View Full Version : Just heard it's over

Chief Joseph
11-06-2012, 10:19 PM
Get ready people, after the next 4 years, we're going to be in real trouble.

11-06-2012, 10:23 PM
I bet they can't call Florida and Romney is ahead in Wisconsin so I'm not giving up quite yet.

11-06-2012, 10:29 PM
Give up pal. They called it. They are reburying the dead and serving tacos and quacamole at the victory party.

11-06-2012, 10:31 PM
I mourn for my country. The America I knew is no more -- it is no longer a great country. Oh, it will take years for the damage to be made clear. But America, as a whole, has just voted that getting "stuff" for free from the government is more important than the values that once made us great. It's over.

Chief Joseph
11-06-2012, 10:36 PM
It's going to be bad, shut down coal, utilities skyrocket, another 4 years of 4 dollar plus gas. nobamacare will have to actually be paid for, tax cuts expire. This country has become so ignorant it's embarrassing. The only good thing, all the young who only care about gay rights and iphones will be the ones who one day have to pay for their mindless voting habits. It's just sad their taking my 11 yo down with them. The money the ignorant masses are getting from government will eventually dry up and we'll be just like greece and the other bankrupt eu countries.

11-06-2012, 10:38 PM
No one's willing to fight for freedom any more?

11-06-2012, 10:39 PM
Well the wife said tomorrow we will either have wine to celebrate or vodka to dull the pain. Maybe we'll be dulling the pain but I'm not buying yet.

11-06-2012, 10:40 PM
We as a country are so screwed! Our kids and grandkids will wake up one day and wonder what happened and where did all this debt come from. So very sad!

Chief Joseph
11-06-2012, 10:44 PM
We as a country are so screwed! Our kids and grandkids will wake up one day and wonder what happened and where did all this debt come from. So very sad!

No, they won't. They'll think it's just normal. The public education system is the culprit. Keep the masses ignorant, and it's working. As soon as the progressives took over education, we were done for. They will rewrite our history, just like they've already done.

11-06-2012, 10:45 PM
No one's willing to fight for freedom any more?

I'm in. So is my naturalized citizen wife. Sign us up.

Chief Joseph
11-06-2012, 10:46 PM
Our country has also shown it's bitter anti semitic side. Now we've completely abandoned them. iran will have nukes, there will most likely be war. I just hope Israel wipes the middle east off the map when they're attacked.

11-06-2012, 10:53 PM
But seriously, if I'm buying tomorrow do I grab as many FMJ as I can afford or do I go home defense rounds?

11-06-2012, 10:56 PM
Glad I read all the way to the end of the Book. Looks like the end times are just that much closer. Guess it's a good time to have a good grip on your Bible, a safe full of weapons and lots of ammunition.

11-06-2012, 10:57 PM
But seriously, if I'm buying tomorrow do I grab as many FMJ as I can afford or do I go home defense rounds?

Yes to all

les strat
11-06-2012, 10:57 PM
I just gave up on America. Romney was wrong. It's more like 51%.

Hail president freeshit.

But seriously, if I'm buying tomorrow do I grab as many FMJ as I can afford or do I go home defense rounds?

FMJ. Lots more for the money.

11-06-2012, 11:01 PM
All of both. Mortgage your house, the payments won't matter anymore.

I surely do regret allowing my wife to control me and not get the things I wanted tp prepare for this tragedy.

Never should have sold my AR. Should have garage full of ammo. Don't even have bullets to load........

I'll hold em off long as I can. Forget remember the Alamo, the new phrase is Remember America.

Lets see, so far here i Washington I have Obummer for 4 more, same sex marriage is passing, legalized marijuana is passing. The fun never ends.

Haven't even heard about the governor race but at least the Gregoire female dog is gone hopefully forever.

I'd hang myself but the damn rope would probably break and leave me a derelict. Oh wait I already r one.

11-06-2012, 11:04 PM
I could share my thoughts, but the unseen internet police would be at my door before sunrise....

Are there any left that are willing to pay the ultimate sacrifice in order that their country does not perish by the hand of the enemy within?

11-06-2012, 11:09 PM
But seriously, if I'm buying tomorrow do I grab as many FMJ as I can afford or do I go home defense rounds?
Kind of depends on why you are buying. The JHP rounds for my PM40 were not much more expensive than FMJ. I also like to practice with what I carry. So, most of my stash in all calibers is JHP.

If you want practice ammo and the prices are enough lower than JHP to make FMJ attractive, go for it. If you are stocking because you are concerned JHP may be difficult to acquire in the future, bite the bullet (no pun intended) and get the good stuff.

Admittedly, I bought ammo mail order, at good prices, some time ago. Not sure what will happen to prices now. I don't think they can go up too much more than they already have.

But, experience has shown that my skills at predicting the future are not impressive. :rolleyes:

11-07-2012, 12:16 AM
F........ nothing more to add....

11-07-2012, 12:38 AM
F........ nothing more to add....

Nope, profound my friend. That says it all, and then some.

11-07-2012, 12:57 AM
Just bought 3 hi cap mags from botach tactical for the Glock. Will be picking up as much ammo as financially possible, and a AK is in my immediate future. I guess the 32 hours of overtime this week and god only knows how much next week has a destination already... Thanks Sandy!!

11-07-2012, 01:02 AM
What in the hell is wrong with you people? Where in the hell is your backbone? We lost a battle not the war. This election has done nothing, but stiffen my resolve. Am I surrounded by a bunch of weak sisters?

11-07-2012, 01:08 AM
What in the hell is wrong with you people? Where in the hell is your backbone? We lost a battle not the war. This election has done nothing, but stiffen my resolve. Am I surrounded by a bunch of weak sisters?

Doesn't much matter what OUR resolve is, mine is high too. I'm gonna do what I'm gonna do and damn them all. But from the standpoint of the country it now ONLY matters what the GOP does now in the HoR. They can (and should) continue to obstruct and try and stop Obama and the Senate, and eventually the Supreme Court.

Personally, I don't give two squirts of piss for compromise. The GOP should shut it down as long as they can, the entire government, spending, everything. Let the country hate them with ever fiber of their being until they vote the last Republican out of office. Give it ALL to the dems, then everybody will know who to blame when put it all in the crapper and can't pull it out.

You can only tread water so long. It's a lost cause. The rest of the world is against us. They have all already lost their freedom everywhere else. Here was the last safe haven of freedom. Who else will or can stand with us. Yes, you can still go to the store, go to a movie, travel freely, own a gun. But it's coming, sooner or later, it's coming. The fall of every great empire happens sooner or later. Freedom will rise again, just not under this country in it's current form.

