View Full Version : Interesting-Single clip hybrid AIWB

11-01-2012, 03:09 PM
Just found out about this company from the defensivecarry forum. A hybrid AIWB holsters. Looks great for just running to the store or something like that. I may consider it. Just thought I would share it. :cool:


11-01-2012, 03:20 PM
Hey, thanks for posting this. I was not familiar with Harwell at all.

The website is very well done; great photos with clear and concise product info. I like it and will probably buy one of their designs.

11-07-2012, 07:33 PM
The springfield XD guys seem to love this company/holster. A lot of the reviews say they are wearing it at 3 or 4 and having no problems. It's a lot like the Little Foxx by Foxx Holsters but the adjustability of this seems to let you find the cant you want instead of having one set. Not bad, just a few more dollars. I might try this out, thanks for posting!