View Full Version : Stir the 1911 sub forum up a bit.

03-16-2010, 05:38 PM
I'm a 1911 guy and I think we need to build a little enthusiasm fire under this sub section.
How about Mr. Riceboy72? putting in a few pictures of your SA Operator, maybe even you and the girlfriends side by side (with her holding them?) had to try.
Maybe we can just add pics of different ones to get something happening here. Let's try to help that fella out with his Rock River, Rock Island inquiry too. I shot one, know a guy that has one but haven't played enough to give him a good solid answer. I'd buy it but course people say I'd buy anything.
Feel free to drift off topic, totally unrelated personal issues welcome, if it's funny it flies, rocket science, technical terms and measurement in less than half pounds discouraged unless you want and then it's ok.
I'd plant a picture but I'm suppose to be putting an end to crime as we know it and well today I'm just more into firing up this 1911 section. No lurking on the sidelines you lurkers, jump in, be recognized. If you don't got a 1911 or anything remotely similar perhaps you could submit a reason why you don't, say 1000 words or less? Or maybe better why you want one. If you own say 6 or so, maybe why I gotta have one more? Let the games begin.:smash:

03-16-2010, 05:41 PM
The day I brought it home, sold my Rock Island tactical model to put towards this:


Last year. Straight trigger, some internal work, fitted slide stop. Currently has different sights as well.

I'll stick to single sided safeties, thankyouverymuch :)

Fitted a high ride beavertail grip, Clark's recoil spring plug

03-16-2010, 05:44 PM
We're off to a good start already. Proverbial thing of beauty. Was that your primary ccw prior to the possible new M&P transition?

03-16-2010, 05:46 PM
I'm a 1911 guy and I think we need to build a little enthusiasm fire under this sub section.
How about Mr. Riceboy72? putting in a few pictures of your SA Operator, maybe even you and the girlfriends side by side (with her holding them?) had to try.
Maybe we can just add pics of different ones to get something happening here. Let's try to help that fella out with his Rock River, Rock Island inquiry too. I shot one, know a guy that has one but haven't played enough to give him a good solid answer. I'd buy it but course people say I'd buy anything.
Feel free to drift off topic, totally unrelated personal issues welcome, if it's funny it flies, rocket science, technical terms and measurement in less than half pounds discouraged unless you want and then it's ok.
I'd plant a picture but I'm suppose to be putting an end to crime as we know it and well today I'm just more into firing up this 1911 section. No lurking on the sidelines you lurkers, jump in, be recognized. If you don't got a 1911 or anything remotely similar perhaps you could submit a reason why you don't, say 1000 words or less? Or maybe better why you want one. If you own say 6 or so, maybe why I gotta have one more? Let the games begin.:smash:
Well dear Sir, you can start by posting a picture of it!
I am .45 guy but only own one 1911 with some lame grips of the Punisher.

03-16-2010, 05:48 PM
We're off to a good start already. Proverbial thing of beauty. Was that your primary ccw prior to the possible new M&P transition?

Yes, the 5". It still is the primary carry until I get a new holster body, mag pouch, and 9mm dies - I'm going to run the thing hard before I trust my life to it.

03-16-2010, 05:52 PM
Ok, I found a pic of a Kimber with my doggie handles and one of the guys Colts that he had somebody pimp out. I hung the birdseye maple handles on it. Haven't talked him out of it yet but the life ain't over yet.

03-16-2010, 06:04 PM
Oooooo...I want to play.




This is the only one I have for now. I have my eye on a Kimber Stainless Pro Raptor that is freekn' gorgeous.

03-16-2010, 06:15 PM
Ok I will play!

03-16-2010, 06:43 PM
my kimber tactical ultra II, also have a rock island armory but its kinda boring.

03-16-2010, 07:33 PM
My cousin just bought a Raptor, they do look pretty and his runs well and is accurate to boot.
How do you like that Taurus? They seem to have alot of the nice stuff that guys want but are very reasonbly priced. A few of the Sig 1911's have gone thru the academy here and they seem to consistently have major problems.
The Smith & Wesson entry is suppose to have good reports but I got nothing to back that info up with.
The world knows that I'm on a quest for a Dan Wesson Cbob, it will happen someday. The quest continues.

03-16-2010, 07:35 PM
my kimber tactical ultra II, also have a rock island armory but its kinda boring.

I've never met a gun that bored me. :cool:

03-16-2010, 11:27 PM
That Taurus is looking better and better to me. I keep going back and looking at it again and again.
Wonder what the meaning of this might be.:2rolleyes:
This pic is my daily carry 1st choice. Some would argue being an LDA that it's not a true 1911 but it looks like one and for anyone who doesn't like cocked and locked but likes the feel of a 1911 I think it's a good option. The only minus to me is like a Kahr the trigger reset sucks. Have to nearly release it all the way and pull again. I figure when I see the elephant I'm gonna be slapping and grinning anyhow, so hopefully it's accuracy will carry me thru.
The target is the first 10 magazines out of the gun at 12 yards. The backing was very large and clean so I have to assume alot of the rounds went thru the hole. ( I hope) It must be ok cause I really ain't that good a shot. I've since bobtailed the frame (can't find a picture of that)and I hope to get some XS sights probably standard dot eventually. I have those on the other 2 LDA's I have and for my old eyes they work very well.

03-16-2010, 11:35 PM
If this worked this is my LDA after bobtailing. Think I got the right one. The money was a joke long ago on this forum, fella had his gun on 100 dollar bills. Can't remember the last time I saw one of those,disregard, I already spent it so nothing to talk about there.

03-17-2010, 12:10 AM
Here are mine:
Essex frame and slide, Kart barrel: a real shooter:
Finally, put some magwell cut grips on it:
Springfield Armory (this is a pre Mil-Spec; they called them 1911 90's Edition ):

03-17-2010, 12:15 AM
Oh, my Colt Officer's ACP and, the very similar size, CW45:)

03-17-2010, 05:09 AM
Beautiful 1911's guys.....wish my AO looked half as nice!

I just got some new grips for mine.... VZ Operators in Tiger Stripe pattern

Feels like a new gun :w00t:



03-17-2010, 05:23 AM
If this worked this is my LDA after bobtailing. Think I got the right one. The money was a joke long ago on this forum, fella had his gun on 100 dollar bills. Can't remember the last time I saw one of those,disregard, I already spent it so nothing to talk about there.
Nice, I considered LDA at one time, hard to find and was out of my $ range when I found one. I have not seen much currency or paper money since the check card came out in the 90's or was it late 80's!:eek:

03-17-2010, 09:17 AM
Nothing wrong with that AO Mr. Teet. She's a beauty.
Vini I had to jump on that LDA, when I decided I wanted one Para decided they weren't gonna make them any longer. I of course as usual didn't have th money but I robbed peter and paid Paul. Buds got a few in after they all ried up so I scooped one up. Ironically now I'm wanting a Dan Wesson Cbob and alas Dan Wesson is discontinuing the Cbob soooo, the price goes up, and they get hard to find. They are replacing it with the Vbob which near as I can tell are identical just 3 or 4 hundred more bucks. I think they are still worth it but as usual I was just a bit late. All started with a curse from Ms MX5fan.

03-17-2010, 11:32 AM
I've a soft spot for the GI version of the 1911 and that's a nice one you have there. Excellent choice with the Operators (like the color cchoice as well); they look really good on it:)

Nice work on that bobtail!