11-07-2012, 01:10 AM
The only encouragement I can take away from this horrible result is knowing that after 4 more years of this administration we will no doubt be even worse off than we are now. Then maybe, just maybe enough Americans will wake up and smell the b.s..

11-07-2012, 02:54 AM
Get ready people, after the next 4 years, we're going to be in real trouble.
Stocks plunge one day after Obama reelection
http://maaadddog.files.wordpress.com/2010/03/omgtehdevilz.jpghttp://www.gannett-cdn.com/media/USATODAY/USATODAY/2012/11/07/afp-515138687-3_4_r560.jpg?f061b7ce9937c38b702e6f308816ac2a14e2a 4ec

11-07-2012, 06:55 AM
I'm in. So is my naturalized citizen wife. Sign us up.

Are there any left that are willing to pay the ultimate sacrifice in order that their country does not perish by the hand of the enemy within?

What in the hell is wrong with you people? Where in the hell is your backbone? We lost a battle not the war. This election has done nothing, but stiffen my resolve. Am I surrounded by a bunch of weak sisters?

My peeps!

I think the best course of action is to establish a free zone right here in America; say in Texas. Get enough people there, and defend it, and simply form a new Nation the way it's always been done. To hell with the sheep who've given up on America.

11-07-2012, 07:04 AM
IMO a very sad day for America. When 90%+ of black vote for the great black leader. that tells me they are indeed racists..

Equate those black percentages in to who doesn't work,who is on welfare, who is on any type of freeGovernment aid and u know why they voted for him.

He won't try to move to the center, he isto arogant and he still has his goals and agenda to get done with in the next 4 years. Look out Greece, here we come.

I better stop here.

11-07-2012, 07:10 AM
Our country has also shown it's bitter anti semitic side. Now we've completely abandoned them. iran will have nukes, there will most likely be war. I just hope Israel wipes the middle east off the map when they're attacked.This is my great concern as well. Obama is perceived as weak on the international scene, and this will only embolden China and Russia, allow for the Syrian crisis to be essentially ignored and encourage further acts of terrorism in the ME due to the incompetent, lackluster response shown in Libya. Israel will feel isolated and react accordingly to preserve her national sovereignty, with potentially very far-reaching repercussions.

11-07-2012, 07:12 AM

11-07-2012, 07:13 AM
I'm seriously considering becoming one of the 47%.
Why the hell should I bust my a$$ and end up supporting all the freeloaders?
It's obvious to me being a Republican ain't working. They don't have a set of balls to force change. I know for sure Dear Leader lies to me but i trusted the R's to get us out of this.

We need a new national slogan: America - Home of the Free Stuff

Where do I sign up for my free phone?

11-07-2012, 08:32 AM
What in the hell is wrong with you people? Where in the hell is your backbone? We lost a battle not the war. This election has done nothing, but stiffen my resolve. Am I surrounded by a bunch of weak sisters?

This isn't the only battle we've lost, but this was by far the biggest. This was D-Day and we got stopped at the beach. Since the Democrats have retained the Senate, they still have the momentum, and they, obviously, have won the 'hearts and minds' of the majority of the people. It's not a recipe for success.

I fear for our Republic.

11-07-2012, 08:37 AM
I'm in mourning!!!!!! America is dying.

I want to know where I can go. I want to preserve my freedom!

11-07-2012, 08:40 AM
I'm in mourning!!!!!! America is dying.

I want to know where I can go. I want to preserve my freedom!
Freedom lives within you. It goes where you go. Stay here and fight so others can share it.

If people leave the US, it only gets worse here; and no where else is even close. Where will freedom flourish? Canada? Australia? New Zealand?

11-07-2012, 08:43 AM
I'll hold em off long as I can. Forget remember the Alamo, the new phrase is Remember America.

That is priceless. Mind if I borrow that?

11-07-2012, 09:03 AM
Freedom lives within you. It goes where you go. Stay here and fight so others can share it.

If people leave the US, it only gets worse here; and no where else is even close. Where will freedom flourish? Canada? Australia? New Zealand?

We are not leaving this country!!!! We are interested in relocating to a
City/State where we can make a difference and try to live free.

Chief Joseph
11-07-2012, 09:17 AM
Freedom lives within you. It goes where you go. Stay here and fight so others can share it.

If people leave the US, it only gets worse here; and no where else is even close. Where will freedom flourish? Canada? Australia? New Zealand?

There is no other free nation. They've all succumbed to the socialist dogma. America was the only one left and it's gone. It's impossible to educate the ignorant masses when the main stream media covers for democRAT disasters. Their voters are too stupid to see through the lies. Add in the illegal voters that are pouring in here by the millions every year and we'll lose even more ground the next election. I'm sorry, but in my mind it's already too late. Wife and I had a discussion last night about how we're changing our habits. Going to sell our travel trailer and we're toning down our Christmas dramatically. My work is closing end of December and if Romney won I was going to make a go of it myself, not now. Now I'll let it close and I'll try to find different work.

Any of the economic improvements seen the last 6 months was because people thought nobama would lose. I expect disastrous economic reaction. And no one deserves it more than the American voter.

11-07-2012, 09:18 AM
Bye Bye Miss American Pie

Drove my Chevy to the Treasury but the Treasury was dry

Them good old boys were drinking Whiskey and Rye singing

Yesterday my Country Died, Yesterday my Country Died.... :(

11-07-2012, 09:19 AM
I hope y'all are ready to shout "Give me liberty or give me death!" because you know that they already have plans on how to deal with the non-sheep. Obama is already training his Red Shirts, and Homeland Defense is arming themselves like a blinking army. Try to oppose them and they WILL kill you without hesitation. Raise your hands and surrender, they'll load you in cattle cars and take you to prison camps for "reeducation". Join with them, betray your family, friends and neighbors, take up arms and participate in the killing and capture of dissidents, and they will spare your life. Of course, your soul will be irretrievably lost.

For over a century, the socialists have voiced their approval for a huge reduction in the human population in order to prolong our survival on a dwindling planet. Theirs is always a glass half empty approach. Instead of seeing the possibility of increasing wealth that will benefit all, they see wealth as a stagnant quantity that must be redistributed - that it is only fair, just and right to do so. Somehow, everyone waiting in a four block long line to get one roll of toilet paper is right and fair to them. But, of course, the elitists who make these decisions will continue to live in decadence and luxury, never lacking anything their hearts desire. It is all of the rest of us who must suffer miserably under their rule.

What is so depressing is that there are way more of them than there are right thinking freedom lovers.

Don K.
11-07-2012, 10:02 AM

big city handouts ....check the "red" and "blue" distribution of the voting map....

