... Sierra Hotel!
10-31-2012, 07:49 AM
My wife is a Mike Holmes fan. His bravado and know-it-all attitude have her convinced that she too is now an expert on construction.
If you think most contractors are incompetent hacks because of Holmes's show, well you're not far from the truth. I just don't like his "Oh my God, look what they did!" melodrama, but it makes for entertaining TV.
10-31-2012, 10:29 AM
Incompetent hacks was always a hard label to shed. I did a lot of remodeling in an earlier life and without exception people nearly always thought you were just out to rip them off with shoddy hack work.
Truth be told most folks wouldn't or couldn't afford to have done most of what those shows portray. Too costly.
There are an awful lot of contractors that specialize in ripping people off though. Kind of sad. A little honesty and integrity go a long way in future jobs. I spent 2 years on the same block remodeling houses on a word mouth, come to my house when you finish here.
10-31-2012, 12:56 PM
Incompetent hacks was always a hard label to shed. I did a lot of remodeling in an earlier life and without exception people nearly always thought you were just out to rip them off with shoddy hack work.
Truth be told most folks wouldn't or couldn't afford to have done most of what those shows portray. Too costly.
There are an awful lot of contractors that specialize in ripping people off though. Kind of sad. A little honesty and integrity go a long way in future jobs. I spent 2 years on the same block remodeling houses on a word mouth, come to my house when you finish here.
That's the way my middle son has been running his remodeling/renovation business for almost 20 years.
10-31-2012, 03:31 PM
Incompetent hacks was always a hard label to shed. I did a lot of remodeling in an earlier life and without exception people nearly always thought you were just out to rip them off with shoddy hack work.
Truth be told most folks wouldn't or couldn't afford to have done most of what those shows portray. Too costly.
There are an awful lot of contractors that specialize in ripping people off though. Kind of sad. A little honesty and integrity go a long way in future jobs. I spent 2 years on the same block remodeling houses on a word mouth, come to my house when you finish here.
I agree.
Every group of people I have ever worked with has included a mixture of competent, incompetent, and lots in-between. To paint everyone with a brush of the same color is clearly a mistake, but the trick is to be able to tell the good guys from the bad. I tend to think there are a lot more good guys out there than bad, but maybe I'm just naive.
Longitude Zero
10-31-2012, 11:03 PM
To those too stubborn to evacuate I want to know, "HOWS THAT WORKING FOR YOU?"
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