View Full Version : Who's Watching the Other Hand?

11-14-2012, 05:38 AM
With all this sensational stuff hitting the headlines each morning:

Petraeus resigning
Gen. Allen caught up in the scandal
Kerry being floated as Sec Def

Anyone wonder what's being shoved down our throats while we're focused on this tabloid crap?

I'm looking but not seeing hints and the crumbs. What are we missing?

11-14-2012, 05:50 AM
1. Obamanation
The horrible state of affairs that results after a Barack Obama win as president

11-14-2012, 05:55 AM
The media sure likes a good sex scandal.

11-14-2012, 07:27 AM
Here's what's going on and it better disturb you!
It's the perfect mix of Gun haters!
From the

Right now, members of Congress are settling back into their offices in Washington, D.C.

They’re shaking hands, patting each other on the back and discussing last Tuesday’s election results.

But in a small room in the Capitol, a handful of Senators and lobbyists are scheming, putting the finishing touches on their strategy for the lame duck session of Congress.

This meeting isn’t for the purpose of finding ways to expand your freedoms -- it’s to determine how to restrict your gun rights.

Anti-gun Democrat Senators Dianne Feinstein, Chuck Schumer and Harry Reid are there.

Representatives from the anti-gun Brady Campaign and Michael Bloomberg’s Mayors Against Guns are also in the room.

They may have even invited long-time Republican gun-grabbing Senators John McCain, Susan Collins and Olympia Snowe knowing they’d “compromise” your gun rights away if the deal is just right.

Of course, the lame duck session also offers the chance for Members of Congress serving their last few days in Washington to plunge one more axe into the back of the Second Amendment.

They think the time to strike an anti-gun blow is now.

They think you’ve given up.

The UN Gun Ban, a new permanent "Assault Weapons Ban," or even ammo and magazine bans are ALL on the table during the lame duck session.

That’s why I’m asking you to make a phone call to your U.S. Senators RIGHT NOW!

Demand your Senators oppose gun control in all forms during the lame duck session of Congress: 202-224-3121.

MW surveyor
11-14-2012, 08:14 AM
Pay no attention to the man behind the screen.

11-14-2012, 09:01 AM
The secession petitions are Drudge's top story right now. All 50 states and 675,000 signatures.

11-14-2012, 12:21 PM
Anybody who doesn't think something big is in the wings doesn't learn from history. Of course all that stuff legislated to take effect 1/1/2013 is there, but while that is ripping out throats I expect him to top Obama care. I know he shouldn't be able to get it through, but he has his ways. I just don't know what it is, but suspect it will be something to help pay for his mess like standing down the military.

I mentioned in another thread that if we brought all military home and closed all overseas bases we would likely shave $100B per year off the tab. One he won't do but should is stop all foreign aid for another $52B per year. That's $1.5T over the next decade.

Another one he will do is immigration reform including a huge amnesty program to lock in the Democrats forever. His goal is to make fundamental changes that cannot be reversed. If he allows a few million immigrants citizenship and relocates them to swing states we are done. The tipping point will have been reached.

11-14-2012, 12:50 PM

NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- To the extent that anything is clear about the fiscal cliff negotiations that begin this week, it's this:
President Obama will push to increase taxes on the rich.
And his starting position, according to White House spokesman Jay Carney, will be for a broad $4 trillion deficit-reduction plan that includes $1.6 trillion in new revenue.

The basis for the $1.6 trillion is Obama's 2013 budget proposal from last February.
That new revenue would come primarily -- although not exclusively -- from households making more than $200,000 ($250,000 if married).
Bush tax cut expiration: As he often stresses, Obama wants to let the Bush tax cuts that apply to income over $200,000 expire.
If that happened, the top two tax rates -- currently 33% and 35% -- would increase next year to 36% and 39.6%.

les strat
11-14-2012, 03:27 PM
This whole Petraeus nonsense is just a distraction. A distraction from what really went down in Benghazi. The independent investigation by Petraeus is what they are putting him through the ringer for. The want to discredit him as much as possible.

This is the most corrupt president and cabinet ever. Only a fool would believe otherwise at this point.

11-15-2012, 05:57 AM
This whole Petraeus nonsense is just a distraction. A distraction from what really went down in Benghazi. The independent investigation by Petraeus is what they are putting him through the ringer for. The want to discredit him as much as possible.

This is the most corrupt president and cabinet ever. Only a fool would believe otherwise at this point.

Kinda like the ole "Look your shoe's untied" then the uppercut, when you look down!

11-15-2012, 05:58 AM
The secession petitions are Drudge's top story right now. All 50 states and 675,000 signatures.

I signed it. If nothing else it shows our dissatisfaction with the Feds!
NJ does indeed have more Federal $'s going out than coming in.
Unlike New Orleans, we aren't asking for the freebies, the $500 cash cards or much of anything except for utility crews to help us out. Most homes devastated were second home (Beach property) in eligible for FEMA loans.
We are Jersey Strong.... now if only we can get our second amendment rights...

11-15-2012, 06:54 AM
The Middle East appears to be ready to explode. Gee, too bad our top Generals are caught up in sex scandals, or we'd have the best possible experience to deal with it.

11-15-2012, 09:36 AM
And therein lies the rub. We decapitate the military of the best & brightest and then the peaceful Islamic tribes get to do what they want. Israel defends herself and becomes the bad guy while we sit on the sidelines.

America I hardly knew ye

11-19-2012, 03:55 PM
The media sure likes a good sex scandal.

I don't know about that. Four of our guys got screwed in Benghaz and the media hardly noticed. :mad:

11-19-2012, 03:57 PM
The media is doing it's best to bury it, as they work for our main man.... Barrack H Obama