I would rather be FREE and Responsible than a dependant subject. Hard for me to understand how folks feel good about themselves when they "takers", unwilling or unable to take care of themselves.

11-07-2012, 10:18 AM
We won't know the full extent of Obama's damage for decades.

His nominees to the Supreme Court and the lower federal courts will be making anti-2nd amendment decisions for the next half century. And we already know they will make their decisions based on a social agenda, not on the law. As Alan Gura recently said, the real lawmaking actually takes place in the federal courts below the Supreme Court level.

It's a very sad day and I'm almost glad that I'm old enough that I probably won't be around for "The End."

11-07-2012, 10:32 AM
That is priceless. Mind if I borrow that?

Help yourself boss.

11-07-2012, 11:03 AM
I am tryinbg my damdest to not post here anymore today as I don't want to get banned..

11-07-2012, 11:08 AM
I am tryinbg my damdest to not post here anymore today as I don't want to get banned..

I knew I could count on you Jocko!

11-07-2012, 11:22 AM
Look on the bright side, at least nobody rioted and started looting just because Romney lost although the NYSE Dow Jones is taking it up the hind end...Down over 300 points at this time...Guess the new King and his plans doesn't sit too well with the Fortune 500 folks that really create jobs and wealth....

11-07-2012, 11:33 AM
How's this worked out? Let me count the ways: $16 trillion in debt; Gestapo-like regulatory commissions that have run amok; foreign policy in shambles or non-existent; a Justice Department that knows no justice; a mishandling and curtailing of our military might that is an embarrassment; an energy policy that stifles economic growth and increases consumer prices; a war on terror that ain't (Muslim killers never brought to trial); a war on Christian values and the traditional family as we've known it; Obamacare that drives away doctors and creates "death panels" to "ration" health care; turning our space program over to Russian and China; funding our government with money borrowed from the Chinese; record numbers of food stamp recipients, unemployment numbers, and illegal immigrants on welfare; stimulus programs that are like pouring sand down a rat hole; absolutely no respect for the U.S. Constitution, American exceptionalism, nor the unborn; political correctness, tolerance, and diversity have replaced common sense, morality, ethics, and just doing the right thing.
I busted my nuts for years to provide for my family, I guess I should have become a liberal, held my hand out and sold dope. Pass me a beer.

11-07-2012, 12:17 PM
In Foreign Press, Cheers for an Obama Win

Why does the rest of the world cheer as about 1/2 of our population assume crash positions?

11-07-2012, 12:33 PM
Brother MUGGSY I am with you buddy. I have your back and any other real American that chooses to stand up to tyranny. I'd rather be dead than live on my knees.
Liberty or Death! I told you all a while back to save your Confederate dollars, the South shall rise again. In the mean time keep your powder dry.

GETSOME : The only reason you haven't seen rioting yet is cause the moron entitled ones haven't figured it out yet. And by the way the market has just begun to contract and there isn't anything the annointed one can do to fix that cause he hasn't a clue. I feel he realy wants it to happen...sought of his agenda for the final solution..... for our once great nation.

11-07-2012, 12:39 PM
My peeps!

I think the best course of action is to establish a free zone right here in America; say in Texas. Get enough people there, and defend it, and simply form a new Nation the way it's always been done. To hell with the sheep who've given up on America.

This is our only hope. I am starting to look for a job in Texas. We will have to split this country.

11-07-2012, 12:43 PM
asnice as it sounds, u know full and well that can't be done either.

11-07-2012, 12:45 PM
You know what I'm gonna do?

I'm gonna keep running my computer consulting business.
I'm gonna keep paying (and hating) my taxes.
I'm gonna keep buying what I want, and what I need, and planning my retirement.
I'm gonna keep doing things like helping my friend rebuild an old motorcycle for his girlfriend.
I'm gonna keep defending my household against all manner of threats, whether those threats be from layabouts looking for a free lunch, or extremists taking up arms against their countrymen because they're not happy with how the election turned out.
I'm gonna keep enjoying the freedom that I have here, and paying my dues, hoping that rich people are eventually taken to task for not paying their dues.

That's what I'm gonna do.
And I'm gonna be happy doing it.

11-07-2012, 12:48 PM
Brother MUGGSY I am with you buddy. I have your back and any other real American that chooses to stand up to tyranny. I'd rather be dead than live on my knees.
Liberty or Death! I told you all a while back to save your Confederate dollars, the South shall rise again. In the mean time keep your powder dry.

GETSOME : The only reason you haven't seen rioting yet is cause the moron entitled ones haven't figured it out yet. And by the way the market has just begun to contract and there isn't anything the annointed one can do to fix that cause he hasn't a clue. I feel he realy wants it to happen...sought of his agenda for the final solution..... for our once great nation.

The reason there is no rioting is the losers won. They are happy. The Romney folks are above rioting and looting and playing dirty. Probably why we lost.

I say break up the country just like the map of red and blue. They can have theirs, we'll take ours. I won't settle for just one state. We eventually have to take back the whole country anyhow, should keep as much as we can for a toe hold.

This sad turn of events sadly only reinforces me to speak truthfully and not be concerned about political correctness. I'll make an effort to restrain myself as even here I might have to ban myself.
This forum is like crack, I told myself I wasn't gonna bring every one down lower than they were and stay away for a couple weeks, but nooooooo, had to have my kahrtalk fix this morning.

Maybe Texas would be a good place to start, we could include Mexico since there can't be many people left there, should be lots of open space with bad water.

11-07-2012, 12:51 PM
I am starting to wonder if the present Electoral College system is obsolete now....As I understand it the FF decided it was a way to keep just one state from deciding the election but thats exactly what I was seeing last night...There were 3 times more red states than blue so how can just a few states like Ohio, Virginia and Florida decide the whole shebang and shouldn't the popular vote still count for something???....

It seems to me that since the population is very wide spread now and nothing like the late 1700's and with electronic voting why wouldn't it be better and more fair to go back to 1 person 1 vote so that everyones vote would really mean something...What do ya'll think?

11-07-2012, 01:11 PM
Glad I read all the way to the end of the Book. Looks like the end times are just that much closer. Guess it's a good time to have a good grip on your Bible, a safe full of weapons and lots of ammunition.

Amen! I bought 1300 rounds of various ammo this morning. :D

11-07-2012, 01:15 PM
A few days ago ordered a few more 13-rounders for my XD45... should have ordered more!

I imagine our "Dear Ruler" will be issuing new Presidential Edicts concerning a lot of things in the near future!

I need to go shoot holes in something this afternoon... thinking just the 9's... PM, P, & K9/CTLG. I might try to shoot some of my "Kaboom" Craig reloads in the K9... only about 1 in 850+, so far!