03-17-2010, 12:05 PM
I've a soft spot for the GI version of the 1911 and that's a nice one you have there. Excellent choice with the Operators (like the color cchoice as well); they look really good on it:)

Nice work on that bobtail!


I agree, I love GI looking 1911's. I have one that came right out of a relatives duffle bag (see if I can find a pic) along with a M1 Carbine that was perfect. I'll cherish them forever.
Thanks for the compliment on my bobtail job, I can't tell you how much sweat I lost drilling and hacksawing on my favorite gun. No remorse, I love it and it really wasn't difficult, just a bit scarey.

03-17-2010, 12:17 PM
Here's the GI duffle bag gun I mentioned. I've since put some walnut handles on it. When he took it out of the bag it had some hideous fake stag handles that didn't fit. It was a travesty. I made these to replace them.
As a side note when he took it out it was still fully loaded empty chamber full mag with the issued ammo he carried in Europe. Along with I think 2 extra mags. He started to unload the mags and I asked him not too as I was discussing recylcing ammo here at work and it going bad. I left the mag intact, took it to the range and even being fully compressed for 40 years all rounds fed, cycled and went bang as designed. He told me when coming back from overseas that they checked duffle bags so guys wouldn't bring guns back BUT if they found one they would stop looking. So he had the carbine on the side in it's issue canvas carry case and the 45 at the bottom and a junker pickup (probably priceless now) right on top. They took the junker and let him thru. Why he just left them in that duffle bag for all those years remains a mystery, I never did get a good answer to that. He wasn't a real gun guy but still seems strange. He gave them to me free, I love that man, not in any unnatural way you understand.

03-17-2010, 12:41 PM
Here's a series 70 that I did some handles on. Guy is a pilot so he wanted the wings. I thought they were too small in proportion but he liked em. I'm trying to bring it home to my toy box hard too but so far it ain't happening. Sometimes it's dang hard to give some of these guns back.

03-17-2010, 06:41 PM
How can ya not love the 1911? Bought my first one 10 years ago, a Rock Island and shot the hell out of it. I estimate 6k rounds through it. Passed it on to my son and he (we) rebuilt it: ambi safety (he’s a lefty) beavertail, trigger, commander hammer, wolf springs and other misc. Everything was drop-in and I couldn’t believe it fit & worked perfectly. It’s digested another 2K rounds and is ready for more. The other one’s a Colt. Eats everything without a single complaint. Although these tired eyes are hoping to upgrade the mil spec sights.

03-17-2010, 07:18 PM
Very nice, love the wood on those. You take good care of your toys, they look in really nice shape and not abused in the slightest.
The factory sights are pretty poor for tired eyes. I left them on my duffle bag gun and will get by cause I think it would be sacriledge to defile it, all my others I have XS's on and hope to get on my carry Para soon too. It has a fiber optic type on the front and it works but not as good for me as the Xs's.

03-17-2010, 07:33 PM
Nothing wrong with that AO Mr. Teet. She's a beauty.
Vini I had to jump on that LDA, when I decided I wanted one Para decided they weren't gonna make them any longer. I of course as usual didn't have th money but I robbed peter and paid Paul. Buds got a few in after they all ried up so I scooped one up. Ironically now I'm wanting a Dan Wesson Cbob and alas Dan Wesson is discontinuing the Cbob soooo, the price goes up, and they get hard to find. They are replacing it with the Vbob which near as I can tell are identical just 3 or 4 hundred more bucks. I think they are still worth it but as usual I was just a bit late. All started with a curse from Ms MX5fan.

I've a soft spot for the GI version of the 1911 and that's a nice one you have there. Excellent choice with the Operators (like the color cchoice as well); they look really good on it:)

Thanks Bawanna45cal and Greg, appreciate the kind words. I love your "duffle bag find" as well too, beautiful weapon!! I wish I could afford a authentic GI 1911....someday:biggrin1:

03-17-2010, 08:49 PM
Thanks Bawanna45cal and Greg, appreciate the kind words. I love your "duffle bag find" as well too, beautiful weapon!! I wish I could afford a authentic GI 1911....someday:biggrin1:

There's a couple used Colts in Buds used gun section. Going for big dollars but they look pretty nice. You got close to the real thing to play with. I nearly fainted when that man just handed the 45 and the carbine over. (I'd never be able to afford one otherwise) He knew that I was totally awed just looking at them. I guess my drool and genuine interest convinced him that I'd take good care of them and I do.
I guess if there is a downfall it's I hate to do any messing with it. Want to just leave it the way it left the battlefield. The M1 carbine is about as nice as I've ever seen. I think he drove a desk or something, it doesn't look like it was ever out of it canvas carry bag. Haven't even shot it yet but I hold it alot. It had and still has full mags as well, will have to see if they shoot too I guess.

03-18-2010, 05:47 PM
I nearly fainted when that man just handed the 45 and the carbine over. (I'd never be able to afford one otherwise) He knew that I was totally awed just looking at them. I guess my drool and genuine interest convinced him that I'd take good care of them and I do.
I guess if there is a downfall it's I hate to do any messing with it. Want to just leave it the way it left the battlefield. The M1 carbine is about as nice as I've ever seen. I think he drove a desk or something, it doesn't look like it was ever out of it canvas carry bag. Haven't even shot it yet but I hold it alot. It had and still has full mags as well, will have to see if they shoot too I guess.

Bwanna45cal, I would have fainted and then left something in my shorts!:D That was unbelievably generous of him. Nah, dont mess with it, keep it stock, you'll be glad you did. My Dad passed his Garand on to me and I'll do the same with my son. I stripped it down, cleaned and oiled every nook & cranny. What a rush to shoot. And when that clip shoots out and makes that one of a kind "*****" – its hard not to have a sh#@$-eat’in grin on your face. I’m working on a guy at work with a 1943 Remington Rand 1911. Rough shape, but maybe, just maybe I can get it at a price I can afford. Probably not.:mad:

03-18-2010, 05:58 PM
Bwanna45cal, I would have fainted and then left something in my shorts!:D That was unbelievably generous of him. Nah, dont mess with it, keep it stock, you'll be glad you did. My Dad passed his Garand on to me and I'll do the same with my son. I stripped it down, cleaned and oiled every nook & cranny. What a rush to shoot. And when that clip shoots out and makes that one of a kind "*****" – its hard not to have a sh#@$-eat’in grin on your face. I’m working on a guy at work with a 1943 Remington Rand 1911. Rough shape, but maybe, just maybe I can get it at a price I can afford. Probably not.:mad:

Yup your right. Ironically when he invited me over he told me he knew I wanted a Garand really bad and he had one. As he took it out I saw right off it was a carbine, not a garand and I mentioned it. He was like what did I say. I told him don't matter what you said, let me hold that thing please. I got my Garand after looking for over 10 years ( I was afraid to get a parts gun, wanted a good one) I think I did good. Like you say, my boys will get them someday. I have to get out in the woods with it, the ranges out here won't let you load more than 1 round so I don't get the clip flying out rush. I'll get it one of these days. I havent even shot the carbine yet, maybe someday. The 45 shoots surprisingly well, I won't mess with any of them.
Go for the Remington Rand, lets see the pics when it happens.

03-18-2010, 07:27 PM
Hmm, thats weird...the word I used to describe the metallic sound the clip makes when ejected got replaced with "*****"! How could that word/sound be bad?

