View Full Version : How are you feeling on this election day

11-06-2012, 02:23 PM
I'm ashamed to say that I haven't had much sleep the last couple of days. I love this country and this election is vital.

The tension is getting to me.

11-06-2012, 02:56 PM
Well, the pressure is off now. Either the American people saved the Republic or we're all doomed.

11-06-2012, 03:00 PM
I'm eager to watch the results tonight. Or if they don't reach a conclusion by the time I fall asleep, the morning gunfire will tell me who won. :D

11-06-2012, 03:05 PM
I'm not even thinking about it myself. The fact that your incumbent got even 1 vote gives me a feeling of frustration, makes me question our education system, and the general intelligence of the American public. I had the same feeling the first go around, I thought McCain was a shoe in against Hillary and then along came the Kenyan, I figured why bother to have an election, it will be a landslide. Then the bastard won. I just threw up a little bit in my mouth.

Just wish I had some ammo so I could join in the shooting. As it is I'll have to rely on my stealth and bobbing and weaving skills to avoid incoming rounds.
After I use up what small quantity I have on hand that is.

Wish I had funds for a bottle of scotch, even the cheap stuff, I fear I'm gonna need it badly.

11-06-2012, 03:12 PM
He's not my incumbent!!!!!!!!!!!!
I DON'T understand why the race is even close!!!!!!!!!!!!
And I DON'T understand the mainstream media's love affair with Obama.

Now I'll have to shut-up before the thread is shut down.
Thanks for letting me vent.

11-06-2012, 03:16 PM
i did my part to vote the dude out, so now it is what it is...

11-06-2012, 03:23 PM
oh contrare, we have at least one ahole on this forum who will make us eat sh!t if the great one wins. I don't publish names, so I am gonna let u guess. ARE U THE AHOLE???Just sayin

11-06-2012, 03:27 PM
oh contrare, we have at least one ahole on this forum who will make us eat sh!t if the great one wins. I don't publish names, so I am gonna let u guess. ARE U THE AHOLE???Just sayin

I think there are two - at least that I can think of.

11-06-2012, 03:31 PM
Lets not start a witch hunt. Not being too bright doesn't have anything to do with anatomy. I know some real nice dumb people that aren't arse holes.

Probably a low percentage but lets not even go there.

Aawww heck with it, start a witch hunt, we'll burn big L's on them for Laverne or Left Leaning or Liberal.

I better go now, I'm starting to get wound up like a Casio watch.

11-06-2012, 03:32 PM
Long as your hunting I'm suspicious of at least 7 with a few others that I'm concerned about so happy hunting.

Good thing most people don't have my superior powers of profiling, it could get ugly in a hurry.

11-06-2012, 03:42 PM
It's sorta odd that anyone on a gun forum would support someone that has every intention of taking away their guns. Maybe they're just plants and don't own any guns at all.

11-06-2012, 04:14 PM
Your good O'Dell, a little slow but good.

There are plants all over the internet, I know this because I read about it on the internet so it has to be true.

We've had several here.

11-06-2012, 04:26 PM
u mean, maybe we have a PLANT on this forum. oh my, are they related to what some would call trolls??? Just sayin

Love the word Bawanna HAD. kinda like past tense. Just sayin.

11-06-2012, 04:29 PM
hopefuly ol jocko is not one of ur 7. I know I kid u about riding a honder once but I WAS JUST KIDDIN. U can't ban me anyhow, John told me that, or was it Bill, no maybe it was dan

andI really really do love my pink grips u redid for me to. I carry it when I dress in heels..

11-06-2012, 04:30 PM
Completely not cool. Once this is done we're all gonna have to pull together to keep this country alive as we know it.
Please don't single anyone out.
We are AMERICANS, period, end of statement.

11-06-2012, 04:36 PM
Its evident Tinman ur not one of the 47% who doesn't work and bleeds and sucks off our government. Just sayin

11-06-2012, 04:38 PM
No, I am not. I am one of those riding on the back of a tiger. I can stay on and take my chances or I can get off and be eaten. Rough choice ain't it?

11-06-2012, 04:47 PM
I don't mind saying that I will shed no tears if Obama loses. While I voted for Romney, I also feel that he doesn't have the backbone of Reagan or Bush and will cave in to some of the democratic desires. Should he win I would be willing to bet our next President in 4 years will be a democrat. Our country has changed drastically and is greatly divided. I hope I'm wrong, but don't be surprised if there are riots after this election is over.