11-07-2012, 01:18 PM
I'm saving every precious round I have and gonna liquidate to get as much more as I can. Haven't pulled a trigger in 3 months, I'll be rusty but ammo is precious now and will become more so.

I hope they come to my house first collecting, you know me and impatience.

11-07-2012, 01:28 PM

11-07-2012, 01:28 PM
I just came home from Shooters with a brand new Ruger 10-22, so I'll be trying it out tomorrow. Planning on going to the Appleseed event in St. Augustine next month.

11-07-2012, 01:42 PM
This drivel is the reason why the anti's think we are all crazy....

The country is dead, because a democrat got elected? The country is dead? Stock piling ammo for an appocolpyse?

We heard this same fear mongering in 2008, and Obama did not do a thing to us...

For shame.

EDIT: My candidate lost before the primary. We gave this election the weakest candidate in our party. It's time to grow up, take our medicine, and next time, deliver a better candidate. Flip Flop was horrible. He also would have killed our rights, first chance he got. Look at his home state. It's gun unfriendly.

At least Obama hasn't banned anything. We need to stop acting like children, take our lumps and get back up. Just like the liberals did in 2000 when Al Bore lost, and 2004 when Rambo Kerry lost. In 2016, support a Ron Paul, or a Huntsman, maybe, just maybe, we can put a Conservative back in the office.

11-07-2012, 01:43 PM
I just came home from Shooters with a brand new Ruger 10-22, so I'll be trying it out tomorrow. Planning on going to the Appleseed event in St. Augustine next month.

The best advice I can give you on Appleseed is to take your time and really find your natural point of aim on stage 4 of the AQT. Even if you shoot just so-so on the other stages or don't even get off all of your rounds, you can make up a lot of ground on stage 4 since it counts as double points. You have a whole 5 minutes to shoot that stage. I wasn't able to get my rifleman patch until I settled down and did that. Huzzah!

11-07-2012, 01:44 PM
This drivel is the reason why the anti's think we are all crazy....

The country is dead, because a democrat got elected? The country is dead? Stock piling ammo for an appocolpyse?

We heard this same fear mongering in 2008, and Obama did not do a thing to us...

For shame.

I'm stockpiling and proud of it!
I just brought home a 36-pack of Dr. Pepper and two 56-oz bags of Peanut M&Ms.
You can't be too prepared.

11-07-2012, 01:50 PM
good for you JohnR...My son ad I went to an Appleseed event a couple years ago and we had a blast even though it rained all weekend.....I learned more about the Revolutionary War during that weekend than from my entire high school time.... Those Red Coats were a nasty bunch of S.O.B's and it's because of the blood and guts of a small group of real Patriots and a rag tag Colonial Army that this once great Country was formed....It's a damn shame how it's turned out in our once great America and I'm absolutely possitive the young Obama voters of today couldn't be bothered to put down their I-phones long enough to fight for freedom and liberty....

11-07-2012, 01:50 PM
This drivel is the reason why the anti's think we are all crazy....

The country is dead, because a democrat got elected? The country is dead? Stock piling ammo for an appocolpyse?

We heard this same fear mongering in 2008, and Obama did not do a thing to us...

For shame.

Do you not understand that Obama h...nah, never mind. I would be wasting my breath.

11-07-2012, 02:19 PM
The truth is and we must not forget is this is his lame duck term. He'll do things now that even he didn't have the guts to do because he wanted more time to screw us.
Now the gloves are off and I wouldn't be surprised if he created a president for life amendment.

It's the 3rd party candidates that contributed to our loss. The libs seldom split their vote the takers are happy. It's always us that have 4 or 5 then down to 2 or 3 and the split vote kills us everytime.

I don't think there's any saving it, we're circling the drain while the give me folks and the obummer crowd party on, on our dime of course.

11-07-2012, 02:20 PM
Did I read correctly....drivel.....I think not!
I do agree about one item, we need a firm no nonsense candidate, next go around.
There is nothing wrong however with being prepared my friend. Mark my words Mr Obummer is far from done is not our friend, of this you can be quite sure. There will be gun control and attacks on our civil liberties.
Apocolypse and or confrontation....maybe, time will tell my friend. Being prepared is a good thing. When the bad man comes don't come knocking on my door, you are on your own. The ammo they can have won't be from the magazine more like from the end of the barrel and that is for sure and for certain.

11-07-2012, 02:26 PM
IMO a very sad day for America. When 90%+ of black vote for the great black leader. that tells me they are indeed racists..

Equate those black percentages in to who doesn't work,who is on welfare, who is on any type of freeGovernment aid and u know why they voted for him.

He won't try to move to the center, he isto arogant and he still has his goals and agenda to get done with in the next 4 years. Look out Greece, here we come.

I better stop here.

Let me help finish that thought for you my friend.

11-07-2012, 02:41 PM
damn. I tried 5 different ways to respond to SLAVE'S comment but every time I started to write my rebuttal, I somehow got the word a$$hole in my comment and I know that is not the correct thing to say on this forum, so I will not respond to SLAVE'S comment. Just sayin:crazy:

11-07-2012, 02:54 PM
damn. I tried 5 different ways to respond to SLAVE'S comment but every time I started to write my rebuttal, I somehow got the word a$$hole in my comment and I know that is not the correct thing to say on this forum, so I will not respond to SLAVE'S comment. Just sayin:crazy:

Jocko, that's fine man, I love it when you are frank, and blunt. I am glad that you can disagree with me, it's the american way. You also have the right to call me an A$$hole.

I don't think I am, I think my point is sound. We marched up a talking suit with great hair, instead of a Patriot. The lunatics ran off the moderates, in the end, a used gym sock could have beat Obama, if it would have pushed the economy as a platform, instead of the stupid social issues they tried.

Ronmey is not a friend of 2A. Period. Even the republican party as a whole is not a friend to 2A. We need specific candidates.

In the end, Obama has done nothing yet to be afraid of, and the Brady Bunch gave him an F. They think he is horrible for gun control.

I think all of this doom and gloom is great ammo for the anti's. They want us to talk about revolt because a liberal got in (we have had plenty of liberals get in, Obama isn't the first, won't be the last), they want us to go over the edge.

That way they have an excuse for cutting our rights. Keep it classy guys, lose with some grace, next time, don't run the patriots out and instead vote for a flip flopping vote panderer who was just as likely to instute an assault weapon ban as any liberal is.

