View Full Version : PM45 help sought.....

10-31-2012, 11:16 AM
60 more rounds today for a total of 481 rounds so far. today was 10 wwb fmj and 50 wwb h.p. and had six (6) malfunctions.

two were failures to feed where the round would go partially into the chamber and jam against the inside top of the chamber..had this happen with fmj in the past but only the h.p. today.

the other four were the slide locking back for no reason. i fired slowly and methodically to ensure my thumb was not hitting the slide stop, no limp wristing et cetera....each time i just had to hit the slide stop and the slide would chamber the round....

i looked at the follower metal nub inserts and they are not protruding as some have pictured on this board....each round was inspected for any obvious signs of deformation before loading in the magazines....this happend with both magazines 3 with one and 1 with the other.

at home i took it apart and didnt have a torque head small enough to check the tention of the nut which holds the spring in place.....but fiddling with it it didnt seem lose.

i did find that there is .015" side to side play with the slide stop. measured .141" with it pressed against the slide and then hand cycling the slide it moves out a little enough to notice but doesnt come out, still has the "click" feel when installing and removing, but the play measured .156".

any ideas id appreciate it, im down to my last 300 rounds of .45acp and im saving them for my RIA.

11-01-2012, 04:10 AM
no one?

when i call kahr will they send a new slide stop spring for free? or send me a slide stop for free? or tell me to pay to have the gun shipped back to them?

surely im not the only one to have this problem, it seems somebody might have some input as to what the problem is and what kahr did to fix it.


11-01-2012, 08:37 AM
just spoke with Ian at Kahr Arms....he doesnt think its the slide stop spring because there isnt a constant or consistant failure, but hes sending a slide stop spring out just in case....also, i must find a number six (6) torque head, my smallest is a number 8.

anyone have ideas as to what might be the problem? i shot the thing left handed to ensure my thumb was not hitting the slide stop but it happened once while firing left handed, three times right handed.....

11-01-2012, 09:02 AM
It's most probably the spring. Don't overtighten the screw. Just snug it up because it is threading into plastic.

Good luck! :)

11-01-2012, 09:47 AM
It's most probably the spring. Don't overtighten the screw. Just snug it up because it is threading into plastic.

Good luck! :)

i figure thats what it is since ive read over gb's sticky.....though Ian at Kahr doesnt think so..... now i have to find time to drive to sears or someplace to find a number 6 torque head.

11-01-2012, 12:52 PM
I started having premature slide locks on my P380 after I replaced the Slide Stop. The pin on the old Side Stop rotated within the Slide Stop lever, but this was not the case with the new Slide Stop. My theory is that the forces placed on the Slide Stop pin by the barrel lug during recoil and when moving into battery will contribute to premature slide locks because the Slide Stop lever does not move freely enough to be held down by the spring.

I enhanced the new Slide Stop by freeing up the pin. I chucked the pin in a drill press and moved the Slide Stop lever to break it free. I worked the lever until it moved freely, and then cleaned and lubricated it. I have not been to the range again yet, but I suspect that I will no longer have premature slide locks, as was my experience with the old Slide Stop with the rotating pin.

11-01-2012, 12:59 PM
cw series slide stops do not rotate. I have to disagrr with your theory. My One PM9 slide stop does rotate and my other PM9 slide stop does not rotate, both are flawless. My K9 slide stop does not rotate and it is flawless..

The slide stop PINS on the two peace model and the MIM part are of two different propritory steel

11-01-2012, 01:09 PM
Dang! It sounds like you HAD a fixed pin and managed to loosen the swaged or pressed-in fit of the pin into the slide lock with brute force!:eek:

Now your slide lock lever could fall off!

These pins come in two flavors... solid, single-piece pins that don't rotate... and those with two parts... an outer pin that rotates on an inner roller pin pressed into the slide lock lever. There's also a retention pin to hold the PIN in place.

I don't have any MIM slide locks, so I can only imagine that you had a "regular" machined one.

Jerry, I had problems with my P40 where the rounds would be c0cked partially in the chamber. A minute bit of aft movement of the slide would give a click as the rim then popped under the extractor claw, and then just releasing the slide chambered the round easily! I rounded the undersides of the extractor claw making it smoother and giving a bit more clearance and had no more chambering problems... just the parts where the rim of the case has to slide under the claw... not the whole rim of the claw.


11-01-2012, 01:16 PM
Find a Harbor Freight or some discount store for cheap Torx bits/sets. Kahr want $15 plus shipping for ONE... and Sears can overcharge you, too, for Chinese-made tools.

The #5 for P380 and #6 for the larger Kahrs are nice to have.


11-01-2012, 01:23 PM
cw series slide stops do not rotate. I have to disagrr with your theory. My One PM9 slide stop does rotate and my other PM9 slide stop does not rotate, both are flawless. My K9 slide stop does not rotate and it is flawless..

The slide stop PINS on the two peace model and the MIM part are of two different propritory steel
Hi Jocko,

I think that small differences between gun to gun can have a big affect, especially with the P380. A little polishing, a little tweaking here and there, and eventually you work all the bugs out. Some ideas will not apply to all guns with a similar design. If we don't look for answers, we will never find any.