11-06-2012, 04:53 PM
I don't mind pullin myy weight but when I look behind me and see the freeloaders tagging along on the rope that I am pullin. then IMO this not the America that I knew.

Many don't remember WPA days, I don't but my dad sure in hell did. We have sidwalks all over my town with WPA engraved at the end of each block. U see those people back then that had no jobs just didn't take money and freeebies and sit on their asses... They repaid the best they knew how with the fruits of their labor not sitting on their asses and crying "poor me Poor me". If these fokking freeloaders has to do any physcal work at all to earn their food stamps/welfare/unemployment, many would have went back to work. Once we introudce a program for the treue needy, then very soon the not so needy are in there and then ther system is what we have today: Fokked up.

11-06-2012, 04:56 PM
I don't mind pullin myy weight but when I look behind me and see the freeloaders tagging along on the rope that I am pullin. then IMO this not the America that I knew.

Perfectly stated

11-06-2012, 05:00 PM
well.... I just put in my vote,(embarassed to admit its my virst vote of my 26 yrs, but I felt this election was important enough, so in order to try and save our country I signed up for possible jury duty and voted) so all I can do now is sit and wait and hope.

11-06-2012, 05:02 PM
were all doin that my friend

11-06-2012, 05:03 PM
I don't mind saying that I will shed no tears if Obama loses. While I voted for Romney, I also feel that he doesn't have the backbone of Reagan or Bush and will cave in to some of the democratic desires. Should he win I would be willing to bet our next President in 4 years will be a democrat. Our country has changed drastically and is greatly divided. I hope I'm wrong, but don't be surprised if there are riots after this election is over.

I'm hoping that he is what he is and we have 8 years of Romney and hopefully again, if he is what he is 8 years of Ryan. Hopefully well established and no dems in the future. At the very least solid enough that they can't screw it up completely in one term.

I don't think anyone will ever come close to Obummer and his crew for screwing things up. He's set the mark incredibly low.

11-06-2012, 05:14 PM
I don't see the arogance in romey, like I do obummer and if ob ummer gets back in, we will see arogance like u never seen. This country will dig itself out of its hole, good president or bad. Just takes longer with a bad one. I do think Romney is a decet man, say what u want about the mormon people I have beebn around a few of them and hunted with a few in Utah years ago. They are decent people.

I have to agree with Bawanna, the bar is set very low by Obummer, so IMO anyone can do better. I have never seen such a divide in this country as I see now. I will get through it, but my son is gonna suffer from this sh!t. Just sayin

11-06-2012, 05:16 PM
That is what makes me saddest of all. My son and daughter won't or might not have the same opportunities we had. That is the death of the American Dream in my opinion.

11-06-2012, 05:17 PM
I'm hoping that he is what he is and we have 8 years of Romney and hopefully again, if he is what he is 8 years of Ryan. Hopefully well established and no dems in the future. At the very least solid enough that they can't screw it up completely in one term.

I don't think anyone will ever come close to Obummer and his crew for screwing things up. He's set the mark incredibly low.

Don't get me wrong. I hope Romney does a great job and is able to help the economy, but if that doesn't happen in 4 years then his words will come back to haunt him next election. He has spoken with great confidence and I sure hope he can do what he says. Time will tell. No doubt that Obama and his crowd need to go!

11-06-2012, 05:22 PM
think back 50 years ago and ourf gun owners rights and compare it to just today. Hell back then I could go damn near anywhere and hunt squirrels or bird and land owners never objected. Now, even in my small county whichg is mainly farmland, all the land is now leased up. farmers will burn u in a heart beat if ur trespass. Gun laws are going out of sight. The youth today has no interest inb hunting. Aug 15 in Indiana use dto be opening day of squirrel season and we cut school on that day, today hell no one hunts squirrels. ur right Tinman I won't say it is the death of the American dreaqm but it is on tranfusion for sure. Fokk u can't go down the highway without a car passng u with a cell phone up to their ear or kids walking in the mall constantly looking at their cell phones. They can't live without that sh!t. A shame but I don't see it gettin better either. Whenobummer basicaly delcared war on any resource in or under the ground, he lost me. I want a clean society but I sur ein hell don't want a fokking windmill in my back yard eitther.