11-07-2012, 03:05 PM
but I didn't call u that,if u can read correctly,I refrained from calling u that. I had to post that nasty ass word so u and the readers would understand that I excercised total restraint which I amwell know to do on this forum.

u make some points,however fokking dumb they may seem to me, but u said it, its our right to say.I am sure the great one will be along very shortly to lock this thread.

Trust me, he will make a play now for gun ownership...He could give a rats ass. He likes confrontation andlucky for us, sodoes Boehner and McConnel.

11-07-2012, 03:08 PM
Actually gun issues were the least of my worries this go around.

I do firmly believe that history repeats itself and I can't help but envision Hitler with a really good tan, an ugly wife and a Portugese Water Dog.

I have issues with blatant lying, and withholding information for tactical purposes like the 123,000 Lockheed employees getting laid off very soon who will get their severance pay from us since they waited for the announcement till after the election.

Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy.

11-07-2012, 03:20 PM
aw don't worry about the 123K lockhead people beig laid off, the unemplyment rate will still drop, as figures don't lie but liars do figure. and besides who needs lockheed anyhow, just because they areone of our biggest military supliers, means nuttin to obummer. We don''t need a military, as everybody loves us.


long live Monica Lewinsky, whose slogan is SMOKE UM IF U GOT UM!!!

11-07-2012, 03:49 PM

I'll buy into the theory that Mr. Romney wasn't the candidate we needed.

Tell me who would meet the criteria and also would appeal to the full mainstream of this country? And be electable?

Who's on deck for 2016?

Anyone? Bueller? Bueller?

11-07-2012, 03:51 PM
That remains to be seen. I know we have issues, but we brought this on ourselves. We had better candidates, we voted against them in our primaries.:( Well, I didn't, I voted for Ron Paul when I had the chance.

Romney would have been no better.... Portugese water dogs are rather ugly, I think.

11-07-2012, 03:52 PM

I'll buy into the theory that Mr. Romney wasn't the candidate we needed.

Tell me who would meet the criteria and also would appeal to the full mainstream of this country? And be electable?

Who's on deck for 2016?

Anyone? Bueller? Bueller?

I hope not governer Christie. He hates guns as much as Obama does. I am thinking Jindal? Maybe Huntsman makes a run at it? Can we coax Alan Keyes to get off the bench?

11-07-2012, 03:54 PM
Oh my, Ron Paul. I'll take Bueller..

11-07-2012, 03:59 PM
Notice I qualified it by stating someone ELECTABLE.

Mr. Paul is NOT electable.
Mr. Christie sealed his doom by embracing Obama (But doing the right thing by his State).

Who else is out there we can rally behind?
Any carpenters from Nazareth (PA) available?

11-07-2012, 04:00 PM
There in lies the rub. Except for chubbie Christie, I never heard of any of those guys. I did support Ron Paul but again not enough name recognition.
Most goods guys with name recognition have dirty laundry in the closet that the cheating low down scum sucking dems with spare no expense to find and sabotage any chance of their getting anywhere.

But being Obummer has no history, (that can be verified) it's ok to them. Personally I think he's on the witness protection plan since he seems to have come out of no where.

I don't agree for one second that Romney would not have been any better. The fact that the give me crowd not to elect him is a sure sign that they felt threatened as they should be.

I find myself asking myself why these guys with so much money would even want to be president. They certainly aren't patriots doing it for their country. Status perhaps.

I'd love a shot but I need the money ya know? And I have a plan, but again nobody knows me, and I wasn't even a community organizer.

11-07-2012, 04:01 PM
<Flamesuit on>
And let's forget about guns for a moment. I am much more than a single issue voter. Yeah, that's heresy on this forum but lets be honest, we have much bigger issues than 2A in this country right now. You could be fondling your guns while the country burns down around you.
</Flamesuit on>

11-07-2012, 04:11 PM
We are not leaving this country!!!! We are interested in relocating to a
City/State where we can make a difference and try to live free.

Texas, Mississippi, Alabama, Arizona, Utah, Idaho... that may be about it. NOt to sure about my home state of Tennessee anymore. Too many liberal musicians and other liberals have moved to the capitol.

11-07-2012, 04:15 PM
In Foreign Press, Cheers for an Obama Win

Why does the rest of the world cheer as about 1/2 of our population assume crash positions?

They have their hand out too. And they want us dummed down to the least common denominator.

11-07-2012, 04:21 PM
Tinman you hit the nail on the head....The problem isn't with the Republican party and their candidates so much as it is with the ever growing left leaning, anything goes if it feels good and gimme mine cause I deserve it and the rich can afford it mentality of the younger liberal minded members of American society...

If the Republican candidate had of been Jesus Christ himself then I'm positive he would have lost to Obama too......Look at the issues the idiot Obama supporters hold dear....Abortion, Don't think Jesus would go for that, Gay Marrage, again no go from the Big Guy, Legalize drugs, again nix that and on and on and on...

There's just too many young Americans that have dumbed down and don't care about anything but themselves and there are the 97% of ALL Black voters that picked Obummer because his skin color and hair matched their's and then there's the 47% of the population that are parasites on society and would vote for Satan himself if he would just keep those gubment checks coming....

Thats it folks in a nut shell...Its not the Republicans or Romney's fault, it's the degradation of Americas morals and principals that will be the end of the Republicans so long as they stick to their fundamental old school ideas of By God whats right and wrong....The death bell of America has began to toll...

11-07-2012, 04:38 PM

I'll buy into the theory that Mr. Romney wasn't the candidate we needed.

Tell me who would meet the criteria and also would appeal to the full mainstream of this country? And be electable?

Who's on deck for 2016?

Anyone? Bueller? Bueller?
Sorry to sound negative, but I am not sure we will even have an election in 2016 - they may be outlawed under the new laws of the land after we fall due to a decreased military presence, a nuclear arsenal of 300 weapons, and continued apologies for being the nasty country that the US has been since its founding.

11-07-2012, 04:38 PM
1. Bawanna, I like the additions to your signature line.

2. See the stock market today? Kinda interesting today that the day after the election my company had their investor relations meeting. They presented all of their plans for growth over the next five years. Showed that they have the money to do it, and that the company could grow. They did their part.

Then the summary went something like this: All of our information presented today is based on sustained economic growth for the country. We need 21st century policies and regulation to provide what our customers need. And if the government doesn't get it's financial house in order and resolve the fiscal cliff issue where we are headed, we along with every other company in this country will sit on the capital that we have to invest in order to weather out the tough times ahead and will not invest in any improvements.

That from American corporations may get something stirring because honestly I have no faith in either party.

This shows the direction of our future.