Bwanna45cal, you can only load 1 round at a time at the range? What is the logic behind that? Problem is, there isnt any.

03-18-2010, 08:47 PM
Hmm, thats weird...the word I used to describe the metallic sound the clip makes when ejected got replaced with "*****"! How could that word/sound be bad?

Bwanna45cal, you can only load 1 round at a time at the range? What is the logic behind that? Problem is, there isnt any.

Exactly, and I've told them that numerous times. Pistols no problem, rifles one round at a time. I bought a SLED for it but haven't even used it yet. I seem to do ok at indoor ranges shooting handguns but I'm a magnet for arrogant drill sgt rangemasters on the rifle ranges.
Went last sunday, (probably for the last time to a range) to break in a FN SPR 308. 3 hours 15 bucks x2 and between cleaning after every shot and butting heads with the arrogant, I know everything, you know nothing rangemaster I only got 5 shots. Another fella showed up and was getting the full rule rundown and I heard him arrogantly tell the guy that he (the rangemaster) was the only person on the range allowed to wear a belt gun! Period. His back was to me so I pulled my sweat jacket back and flashed my Para 45 to the new guy and gave him the Hawaiiian good luck sign. We both got a chuckle out of that. Shouldn't have to be like that, it should be fun.
Ok, I'm done power whining. I'll send a pic of my duffle bag M1 Carbine soon, kind of feeling a little punk today.

03-18-2010, 09:02 PM
Aha, I knew I heard my name somewhere.

Here's ol' tried and true. Springfield Armory Lightweight Champion Operator. My girlfriend has the same pistol - hers for duty, mine for everyday carry. Dead nuts accurate and reliable, so I'm very pleased.


And my other favorite, a Kimber Series I Stainless Compact. Completely stock and a great gun, although I would like to start replacing things here and there like the thumb and grip safety, as well as the sights. I love my 1911's, I do.


03-18-2010, 09:24 PM
Aha, I knew I heard my name somewhere.

Here's ol' tried and true. Springfield Armory Lightweight Champion Operator. My girlfriend has the same pistol - hers for duty, mine for everyday carry. Dead nuts accurate and reliable, so I'm very pleased.


And my other favorite, a Kimber Series I Stainless Compact. Completely stock and a great gun, although I would like to start replacing things here and there like the thumb and grip safety, as well as the sights. I love my 1911's, I do.


Now that's what I'm talking about. Pure unadulterated jealousy making beauty. You make me sick. What a sweet heart! I thought the deal was the girlfriend was gonna be in the pic holding both operators? Hmmm what happened to that plan. She can wear mirrored glasses to protect her identity. Is that factory stippling on the front strap, gotta be? I held one this weekend but I think it was checkered but I don't remember. It was also green or some unnatural tactical sandbox color, I like your's way more better. Thanks for sharing that with us. I gotta go bust my piggy bank open now, I'm not optomistic. PS- I love that Kimber just the way it is too. Nice.

03-18-2010, 10:53 PM
Not stippling. Believe it or not, just some good ol 3M Stair Tape found at Ace Hardware. I'd love to do some nice checkering, but the tape works well, is very grippy, and is cheap, too.

If I had the extra money, I'd send the Operator in to their Custom Shop for the checkering, serrate the back of the slide, crown the barrel, and have a carry bevel done to the mag well as well as a few other spots. It's an awesome gun as is, but that'd make it better.

Here's a target from the first session with the Operator. 20 shots at 20 feet; shoots left but I had that remedied today with the gunsmith who pushed my sights over and now I'm dead center. Like I said, it's a shooter!!


03-19-2010, 12:37 AM
That “duffel bag” gun is a sweetheart. Is the receiver Colt as well? I love the look of those old “hard” slides with the differential heat treatment being visible. Congrats!
BTW : that “shaka sign” story is too funny; here’s your new avatar:


...Although these tired eyes are hoping to upgrade the mil spec sights. I know that tune. I installed some Millett sights on the OACP I posted earlier; they work real well for fast target acquisition in most lighting short of darkness.:
Millett Mark 1sights with white outline and orange post (http://i36.tinypic.com/svgtbs.jpg)
Nice 1991:)

Those are some seriously nice autos (nice shooting as well). :cheer2:


03-19-2010, 09:32 AM
That “duffel bag” gun is a sweetheart. Is the receiver Colt as well? I love the look of those old “hard” slides with the differential heat treatment being visible. Congrats!
BTW : that “shaka sign” story is too funny; here’s your new avatar:


I know that tune. I installed some Millett sights on the OACP I posted earlier; they work real well for fast target acquisition in most lighting short of darkness.:
Millett Mark 1sights with white outline and orange post (http://i36.tinypic.com/svgtbs.jpg)
Nice 1991:)

Those are some seriously nice autos (nice shooting as well). :cheer2:


Yup she's all Colt all over, just like when the government handed it to him. Is that what the color variation is, heat treating? I just assumed he had it in a holster or partially covered and the sun hit it or something. It's gotten much less pronounced over the years it was very obvious when I first got it. My Garand had the same kind of thing on the rear by the sight. Walt Rauch told me it was one of the first ones they treated to fire rifle grenades. They cracked alot, so they just dipped em in molten lead prior to assembly. I thought somebody spray painted something and got paint on it, turns out it's kind of a desirable thing. I love that new avatar, do I have permission to apply if I can figure out how? The shaka sign story went over my head, no clue what your talking about, I better look back and jog my weak memory.

03-19-2010, 10:09 AM
Yup she's all Colt all over, just like when the government handed it to him. Is that what the color variation is, heat treating? I just assumed he had it in a holster or partially covered and the sun hit it or something. It's gotten much less pronounced over the years it was very obvious when I first got it. My Garand had the same kind of thing on the rear by the sight. Walt Rauch told me it was one of the first ones they treated to fire rifle grenades. They cracked alot, so they just dipped em in molten lead prior to assembly. I thought somebody spray painted something and got paint on it, turns out it's kind of a desirable thing. I love that new avatar, do I have permission to apply if I can figure out how? The shaka sign story went over my head, no clue what your talking about, I better look back and jog my weak memory.
Wow, being all Colt just makes it that much more special. Yes, the color variation is due to how the slide was heat treated. I really shouldn't have called it a "hard slide" (though the front end is hard and has been cursed by many a smith installing new front sights on them). That term is correct for the post war Colt slides that were completely hardened.
Absolutely, use the avatar if you like it. It's hosted on tinypic.com; if you right click it, you can use their url to add it as an avatar on forums and such (or just save it on your machine and upload as needed). The "shaka sign" thing was in regards to your firing range story. I read the "hawaiian good luck sign" part of it and must of had a brain spasm (well at least a good laugh); I thought you were referring to the shaka gesture (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shaka_sign) (as pictured in the new avatar), but now I realize you were referring to a more widely recognized single digit salute:D If you like, I can add that one to the new avatar;).

