View Full Version : pm 9 shooting very low

03-15-2010, 09:50 AM
I went out yesterday and put another 250 rounds through the 9 (500 total now) without a single issue. The gun functioned flawlessly. The only issue I had was it was hitting really low on the target. My shots were centered great but they always hit low. At 25 yards I was almost 2 feet below my poa. Everyone who shot experienced the same thing.if i left a gap between the "I" and the dot on my sight picture the rounds would go up,but the top of the front sight was considerably higher than the top of the rears.I'm used to a 3 dot system so this bar and dot is new to me. Could this be my grip and trigger control?or maybe I need a taller front sight?I know 25 yards is pushing it for a tiny kahr and most other defensive handguns but even at 10 yards I was considerably low

03-15-2010, 09:56 AM
More than likely it is your grip and trigger pull. How fast are you pulling the trigger? How much experience do you have in shooting small framed pistols?

03-15-2010, 11:01 AM
For me, I have to shoot with the front sight higher than the rear (not even), and I have to place the front dot over the target-the front sight covers what I want to hit. It's not a 6 o' clock hold.

03-15-2010, 11:04 AM
...or maybe I need a taller front sight?...
To raise the impact: the front sight would need to be shorter or the rear taller.

03-15-2010, 11:21 AM
I've got about 6 years shooting firearms of various sizes and calibers so I wouldn't say I'm a novice.I can usually shoot pretty well with most guns after 50 to 100 rounds.I would by no means say I'm an expert but I'm no novice either.I used to shoot 300 rounds or more 2 to 3 times a week(back when I had time and ammo was cheap).the kahr is the first gun that I've really had to work at to shoot consistently well.I used to shoot revolvers so I have experience with double action triggers.I can hit a pop can at 50 yards with my m&p compact 9mm. That's pretty good IMHO. I don't expect that out of the kahr.its a much smaller gun with different sights, trigger, etc. But I would like to be able to keep them all in an 8 inch circle at 10 yards.I'm gonna try to find an instructor or class here in ohio so I can see exactly what I'm doing wrong.old habbits are hard to break and I don't want to start off with one on a gun that I count on to potentially save my life

03-15-2010, 11:54 AM
Snatch, I had/have somewhat the same problem with my PM-9. It was a shooting left problem & many rounds ago I had to move my sight a fair amount to get it to hit to POA..

When I first got the little gun it was hitting both low & left. The low kind of sorted itself out as I shot it more but the left actually took a rear sight movement.

What I found when I was trying to get it to hit POA was that little gun is VERY critical to hand placement on the grips & especially of hand position/pressure. My PM-9 would also hit slightly lower with the white box ww 115 gr ammo.. When shooting 124 gr with a little more power it hit slightly higher..

I guess my suggestion is to try lots of different hand positions on the grips & try different trigger finger placements on the trigger.. If after some more shooting you find your groups stay nice & tight but more importantly stay in the same place on the target day after day but you still shoot low then give Kahr a call as they can probably install a different front or rear sight height to help you out..

My little PM-9 sure shoots good for a small framed gun but it sure isn’t very forgiving on ANYTHING the shooter does wrong..


03-15-2010, 11:59 AM
Snatch, where in Ohio are you?

I wasn't calling you a novice to firearms, but most haven't shot calibers larger than .32 or maybe .380 in a gun the size of the PM9 - hence the question.

03-15-2010, 12:57 PM
No offense taken at all jeep.just trying to give everyone a little perspective on my experience.I was fortunate enough to have made a friend that had a 400 yard range right on the river in loudonville and a 4 safes full of guns.anything I wanted to try or was willing to,he was more than happy to let me.I got a lot of range time in when I was younger but haven't had the time or money the last few years.I'm just slowly starting to get back into things.I live near mansfield.there aren't many places around here to shoot as far as indoor ranges and things of that nature,but columbus isn't to far at all and I've heard of a few nice places down there.I used to practice mainly for accuracy,but now that I've decided to carry I need to practice on my speed and being able to aquire the front sight rapidly and make consistent shots after doing so. Its a big change from what I'm used to but I figure if you're not trying to learn new things then you're just wasting time that you could have put to better use.I don't think anyone really masters anything they try and do,you can become really good at something but there is always gonna be more to learn,no matter what level you're at.I used to have a nasty habbit of shooting left,which I notice I tend to do sometimes with the kahr(to much jerking when pulling the trigger)but if I concentrate I can correct it.its just the shooting low that's getting me. But I guess its a good excuse for some more bullets down the barrel. I don't care how old you are,its always cool to see fire,make things go bang,and blow stuff up.

03-15-2010, 02:32 PM
If you have access to snap caps, have your buddy help you and do ball and dummy drills.

Essentially, he loads your mag and your gun, makes damn sure you're aware it's a hot gun, and you shoot it for accuracy. However, he may have loaded a snap cap (dud) and you'll see any/all jerking of the frame or trigger - or he may have loaded the real deal and you'll put a hole in the paper. It's an excellent way to work on those things.

I understand what you refer to as far as the speed vs. accuracy goes. My personal advice would be to practice soley for accuracy until you've got a hang of the gun, then start speeding up the tempo. Going for speed when you can't hit is just building bad training scars.

pistol-training.com Drills (http://pistol-training.com/drills) there's a bunch of great drills in there that will push both your speed and accuracy.

I'm assuming the master comment is in regards to my sig - the point is not to let the firearm control you, but you the firearm. This applies to both the good, and the errors.

03-15-2010, 02:37 PM
not trying to be overly critical but 25 yards is way way to far to diagnose what is happening. Get up around 7 yards and test out and see what is going on. Get some snap caps and let a friend load ur magazine without you knowing what is in it and I bet you will find out u are anticipating the "bang" thing and pulling...Snap caps willshot one his ways for sure..

I have 48 years of shooting firearms, time really doesn't mean alot. If u pull on a kahr it will magnify more than any gun on the marke.t Its looooooong trigger is the death of most kahr haters, for sure. It is as true a double action semi as a revolver is. Just my 2 cents worth here and I realize no one wants to be told that possablity the issues is the person behind the gun either so please don't take offense when we list things that can cause it.. buy some snap caps about a half dozen throw them in with 30 rounds of good ammo and let someone load it, Amazing what you will see...

03-15-2010, 02:43 PM
thanks jeep. i wasnt refering to your sig line, but i see how it could be taken that way. i just meant that whenever you think youve got something all figured out, something will pop up and surprise ya. so i try to never stop learning about things, wether its guns, motorcycles, guitars, and whatever else life throws at ya.

03-15-2010, 02:48 PM
so i try to never stop learning about things, wether its guns, motorcycles, guitars, and whatever else life throws at ya.

Hear here! The day ya stop learning something new each day is the day you die :)

03-15-2010, 03:34 PM
Hear here! The day ya stop learning something new each day is the day you die :)
Not even, because when you are dying you learning how to die(although it is a one time deal and last thing you learn):eek::banplease::behindsofa:

03-15-2010, 03:58 PM
If u can still breath,u are still learning. It is an automatic process..

03-22-2010, 10:44 AM
thanks jeep. ...... wether its guns, motorcycles, guitars, and whatever else life throws at ya.


Glad to see you got your priorities straight! I am in to all 3 as well.

03-22-2010, 02:08 PM

Glad to see you got your priorities straight! I am in to all 3 as well.

Same here!