11-06-2012, 05:48 PM
We have to remember that the President (Obummer is exception) can't make or change law by himself. So Romney will have to fight tooth and nail to fix the economy and I'd be surprised if he pulls it off in only one term.

What he has going for him is a wide open history, we know all about him, where he came from, what he's done. He's got class and my spidy senses tell me he doesn't blatantly lie.

He's got huge back bone compared to that jelly fish in office now and I hope in his first month in office he goes on an ass kicking tour to make up for the ass kissing tour by the jelly fish.

I can't think about this anymore, if Obummer wins we're sooooo screwed.

I'm signing off now. I'm not a real praying man but I'm doing it now for our country.
Praise the lord and pass the ammunition.

11-06-2012, 05:50 PM
Amen Brother!

11-06-2012, 06:21 PM
Don't get me wrong. I hope Romney does a great job and is able to help the economy, but if that doesn't happen in 4 years then his words will come back to haunt him next election. He has spoken with great confidence and I sure hope he can do what he says. Time will tell. No doubt that Obama and his crowd need to go!

You're right, and the problem is that he will have to make many decisions that will not sit well with a lot of people, especially the parasites. Obama has put the country in such bad shape, that this is unavoidable. Hopefully enough people will put the future of the nation ahead of petty inconveniences. I can't say that I'm optimistic. Not many people remember or care about John Kennedy's famous words. I will say that, even though he's considered a moderate, I have a great deal more faith in Romney than either of the Bush's. Neither of them would have had a chance of pulling it off, and I don't see any Reagan's around. But first, Romney has to win. Otherwise the whole issue is moot, and we are doomed.

11-06-2012, 06:22 PM
Unfortunately I think this speaks a lot of what happened to America :(

11-06-2012, 06:34 PM
You think the pony tail had anything to do with it. Maybe if we made congress and the senate wear powdered wigs some of them would bail and find a job and we could replace with someone that gives a rats backside.

Ya think? We could be on to something here.

11-06-2012, 06:54 PM
I'm eager to watch the results tonight. Or if they don't reach a conclusion by the time I fall asleep, the morning gunfire will tell me who won. :D

I'm a man of patience. I don't intend to start shooting until after the third or fourth recount. :)

11-06-2012, 07:02 PM
to many glass houses with our congressmen. they really don'thave a clue about real life. First thing they do when they are elected is to work towards getting reelected. Course as u know I am just pissin in the wind with the mention of ONE TERM LIMITS.

11-06-2012, 07:08 PM
We have to remember that the President (Obummer is exception) can't make or change law by himself.


We need others in Congress and local office of like mind so his feet can be held to the fire.

11-06-2012, 07:12 PM
I don't see the arogance in romey, like I do obummer and if ob ummer gets back in, we will see arogance like u never seen. This country will dig itself out of its hole, good president or bad. Just takes longer with a bad one. I do think Romney is a decet man, say what u want about the mormon people I have beebn around a few of them and hunted with a few in Utah years ago. They are decent people.

I have to agree with Bawanna, the bar is set very low by Obummer, so IMO anyone can do better. I have never seen such a divide in this country as I see now. I will get through it, but my son is gonna suffer from this sh!t. Just sayin

Boy do I agree. Early on I choose to vote for Romney because he was a much better choice than Obummer! But, it was a big compromise. However, after the first debate I realized he loves this country and respects the constitution. That's huge!!!!! And I never never never would have thought that love of the USA would have ever been a factor!! How sad!! (Michele isn't proud)
Another fact, Romney doesn't need the money or prestige. He has already made his mark in the world.
I also like his attitude about the place/role of America in the world. No more apooigizies tours!!!!!!!
Finally, he might be able to get around some road blocks. After all Mass. is a very democratic state and he was able to get some things done.
Finally, (for sure) this WORLD is not a cake walk and even a good moral man will face many dangers.
But at least with him we have a chance! With Obummer, we are DONE!!

face many

Steve in Sunny Fla
11-06-2012, 07:16 PM
If you want to keep your 2nd amendment rights intact, this election is vital. Not just because of what the president might sign, but because of who may be appointed to the SCOTUS. That's a big part of a president's legacy, as his appointies will make law well after his term is finished.
I like my 2A rights. You can make your own judgements of how I voted - Steve