03-19-2010, 10:39 AM
Thanks gb6491, how am I suppose to remember gb6491? Can we call you Bob? Or how bout Greg? Dang I'm slow. Hmmm. Thanks for the good info on my duffle bag gun. Proof positive that you learn something every day. I was aware of the gunsmith cursing the hard slides but did'nt realize it applied to these or how you could tell. Some I don't think you can, since the coloring would be uniform all thru. So mine is only hard on the front end? What was the thinking on that? Good for busting rocks or heads? I'll cherish it even more now.
You were correct in my one fingered salute to the rangemaster (I should try to post a picture of that guy, what a peach) however I think we better pass on that one finger avatar. Mr. Johnh would surely run me off and I'm an addict to this place. No explanation. Guess i need to get a life.
I love the avatar and I'm gonna work on installing it momentarily.

03-19-2010, 10:45 AM
And he asked the crystal ball to make a new avatar and the crystal ball replied it shall be done. And it was beautiful and it did not spite neither man nor cartoon character for his unworthiness. And the people shouted not joyfully to shutteth upist and get to your work or you shall be tossed from the village square and left penniless with no coin to purchase Kahrs or cars or hard nosed 1911's.
And so he returned to his duties and it was good, not fun, but good.

Thanks Greg, ya da man!

03-19-2010, 10:55 AM
Here's a shot of my antagonist rangemaster. He was truthfully a jeckyl and Hyde. He wanted to know how to improve the shooting benches for wheelchair folks. Sadly my first thought was get a human rangemaster but that was just spiteful. They are just overwrought with liablility concerns apparently. Difficult to engage in any meaningful shooting with them breathing in your ear while your sighting.
What a fine representative of the shooting sports. (That ain't you Mr. Jocko is it?) Is so I take it all back.

Just for clarification, hes the one standing, and the shooter is not me. Photo from their website. Shooter probably his brother? Lord forgive me for judging other based only on their greasy unkempt appearance. I'm sure they are both fine outstanding representatives of mankind and I apologize for my poor judgement.

03-19-2010, 11:44 AM
He looks to be quite the character, but I guess that can be said in regards to any of us.
Here are a couple of pages you might find of interest as they apply to your GI gun:
Colt 1911 .45 ACP Production Statistics and Serial Numbers (http://www.sightm1911.com/1911Production.htm) (has date of manufacture info and a small blurb about that heat treatment).

http://www.coolgunsite.com/pistols/1911infopage.htm (probably has more information than anyone other than a collector would ever need: very nice site)


03-19-2010, 12:24 PM
He looks to be quite the character, but I guess that can be said in regards to any of us.
Here are a couple of pages you might find of interest as they apply to your GI gun:
Colt 1911 .45 ACP Production Statistics and Serial Numbers (http://www.sightm1911.com/1911Production.htm) (has date of manufacture info and a small blurb about that heat treatment).

http://www.coolgunsite.com/pistols/1911infopage.htm (probably has more information than anyone other than a collector would ever need: very nice site)


Yup, sure enough, mine if I remember right is a 1942 which puts it right in the heat treating area. Now I gotta look again when I get home and double check, might be 44. Haven't held it since day before yesteday so it needs to be held anyhow. Thanks for the info. Good stuff for sure.

03-19-2010, 02:56 PM
I just sent a PM to Ms. MX5fan to see if she'd send us another shot of her Dan Wesson Cbob. It's got some Buckeye Burl grips on it that make me cry. We're talking drop dead gorgeous. Trying to find a piece of it to make me some. Beautiful gun, I don't care who you are.

03-19-2010, 05:07 PM
I just shot a Dan Wesson Classic CBOB yesterday and I gotta say - OHMYGOODNESS!! Not only is it a well built, superbly fitted pistol, but that 10mm has some nice oomph to it.

Bawanna45cal, looking like one of my fine 1911's might have to go for the dog to get her surgery. As much as that sucks, losing the dog would be more hurtful and sad. Gotta do what I gotta do, and there's always gonna be other guns out there but just one Rott who's our girl.

03-19-2010, 05:16 PM
I just shot a Dan Wesson Classic CBOB yesterday and I gotta say - OHMYGOODNESS!! Not only is it a well built, superbly fitted pistol, but that 10mm has some nice oomph to it.

Bawanna45cal, looking like one of my fine 1911's might have to go for the dog to get her surgery. As much as that sucks, losing the dog would be more hurtful and sad. Gotta do what I gotta do, and there's always gonna be other guns out there but just one Rott who's our girl.

Bummer dude. For those not up on this Riceboy72 has a Rottweiller (actually his girlfriends?) that pulled a ligament, can't remember what you called it. Common in Rotty's. Big dollars for the for sure cure. We do get attached to our animals. Wish our doctors took as good a care of us as most vets do our animals.
Let us know what you gotta put on the block, (me first) I'll do what I can to help. I rarely sell guns but when I do I usually try to get a buy back option whereby if the buyer ever decides to sell the gun I get first chance to buy it back. Bought a few back too. Maybe we could use the dog in a picture with the Kahr girl for advertising and Kahr could help us with the minimal vet bill? What did you say a measly 3500 bucks. Kahr girl with a hot Rotweiller, I should of been an advertising executive. No charge this first time Kahr, I'll get ya next time.

03-19-2010, 05:18 PM
I just shot a Dan Wesson Classic CBOB yesterday and I gotta say - OHMYGOODNESS!! Not only is it a well built, superbly fitted pistol, but that 10mm has some nice oomph to it.

Bawanna45cal, looking like one of my fine 1911's might have to go for the dog to get her surgery. As much as that sucks, losing the dog would be more hurtful and sad. Gotta do what I gotta do, and there's always gonna be other guns out there but just one Rott who's our girl.

Any chance of an easy squeassy payment plan with the vet? I think we could name her 1911 and make her our forum mascot? Any idea's guys and gals. We need a contest or something, a fast stimulus program. Wait he black, no lets not go there..........

03-19-2010, 07:06 PM

You really do have a heart of gold. I didn't mean to detract from your post, but here's the long story short: Maddy is our 3 year old Rott who tore her cruciate ligament, which connects her femur to her tibia. While not life threatening, it is a very painful injury that can have long lasting discomfort and eventually debilitating results. The injury has left her leg lame and the only way to fix it so she'll regain full use of it is surgery, which unfortunately costs $3500. While euthanasia is an option, I haven't entertained it and won't unless it's last resort. I'll sell my guns and work for two months straight if I have to. A small price to pay out of my life to save hers. She's such a great dog; she's a playful Rott who loves to do dog things and at this point, I'll do what I have to do to keep her happy and her quality of life good.

Here she is in the backyard with my dog, Roxy. Someone threw Roxy out of a car three years ago on a road going up to Mt. Rainier and left her there. Amazing such people who can treat animals that way exist in this world.

http://photos-g.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash1/hs464.ash1/25482_1379903746550_1500626177_30990246_5762129_n. jpg

03-19-2010, 07:22 PM

You really do have a heart of gold. I didn't mean to detract from your post, but here's the long story short: Maddy is our 3 year old Rott who tore her cruciate ligament, which connects her femur to her tibia. While not life threatening, it is a very painful injury that can have long lasting discomfort and eventually debilitating results. The injury has left her leg lame and the only way to fix it so she'll regain full use of it is surgery, which unfortunately costs $3500. While euthanasia is an option, I haven't entertained it and won't unless it's last resort. I'll sell my guns and work for two months straight if I have to. A small price to pay out of my life to save hers. She's such a great dog; she's a playful Rott who loves to do dog things and at this point, I'll do what I have to do to keep her happy and her quality of life good.

