View Full Version : Newbie from Minnesota

11-05-2012, 09:20 AM
Hello all,

new here, have been searching the site since last week. Recently got my carry permit and my old S&W 469 is tough to conceal, and heavy.

So I need another gun for carry, and am sold on Kahr. I looked at a CM9 this weekend at a Gander Mountain and liked it a lot. I inquired with a guy that has a FFL on pricing. He said I should consider the CW9, as this is what he carries.

So I looked it up and saw a video and there appears to be little difference in size and you get the extra round. Plan on carrying mostly with a holster, so pocket carry is not a big concern , but might be nice in certain situations.

Will keep researching, any input would be great. Plan on purchasing this week.


11-05-2012, 09:38 AM
My .02 of rationalization...

I'm not a "gunner" per se but wanted an easily concealable, well built, easy to handle pistol for carry purposes. I figure the chances I'll ever use it for self defense are very slim - almost zero. That said, concealability became my top priority but reliability and accuracy were both a VERY close second.

I opted for the CM9 for it's extra concealability. Now that I've run several hundred rounds through it I'm convinced of it's reliability (and accuracy) so in reality I ended up with the best of both.

Others will differ and YMMV.

Welcome to the forum! :D

11-05-2012, 09:45 AM
Love my CM9. Smaller size outweighs extra rounds over CW9 in my estimation. Also have a S&W 469 which is a great range gun.

11-05-2012, 11:18 AM
Welcome to the Forum!

11-05-2012, 12:14 PM
Thanks for the input and the welcomes. I am leaning to the CM9, already have the 469 for a larger/range gun. And do want to conceal as much as possible.

11-05-2012, 04:17 PM
Seeing as how you are going to carry on the waist, go for the CW9. You can get all your fingers on the grip, the barrel and sight plane are a little longer, holds one more round, very little more weight and you can shop around and get one quite a bit cheaper than the CM9. Many people proclaim it is the ideal carry gun.

P.S. I own a CM9 which I lke because my crippled, half closed little finger can go beneath the magazine. But if it weren't for that and I was deciding which way to go, I would go for the CW9. JMO. YMMV.

11-05-2012, 06:26 PM
It's a tough call. I like the idea of having my whole hand on the grip, and the longer site plane. But want to conceal as best I can. I am 5'9 160lbs and don not wear baggy clothes. I may just have to spent the money on renting both to decide.

11-05-2012, 07:22 PM
I've had both, currently have the cm9. You can't go wrong with either one but for conceal ability you can't beat the cm9. You can always get the pinky extension for the magazine. I had that for a while and then took it back off. I can get 1&3/4 fingers around it (big hands) and the gun is as sweet as it gets.

You won't regret getting the cm9 for its size. Then for a fuller size range gun get you a cw45 later.

11-05-2012, 08:52 PM
Thanks for the help in the decision everyone! There is a LGS with both for rent, might as well try them both and decide from there.

Thanks Again,

11-06-2012, 11:24 AM
That's the way to go.