View Full Version : Fairure to feed with 8-round mag/CM9
10-29-2012, 05:37 PM
Question for the experts here: I just returned from the range after finishing my 2nd 100 round trip with my new CM9. After running several 8-rd mags through the gun it failed to feed on the second round locking the slide back. I removed the mag, put in another 1st round so the mag again had 8 rounds and it happened again. This time I removed what had been the number 2 round, installed a different round as the number 2, and put the round that had been number 2 in as the first round to fire. Installed the mag, flipped the slide release, and fired completely through all 8 rounds with no problems.
I was using Federal FMJ 115 grain rounds just like I'd done in the past and never had any problems in the last two trips to the range. Oh, I did occasionally work in a few Winchester White Box 115 grains just to make others would work. Is it possible that a single round could have caused the problem? I've never disassembled the mags, the two 6-round and one 8-round since they are new. Should I start with disassembling and cleaning the mags or assume it was just a miss shaped Federal round that caused the two feed problems?
Allen, you're not the first to have problems with the extended mag. There are other similar threads around; enough to give the feeling the problem isn't operator related.
I have given up on the extended mags, not because they've been problematic, but because they are counterproductive to deep concealment, which is the reason I bought a PM9. My 6 round mags have performed flawlessly.
That may not help you, but there may be comfort in knowing others have had similar problems.
10-29-2012, 05:56 PM
wow 8 round magsin a cm9 kahr, IMO, u should have bought a cw9 or a P9. stick witht he flush fit mags, they willgiv eu no issues. We see enough of the issues with the 7 round mags ,now with 8 round mags, ur have alot sticking out the bottom of thegun .
U might also want to view the kahrt tech section and hit on the propper prepping thgread, it discusses how to look to see if by chance ur magazine folllower is grabbing that mag releaswe button, andu stated it happened at round #2, which is where it would happen if u have a grabbing mag release button grabbing on the follower. Easty to check out.
IMO, stick with the flush fit mags, u bought a ccw gun, and if u range shoot with a 7 or 8 round mag and then go back to the flush fit mag, ur goona more than likelyt shoot differently to. My advice is to train the way ur ultimately gonna carry.
It seem odd but I read it so much. a guy buys a 5 or 6 round gun and the first thging he wants to do is put in a muyltiple round extended magazine..
sas PM9
10-29-2012, 05:58 PM
Question for the experts here: I just returned from the range after finishing my 2nd 100 round trip with my new CM9. After running several 8-rd mags through the gun it failed to feed on the second round locking the slide back. I removed the mag, put in another 1st round so the mag again had 8 rounds and it happened again. This time I removed what had been the number 2 round, installed a different round as the number 2, and put the round that had been number 2 in as the first round to fire. Installed the mag, flipped the slide release, and fired completely through all 8 rounds with no problems.
I was using Federal FMJ 115 grain rounds just like I'd done in the past and never had any problems in the last two trips to the range. Oh, I did occasionally work in a few Winchester White Box 115 grains just to make others would work. Is it possible that a single round could have caused the problem? I've never disassembled the mags, the two 6-round and one 8-round since they are new. Should I start with disassembling and cleaning the mags or assume it was just a miss shaped Federal round that caused the two feed problems?
Do a search for "magazine" issues; someone has recently proposed a new/different cause/solution for this ongoing problem with some CM/PM pistols. Sorry I can't be more helpful, but I just don't remember the specifics.
PS. I just did a little looking around and the thread in question is titled "nosedives".
You certainly could clean up the magazines and perhaps it will help. Also you might try to smooth the underside of the feed lips to reduce friction on the cartridge case.
Edit: I have never experienced a jam or nosedive; maybe just lucky or I got a great example. Also, I shoot almost exclusively nickel plated ammo and it is easier to feed- more slippery.
10-29-2012, 09:46 PM
Thanks for all the replys. I guess I shouldn't worry too much about the 8-rd mag since I only use it on the range. My two 6-rd mags are for concealed carry. I'll attempt to do some cleaning, lubing, and sanding on the 8-rd to see if it helps any. Was just a little confused about it since I went through the first 100 rds in the new gun with the 8-rd mag at the range without any trouble and now all at once.
10-29-2012, 09:53 PM
If it has only happened once, I wouldn't worry about one bit. Couldn't hurt to clean it well.
11-06-2012, 02:36 AM
I found that if you hold your kahr with two hands and using 8, 7 rnd mag, when you shoot, the recoil will slam your hand to the mag causing it to shake, hence result in jam.
If you use two hands but the other hand holding in position that push the mag up, then there is no jam.
11-06-2012, 03:15 PM
Since the main range I shoot at charges by the hour, I thought a larger cap mag would give me more shooting and less loading. However if I count the down time clearing the intermittent nosedive, I am way better off just using the 6 round mags. And I agree with Jocko, that's the way I carry it so that's the way I should shoot it.
11-06-2012, 03:28 PM
I found that if you hold your kahr with two hands and using 8, 7 rnd mag, when you shoot, the recoil will slam your hand to the mag causing it to shake, hence result in jam.
If you use two hands but the other hand holding in position that push the mag up, then there is no jam.
might be true, but in a shtf situation, does anyone think all the dominio's are gonna fall in place if u have this fokked up extended magazine in ur gun. Not this ol timer. screw those extendfed magazines, put um un ur glock, leave um out of ur pocket size kahrs. If u can't do it in 7, ur dead. Just sayin:popcorn:
How come we hardly ever see extended magazines in 1911's. those guys seem comforatable with the way the gun was designed,why stretch it.:popcorn:
11-06-2012, 04:05 PM
You should carefully take apart all magazines and clean them, lightly lube the inside of the tube, check for any burrs or roughness in the retention slot or the feed lips, AND... make sure that the spring is inserted correctly! The free end... either... should be under the front of the follower to provide more LIFT. I use fine grit... #400 sandpaper... to lightly go over the follower and the feed lips, etc., to feel and remove any roughness. I don't necessarily do any follower mods.
I've had good luck with the extended-grip mags for ALL of my Kahrs and use them for carry RELOADS, home defense, and the range. I CC with the flushest mags in my EDC for concealability. A "high-cap" mag is carried opposite side in an OWB mag holder.
Any of the extended mags give you more to grip AND, unfortunately, let you move the magazine around and cause problems. There's slop in the magwell and pressure on any side of the mag can cause movement of the top of the mag right or left. If the top of the mag goes right, you get the top round banging into the right side of the feed ramp and hanging... or to the left and the nose of the top round engaging the slide lock actuator and causing premature slide lock back.
I have "tweaked" the forward part of the feed lips on troublesome magazines to the left with pliers... and stopped the rounds from impacting the right side of the ramp and hanging there. I used pliers and they slipped off both lips, but made a minute change that stopped the problem. I used fine grit sandpaper to make sure there were no burrs. The stainless is TOUGH and I wasn't trying to effect a noticeable or large "tweak". Use caution if you try this.
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