View Full Version : New P380 range report - issues w/ pics

03-15-2010, 12:47 PM
Well I'm not giving up hope yet but am not liking what happended today at all. Took me over an hour to shoot 44 rounds. I did the whole strip and clean per manual and Jocko (less polishing the ramp). Anyway, first round the slide held open. Made sure my thumb didn't hit it and second round went OK. From there, I could barely get 2 shots off without a failure to chamber the next round. Even when I load it per the slide release method it wouldn't always close all the way.

Using Federal American Eagle hardball. I also noticed a small new nick in the side of the barrell now near the chamber. I understand tight tolerances but....seriously?

The frame near the slide is also a tad chewed towards the muzzle end.

I have a P9094N on order and trying hard not to reconsider now...

03-15-2010, 01:31 PM
Well I'm not giving up hope yet but am not liking what happended today at all. Took me over an hour to shoot 44 rounds. I did the whole strip and clean per manual and Jocko (less polishing the ramp). Anyway, first round the slide held open. Made sure my thumb didn't hit it and second round went OK. From there, I could barely get 2 shots off without a failure to chamber the next round. Even when I load it per the slide release method it wouldn't always close all the way.

Using Federal American Eagle hardball. I also noticed a small new nick in the side of the barrell now near the chamber. I understand tight tolerances but....seriously?

The frame near the slide is also a tad chewed towards the muzzle end.

I have a P9094N on order and reconsidering now...

but before you jump off the bridge, give the gun another 100 rounds. check your grip. make sure u have a good locked wrist. Not closing to me is just more rounds down range to smooth things out. What ur talking about witht he frame is I assume the polymer on the end of the top looking chewed up. If so, take some 600+ grit pape rand smooth out t6hat ruff area. That is what is proably holding back your slide from the necessary velocity to feed a round properly. sorry to hear what is happening but sit there and rack the slide a few hundred times and then check that polymer area that was showing "chewed" and see if it is smoothing itself out any..:blah:

03-15-2010, 02:01 PM
Thanks Jocko. Will do. I racked it a BUNCH last night and will do the sandpaper trick. I understand but am still a bit un-nerved that a gun of this price needs such TLC. I didn't want to get a fixer-upper.

I am also uncertain on keeping to fire rounds as I can only get one at a time - fire, release mag, clear chamber, lock slide open, re-insert mag, release slide, push back of slide to fully chamber round, fire, repeat...I am not sure it's going to magically fix itself.

I'll try to get some pics of the polymer rails. I've heard of "tabs" being left on?

03-15-2010, 02:16 PM
I left word with Kahr Service. I am sure they will be responsive as they were on the sales side when I was researching the purchases. It is a fine pistol so I am hoping it can make it to my carry everyday piece.

03-15-2010, 02:17 PM
I am not either sure that what I said will fix it either, but the recoil springs are what returns the slide to full battery and if the slide is dragging for some reason due to some of the polymer still rubbing against the slide etc, I will slow the slide down and you will get what you are seeing.

Those polymer rails I think ur talking about serve no purpsoe other than guiding the slide on the gun. Once on the gun, the slide should not touch those rails, but some do and thatis where alittle sand paper to smooth out the ruff spots comes into play, or in time the slide itself will take those high spots out itself.. It should not be a fixer upper but yours might just need that extra tlc to..

your last resort is to send it back, but I just think what your stating is duable "in house"

Little Dragon
03-15-2010, 03:41 PM
I'd make sure the recoil spring is installed properly also. If its backward you could have a problem.

03-15-2010, 09:15 PM
Did some buffing tonight and things are smoother but the jamming issue may very well be caused by interference of the slide stop lever and the rounds.

When I release the slide the first round typically chambers. Then I pull the slide back and engage the stop lever, re-rack and get a jam. It looks like there is pressure being put on the slide stop lever. Doing the check with the slide off I am not real sure what to look for but took pictures. I don't think I'm going to be able to do this at home.

I'm going to shoot it tommorrow but am pretty certain it is still going to jam based on the racking of rounds test. Hopefully I can talk to kahr tomorrow.

Also, is it normal for the chamber end of the barrel to be so scratched or dulled?

03-16-2010, 06:37 AM
Your second pic, the one with the barrel in hand, looks like the barrel is seriously tight with those sratches. You might try assembling it without the recoil system and hand cycle it to test for smoothness. The barrel and slide should lock up nice and tight in battery but should not require much force to get there. If it feels like too much force is needed for lockup, look closely for where the barrel or slide might be catching against each other. I suspect from your scratch marks that the slide at the ejection port might have a too tight fight against the barrel. Whatever the cause though, without the recoil unit in there hand cycling should be relatively light.

