View Full Version : New CM9 owner also new to the forum

10-28-2012, 04:47 PM
Well i bought a new CM9 last night, I was thinking of buying a ppk/s and quickly decided otherwise. Anyway i brought it home took it apart as the manual suggests, forgot how stiff and tight new guns can be, and gave it a good clean and lube job. I took it to the range this morning and run 210 rounds through it, they consisted of 150 federal champion 115 grain, 50 winchester white box 115grain, and 10 hornady critical duty 135 grain hollow points. Not once did i have a feed issue or a ftf or a fte. This little gun was sweet to shoot and pretty accurate. I started out at short distances out to 10 yards no issues decnet groups, this was me getting used to the trigger, then to 25 yds all hits inside a B 27 target, then i got brave and shot at the 50 yard plate and to my suprise i heard it ting more than once. I do have a question does anyone use talon rubberized grips? I had the original on an m&p just wonder how they feel compared, and what kind of holsters are you guys using. Right now i am using a uncle mikes pancake cause thats all they had where i got it. If possible i would like to see some pics. Thanks for reading.

10-28-2012, 06:08 PM
Welcome to the forum! :) There is a wealth of valuable information in the New Member Area (http://kahrtalk.com/forumdisplay.php?f=56) and the Kahr-Tech (http://kahrtalk.com/forumdisplay.php?f=27) sections of the forum.

And welcome to the CM9 Owners Club! :D Our official symbol is the wide grin smily because we are so happy with our purchase that we can't wipe the smiles off our faces!

Here is your club badge.

Lots of people like the Talon grips. Others like the Traction grips. If you want a little more to grip, I like the Qwik-Grip rubber sleeve on my CM9. It doesn't have fingber grooves or palm swells. If you want those, the Hogue Handall has 'em.

I and a whole army of us smiling guys will tell you there is no better CC holster to put that CM9 in than the PJ IWB Holster (http://pjholster.com/?page_id=37) with over the belt clip and FBI cant. I carry my CM9 in one at 8:00 (I'm a lefty), which would be 4:00 for a righty. I tell you the truth, that super thin, 1 ounce holster is so comfortable that it and the gun disappear from my perception. All day long. I even took a nap one afternoon and forgot I had it on. Realized it when I got up. I have to reach back there and touch the gun to confirm it is there - no kidding! If you want dress up for the office concealment, you can get it tuckable. If you need the absolute ultimate concealment with no clip showing, get the velcro attachment for the tuckable holster. Paul, the maker, has a special gift to make these super thin Kydex holsters so comfortable and stable, and he is a great person to work with. I know you will thank me for the recommendation! :biggrin1:

10-28-2012, 11:58 PM
I too just picked up my CM9. Put about 300 rds through it on my first range visit. That night I ordered some Talon grips. Takes the bite of the backstrap's aggressive stippling. I put on the ruberized version, think they cost me about $15 from Talon directly. Fitment was good, and made the grip a lot more comfortable for long range visits.


Yogi 117
10-29-2012, 09:29 AM
My CM9 with the Rubberized Talon Grips & 2 favorite holsters, the Galco Pro pocket holster & the IWB PJHolster which I wear at about 4 o'clock. I totally agree with bang in the assessment that the grips make the CM9 much more comfy to shoot. They were easy to install, took about 10-15 minutes, and they look great. :D