11-06-2012, 07:27 PM
If you want to keep your 2nd amendment rights intact, this election is vital. Not just because of what the president might sign, but because of who may be appointed to the SCOTUS. That's a big part of a president's legacy, as his appointies will make law well after his term is finished.
I like my 2A rights. You can make your own judgements of how I voted - Steve

like that Ruth gator Ginsberg, ifshe slumps any more in that damn chair, she is gonna just dissappear in the padding of it. My God man do they have to fokking die to get um outta there. Talk about a lifetime job and once nominated, u can be the totall ass you said u would never be, I. E. Justice Kennedy. that Judas goat and to think were stuck with these guys until they get like Ruth and become a decal on the chair or a wet spot on the chair. I know she wears depends to. Her office smells like a nursing home..

U ever notice in group photos how every justice never sits in the chair that Ruth sits in. There is a reason for that. She always has the same place.. Just sayin

11-06-2012, 08:25 PM
to many glass houses with our congressmen. they really don'thave a clue about real life. First thing they do when they are elected is to work towards getting reelected. Course as u know I am just pissin in the wind with the mention of ONE TERM LIMITS.

Term limits for congressmen is something that I've waffled on for years. As a Libertarian, artificial limits are contrary to my nature. The FF decided that the limits should be determined by the voters and that worked until politicians realized that this could be a permanent job. Obviously, the FF never conceived of such an idea. Since the congressmen became obsessed with reelection and could curry favors by looting the federal coffers, the voters began to choose the person that could give them the most. Consequently, I now think that term limits are the only way to break the cycle.

As for the Senate, I think the seventeenth amendment should be repealed, and the Senators should go back to representing the states. This would put us back to the beginning, as conceived by the FF. It's inconceivable to me that Iran has representation in Washington, but my state of Georgia does not.

11-06-2012, 08:27 PM
OK folks. Cheer me up!?!

11-06-2012, 08:36 PM
like that Ruth gator Ginsberg, ifshe slumps any more in that damn chair, she is gonna just dissappear in the padding of it. My God man do they have to fokking die to get um outta there. Talk about a lifetime job and once nominated, u can be the totall ass you said u would never be, I. E. Justice Kennedy. that Judas goat and to think were stuck with these guys until they get like Ruth and become a decal on the chair or a wet spot on the chair. I know she wears depends to. Her office smells like a nursing home..

U ever notice in group photos how every justice never sits in the chair that Ruth sits in. There is a reason for that. She always has the same place.. Just sayin

That brings up a good point. So far Obama has made two appointments to the Supreme Court, but in both cases he replaced a liberal with a liberal, so nothing really changed much. However, in the next four years, in addition to Ginsberg, it's likely a more conservative justice will leave. With Obama we will have a 4-5 court instead of a 5-4 one since the Democrats control the Senate.

11-06-2012, 10:05 PM
You think the pony tail had anything to do with it. Maybe if we made congress and the senate wear powdered wigs some of them would bail and find a job and we could replace with someone that gives a rats backside.

Ya think? We could be on to something here.

Put Barney frank in a powdered wig and he would never retire. Just sayin.

11-06-2012, 10:19 PM
sorry folks. was not meant to be.

only good spin i can think of is that the dems will now do so much damage in the next 4 years that maybe, maybe a combination of tea, gop, libertarian, and constitutional party, along w/ some moderate dems will route the next election and own all 3 governing bodies in 2016 (senate, house, presidency). but we all knew the damage has already been done for nearly 100 years. the republic is done. last nail in the coffin will be what stands a good chance to happen to the supreme court over the next 4 years.

the only thing to stop them is the house.


11-06-2012, 10:21 PM
FOX just called the election for Obama. Never underestimate the stupidity of the American voter. Hide your wallets comrades. :(

11-06-2012, 10:27 PM
sorry folks. was not meant to be.

only good spin i can think of is that the dems will now do so much damage in the next 4 years that maybe, maybe a combination of tea, gop, libertarian, and constitutional party, along w/ some moderate dems will route the next election and own all 3 governing bodies in 2016 (senate, house, presidency). but we all knew the damage has already been done for nearly 100 years. the republic is done. last nail in the coffin will be what stands a good chance to happen to the supreme court over the next 4 years.

the only thing to stop them is the house.


You think we can last 4 years. I'm watching the muslim monkeys headquarters and find myself longinh to be there in the balcony with several assault rifles.
the dumb asses are dancing and whooping it up.