03-16-2010, 07:08 AM
I shared this with another post, but I had the same type of problem with my P380 and the first 50 rounds of RP green box hardball. The second box of Magtech hardball functioned without issue. Defense loads that I shot during that session also indicated some preference for Speer GD, Hornady HP, & PowerBall. Those marks on the barrel hood are in nearly the same place as those on mine. You get those with any gun that locks in with the barrel hood rather than lugs, i.e. 1911. This little gun is tight from the start and will wear in from shooting, rather than the sloppy rattling mess that I had with a LCP. Shooting comfort is much better with the Kahr. Found the LCP and a previous NA Guardian to be very harsh with defense loads.

03-16-2010, 07:37 AM
I haven't tried different ammo - don't have it and can't find it. But do have 13 boxes of American Eagle. I don't see why it shouldn't shoot those. I am looking forward to getting this thing shooting correctly.

It is all I can do to remain positive. I went head first on 2 Kahr's for EDC. This P380 and a P9 BDC w/ NS that will show up this week. I didn't intend to buy a project but rather a reliable high quality and high cost gun. The more I read and play with this gun it seems part of the "Kahr Experience" is getting everything working right.

In fairness, the factory hasn't been invovled yet. Hopefully I'll hear from them today and can address this and the barrel issue.

03-16-2010, 09:33 AM
Regarding the barrel scuff marks, mine looked just like that. Get some metal polish and in 5 minutes it will be nice and shiny. I don't know if it is any smoother, but it sure looks better.

03-16-2010, 12:02 PM
I have a Kahr PM9, the barrel will look like that after it has been shot. It sounds like you have a tight extractor. That will cause it not to fully return to battery. You should really get Kahr customer service involved. They can save a bunch of frustration for you. I looked up their number..... Call 508-635 3919. You my have to press a number for tech support.

Good luck!

03-16-2010, 12:41 PM
I have a Kahr PM9, the barrel will look like that after it has been shot. It sounds like you have a tight extractor. That will cause it not to fully return to battery. You should really get Kahr customer service involved. They can save a bunch of frustration for you. I looked up their number..... Call 508-635 3919. You my have to press a number for tech support.

Good luck!

Where you been WMD, you've been flying under the radar.

03-16-2010, 12:56 PM
Regarding the barrel scuff marks, mine looked just like that. Get some metal polish and in 5 minutes it will be nice and shiny. I don't know if it is any smoother, but it sure looks better.

If I were in his spot I would not give a rip if it looked nice I would want it to work nice. This would frustrate me and I would not be up to the "home remedies" on a new weapon. I would have Kahr fix the gun. I would not expect to buy a weapon that I had to work on to make it work. I don't mind ripping 200 down range and tolerating a FTE or a jam to get the tolerances all meshing. I would not put up with making it work right when it should work right new.

If that were the case you could buy a P3AT for a lot less and have all the fun of fussing, sanding polishing and tweaking with it to get it to work.


03-16-2010, 02:57 PM
Unit on the way to Kahr as we speak. They were very responsive and pleasant to deal with. I got "upsold" into buying the XS big dot NS and getting installed while already at the factory. Dang they just had to "twist my arm" like that :cool:

03-16-2010, 03:08 PM
Good move sending it back to Kahr, hope its on their dime.....They will fix it but I gotta agree with Mr. Recoilguy, some of these high end, high dollar Kahr pistols should have never left Worchester in the first place....If I pay top dollar for a new Cadillac I don't expect to take it home and work on it to get it to run right!!!!...Lets hope that Kahr management looks at this site and realizes that its much better to hold on to a good reputation than to lose it and try to regain it again....Ask Toyota.

03-16-2010, 03:11 PM
Where you been WMD, you've been flying under the radar.

Work has been interfereing with my social life! :D

I have been too darned busy to get on the forum (I hate it when that happens). However, I am back and will try to frequent my favorite forum a bit more. I am shooting my PM9 however. A perfect carry gun. I cannot imagine why anyone would want anything else! (Jeez, I am beginning to sound like a commercial)

03-16-2010, 03:17 PM
Actually, I did share the link to this thread to Kahr's Management and Service. Both departments responded to me and the gun is going back.