Here she is in the backyard with my dog, Roxy. Someone threw Roxy out of a car three years ago on a road going up to Mt. Rainier and left her there. Amazing such people who can treat animals that way exist in this world.

http://photos-g.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash1/hs464.ash1/25482_1379903746550_1500626177_30990246_5762129_n. jpg

Good looking dog. Kind of looks like she'd like to chew on my leg though or is it just me. I try to stay on the good side of all things Rottweiler and avoid those Dobermans like rattlesnakes. Lot of people are afraid of rottys and some are probably mean but I think like Pit Bulls thats mostly owner taught. Most are very protective, just kind of scarey looking in a nice sort of way.
I'm waiting for a response from kahr management. Send the model in the slinky dress along with the check and we'll start the photo op. Hurry Maddy's in pain here and we don't got all day......................

03-20-2010, 08:01 PM
Hummmmm, any good vetrinarians in the Pacific Northwest, say Wa, Or, ID who like Rottweillers and want a bunch of stay out of jail cards from law enforcement? Actually there really isn't any such thing, that would be a little white lie but momma says a little white lie never hurt nobody. Maybe swap a good surgery for a good gun or a couple good guns? Some stock work, maybe some pretty pistol handles. Am I sounding a bit desparate here? Any ideas? I really don't know riceboy other than from here but look that Rottie in the eye and tell me you don't want to help him out.

03-22-2010, 12:30 PM
Well we're losing our momentum here 1911 fans, heres a couple more pics. Remember feel free to Wyn out, I mean wander out, off track, unrelated stories.

Couple doggie grips to stay on track.

03-25-2010, 03:42 PM
I play a couple of 3 inchers.

03-25-2010, 04:09 PM
I play a couple of 3 inchers.

Sweet, is that Defender a bit slippery to hold onto being smooth grip and front strap. Both very nice.

03-25-2010, 04:11 PM
I play a couple of 3 inchers.

And welcome, noticed your new.

03-25-2010, 04:13 PM
Count me in, a 1911 owner, fan, carrier, etc. Here's mine, Colt XSE full size with some modificiations.



03-25-2010, 04:16 PM
C'mon, enough of these pretty guns! Let's see some workhorses!





03-25-2010, 04:18 PM
Count me in, a 1911 owner, fan, carrier, etc. Here's mine, Colt XSE full size with some modificiations.



Nice, lets see, Novak low mounts, front slide serrations, Ed Brown memory groove grip safety, mag funnel main spring housing,grips. No doubt some internals.
She's a beauty for sure.

03-25-2010, 04:22 PM
C'mon, enough of these pretty guns! Let's see some workhorses!





Do you use a holster or drag it around behind your truck when traveling. In my worst abusive nightmares I can't imagine scarring up a beautiful gun this bad. Still beautiful to me and show lots of character but also feel theres a crime here somewhere. Firearm abuse, neglect. Kind of sad. Is part of the shooting games, throwing your gun off a cliff, running down picking it up and engaging targets or what?

03-25-2010, 04:29 PM
Do you use a holster or drag it around behind your truck when traveling. In my worst abusive nightmares I can't imagine scarring up a beautiful gun this bad. Still beautiful to me and show lots of character but also feel theres a crime here somewhere. Firearm abuse, neglect. Kind of sad. Is part of the shooting games, throwing your gun off a cliff, running down picking it up and engaging targets or what?

Runnin 'n gunnin. Don't feel too bad, building a sand blasting cabinet over the weekend, she's getting refinished along with some other guns ;)

03-25-2010, 05:37 PM
Runnin 'n gunnin. Don't feel too bad, building a sand blasting cabinet over the weekend, she's getting refinished along with some other guns ;)
Please post some "after refinishing" photos. What are you going to use to do the refinish? I'm pretty fond of parkerizing myself. The Springer 1911 I posted earlier (http://i30.tinypic.com/2yyqn45.jpg) in the thread was done in my garage with solution I got from Lauer Custom Weaponry (I did tweak it a little bit).

Forgot about this one: I also parkerizied the frame on this Colt when I had it. The rear of the frame and the slide did not line up quite right, so I took a little off the frame to even it all out. I think the parkerizing on the frame ended up a very good match with the slide:

03-25-2010, 05:46 PM
Nice looking Springer :)

It'll be a flat black duracoat, like I used on my 1891/30 - I have the 1911, a TT-33, Sig P6 (duo tone w/ hard chrome color), a P3AT, and a CZ82 to refinish. Degrease in the ultrasonic cleaner, blast, spray.

Pic of my Mosin to give an idea of the color

03-25-2010, 06:18 PM
Nice looking Springer :)

It'll be a flat black duracoat, like I used on my 1891/30 - I have the 1911, a TT-33, Sig P6 (duo tone w/ hard chrome color), a P3AT, and a CZ82 to refinish. Degrease in the ultrasonic cleaner, blast, spray.

Pic of my Mosin to give an idea of the color


That Duracoat looks pretty good on your Nagant. I might have to try some on my Saiga .308 after I do the pistol grip conversion (it's sporting some Krylon BBQ paint right now).

What origin TT-33? I had a Norinco 213 in 9mm. It was a darn good good pistol (wish I still had it).


03-25-2010, 06:21 PM
Romanian 7.62x25. Fun little blaster.

03-26-2010, 10:19 AM
Nice, lets see, Novak low mounts, front slide serrations, Ed Brown memory groove grip safety, mag funnel main spring housing,grips. No doubt some internals.
She's a beauty for sure.

Correct, Novak night sights, and Ed Brown memory groove. Front slide serrations are stock. Frontstrap checkering gunsmith applied. S&A magwell/mainspring housing, and Mil-Tac grips. Internals stock.

I like the looks too, but it does it carried every day.


03-26-2010, 11:14 AM
I don't like the looks of a 1911! Never have never will!

How is that for stirring up the 1911 forum;)

03-26-2010, 11:31 AM
I don't like the looks of a 1911! Never have never will!

How is that for stirring up the 1911 forum;)

Holy unusual BAtman, I've never heard anyone make that statement before in my entire life.
I have to assume you think 63 corvettes are ugly and so is Jessica Simpson?

03-26-2010, 11:39 AM
I have to assume you think 63 corvettes are ugly and so is Jessica Simpson?

Only if it's opposite day. :D

03-26-2010, 11:40 AM
Holy unusual BAtman, I've never heard anyone make that statement before in my entire life.
I have to assume you think 63 corvettes are ugly and so is Jessica Simpson?

I'd like to withdraw my previous reply. I was obviously in a state of shock:confused: and far be it from me to judge other folk opinions. Without differing opinions, where would we be today?

03-26-2010, 11:43 AM
Without differing opinions, where would we be today?

Berkley, CA


03-26-2010, 11:52 AM
I have to assume you think 63 corvettes are ugly and so is Jessica Simpson?

Only if its a Fuelie and only if she has Daisy Dukes on.

I understand the fascination with the 1911 because of the history behind them, I just don't think they look good. I do like the Hi-Powers however.

03-26-2010, 11:54 AM
I think alot of it has to do with my dad never having one.

Saying that is almost like coming out of the closet!

03-26-2010, 12:15 PM
I think alot of it has to do with my dad never having one.

Saying that is almost like coming out of the closet!