I'll probably drift for awhile. Need to liquidate and stock pile ammo. Not for me, I've had a life but for my kids.

11-06-2012, 10:30 PM
Oh the humanity!
Long live the current supreme court justices.

The bummer is that I just went and shot ALL my ammo last weekend and didn't get a chance to make it to my LGS. Wonder what the price will be tomorrow. :(

And I didn't buy my AR that I wanted to. Prices I'm sure will steadily increase, if not spike, in anticipation of a federal ban.

11-06-2012, 10:31 PM
You thought the last 4 years were bad!

11-06-2012, 10:42 PM
You think we can last 4 years. I'm watching the muslim monkeys headquarters and find myself longinh to be there in the balcony with several assault rifles.
the dumb asses are dancing and whooping it up.

I'll probably drift for awhile. Need to liquidate and stock pile ammo. Not for me, I've had a life but for my kids.

The house and supremes can stop him for awhile, but we all saw how ObamaCare got rammed thru w/ the house doing all they could and the supremes caving. So maybe you are right. I'm hitting mid-life and I fear for everyone's small, adolescent, and teenage children. They will pay dearly for this, financially and in freedom.

It's all OK, it's all on the wheel. It was meant to be, just hoped it wouldn't be in my lifetime.

We picked up a few Republican governors.

Romney will have won the popular vote by a significant enough margin to say that half the country doesn't believe in Obama, they didn't before either.

In the end, people won't stand for it, it's just gonna take time, and maybe a long long time. But people, by and large will be free come hell or high water. And it's gonna be hell for sure.

11-06-2012, 10:44 PM
OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have not had much sleep!!!! But holy sh----------!!!!!
So where can I go!!!! Let me know!! We are open.

11-06-2012, 11:23 PM
For his first term obummer kept two campaign promises: he kept date night and he got his kids a puppy. I wonder what promises he'll keep this term. I almost wish I hadn't watched 2016 Obama's America - now I know what is driving him and how doomed the US really is under his care.

11-07-2012, 12:36 AM
OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have not had much sleep!!!! But holy sh----------!!!!!
So where can I go!!!! Let me know!! We are open.

At this point, I'm w/ you. My state (Virginia) has been overrun w/ blue turds and I'm planning to get out as soon as I can convince my immediate family to go. I've had ENOUGH. Looking like Texas, Oklahoma, maybe Wyoming. Leaning Texas b/c it's heavily populated and at least bordering Oklahoma and Louisiana and isn't land locked. Its' just a few Texas gun laws that bother me.

11-07-2012, 07:09 AM
yes and Romney lost Virginia to a anti coal mining president. The blacks overwhelming voted for Obama in virginia. WTF is the matter with that state??? U guys better dig out the ol Flag ... jUST SAYIN..

11-07-2012, 08:44 AM
It is clear, the idiots now greatly outnumber us! :mad: After all, they can manage by instinct alone to make babies, and they are making them faster than we are. Mel Brooks summed it up: "It's a crazy world!" :crazy:

Well, I'm going to be clinging to my guns and my Bible a lot harder! Got another gun on the way. Goin' to stock up on ammo before they add taxes (fines) like Ill-o-noise just did.

11-07-2012, 09:55 AM
Um, why is this post in the tech forum?

11-07-2012, 10:02 AM
Um, why is this post in the tech forum?

My guess is because it technically affects every other issue we talk about on this forum. Good question, though.

Personally, I'm feeling a bit bummed today. Stopped by Walmart to pick up a little range ammo, then take out all the "girls" for a day of self expression before a law is passed against it.

Those of you looking for a new home that shares your values and vision, you're welcome here in Texas!

11-08-2012, 08:15 PM
I feel depressed. Words fail me.

11-08-2012, 09:21 PM
For me, it is just time to quit funding it all. I've gotta eliminate income, profits and anything else that attracts the confiscators. I used to think paying taxes was patriotic. Now, I have the opposite view.

11-08-2012, 11:37 PM
Those of you looking for a new home that shares your values and vision, you're welcome here in Texas!

Yup, yup. Plenty of room for good folks here in the Lone Star state.

11-09-2012, 10:20 AM
Whats the job market like down there for deaf derelicts in wheelchairs?

I might come down. Not to worry I already got a couple hats.

