View Full Version : CTL Hesitation?

10-28-2012, 01:34 PM
Food for thought - Many of us are purists and simply don't like the looks or idea of sticking a laser on our ole faithful carry piece. Some of us are slow to change and will never appreciate the benefits of a CTL...because we won't try one. Some of us simply don't feel the need for it being on our primary carry piece...that we've never had to pull anyway...why bother adding the laser. Some of us can't seem to justify spending the money...we are fine without the added expense of a CTL. There are probably a lot more reasons to NOT try a CTL...they probably don't work well and are simply unnecessary...Right?

Ask yourself why you decided to carry in the first place and then carefully reflect on the advantages vs disadvantages of a CTL. At least take the time to watch the CTL video. We are all different, with our individual preferences and biases. There is no right or wrong choice. Do what makes you better when it comes to self defense. A CTL may make the difference when it is needed at crunch time and practice time....or maybe not. The sights are still there.

10-28-2012, 02:50 PM
I'd like to have a laser on all my carry pieces. I really think they give you an edge. Daylight Savings Time ends soon, a good time to replace your laser batteries, along with your smoke/fire alarm batteries.

10-28-2012, 07:20 PM
Agree. How do you like that m&p pro?

10-28-2012, 08:47 PM
I have a CTL on my PM9. Not enough practice to be great with it. Something about the way it changes my grip makes me quite a bit less accurate.

Also, the part of the laser that wraps around the trigger guard blisters my trigger finger if I fire many shots with it on.

10-29-2012, 10:59 AM
I have a CTL on my PM9. Not enough practice to be great with it. Something about the way it changes my grip makes me quite a bit less accurate.

Also, the part of the laser that wraps around the trigger guard blisters my trigger finger if I fire many shots with it on.

Interesting. I had the blister issue myself and removed the CTL then buffed the edges of the trigger guard wrap on my PM40. No more blisters even after 200 rounds a session. I don't know why your grip would change with or without the CTL. My middle finger is the only digit that engages the CTL button and it simply wraps around the CTL button area the same every time.... I will leave that one for you to figure out as I honestly can't help. Hope the buffing solution works for you too.

11-09-2012, 06:00 PM
Also, the part of the laser that wraps around the trigger guard blisters my trigger finger if I fire many shots with it on.

I had this problem too and eventually removed it. I think it had to do with the gap between the two sides of the laser mount. They are not parallel to each other as mounted on mine and would pinch the skin on the front of the bottom edge of my trigger finger on recoil.

I've been meaning to polish those edges up and give it another try but I haven't gotten around to it. I have the same laser on an LCP and have had none of these issues but it wraps around the trigger guard differently on the CM9.

11-30-2012, 01:42 PM
I am confident that if you polish up any edges, you will be a happier campier.

11-30-2012, 02:06 PM
Don't have a laser, and don't want one!

12-17-2012, 07:52 PM
What video are you referring to? I'm about to purchase a Kahr, just struggling with the decision if I want the factory laser option or not.

01-12-2013, 01:58 PM
Lasers are like Glocks... you either love em or you hate em. I never had one on any of my duty weapons but have had one on all of my cc weapons. Not to debate the pros and cons on pulling your weapon from its holster... BUT I see it as another deterant to pulling the trigger should I ever have to pull that gun to stop a life threatening situation. First the laser will confirm to any would-be offender that I have a gun in my hand and not a cell phone or other item. I want him to know without a shadow of a doubt that I am capable of defending myself. Second the red dot on the chest is as much of an "oh sh*t" moment as the sound of a shotgun being racked or the crackle of a taser ... you know what it means. And finally and most importantly - the comfort in knowing where that bullet is going to hit if I am unable to use my sights for any reason. Just my two cents on some pros

01-12-2013, 02:15 PM
I have the CT Laser Grips on my K9. They are good for training. You can put the laser on the target and watch it go way the heck off as you jerk the trigger. I see a lot of that at the range... especially with the long gun .22's! So, pistols are even harder to hold on target. It really is a good training aid. I don't want the polymer pistol ones, though. They are UGLY and add awkwardness to gripping the pistol, especially if you don't want the danged things ON. Ever notice in a movie how you can see those from anywhere else in the area... leading back to the shooter! At least, that's more of a problem with the Laser Grip models... illumination of your trigger finger and the right side of the pistol... or being blocked by your trigger finger along the frame!

Yes, they could be helpful for firing from the hip as you dive for cover... maybe... if you aren't yanking the trigger too much. Adrenalin rush and heat of "battle" don't make you the best trigger "squeezer" and Murphy can be counted on to "help" you.

All that said, my night-sighted and laser-gripped K9 is my TV chair at-hand weapon for night confrontations. If I have time, I'll grab my "battle pistol" XD45 with HD NS and 13+1 + a whole bunch of 13-round mags... and a "tactical light".

I just don't like them, but others may. Just train with what you carry and make sure everything works.


01-28-2013, 01:51 PM
I have a CTL laser on my PM9. Can't say I have used the CTL much as it has malfunctioned. It works for about the first seven rounds and then dims. I live close to CTL headquarters so I went by with the laser. They checked it out and determined the batteries they provided were from a defective lot. CTL replaced the battery, cleaned the lens and asked me to give it another try. Haven't been out to the range to test yet. .........Testimonies on CTL’s website speak of how people "thwart danger" with their CTL. They tell of situations where the use of CTLs have deescalated potentially life threatening situations by the simple placement of the laser dot on an adversaries chest. I believe anything a person can do to avoid the use of lethal force makes it a good day for everybody (except maybe for the attorneys).......... Practicing and being proficient with your firearm's original sighting equipment is just smart. Depending solely on battery operated sighting equipment has a huge down side.

01-28-2013, 06:09 PM
Just installed a CTL on my K40 yesterday. Haven't gotten a chance to shoot as of yet. Had to tweak the laser to my sights and will probably have to tweak them when I get around to shooting. I plan on bench sighting the laser to make sure the POI is where the little dot is.

I do like the stock grips better but we'll see how things go after a few rounds.

01-28-2013, 06:26 PM
Gary, sorry I never answered your question, but that M&P Pro is one of my favorites. I love the trigger on it, you take up the slack, then it breaks almost as cleanly as a single action pistol. No problems with it at all. It's been a nice gun. I bit long to conceal, but I have others for that. Makes a nice home defense pistol.

08-19-2013, 03:12 PM
What video are you referring to? I'm about to purchase a Kahr, just struggling with the decision if I want the factory laser option or not.

Go to Crimson Trace. They offer videos for free. Watch it and you will be convinced.