11-07-2012, 04:49 PM
There is some hope for the future, check out what my 16 year old daughter posted on her facebook. FYI, she got herself a 25 round mag for her rifle before the election:

"To all my family who like Obama, I really don't understand why you are so happy that he won. I don't particularly like him or hate him, theres just things that I don't agree with him. And I'm not trying to sound like a know-it-all, I'm just trying to prove a point. Some of you don't live in America, so why exactly do you like him? You don't know the good and/or bad things he's done for our country. You haven't experienced it first-hand. I mean, its great your taking an interest, but why do you like him so much? The answer: you like him because he's telling you what you want to hear. But theres often a loophole somewhere, so don't get too cocky with what you hear.

So to the point, if you don't live in our country, I don't think you should say what you think is best for our country because you don't live here and you can't vote. You never hear us comment about your country do you? Or what we think is best? We don't because we don't live there.

Thanks for reading!"

Darn, makes you proud doesn't it.

11-07-2012, 04:54 PM
that lil gal is a keeper. hope you got the wherewithal to send her to a great school. She's a thinker.

11-07-2012, 05:27 PM
I don't think she needs school, it would only ruin her obvious common sense qualities and give them a chance to brain wash her.

I say drop out now and put her mind to use.

11-07-2012, 05:34 PM
Well it's a hell of a day here in Washington, first four more of the Muslim Monkey, the governors race is not over but my guy (the republican, qualified with a sound plan is behind), course we haven't had a Republican Governor in 30 years so what did I expect, queers can marry each other now and soon we'll be able to tote a refer and buy the wacky backy at the local 7-11 operated by wacky backy users from way back. 25 % tax but I'm sure we'll be able to use food stamps or vouchers for it. Wouldn't ya think?

There's some hope that the Feds will contest the wacky backy legalization since it's still illegal in their rule book.

Soon we'll probably be able to hook up with animals at the altar. Who knows where all this good stuff will end.

If it feels good do it, escape reality, smoke dope dude!

I've gone thru two plastic forks today poking myself in the eye, keep breaking the damn points off, guess I'll switch to my knife.

11-07-2012, 06:23 PM
Muslim Monkey. wow ur on a real roll today great one. No wonder u have not sanctioned some of my tirades today, UR WORSE THAN I AM. Just sayin

Lets face it for but a damn few on this forum, today has not been a good day PERIOD Not onlyt because our man did not win, but because America lost something today.

I can accept defeat, hell been married- divorced, and remarried. Yes I like pain..... so defeat is nuttin new to me. We will pick our selves back up in a week or so. just takes alittle time to get over this, but I do think

REMEMBER AMERICA will be my motto until the next election. It just sounds good to say it..

11-07-2012, 06:32 PM
I've always been worse than you Jocko, I just try not to show it. But I'm getting much worse at keeping it under control ya know.

I had a great dream last night in the midst of all this. I went to bed about 8, couldn't stand another second of the TV.

I'd tell about it but the black helicopters would be hovering in minutes and frankly I'm not in the mood for a stand off. Give me a few days and then I'll be ready.

11-07-2012, 06:34 PM
just keep that index finger safe. Just sayin

11-07-2012, 06:49 PM
Been thinkin, since only 3 or 4 states control the election, and Ohio was very close, perhaps we should have a planned relocation from some states where we don't stand a chance to tip the balance where we do. I'm thinking that's what they have done so we should take a page from their book. CA & NY don't stand a chance and they are also the most gun unfriendly, so how bout we just relocate to Florida & Ohio in masses and overpower their officials and put it solidly in the Red column.

I don't know how it ended up, but when I went to bed there was a third party candidate that more than made up the difference between Romney and Obama in Florida and Ohio. Reminds me of the Ross Perot disaster - a vote for Perot is a vote for Democrats. Notice that you don't see Demo vote splitter candidates. Makes me wonder if they don't get funding and encouragement from the Democrats. No matter how much you want your dinky party that doesn't stand a chance to win, it's ludicrous to hand victory to the devil in order to make a point.

11-07-2012, 06:52 PM
well said.

11-07-2012, 07:20 PM
Really wish I'd been outside chance wrong, but I've been telling you guys this was gonna happen. Went past probable to dead certain a month or two back. You oughta see my few months ago bills for ammunition and crime scene tape.

11-07-2012, 07:49 PM
Four more years of "The Oval Bastard." Good news is when the gas prices skyrocket...I'll have a little more leverage in talking the wifey into a motorcycle.

11-07-2012, 08:37 PM
Thats it folks in a nut shell...Its not the Republicans or Romney's fault, it's the degradation of Americas morals and principals that will be the end of the Republicans so long as they stick to their fundamental old school ideas of By God whats right and wrong....The death bell of America has began to toll...

:cheer2: I need an applause emoticon. Amen Sister!

11-07-2012, 08:49 PM
I must admit that I am very thankful for how open this forum is to discussing politics and such. I got banned from one gun forum that I've been in good standing on since 2006. They do not allow any discussions relating to politics or religion. I'm Christain and not ashamed of it. I don't expect everyone to believe the same as I and I respect others rights to their own viewpoint. Agreeing to disagree is no problem for me as I believe each person will give account for themselves one day.

My religious beliefs and Mitt Romney's conflict in many ways, but I still believe he was the best man for the job. I hate that he lost, but even worse is the fact that our country, or those who make it up, have elected to put "O" in charge of it. I think it reveals a very "loose" society that has resulted from a lack of moral or religious guidelines. Nobody wants to be told what is right or wrong and each wants to do what is right in their own eyes. The statement has been made that you cannot legislate morality, but we have seen immorality openly accepted and even displayed by former president Bill Clinton who was a major promoter of this president.

I see two choices facing us in upcoming presidential elections in order for Republicans to gain the votes they need for a win. One is that there will be a change in the people's hearts where they will turn back to our former more conservative views. The other is that we would see a change in the Republican party where they are leaning more towards the moderate side and drop some of their strong moral convictions in order to gain votes. I pray that God will move in the hearts of people and bring about a revival in our country. As a Christian, I believe that is the only hope we have of becoming the great nation we were once again. One nation under God.......

11-07-2012, 09:11 PM
I must admit that I am very thankful for how open this forum is to discussing politics and such.

My thoughts exactly. Real first and second amendment forum (as long as we are all respectful). Thanks to Bawanna and John for their patients with those of us that get frustrated and just need to vent.

11-07-2012, 10:41 PM
I am starting to wonder if the present Electoral College system is obsolete now....As I understand it the FF decided it was a way to keep just one state from deciding the election but thats exactly what I was seeing last night...There were 3 times more red states than blue so how can just a few states like Ohio, Virginia and Florida decide the whole shebang and shouldn't the popular vote still count for something???....

