View Full Version : New Gun Shop Terre Haute Indiana

11-08-2012, 03:32 PM
If anyone on here is from the Terre Haute area there is a new gun shop in town. It is called the Wabash Valley Armory, i went there yesterday adn was fairly impressed. They have in stock many handguns of various manufacturers and many long guns. I was very pleased with the staff that was there, i went in looking for a different holster for my CM9 as i was carrying it in an uncle mikes pancake, that was all they had when i bought it last week. The staff that was there were very friendly and willing to help me find a holster even though it took a little while. I did end up with one, it is a bulldog case leather belt slide. This is an inexpensive holster, that i am really impressed with. Regardless the point of this is that the new shop is in the area and they seem to be helpful. They are also selling mags for most KAHRS for 32.75 I know for sure that this is the price for the CM9.

Gun Control Is Being Able To Hit Your Target.

11-08-2012, 04:08 PM
I am in TerreHaute everty day, I ride myt Harley down there to drink cofee with friends. Kindof a ritual for ol retired folks.... I heard about it a few weeks ago but have not visited it. We have anutterone that is moreestablished called TOP GUN it is in a strip mall on hwy 41 just before u get to the Wal mart super center . The owner is a real shooter, but he is also a knbow it all and I guess I would call him an a&&hole, buthe has a nice supply of guns. He is just a few blocks away from gander Mt to. I will get to this Wabash armoryt though.