11-09-2012, 11:03 AM
It's going to be hard all over and Texas doesn't have enough water for everyone looking to escape the looney-lefts. Double up (or triple up) your disaster preparations, everyone. Prayers for all of my brothers and sisters of KahrTalk.

11-09-2012, 12:07 PM
Calm down. The people have spoken. I think now the conservatives will be much more conciliatory and will soon compromise to get this country on the right track.

11-09-2012, 12:51 PM
Oh, yes! "OUR" Dear Ruler is ready to steer this ship... right over the precipice into bankruptcy. The "people" have chosen free bread and circuses over fiscal responsibility and OTHER people's money will soon be gone as the "evil" rich are hunted down and stripped of their ill-gotten gains. THEN, the Golden Goose will be truly riven and the truth be found... that tearing the poor creature open only kills it and the daily golden eggs of the future. When the cupboards are bare, where will the irresponsible "dependents" get their sustenance???


11-09-2012, 12:58 PM
Calm down. The STUPID people have spoken. I think now the conservatives will be much more conciliatory and will soon compromise to get this country on the right track.

Fixed it for ya.

11-09-2012, 01:02 PM

11-09-2012, 02:12 PM
[removed my own comment]

11-09-2012, 03:05 PM
LOL! Tinman, that's it!!!

11-09-2012, 05:33 PM
I have not worked steady for 4years with steadaly getting worse. I am a plasterer.NOW because Dahama is realected My wifes boss has her doing a cost analisis of the contiuing changes Dahama care taxes.That could be Devitating to my family. I am mad at these IDIOTS and now even look at people differant (I helped at polls and could pick out the demacrates by those not taking the good voter guide) and I try to be a good christiian. No I am NOT ready to move on...

11-09-2012, 05:58 PM
I have not worked steady for 4years with steadaly getting worse. I am a plasterer.NOW because Dahama is realected My wifes boss has her doing a cost analisis of the contiuing changes Dahama care taxes.That could be Devitating to my family. I am mad at these IDIOTS and now even look at people differant (I helped at polls and could pick out the demacrates by those not taking the good voter guide) and I try to be a good christiian. No I am NOT ready to move on...

What's a good voter guide?

11-09-2012, 06:10 PM
Republican voter guide

11-09-2012, 06:11 PM
What's a good voter guide?


11-09-2012, 06:15 PM

Chief Joseph
11-09-2012, 06:18 PM
I would like to believe Americans would wise up after even further economic destruction coming and super high energy costs coming, but we've seen how stupid Americans have become. At least we were smart enough to toss jimmah cartah after one term. I think it'll take complete destruction and even then Americans are too dumb to understand why. All they care about is their own welfare check and what that skank beyonce is wearing, that's it. Rush has it right, Santa Claus will never lose. The money will run out though, it'll be too late by then, but it will.

11-09-2012, 06:22 PM

tinman, did u loose those guns in the storm??/or what:popcorn:

damnI am again a day late and a dollar short. I did not read your initial post.
That is such a bummer. I have PM-ed u and I expect an answer... Just sayin

11-09-2012, 06:26 PM
C&R guns don't count. They're not really firearms.

11-09-2012, 06:27 PM
He practicing for the day the men in dark suits come knocking

11-09-2012, 10:18 PM
Rush has it right, Santa Claus will never lose. The money will run out though, it'll be too late by then, but it will.

Slight correction. The CREDIT will run out sometime soon. We ran out of actual MONEY about 16 trillion dollars ago.


11-10-2012, 01:53 AM
+1 on THAT!


11-10-2012, 05:41 AM
Slight correction. The CREDIT will run out sometime soon. We ran out of actual MONEY about 16 trillion dollars ago.



11-10-2012, 10:08 AM
Slight correction. The CREDIT will run out sometime soon. We ran out of actual MONEY about 16 trillion dollars ago.


I think I found our next President. RJT figured it out.

11-10-2012, 10:10 AM

They really did have it right. WOW.

11-10-2012, 10:17 AM
Calm down. The people have spoken. I think now the conservatives will be much more conciliatory and will soon compromise to get this country on the right track.

I'm more a libertarian but I'll be conciliatory right now.

Crabby, if we don't hit 20 trillion in debt in the next 4 years, if the unemployment is less than 6%, and if the economy is booming, I'll say you were right.

If we are worse off and don't meet the above objectives in 4 years, you admit I was right?

Is it a deal???