It seems to me that since the population is very wide spread now and nothing like the late 1700's and with electronic voting why wouldn't it be better and more fair to go back to 1 person 1 vote so that everyones vote would really mean something...What do ya'll think?

That was the least of the reasons (geography) for the electoral college, it's an argument they use to get the masses to think 'oh yea, that makes sense, lets kill it'.

Point of it is to stop popular factions from oppressing the minority. Give a quick read to Madison's position on it and it'll make more sense. The Electoral College is not only necessary, it's critical to the survival of a federal system. Democracy, popular vote, is dangerous on a large scale.

11-07-2012, 10:48 PM
In the end, Obama has done nothing yet to be afraid of, and the Brady Bunch gave him an F. They think he is horrible for gun control.

It hasn't even been 24 hours since he won and his administration is already pushing for the next round of debate and refactoring of the UN Arms Treaty. Really?

His administration is the one RESPONSIBLE for the meat of what went on with the Fast and Furious crap. W started it, correctly designed, w/o letting the arms out of sight. Catch them here, with the weapons. O's administration said send them back across the border w/ them. Really?

He needed the lib gun owners to vote for him, wait and see what's next. If I'm wrong, I'll eat a polymer frame and you guys can call me Klinger.

Chief Joseph
11-07-2012, 10:53 PM
It hasn't even been 24 hours since he won and his administration is already pushing for the next round of debate and refactoring of the UN Arms Treaty. Really?

His administration is the one RESPONSIBLE for the meat of what went on with the Fast and Furious crap. W started it, correctly designed, w/o letting the arms out of sight. Catch them here, with the weapons. O's administration said send them back across the border w/ them. Really?

He needed the lib gun owners to vote for him, wait and see what's next. If I'm wrong, I'll eat a polymer frame and you guys can call me Klinger.

I've got a feeling the liberal gun owners that support nobama will happily turn over their guns and sacrifice the 2nd Amendment. It's their collective duty to follow the one wherever he leads.

11-07-2012, 10:55 PM

I'll buy into the theory that Mr. Romney wasn't the candidate we needed.

Tell me who would meet the criteria and also would appeal to the full mainstream of this country? And be electable?

Who's on deck for 2016?

Anyone? Bueller? Bueller?

Potentially, Rand Paul. That'd be my choice.

The GOP is going to have to accept the fact that the conservative demographic has changed. It's not longer full of people w/ a moral compass and a lick of sense. There are liberty conservatives that are basically Libertarians that don't want to be part of a failure of a third party (Libertarian Party) and they are sticking in the GOP to have a chance to be on the winning team. Typical kids. But it is what it is.

If the GOP wants to win, they are going to have to give up on the drug legalization, gay thing, marriage argument, and potentially abortion. I for one will not give in to the abortion issue. If you want to shack up w/ your same sex partner or marry them, fine, leave me and the government out of your deviant behavior. If you want to smoke pot, fine, as long as we stiffen the laws so that when you accidentally kill some one under the influence, you get the death penalty or locked up for life, fine, smoke 'em if you got 'em (that goes for alcohol too, we are too lenient on that). BUT...want to kill babies, not under my watch, I will continue to fight that one in spite of Libertarian and socially liberal amoral people.

This is why I fit nowhere in this world anymore. There IS NO party for me.

11-07-2012, 11:17 PM
That was the least of the reasons (geography) for the electoral college, it's an argument they use to get the masses to think 'oh yea, that makes sense, lets kill it'.

Point of it is to stop popular factions from oppressing the minority. Give a quick read to Madison's position on it and it'll make more sense. The Electoral College is not only necessary, it's critical to the survival of a federal system. Democracy, popular vote, is dangerous on a large scale.

Thank you for getting it!!!! Seems like less than 2 out of 100 I talk with even understand what the Electoral College is, why it exists, and why it's critical to keep it, and I'll add restore the states rights it was intended to protect. I'm talking about college graduates, old, young, all incomes, etc.

I heard an analysis by a Democratic somebody tonight regarding facts I think I knew but hadn't put together this time. The black vote was 90% Obama, the Latino and Oriental were also over 50%, and that population is growing every year. Also women vote over 50% Democrat.

If the Republicans cannot come up with a platform to win over those populations we may not live to see another Republican in the White House except to visit. Think about it. This year Romney ran on Obama's failed record, tossed in the Libia thing to show lack of leadership and disconnect from duty. He cited videos of Obama's broken promises and failures. Obama ran on speeches saying Romney wants to take away your Medicare and generally hurt you in many ways. He did this without offering true evidence, only false accusations but they bought it all.

I spoke with my liberal neighbor today (a nice guy) and he quoted much of the stuff he was told as a liberal believing every word. I mentioned the Electoral College and he immediately said he is against that. I asked why and he stammered a bit then I asked if he understood it's purpose. He honestly had not a single clue. I told him if not for that only 6 cities in the country would decide presidential elections. He thought that would be a good thing but couldn't explain why. I talked about being a country of states united holding most of the functions now usurped by the federal government. He said he needs to read up on that stuff.

Now my neighbor is not stupid. He is engaged in a business partnership with his brother for over 20 years and is responsible and intelligent in the areas he is concerned about. He just never learned this stuff and doesn't care. Sounds just like the TV thing with the guy on the street asking how many Senators do we have, and simple questions that most should know.

Okay, I've got to knock this stuff off. Sorry for getting carried away.... again.

mr surveyor
11-07-2012, 11:44 PM
very few people have any idea what they wish for by elimination of the electoral college....tyrany of a pumped up majority. The EC is an integral part of our system of "representative republic" (NOT a democracy)

Even though my son, and his children, was (are) educated in the public school system.... they were/are also home schooled. That's the only way to assure they get a good foundation. Our educational system is training mind numbed robots with teachers that are for the most part mind numbed robots. I'm afraid we've lost an entire generation... and America will pay dearly for many years to come.

(no offense intended to the 5-10% of good teachers out there)


11-07-2012, 11:56 PM
OldLinclon and mr_surveyor, you guys rock! thanks for backing me on the EC. Yes, almost nobody gets it, 2 in 100 on a good day. It's too bad that even people that take a few minutes to read the Constitution have never read the reasons behind it's design. Everyone should be required to read the Federalist Papers. My 9 year old is reading them with me for the first time (modern English version), me for the umpteenth time. Good stuff.

You either believe or you do not. Half of the country does not anymore, even if you explain it to them. A good portion of the other half is oblivious to the real reason and genius behind our Constitution. Recipe for disaster.

11-08-2012, 09:30 AM
That was the least of the reasons (geography) for the electoral college, it's an argument they use to get the masses to think 'oh yea, that makes sense, lets kill it'.