I'm sooo relieved. If you like High Powers at least theres still hope. I'm sure it was some sort of child abuse, lack of breast feeding, lead paint in your baby crib, your father didn't have one? Whats up with that. Well I guess mine didn't have one either. Crap, wonder if I'm abused.
Close the closet door while I ponder this latest development.
Thanks for the pic Jeep, nice pic.

ok bye.

03-26-2010, 12:35 PM
child abuse
lack of breast feeding
lead paint in your baby crib

-Was not abused (had a couple of memorable butt whippin's but who didn't)
-Was Breast Feed
-No Lead paint that I know off

My dad had an AR-15, Uzi, Mini-14, SKS, Ruger Redhawk, Super Redhawk, Taurus PT-92, numerous revolvers and a couple semi's. He gave me an FEG which is a BHP knockoff and I didn't like it at first but I do now.

03-26-2010, 01:56 PM
-Was not abused (had a couple of memorable butt whippin's but who didn't)
-Was Breast Feed
-No Lead paint that I know off

My dad had an AR-15, Uzi, Mini-14, SKS, Ruger Redhawk, Super Redhawk, Taurus PT-92, numerous revolvers and a couple semi's. He gave me an FEG which is a BHP knockoff and I didn't like it at first but I do now.

Your dad had alot more guns than my dad. I don't think we had AR15's when I was a younker. I never got a whippin, the threat was enough to fall into compliance. You think I was abused? I think we should send you a 1911, maybe one of Jeep's, you'll learn to love it.:rolleyes:

03-26-2010, 01:59 PM
Riceboy, I see you lurking, jump in and say hi, dang it.

03-26-2010, 02:03 PM
I got my dads 1917 enfield! That's a good thing right? I can still be close to normble and not traumatized as a child. He had sporterized it but didn't mess with the metal, hack the barrel off or anything, so I found an original stock and put it back the way it was meant to be. Missed getting it done in time for a pic with him by about 3 weeks. He crossed the river before I got it done. Regret that to this day. Don't procrastinate when working on old guys guns. Wasn't all my fault, seller wasn't too quick about shipping.

03-26-2010, 02:19 PM
I think we should send you a 1911, maybe one of Jeep's, you'll learn to love it.:rolleyes:

A) I only have one now.

B) You can ship it out after you peel an empty 1911 out of my cold, dead fingers.


I've got a lot of ammo and mags ;)

03-26-2010, 03:12 PM
Here is my pride and joy!!!

Meet my Dan Wesson Commander Bobtail with some new shoes!

Yes, Bawanna, I've given my Buckeye Burl grips a little rest.


03-26-2010, 03:17 PM
A) I only have one now.

B) You can ship it out after you peel an empty 1911 out of my cold, dead fingers.


I've got a lot of ammo and mags ;)

I think I just shat myself!:eek:

03-26-2010, 03:22 PM
Here is my pride and joy!!!

Meet my Dan Wesson Commander Bobtail with some new shoes!

Yes, Bawanna, I've given my Buckeye Burl grips a little rest.


aaah ha, so the Buckeye Burl were aftermarket? STill makes me cry to see it. That thing just does something to me. Actually it's beautiful with those shoes it's wearing now. Me and one of those will cross paths one day hopefully soon if I have to swap out a few others to fill the piggy bank.
Thanks for checking in on us, I miss you terribly when your gone. Imagine it's getting on spring time in CO and time to play outside again. Like that here in Wa as well. Not enough time in the day. Gotta go look at your baby some more. What an absolute gem right out of the box.

03-26-2010, 04:33 PM
A) I only have one now.

B) You can ship it out after you peel an empty 1911 out of my cold, dead fingers.


I've got a lot of ammo and mags ;)

It appears your cross dominate. I'm amazed how many officers we have that are cross dominate.

03-26-2010, 04:45 PM
It appears your cross dominate. I'm amazed how many officers we have that are cross dominate.

Yessir. I shoot pistols, AR's, and some bolts righty - AK's, pump actions, and some bolts lefty. Unless I'm shooting a pistol at 50-75 yards, both eyes are always open when shooting.

I'm a decent switch hitter :hippie:

03-26-2010, 05:08 PM
Yessir. I shoot pistols, AR's, and some bolts righty - AK's, pump actions, and some bolts lefty.

I'm a decent switch hitter :hippie:

But only 1 1911? We need to work on building the inventory back up. Ya know, a spare, a back up spare.

03-26-2010, 05:20 PM
Only have 2 bolts right now, 2 pumps, 1 ar, no ak ;)

I'm in process of switching over to the MP platform - I'm running it much faster than the 1911 platform (.45 to .45 and 9 to 9). I've got quite a stock pile of .45ACP and 1911 mags, and my MP is a 9, so the 1911 will be around for quite a while.

Next Saturday I should be dumping about 600 rounds out of the 1911 at TDI Ohio (setting up a course on Friday and running it, RSO Saturday - I shoot for free).

I'd love to get a CCO, but I've got other priorities besides more guns. Need to find more than the current 8 hours/week employment, and get rid of the last $2,400 worth of debt off my back - permanently.

03-26-2010, 07:16 PM
Nice bunch of combat guns, and some lookers too. The Detonics is an MC-1; rough as a brick as far casting lines and such. When I got it I'd never shot a 1911 before and didn't know what I should have. The trigger was full of creep and pull was over 12 #s. Read up and reworked all of the internals, added a NightHawk trigger and now there is no creep, zero over travel, and 4.5# pull.

The Rock Island was also reworked and a few new parts. Not quite the esthetic beauty of the Detonics but a real tack driver.

And for the guy that doesn't like 1911's. Don't ever get one. They are addictive and very bad for your financial health. (leaves more for me too)!

03-26-2010, 08:02 PM
Awesome rock! :D

03-26-2010, 08:58 PM
Thanks Jeep. She's a lot of fun to shoot too. Not just a pretty black face with bling.

03-27-2010, 06:58 PM
Wow! Beautiful dogs, beautiful guns! Riceboy---got my first Rottie when I lived in the Pacific Northwest almost 20 years ago...Dottie. Great dog, lived to 13. We did lots of Rottie Rescue when we moved back East and have had the pleasure of knowing many great rotts. The last of ours is now 13 and on his last legs...Nitro. A great guy with a great attitude with all living things. I hope your girl's surgery goes well and you enjoy her for many years.

As far as 1911's go, I've only got the one. And if I can ever figure out the picture thing, I'll post her. Built her into a 40 from a 9 and she is a big beautiful girl. STI frame, Caspian slide, Scheurmann bull barrel, 2 1/2 lb. trigger, hi-vis sights. She is big for my hand but I'm a hi-cap girl. Love that gun and can't imagine sharing my time with another 1911. May be tempted by an open gun ......:33:

03-27-2010, 07:56 PM
Wow! Beautiful dogs, beautiful guns! Riceboy---got my first Rottie when I lived in the Pacific Northwest almost 20 years ago...Dottie. Great dog, lived to 13. We did lots of Rottie Rescue when we moved back East and have had the pleasure of knowing many great rotts. The last of ours is now 13 and on his last legs...Nitro. A great guy with a great attitude with all living things. I hope your girl's surgery goes well and you enjoy her for many years.

As far as 1911's go, I've only got the one. And if I can ever figure out the picture thing, I'll post her. Built her into a 40 from a 9 and she is a big beautiful girl. STI frame, Caspian slide, Scheurmann bull barrel, 2 1/2 lb. trigger, hi-vis sights. She is big for my hand but I'm a hi-cap girl. Love that gun and can't imagine sharing my time with another 1911. May be tempted by an open gun ......:33:

PM Sent.:typing:

03-31-2010, 01:42 PM
Maddie the Wonder dog was scheduled for surgery on Monday. Riceboy, we're awaiting a report on the outcome when you find the time.

