View Full Version : New Member and AMMO question

11-13-2012, 11:15 PM
Question reference AMMO

Have a Kahr pm9 bought it used. I bought Federal HST 147 grain. And the problem I'm having is if I put more than four rounds in the mag the gun wont cycle. 2 of the mags are brand new. I tried extented mags the stock mag and the same problem. Has anyone had the same issue. What Ammo is everyone using. Thanks Tucker

mr surveyor
11-13-2012, 11:24 PM
just for grins, have you tried any 115 gr "range loads" for starters?

sometimes, with some guns (name your brand), the heavier, often longer oal rounds just dont play nice...particularly when the gun isn't broken in a bit

edit to add.... noticed you said "bought it used". There are several threads in the specific pistol model subforums that may help you out.

11-13-2012, 11:35 PM
Thanks the gun has around 500 rounds through it. Should be broken in.

11-14-2012, 10:47 AM
Welcome to the forum! :) There is a wealth of valuable information in the New Member Area (http://kahrtalk.com/forumdisplay.php?f=56) and the Kahr-Tech (http://kahrtalk.com/forumdisplay.php?f=27) sections of the forum.

Probably a new recoil spring will help because it sounds like when the mag is full the slide doesn't have enough umph to strip a round and load it. The 147 gr has had some feed issues reported with a few of these guns, so trying some 115 gr or 124 gr is a good idea. Use the Kahr Lube Diagram and rub some good grease on the feed ramp. You'll get it working dependably. The PM9 is a solid performer.

Jocko will probably want to know if it is the pug nosed version or the newer one with the slide fluted at the front. It makes a difference on which recoil spring you get. Wolff's Springs has them cheaper than from Kahr.

Good luck!

11-14-2012, 11:03 AM
I fired 50 rounds of 124 and 50 rounds of 147 Sunday through my PM9 with no issues. I was trying to see which worked best. Conclusion: I could not tell any difference.

11-14-2012, 12:28 PM
I u just gotta shoot 147 grain ammo, try anutter ammo maker. Some rounds, sometimes just don't mate up right. No doubt when we go from a 115 grain round to a 147 grain round that added weight IMO has to be somewhat in the OAL and bullet design.

I am not saying u got bad ammo, but what I am saying is try anutter brand to see if it stays the same. Also if u have a dremel a damn good polishing of the feed ramp cannot hurt a thing. It might look perfecrt and maybe it is, so ur not gonna do anything but even enhance that feed ramp.

I would also polish under the feed limps of the magazine to. Leave nuttin to the asumption that all is OK

I would say what Surveyor and JFottin stated about trying the 115/124 ammo to see how they funcition...Amazing sometimes what a nice polish job and lube job on a gun can do. Just sayin
JFootin is right to. just don't order any PM9 recoil spring set either. look at the front portion of ur kahr if it has a beveled looking end of the slide u have the new version which will take the 15 Coil assembly. If it looks like it a blunt nose version than u have the older version which takes the 13 coil recoil assembly. U can also count the coils to to be sure, if what I am saying is not understandable.

Some good guys here can photo show u the difference of the two slides. I am feeble at at that part.

My P380 just doe snot like 102 grain golden sabra ammo, seems to like all other rounds. so my decision which wa snot a hard one was to say. Fokk Golden Sabres, and corgon powerball ammo goes bang every time.

11-14-2012, 07:00 PM
thanks guys for all the good info. Can someone show me a photo so I can get the right recoil spring if I decide to go that way. where is a good place to order One Thanks Again for all the help. I'm new here and I can see there is a bunch of good guys on this site

11-14-2012, 07:06 PM
thanks guys for all the good info. Can someone show me a photo so I can get the right recoil spring if I decide to go that way. where is a good place to order One Thanks Again for all the help. I'm new here and I can see there is a bunch of good guys on this site

I've gotten my Kahr parts, including RSAs, from Kahr.

11-17-2012, 06:41 AM
I have polished the feed ramp and also have a new recoil spring coming thanks for the help guys. It's amazing if you just shut up and read what you come up with thanks again

11-17-2012, 08:35 AM
For carry use I only use 115 and 124 grain and have no problems with my Kahr K9. I have also test fired one magazine of the Glaser "safety slugs" with no issues (both blue and gray nose).

I keep one mag filled with Glaser safety slugs for tight quarters where over penetration could be an issue, and one filled with either corbon 115, or hydra shock 124.

For range use I buy almost any 115 or 124 that is inexpensive, and haven't had any problems yet.


11-17-2012, 08:53 AM
I'm now using Hornady Critical Duty 135gr. +P. Feeds OK, expands really well, and Jacket stays on the bullet. Plus it's 25 rounds per box and I can function test it more in my giun.

mr surveyor
11-17-2012, 10:29 AM
I'm now using Hornady Critical Duty 135gr. +P. Feeds OK, expands really well, and Jacket stays on the bullet. Plus it's 25 rounds per box and I can function test it more in my giun.

That's what I have loaded up in both my CW and CM.