View Full Version : coffee time today

11-02-2012, 03:23 PM
Today I got some DD coffee for the ladies in customer service. Hazelnut. But, there was no cups, no creamer, no sugar or Splenda in customer service. It had all been used, or stolen. Nothing left but some old sugar packs and lots of Lipton tea.

My co-worker pal, Monika, is Polish and makes the best coffee there is, but she's tied to her desk. So, I went upstairs to the main break room, and got some spare creamer, Splenda, cups, lids... that kind of stuff.

Came back down stairs. Monika has a break... we're both at the coffee machine - on a low file cabinet. I handed her the goodies pilfer'd from upstairs.

Whats she do? Sqatting down in front of the file cabinet. The kind that has two doors that open out. More of a storage cabinet really. She puts the Splenda - which was in its own box - into the box containing all the sugar and tea-bags.

I hate reaching and rummaging for the Splenda, I so tell her... "that ain't smart... shoulda kept 'em apart, now you gotta hunt for the Splendas."

She says - "yah, but there's sugar in that box already".

I say - "well put the sugar with the Splenda, leave the tea by itself".

She goes... "WHY?"

I say - "How would you like it if all you wanted was some sugar and ended up with a tea bag?"

Ooops. Perhaps poor choice of words.

11-02-2012, 03:25 PM
Pushing the limits... but funny!:D