View Full Version : Slide Lock issue

11-11-2012, 05:58 AM
I am having a slide lock issue on my CW9.

It locks after an empty magazine while firing with no problem, but with an magazine I can't manually pull the slide back and lock without pushing the slide lock up.

I looked at the spring for the slide lock and it doesn't appear to be engaging with the slide lock....

Would photos help diagnose the problem?


11-11-2012, 06:04 AM
Definitely photos

Strange it works when firing but not when manually engaging.

11-11-2012, 06:58 AM
I am having a slide lock issue on my CW9.

It locks after an empty magazine while firing with no problem, but with an magazine I can't manually pull the slide back and lock without pushing the slide lock up.

I looked at the spring for the slide lock and it doesn't appear to be engaging with the slide lock....

Would photos help diagnose the problem?


rounds do u have through the gun???If it new, the kahrs recoil springs are stout and it might take more rounds to get that recdoil spring to take it desired set. It sounds that way to me here, as u are geeting full action recoil with the bang thing happening but in hand racking maybe ur not getting it worked out right yet. My bet is anutter 100+ rounds or so and it willadjust and u will adjust and all is well. IMO there is nutting wrong with ur kahr.

11-11-2012, 03:16 PM
My CW9 has around 600 rounds through it, give or take a hundred.

Photo of the spring slide lock spring:


11-11-2012, 03:20 PM
looks OK to me. put in a new recoil spring and test it out. If it locks back properly through the firing procedure and not by manual hand racking I would think it is owner related. 600 rounds should have the spring plenty releaxed also..

Have u possably let anutter person who is a gun nut try to hand rack to see if they can do it or not.

11-11-2012, 03:22 PM
If I manually rack the slide, it will not lock....my CCDW instructor found the same thing yesterday. I have to manually push the lock up into place to get it to lock.

It does lock during firing after the last round though.

11-11-2012, 03:25 PM
Assemble the gun with the recoil spring out of it.

See if it locks when you do that.

If it does - you're recoil spring is about 1/2 turn too long - which can happen.

Whats going on.... the rapid forces of the slide while firing are over-compressing the spring, and it locks. Your hand action does not over-compress the spring and it does not lock.

Try it - report back!

11-11-2012, 04:03 PM
No luck - it seems the spring above is in the wrong position, holding the slide lock down instead of pushing it upward.

11-11-2012, 04:19 PM
No luck - it seems the spring above is in the wrong position, holding the slide lock down instead of pushing it upward.

that is what that spring is supposed to do. It is designed to pull the slidelock lever down. The only thing that picks up the slide lock lever is the magazine follower on the last round..

certainly what CJB said is a possable and cutting a half coil will harm nuttin and ifit works then I woud just order a new recoil spring or two and start againj..

11-11-2012, 04:25 PM
could be .... reassembly error... there's some very minor trick to getting the lock in its correct place...

11-11-2012, 04:46 PM
I'm sure its operator error (this is the first firearm I have owned).

11-11-2012, 04:55 PM
If I manually rack the slide, it will not lock....my CCDW instructor found the same thing yesterday. I have to manually push the lock up into place to get it to lock.

It does lock during firing after the last round though.

Are you doing this with no mag, a loaded mag or an unloaded mag? Only the empty mag will make it lock automatically. The spring holds it down, but is overpowered by the mag spring pushing th follower up against it. With a loaded mag or no mag, you have to do it manually.

11-11-2012, 05:18 PM
Interesting - I will have to empty a mag and try that.

11-11-2012, 05:25 PM
ur getting the point here.

#1 with a loaded magazine, it will not lock open if u just pull the sldie back.
#2. with no magazinein the gun, the slide will not lock open withouot a manual pushig up on the slide lock lever
#3 the only thing that should lock the slide open with an empty magazine in thegun is the magazine follower. With an empty mag in thegun andif u pull back the slide all the way, it should lock open automatically

practice does not make perfect but perfect practice does.. quote from Monica Lewinsky

11-11-2012, 05:36 PM
Excellent - sounds like my CW9 is actually working the way it is intended.

I was told it should lock back without an empty magazine this weekend (no magazine present at all), but apparently he was incorrect.

11-11-2012, 05:51 PM
great news. now just shoot the fokker likeu stole it...

u really do have a super kahr there, not an iffy gun, not a cheapo but a built like a tank gun that will shoot until the cows come home.

If u have not read two good sticky's I higly advise reading on the kahr tech section.

#1 kahr lube chart

#2 propper prepping of ur kahr. things u can check out, things to look for. proper maintenance..

11-11-2012, 07:02 PM
.... but with an magazine I can't manually pull the slide back and lock without pushing the slide lock up.

For the love of Pete.... jeeze...

Go shoot that thang son!

11-12-2012, 04:46 AM
I do shoot it, fairly often. I try to get to the range once a week.

I don't always get there because of family and work schedules. I have run somewhere around 600+ rounds through the CW9 without any problems.

The CW9 even got me some compliments on my accuracy during my CCDW class over the weekend!


11-12-2012, 08:11 AM
Welcome! Glad this was an easy fix. Hey now... the gun may have helped, but it was YOUR accuracy that got you those compliments... Don't let the gun take ALL the credit! :D

11-12-2012, 09:26 AM
yup so correct. The gun canb only do what the guy behind it does correctly. Thatis why I always blamemy PMJ9 for not hitting the target. After 32K rounds, It just can't be ol jocko---CAN IT??