I have no confidence long term in ANY of our politicians. They can't stop spending.

11-10-2012, 12:33 PM
This is an interesting read:

11-10-2012, 12:46 PM
Two minutes of my life I can never get back. Sure we don't need to wait 5 hours for stale bread YET, my concern is if we can survive 4 more years to let the stupid give me folks another chance to pick a loser.

I don't know if it's true, who knows anymore but I saw where McDonald Douglas planned to lay off 125,000 employees due to military cut backs. This was suppose to happen in October. The enemy within convinced them to with hold the announcement until after the election and promised to take care of their severance pay with government funds if they waited.
True? Not true? Who knows. We do know he's capable and willing.
We do know he has an unpatriotic ugly wife with a big butt and a relatively ugly dog. I feel sorry for the dog mostly.

Sure one man can't bring us down but if there was one that could it's this one, and he gets to pick his many of his accomplices.
General Patreaous resigning for an affair? I don't buy that for the time it takes to type this sentence.
He couldn't stomach the monkey as Commander in Chief for another term, so there are indeed far reaching and highly damaging ripple effects.

I'll wait and watch, fight when if I get a chance, mostly sorry for the young folks, those that didn't vote for the monkey that is. The others I hope die from bad dope or infected food at the homeless shelters.

11-10-2012, 12:51 PM
McDonald Douglas planned to lay off 125,000 employees due to military cut backs

McDonnell Douglas makes aerospace technology.
McDonalds makes hamburgers.

I'm not an economist or a world leader, and I don't claim to be able to predict the future course of our country. But I do know where to get a hamburger, and where to get a supersonic jet.

11-10-2012, 12:57 PM
I'm taking some classes from Jocko to improve my spelling. I don't know nothing about nothing but I am a regular at Ronald McDonalds house and I know your a Dairy Queen addict.

I'm not even 100% sure that lay off info was true so maybe I'm just adding to the mass hysteria which really isn't a bad thing.

Maybe I'll go borrow a buck from the neighbors and get a dollar meal if I got gas to get there which is questionable.

11-10-2012, 01:05 PM
I'm taking some classes from Jocko to improve my spelling. I don't know nothing about nothing but I am a regular at Ronald McDonalds house and I know your a Dairy Queen addict.

I'm not even 100% sure that lay off info was true so maybe I'm just adding to the mass hysteria which really isn't a bad thing.

Maybe I'll go borrow a buck from the neighbors and get a dollar meal if I got gas to get there which is questionable.

Maybe I'll send you a hamburger in the mail. I think USPS is still operating, and I think the burger will still be fresh when it gets there.

I've been mostly silent these last few days, but I'm getting tired of it and I want to move on.

But I have not been idle.

After seeing the volume and intensity of the backlash on this forum, I felt it important to improve my home defense capability - NOT to protect against the outcome so direly predicted by the people on this forum, but because of the number of people on this forum that were trying to incite armed revolt, urging others to stop talking and start acting. I would not trust these people to stop short of raiding my house and killing my family once they got started. Yes, that is how I see the people who said these things - and I'm pro-gun and in favor of mild prepping!

So I bought two new guns, ordered another suppressor so I can defend my house quietly, and ordered 3000 rounds of 9mm and 223 ammunition.

All thanks to the extremists who posted here.

11-10-2012, 01:18 PM
While reading things that try to give us perspective of how bad things could be is momentarily comforting, it doesn't really address what displeased Americans are feeling and why. Furthermore, it can only help anesthetize people into accepting their reality as status quo. IOW it is like saying to someone who complains about how much gas costs here in the U.S that they should be happy they do not live in Europe where they pay much more.

I hope many take some minuscule amount of solace knowing that the founding fathers did set things up so the president cannot single handedly run the country into the ground. Instead, it takes the efforts of many to do this. Therefore, I hold many more people accountable for our current situation. For me, it starts from the kitchen tables in our homes and runs all the way into the White House.

While I agree with the frustration many have toward our president, I am ashamed of the attacks I see on his family and racial slurs used while expressing their dissatisfaction. People against the current administration need to be better than that.

I also feel that our president will not have the luxury of 4 more years if things do not change for the better soon. While he received many electoral votes, those delegates will have to respond to the people's mounting frustrations on both sides of the fence. There are procedures in place to have a president removed as well as installed into office.