Point of it is to stop popular factions from oppressing the minority. Give a quick read to Madison's position on it and it'll make more sense. The Electoral College is not only necessary, it's critical to the survival of a federal system. Democracy, popular vote, is dangerous on a large scale.

If the electoral college was dissolved, every election would turn out this way. In that case, just count the votes on the West and East coasts and forget the rest of the country.

11-08-2012, 09:40 AM
Originally, the president was not chosen by popular vote at all. Trusted, elected state leaders did the voting. Of course, where would we find trustable state leaders nowadays?

11-08-2012, 09:49 AM
Old Lincoln, don't apologize for stating facts. If more people would stand up for "our" Constitution and why it works the way it does, maybe, just maybe the masses would realize what a great document it is and any attempt to circumvent it is blasphemy! Educating people we meet (at least those with an open mind) is the only way we'll help turn this around. The lamestream media is helping create a society of lemmings by only presenting the agenda they push. My news sources for years have been many and varied, but I don't believe anything until I've done enough research to confirm a story. Keep educating!

11-08-2012, 11:08 AM
I have loved this country all my life and served with pride, however I am very depressed over the future right now. I've read most of the Ashes series and see the similarities of the evil woman president and Obama. He has no comprise in him and his agenda is to change our system in a way to make it very very difficult to restore. Like Obamacare I expect him to jump on his top agenda items before addressing unemployment. He doesn't want an economic recovery as with every failed business he gains more power which is what it's all about with him. And, just like the Ashes series, the press will support him all the way down that path.

11-08-2012, 11:27 AM
I'm on book # 30 read them all in sequence. Not sure how many more there are, it will be a sad day when I get the last one. Beatlesfan has been feeding me 3 at a time like a crack dealer. If you watching at home beatle I'm near ready for the next batch. And your precisely correct in the similarities.

It should be required reading. The author should be president.

I'm also with you in being depressed. Very much so. There's no place to go and short of forming a separate nation within (which I support fully) I don't see any other solution.

11-08-2012, 12:10 PM
"A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largesse from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most benefits from the public treasury with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy, always followed by a dictatorship. The average age of the world's greatest civilizations has been 200 years." - Alexis de Tocqueville, 1840.

11-08-2012, 12:29 PM
So it's just by poor luck we end up with a Muslim Missing Link Monkey as our new dictator?

I think we need a new plan.

11-08-2012, 12:47 PM
http://cdn.theatlanticwire.com/img/upload/2012/06/04/Screen%20Shot%202012-06-04%20at%204.29.36%20PM.png#reject%20Marxist%20Obum mer%20612x295http://rawfire.torche.com/images/jokes/Obummer/Image.jpg

11-08-2012, 12:47 PM
I like what Rush said yesterday...

“We’re not going to be able to explain this away in one day…Small things beat big things yesterday. Conservatism, in my humble opinion, did not lose last night. It’s just very difficult to beat Santa Claus. It is practically impossible to beat Santa Claus. People are not going to vote against Santa Claus, especially if the alternative is being your own Santa Claus. Now, everyone is jumping on Romney’s chain today, getting in his chili. Look, he might not have been the optimal candidate, but he’s a fine man. He would have been great for this country…I went to bed last night thinking we’d lost the country. I don’t know how else you look at this.”

11-08-2012, 01:25 PM
I'm on book # 30 read them all in sequence. Not sure how many more there are, it will be a sad day when I get the last one.

I know there are 35 volumes, don't know of any more than that.

EDIT: Looks like there are 33 real books, 1 overview of the series with maps (America Reborn), etc. and the last "Escape From the Ashes" which received terrible reviews as Ashes fans claim it was written by a ghost writer as Johnson had terminal cancer and died just a few months following the book release.

So, effectively there are 33 solid books in the series.

Out of the Ashes (1983)
Fire in the Ashes (1983)
Anarchy in the Ashes (1984)
Blood in the Ashes (1985)
Alone in the Ashes (1985)
Wind in the Ashes (1986)
Smoke from the Ashes (1987)
Danger in the Ashes (1988)
Valor in the Ashes (1988)
Trapped in the Ashes (1989)
Death in the Ashes (1990)
Survival in the Ashes (1990)
Fury in the Ashes (1991)
Courage in the Ashes (1991)
Terror in the Ashes (1992)
Vengeance in the Ashes (1993)
Battle in the Ashes (1993)
Flames from the Ashes (1993)
Treason in the Ashes (1994)
D-Day in the Ashes (1994)
Betrayal in the Ashes (1996)
Chaos in the Ashes (1996)
Slaughter in the Ashes (1997)
Judgment in the Ashes (1997)
Ambush in the Ashes (1998)
Triumph in the Ashes (1998)
From the Ashes: America Reborn (1998) ****** Overview
Hatred in the Ashes (1999)
Standoff in the Ashes (1999)
Crisis in the Ashes (2000)
Tyranny in the Ashes (2000)
Warriors From the Ashes (2001)
Destiny in the Ashes (2001)
Enemy in the Ashes (2002)
Escape from the Ashes (2003) ****** No Good

11-08-2012, 05:41 PM
Wanna make a bet? Holder is going to leave next term and how long will it take Obama to give Holder a blanket pardon?

You know, our former governor of my state that is in prison for taking bribes said he is confident that Obama will grant him a pardon after the election.

11-08-2012, 05:46 PM
Don't you have to be convicted to get a pardon?

11-08-2012, 06:13 PM
Don't you have to be convicted to get a pardon?

Nope. Ford pardoned Nixon, remember?

11-08-2012, 07:46 PM
Nope. Ford pardoned Nixon, remember?

Coooooorrect. Ford pardoned him for anything he could possibly done.

les strat
11-08-2012, 11:00 PM
"So this is how liberty dies. With thunderous applause." ...

Chief Joseph
11-08-2012, 11:09 PM
"So this is how liberty dies. With thunderous applause." ...

Trust me, the irony is lost on the hollyweird crowd.

11-08-2012, 11:11 PM
I like how Neal Boortz got pissed about his buddy Herman Cain CONGRATULATING Obama for winning today... well, Thursday. Among other things, Neal compared that to congratulating a burglar on leaving with a good haul of your stuff as you returned home!

I've been trying not to think about how bad it's going to get. Just wait until the EPA and other bunches release all of the business and personal property-killing new regulations... real job killers.


11-12-2012, 11:14 PM
Ah, so sad and soooo true.

I mourn for my country. The America I knew is no more -- it is no longer a great country. Oh, it will take years for the damage to be made clear. But America, as a whole, has just voted that getting "stuff" for free from the government is more important than the values that once made us great. It's over.