03-31-2010, 05:19 PM

Beautiful pups...I myself have a 13 year old black Lab (Zoe) and a 9 year old Golden, Yellow Lab mix (Jessie), who looks a lot like your Roxy. I know how you feel about your Rottie and the surgery. A few of years ago, we found out that Zoe had a cancerous tumor, but it was operable and with radiation, it was curable....so what do you do? She had the surgery, radiation and here she is 3 years later, old, but happy and I would do it all over again for my "girls".

Please let us know how things are for you and your pal.

03-31-2010, 05:28 PM

Beautiful pups...I myself have a 13 year old black Lab (Zoe) and a 9 year old Golden, Yellow Lab mix (Jessie), who looks a lot like your Roxy. I know how you feel about your Rottie and the surgery. A few of years ago, we found out that Zoe had a cancerous tumor, but it was operable and with radiation, it was curable....so what do you do? She had the surgery, radiation and here she is 3 years later, old, but happy and I would do it all over again for my "girls".

Please let us know how things are for you and your pal.

We do get attached to our animal pals. My girls (wife and daughter) are into horses as well, we've lost 3 now to old age, just keep getting old horses. I hope they are as sad when I cross the river as they were when them horses passed on. (actually no, I hope they have a big party with me leaned up in a corner looking on) I've always had black labs, 3 in a row I was to get yellows and 3 in a row I got blacks. Great dogs. After the last one my wife and young son brought home a small version Beagle. Giant step down in the dog food chain. I told them next time to pay a few extra bucks (first dog I ever paid money for and lots of it) an get one with a brain. Sometimes she can prove that its a blessing to be deaf though, that Beagle howling will make you nuts.

04-01-2010, 12:25 PM
At the risk of letting this thread dry up on the vine I submit a pic I found of my pair of Para's. Both LDA's so granted they could be considered posers but still look like a 1911. I have the single stack full size that is my (checking code book??) EDC. All wearing my own homemade handles. Actually the 14-45 is what started me on handles. Couldn't find anyone who made grips for it, decided I'd try myself and the rest as they say is history. Should get a pic with all 3 together. The 14-45 was a gift from the boys here at the PD, kind of a get well deal when I had my labotomy years ago, actually wasn't a labotomy, think it was more an exploratory surgery to see if I had a brain. There was evidence but nothing conclusive.

PS- I PM'd riceboy told him to give us an udate on Maddie the wonder Rottie.

04-01-2010, 03:51 PM
Well I suppose I'll jump in.....I have two Colts, one stainless steel series 80 Officers Model and one Colt Defender.
I also have two very nice Kimbers, the first id a Pro Raptor the carry gun is an Ultra Raptor...both very nice guns. I shoot the all steel Pro Raptor the best but love the feel of the Ultra Raptor shorty.

Then again I really also like my new Kahr PM 45 an awfull lot. Still waiting on my pocket carry holster from Andrews Leather. The Mitch Rosen premier slide holster is quite comfortable. My truck piece is a XD 45 Compact and it rides in the storage box. I know I am a .45 ACP junky. These are just a small portion of my battery...been at it for a while.

04-01-2010, 04:07 PM
Well I suppose I'll jump in.....I have two Colts, one stainless steel series 80 Officers Model and one Colt Defender.
I also have two very nice Kimbers, the first id a Pro Raptor the carry gun is an Ultra Raptor...both very nice guns. I shoot the all steel Pro Raptor the best but love the feel of the Ultra Raptor shorty.

Then again I really also like my new Kahr PM 45 an awfull lot. Still waiting on my pocket carry holster from Andrews Leather. The Mitch Rosen premier slide holster is quite comfortable. My truck piece is a XD 45 Compact and it rides in the storage box. I know I am a .45 ACP junky. These are just a small portion of my battery...been at it for a while.

:eek: All these beautiful guns and you don't bless us with pictures? I like those Raptors alot, my cousin just got one, haven't seen his in person yet but will soon. Fire up the camera, we want to see the whole family.

04-04-2010, 09:04 PM
Hi everyone,

Thanks for all your concern about Maddy. She went in last Monday and the vet is very certain that everything worked out well. He completely removed her Anterior Cruciate Ligament and replaced it with the high tensile tape that will replicate her ligament, and then took out her meniscus completely as it was pretty much obliterated.

The first night was rough; a lot of crying and whimpering, but the vet has been awesome and found some good pain pills for her. She's back to her old self, but I can tell that the cone of shame she has to wear and the confinement for most of the day is getting to her. It's okay because in the end it'll be worth it.

$1893 later, Maddy's on the mend. She's tried my patience a few times, but I have also learned how to handle her and myself a little better and to make the best out of a bad situation. I'll keep the updates coming, but for now, it's so far - so good. Thanks again for everyone's well wishes. She and I appreciate it!!

04-04-2010, 11:18 PM
Hi everyone,

Thanks for all your concern about Maddy. She went in last Monday and the vet is very certain that everything worked out well. He completely removed her Anterior Cruciate Ligament and replaced it with the high tensile tape that will replicate her ligament, and then took out her meniscus completely as it was pretty much obliterated.

The first night was rough; a lot of crying and whimpering, but the vet has been awesome and found some good pain pills for her. She's back to her old self, but I can tell that the cone of shame she has to wear and the confinement for most of the day is getting to her. It's okay because in the end it'll be worth it.

$1893 later, Maddy's on the mend. She's tried my patience a few times, but I have also learned how to handle her and myself a little better and to make the best out of a bad situation. I'll keep the updates coming, but for now, it's so far - so good. Thanks again for everyone's well wishes. She and I appreciate it!!

Well we're glad shes on the mend. I think a pic of her with the cone of shame would be appropriate. A few weeks, lose the cone and she'll be like her old/ young self. I just love happy endings.

04-06-2010, 10:51 AM
I'll post a pic when I get home. She still has a long road ahead of her, but she'll be better off than where she was when it's all said and done!!

04-06-2010, 11:01 AM
I'll post a pic when I get home. She still has a long road ahead of her, but she'll be better off than where she was when it's all said and done!!

Just made me wonder, do they have physical therapy for dogs? I've often thought of advertising myself as a horse psycologist (guess I'd have to figure out how to spell it). People will pay just about anything for some of this animal well being stuff. Not like physical issues like Maddy but you know, my horse seems a little unhappy. I'd roll out do a little mumbo jumbo, maybe burn some incense, rub his ears for a half an hour, schedule 13 more mandatory appointments at 350$ a trip an who's gonna know? They have horsey accupuncture, and horsey chiropractors! I think I'm becoming part of the problem instead of part of the fix.

ok bye

04-06-2010, 11:04 AM
To steer back towards the relative vicinity of the original topic, I saw an advertisement that Ithaca is gonna produce a 1911 again. Looks like a GI 1911 but is suppose to be upgraded. Might be kind of a cool thing to add to the wish list?