11-10-2012, 01:50 PM
While reading things that try to give us perspective of how bad things could be is momentarily comforting, it doesn't really address what displeased Americans are feeling and why. Furthermore, it can only help anesthetize people into accepting their reality as status quo.

Thank you for a sane response, and you are absolutely right. That article was fairly limited in scope and dealt more with feelings and perspective and an anecdotal reference to one facet of our society than with the larger issues.

So now I am offering another article. This one was written by someone who is far better educated than me, and has obviously been far more involved in politics than I am (and I do not begrudge him this).

Before I give the link, I want to stress a couple of quick points:

1. Don't let the inflammatory title of the article stop you from reading it. I don't like the title but the content says all of the things that my personal thoughts were not coherent and eloquent enough to express.

2. Reading this will consume some more of your life that you can never get back. I know exactly how that feels, after having walked out of the movie theatre not more than about 25 minutes into "Wild Hogs". That being said, I hope that you do find some value in this article for yourself, and I sincerely hope that this article takes you more than 2 minutes to read - because if it only takes you 2 minutes then you did not read it, or did not comprehend what you read.

(knkali, I am addressing the forum in general with these comments, not you specifically - though I might be ribbing Bawanna a little with the 2-minute comment.)

Here's the article:

11-10-2012, 02:10 PM
I'm officially opting out of politics threads from here forward. I'll try to watch, since thats my job.

I'm headed to town to try and find some rose colored glasses (I'm pretty sure they will be sold out) and a bottle of scotch if I have enough money which I'm pretty sure I don't.

I do apologize for my comments about the first dog. He's really not all that ugly. I do not apologize for anything else, sometimes my profiling skills are a curse but seldom steer me wrong.

As usual I'm not prepared but thats OK. What happens happens. God have mercy on us.

Chief Joseph
11-10-2012, 02:16 PM
Oh, and this is my favorite line in the above article:

"It’s not that you didn’t get your message out, it’s that we all actually heard it and threw up a little in our mouths."

And it's quotes like that that give me a giggle when they get tagged by their own stupidity. The local state paper, the oregonian or daily dead fish wrapper that Lars Larson correctly calls it, ran a story on their web page about 3 property tax measures that all passed in the multnomah county city of portland area. I moved out of multnomah county 12 years ago for this very reason. Since the uber libtards of the area passed all 3 overwhelmingly, the average property tax in that area will increase $850.00 per year. The article states how they will feel "sticker shock" and may not have "read and fully understood" what they were voting for. Some of the commenters on the story had the same reaction I did, maybe this story should have run BEFORE the vote instead of after they passed. But we all know the lefty media likes to lie and hide info until after something could be done. It's one thing to have nobama reelected and the damage he'll do, but to live in a state where he's doubled down by the local public union leftist dominated "leadership" is pretty bad. I'm still giggling about it.

I can't wait to rub that in when I have dinner on Thanksgiving with family who live there and are democRATS. Hope they enjoy paying another 850/year or MORE to their local communists. Too funny.

11-10-2012, 02:47 PM
After thinking about it for a few minutes, I should not have called out that one-liner from the article. I'm not going back on my position, I do feel that way. But it was impolitic to highlight that bit here. I'm going to delete that post, to minimize it. This decision has nothing to do with CJ's post.

11-10-2012, 05:31 PM
I'm more a libertarian but I'll be conciliatory right now.

Crabby, if we don't hit 20 trillion in debt in the next 4 years, if the unemployment is less than 6%, and if the economy is booming, I'll say you were right.

If we are worse off and don't meet the above objectives in 4 years, you admit I was right?

Is it a deal???

I have no confidence long term in ANY of our politicians. They can't stop spending.

It's a deal. I believe they are finally going to get together and come to a fair compromise. We will see.

11-10-2012, 06:29 PM
Let's hope so.

11-10-2012, 06:31 PM
ain't gonna happen because they are Morons.

11-10-2012, 06:34 PM
It's a deal. I believe they are finally going to get together and come to a fair compromise. We will see.

I think it's safe to say that you and I don't particularly care for each other. Maybe that wouldn't be the case over a beer or at the range, but here on the forum hasn't gone well. But I'd love to have a reasonable discussion about this point. I'm seriously, genuinely curious what 'fair compromise' means to the other side. What exactly would you like the GOP to concede and what exactly would you see as compromise. If you are willing to chat, great, if not, I understand.