View Full Version : PM40 first 100 rds. report

03-15-2010, 01:29 PM
Allright guys here I go. Got the first 100 threw her with no malfuctions of any kind except that it still doesn't like to feed the first round out of the mag. If I push up on the mag as I'm releasing the slide it seems to help, but I don't feel like I should have to do that. Rounds were 165gr. Win FMJ's and man were they dirty. This is my first stainless gun so maybe I didn't notice as much before. She shoots great. Does have quite a thump to it that was a little rough on the area under the beavertail, but easily manageable. I concentrated mainly on dumping a full mag on center mass and was surprised at how easy it was to stay on target. I had one 6 round group that would have fit in a 5"x9" picture frame. I'll let ya'll know how the next 100 goes by next week and we'll see if that first round doesn't start loading better.

03-15-2010, 01:39 PM
Allright guys here I go. Got the first 100 threw her with no malfuctions of any kind except that it still doesn't like to feed the first round out of the mag. If I push up on the mag as I'm releasing the slide it seems to help, but I don't feel like I should have to do that. Rounds were 165gr. Win FMJ's and man were they dirty. This is my first stainless gun so maybe I didn't notice as much before. She shoots great. Does have quite a thump to it that was a little rough on the area under the beavertail, but easily manageable. I concentrated mainly on dumping a full mag on center mass and was surprised at how easy it was to stay on target. I had one 6 round group that would have fit in a 5"x9" picture frame. I'll let ya'll know how the next 100 goes by next week and we'll see if that first round doesn't start loading better.

Congrats and thanks for the report. The issue about how to feed Kahrs (even we do not like it) still won't change they were designed that way. :banplease:

03-15-2010, 01:43 PM
Allright guys here I go. Got the first 100 threw her with no malfuctions of any kind except that it still doesn't like to feed the first round out of the mag. If I push up on the mag as I'm releasing the slide it seems to help, but I don't feel like I should have to do that. Rounds were 165gr. Win FMJ's and man were they dirty. This is my first stainless gun so maybe I didn't notice as much before. She shoots great. Does have quite a thump to it that was a little rough on the area under the beavertail, but easily manageable. I concentrated mainly on dumping a full mag on center mass and was surprised at how easy it was to stay on target. I had one 6 round group that would have fit in a 5"x9" picture frame. I'll let ya'll know how the next 100 goes by next week and we'll see if that first round doesn't start loading better.
Feed the first round from slide stop lever and you'll get that first round chambered.

03-15-2010, 01:48 PM
Feed the first round from slide stop lever and you'll get that first round chambered.
not sure what you mean, I put in the mag with slide open, push down on slide stop, sometimes it feeds, sometimes it don't

03-15-2010, 02:13 PM
not sure what you mean, I put in the mag with slide open, push down on slide stop, sometimes it feeds, sometimes it don't
Sounds like your chambering per Kahr specs. Possible faulty mag. I would call repair service or first see if there is other advice here.

03-15-2010, 02:26 PM
does it do it with both magazines?????

Probably needs an addtional 100 rounds down range to get things right. Be patient, you almost there. It should feed with using the slide stop lever to load that first round. Is it doing the same thing with fmj ammo or certain hp rounds. It should do both.

03-15-2010, 03:13 PM
Hey Jocko, I have 2 of the 6rd'ers with pinky ext. and the 5 rd. At first it seemed to work better with the 5 rd, but it does it too, just not as much. I have only shot FMJ so far. I can push up on the mags and they will move an 1/8" maybe up and down. Also, my mag release is a quirky, as in, sometimes the mag pops out and sometimes it has to be pressed a little harder and the mag just kind of falls out. The gun loosened up so much after just a little shooting I'm eager to see if these things don't work themselves out