BTW, Toyota didn't have any quality control issues, it was a big conspiracy by Obama's Government Motors right? :behindsofa:

03-16-2010, 03:25 PM
Don't tell me that, I just bought one of those sticky throttle models for my Mother in Law!!!...:D

03-16-2010, 04:15 PM
Work has been interfereing with my social life! :D

I have been too darned busy to get on the forum (I hate it when that happens). However, I am back and will try to frequent my favorite forum a bit more. I am shooting my PM9 however. A perfect carry gun. I cannot imagine why anyone would want anything else! (Jeez, I am beginning to sound like a commercial)

Well we're glad your back! Been a bit boring around here lately. Mr. Recoilguy, I agree with you 100 percent on this one. They should work. I still believe most do work and we mostly hear about the ones that don't but even a few bad apples is too many. I've never had issues with the multitude (how many is a multitude?) of other handguns I've acquired. Kahr QC, lets ride for the brand and send out 100 percent good stuff. Drink some green tea or herbal something and take advantage of the 50 percent off in the optical department. WMD is making commercials for you for free, lets make the PM45's as perfect as the PM9's, at least the good ones.

03-17-2010, 07:40 PM
If I were in his spot I would not give a rip if it looked nice I would want it to work nice. This would frustrate me and I would not be up to the "home remedies" on a new weapon. I would have Kahr fix the gun. I would not expect to buy a weapon that I had to work on to make it work. I don't mind ripping 200 down range and tolerating a FTE or a jam to get the tolerances all meshing. I would not put up with making it work right when it should work right new.

If that were the case you could buy a P3AT for a lot less and have all the fun of fussing, sanding polishing and tweaking with it to get it to work.


The OP asked "Also, is it normal for the chamber end of the barrel to be so scratched or dulled? " That is what I was refering to. My point was, yes it is normal and if it is bothersome there is a simple fix.

03-20-2010, 09:47 AM
I too am having severe trouble with my P380.

This is the 3rd Kahr I have owned and I am a Kahr lover!!!
With that said, my P380 has been sent back 3 times and still I have
failure to fire issues.

The Kahr rep. told me they fired 100 round without a problem.
When I got the P380 back, I locked the slide back, inserted a magazine with 6
rounds and then used the slide release lever to put 1st round into battery.

The 1st attempt to fire after getting the P380 back from Kahr went CLICK.

I tried by cycling the slide by hand, CLICK.

3rd try I cycled by hand then hit the back of the slide with my palm with a
hard sharp hit......it went BOOM.

3 times I have sent it back and still it won't shoot....AAAAGGGGHHHHH

03-20-2010, 10:24 AM
Fastgun, lock your slide back and insert a full magazine slowly and watch what happens. See where the face of the striker wall behind the cartridge base winds up. Is the lower part of that striker housing(I call it the stripper) ON or BEHIND the cartridge. I just got my PM45 back and there have been several other .45s that have had the stripper resting on the cartridge rim and then riding over the cartridge as the slide goes into battery position on an empty chamber. We haven't heard of any .380s with this problem, but who knows?
Jocko is one of our most knowledgeable members, maybe he can help you.

03-20-2010, 12:12 PM
If I understand correctly what you are saying, the front of the slide that is supposed to push the cartridge into the chanber is behind the cartridge as it is supposed to be.

The problem that I continue to have is that a chambered round will not fire.
I have dozens of light primer strikes.....This is not a failure to chamber.

I will go ahead and do a full write up and post it as a new post in the P frame listings.

03-20-2010, 12:39 PM
Sounds like it's not quite going fully into battery, hence the smack on tehe back of the slide, then bang. The smack doesn't cause the bang correct? You smack then pull trigger then bang. My K40 did that at first and had to make a trip back. They called it barrel peening at that time.
Mine usually would fire even slightly out of battery, yours must be further out. We'll watch for the new thread.

03-20-2010, 01:19 PM
I can't speak to your .380 problem but I can tell you about my PM9 experience. I just bought my PM9 this week and went to the range on Thursday, 3-18-10. I shot 100 rounds of American Eagle 115gr ball and 100 rounds of 147gr ball. Had absolutely no problems whatsoever. The gun shot like a champ. Very accurate and nice to shoot. I am very happy and this is now my primary EDC weapon.

From everything I've read, I'm sure Kahr will take care of any problem with your .380. I wouldn't hesitate to take delivery of your PM9. Good luck.