View Full Version : Any Tips on Displaying in a Safe?
11-08-2012, 09:43 AM
I have a large revolver that i want to mount on the door (inside) of my gun safe. I want to "display" this revolver but want it to be secure. I havent taken off the panel but i imagine it is made or sheetrock (or similar) and it probably isnt a good idea to screw right into it. Has anybody out here done/seen something similar to this? any tips or ideas?
11-08-2012, 09:47 AM
If the inside of your safe is like a lot, you can use Velcro to fasten things to the door or the walls. I use Velcro the fasten some stuff UNDER my shelves.
11-08-2012, 05:18 PM
i use velcro for some other stuff in there but wanted this to "display" a little nicer and because of what it is & its going on a door that moves i am nervous. I just bent up this metal rod & bracket to try when i get home. if it'll work ill thru bolt it with some big washers on other side of the panel.
11-08-2012, 08:36 PM
Depending on what kind of safe you have, there is fireboard on the door rather than sheetrock. The last thing you want to do is start putting holes in the fireboard.
Again, depending on the type of safe you have, behind the felt covering on the door is a 1/4" panel soley to affix the felt to. Behind that panel is steel. Behind the steel is the fireboard. You might be able to get away with drilling through the panel and steel but be careful not to go through the fireboard.
You also want to be careful as to where you drill. Just behind that steel are the arms that control the locking bolts, on top of the locking mechanism.
Velcro is sounding better and better. A second option is the "hanging" accerssory panels that are available in which you could sew whatever device you come up with in order to display your revolver.
11-09-2012, 09:10 AM
Depending on what kind of safe you have, there is fireboard on the door rather than sheetrock. The last thing you want to do is start putting holes in the fireboard.
Again, depending on the type of safe you have, behind the felt covering on the door is a 1/4" panel soley to affix the felt to. Behind that panel is steel. Behind the steel is the fireboard. You might be able to get away with drilling through the panel and steel but be careful not to go through the fireboard.
You also want to be careful as to where you drill. Just behind that steel are the arms that control the locking bolts, on top of the locking mechanism.
Velcro is sounding better and better. A second option is the "hanging" accerssory panels that are available in which you could sew whatever device you come up with in order to display your revolver.
i definitely wont go blindly drilling through the panel. it appears to be a 5/8" sheetrock type material that is attached to the door around its perimeter with fine thread screws. i am going to pull off that panel and see whats behind it and if it is just a panel then i will drill a couple holes to mount the brackets and use flush chicago screws to bolt em on.;base64,/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD/2wCEAAkGBggGBQkUBxMVEgkQERYaExgRFhAMGBUaHxAdFB8WFR QYGzIqGCUpGhUVKzssLycqODg0FR4xNTAqNT4uLCkBCQoKDQwO DQ4NDSkkFRgpKSkpKSkpKSkpKSkpKSkpKSkpKSkpKSkpKSkpKS kpKSkpKSkpKSkpKSkpKSkpKSkpKf/AABEIADIAMgMBIgACEQEDEQH/xAAaAAEAAwEBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAABAUGAQIH/8QAKRAAAQQBBAAGAQUAAAAAAAAAAQACAxEEBSExQRITI2FxoTI GIoGxwf/EABYBAQEBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABAv/EABsRAQEAAgMBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARMUEBEiEC/9oADAMBAAIRAxEAPwD7iiIgIiICLLfqrWG407GNlcxwF1Gf3c9 gf6rXQtXj1XCaWWXNAsnvq/pZuli0REWkQtT1XG0rG8eWSGd0C6vcgJJq+DFise+RvlvFtN34 vgdqFr8HnGIP3jcHA/OxH1ar9Mwm6fJIImAyGvAQNw0ACvEN624sBY5+vY1GmhlbNGCz 8T8j6PCzWs5GVLqUrPUMYqmxkxjrYlos3ZPPVUr7AikihPmgC3 E0KH9e65lZ0ePty5XKMjm6ZkQaPk+GJrIS0+JjQAXju+S478ml J/QLITFM7FsQ0BXV3e1/yrKTz8p1gbKTprJmy7im9qdcc1bpbIiLbKu1vHGTprwCQ7lpHL SDdhVOBl5UEfrlplqrbY75o8ccLSuaHto8KE/SY3SgjhSLXMCXJld6v4KWcaNzrcLK9taGtAHC9Ko8hoA9l0AAb LqICIiAiIgIiICIiAiIg//Z
if it is more complicated than that then i will have to try making a hanger/velcro combination i think because this revolver (Ruger Super Blackhawk .357MAX) is big & heavy. Thanks for the advice tho. I appreciate any ideas/tips!
11-09-2012, 09:25 AM
I think that you're asking for big trouble. Your display rod looks like you intend to insert that into the barrel(??). You're adding a heavy weight to a LEVER bolted into a non-structural wall and swinging the door open a lot, adding more motion and torque to that lever. If it will stick, I would work out some way to use a sheet of Velcro with enough adhesion to hold the weight securely without compromising the fireproofing of the safe.
11-09-2012, 10:49 AM
yep. i am planning on rubber coating the rod for the barrel like pistol hangers. i was originally hoping to be able to mount it with just the rod but with the weight of the revolver i would have to add a support at the butt. i am also considering making a thin plate that would be velcro backed and screwed through using the existing panel screws over the fireboard. ugh, why cant anything be easy?
11-09-2012, 11:06 AM
How about one of those clear kind of zip lock folders you put your pencils and stuff in a 3 ring binder. Or something similar out of plexiglas.
If you just attached the binder with screws and flat washers thru the binder hold it would hold a gun.
In this instance you'd be talking just shear and even a small screw will provide a lot of shear strength.
I'd leave the zip lock at least partially open at all times so the gun has a chance to breath. You wouldn't want to choke it out ya know?
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