04-06-2010, 12:23 PM
Ok, currently I sit at work and can't post a picture (mind you mine is an ugly war horse, but ALWAYS sings true), but try this on for size. When I bought my first pistol, it was a Llama 1911A1, I still have it (yes I do and have always done my own 'smithing) I have had it Parkerized and am about to install a set of fiber optic sights, a flat mainspring housing and probably a new safety as well as some new springs. I've had the old girl for about ten years now and still love her more than ever. Incidentally, I have out shot many much more expensive 1911's with her, and won many a range bet as well. Moral here, she may not be the belle of the ball, but I wouldn't trade her.

04-06-2010, 12:37 PM
Ok, currently I sit at work and can't post a picture (mind you mine is an ugly war horse, but ALWAYS sings true), but try this on for size. When I bought my first pistol, it was a Llama 1911A1, I still have it (yes I do and have always done my own 'smithing) I have had it Parkerized and am about to install a set of fiber optic sights, a flat mainspring housing and probably a new safety as well as some new springs. I've had the old girl for about ten years now and still love her more than ever. Incidentally, I have out shot many much more expensive 1911's with her, and won many a range bet as well. Moral here, she may not be the belle of the ball, but I wouldn't trade her.

Nevers seen a war horse that was ugly. Some have alot of character and wear but I guess ugly is to the eye of the beholder. Sounds like you have a good match with your Llama. I argue with the guys here all the time that you don't have to have high end newest bestest state of the art equipment to get the job done. Many turn up their noses on certain brands just based on what they have heard from rumors. Cops seem to insist on following the military in what ever they do. So rifles (long range, not the squirrel gun AR's) seem to always have to be Reminton. Won't even consider Savage?, CZ, a few others. Same with handguns of course. Course you can hand a naturally good shooter just about anything and they will make it work fine. For those of us like me who have to work at it, it's a bit more challenging.

04-06-2010, 01:27 PM
I do seem to have a bit of that natural shooting ability, but there is something about the feel of a good steel frame in the hand, kinda like an old friend, you just know its right. I grew up with many a pistol in the hand and have always thought the 1911 to be a sexy piece, like many other Browning designed weapons, it just plain works, and feels good too. As for the need for the big name/big price tag...I never have been able to do more than play with a few of them so I gravitate towards the cheap side anyway, but it's fun to leave them with mouths hanging saying things like "he did what with WHAT???".

05-19-2010, 04:29 PM
Ahhh gun porn...:001_tt2:

05-19-2010, 06:49 PM
I'm going to have to leave this forum otherwise I will have to sell my soul to get more guns.
Thanks to all this pictures I'm now adding a 1911 to my wish list and bumping it to first place.
I'm holding Bawanna personally responsible for fueling my G.A.S. (Gun Acquisition Syndrome) :7:
I"ll tell you this forum is the complete opposite to a 10 step program.

05-19-2010, 06:55 PM
I'm going to have to leave this forum otherwise I will have to sell my soul to get more guns.
Thanks to all this pictures I'm now adding a 1911 to my wish list and bumping it to first place.
I'm holding Bawanna personally responsible for fueling my G.A.S. (Gun Acquisition Syndrome) :7:
I"ll tell you this forum is the complete opposite to 10 step program.

I feel kind of bad about this, I also feel kind of like the patient treating the patient. At least the list is a good thing. The ability to add to, and take away from, move things around on the priority scale is a small sign that your still in control. Perhaps hanging on by a thread but some control none the less. If you don't have a 1911, you should have anyhow so there's really no sickness there and if I'm responsible for that I consider that a public service.
So that being said, everyone chime in with what 1911 cgo99 should start with. I'll get his missus on the phone and arrange for pre approval. I'm thinking something Kimber perhaps. Maybe a Raptor! yeah baby. I don't want him to get a Dan Wesson Cbob before me, I'd be sooo jealous.

pistol pete
05-20-2010, 07:58 AM
Has anyone seen the new Remington 1911?

05-20-2010, 09:10 AM
Has anyone seen the new Remington 1911?

I haven't seen one in person, not sure they are even out yet? But I've heard they are suppose to be pretty cool. Kind of standard looking outside but slicked up and stuff inside?
Looking forward to seeing one some day.

05-20-2010, 09:12 AM
I haven't seen one in person, not sure they are even out yet? But I've heard they are suppose to be pretty cool. Kind of standard looking outside but slicked up and stuff inside?
Looking forward to seeing one some day.

Scratch that my CRS is acting up again. I was thinking of the new Ithaca that is suppose to be coming out. I know nothing about the Remington but now you got my pilot light lit so I'll have to hunt one down and check it out. Ya just gotta love a 1911.

05-20-2010, 12:14 PM
Remington and Ithaca with a 1911???? I was thinking of a Taurus too, but the financials just aren't there for it yet.

05-20-2010, 12:20 PM
Remington and Ithaca with a 1911???? I was thinking of a Taurus too, but the financials just aren't there for it yet.

Yup Ithaca's making a 1911 again. Should be out by now, seen it in a mag quite awhile back. I hate when they put em in the magazines and then don't get em on the street for a year.
The Taurus 1911's are actually really nice. Alot of good stuff for a reasonable price. Same with the S&W's. I was excited to see the Sigs version but rumor has it they have alot of issues. Some didn't make it thru the academy I'm told. Not sure who if anyone is issuing or allowing Sigs but a few have come through.

Well my XS big dots for the PM45 just arrived from ryoung in Nashville, I better open em up and drool on them a bit, send him some money, then lunch time, perhaps a nap then call it a day. We don't get naps here, kinda sucks.

05-20-2010, 03:41 PM
I have two Kimber 1911's one "Ultra Raptor" & one "Pro Raptor" and yes they are both awsome to shoot and to look at.
I also have one Colt stainless steel "Officers Model" and one Colt "Defender" in stainless steel. I forgot.....old age....one XD Compact 45 and we must not forget my newest man toy....my Kahr PM 45. Oh life is good! :D

05-20-2010, 03:52 PM
I have two Kimber 1911's one "Ultra Raptor" & one "Pro Raptor" and yes they are both awsome to shoot and to look at.
I also have one Colt stainless steel "Officers Model" and one Colt "Defender" in stainless steel. I forgot.....old age....one XD Compact 45 and we must not forget my newest man toy....my Kahr PM 45. Oh life is good! :D
The Raptors are beauties, nice to look at and functional too. I had a stainless officers model when they first came out many years ago. I never had any of the issues that many reported having with them. It just did everything you asked it to. Wish I still had it. I can relate to the new man toy too. I'm still plumb tickled with my new PM45. Rarely go shooting 2 weeks in a row but just might happen, I know I want to.

05-20-2010, 06:10 PM
Well, I'm very excited tonight. Tomorrow I bring home my first 1911s. I bought a Colt Government model and a stainless Colt Officer's model. I can hardly wait to hit the range. :33:

05-20-2010, 07:01 PM
Well, I'm very excited tonight. Tomorrow I bring home my first 1911s. I bought a Colt Government model and a stainless Colt Officer's model. I can hardly wait to hit the range. :33:

2?You sir are a lucky man indeed and will probably arouse much jealousy amongst the poor folks in this forum. I'm soo happy for you though. Have fun, and as usual pictures would be nice.

05-20-2010, 07:16 PM
Pictures are no problem Bawanna. Colts are difficult to come by around here so I felt I had to jump on them rather quickly. And the price wasn't too bad either.

These will be my last purchases for a quite a while. Commander-in-Chief House (AKA my wife) will skin me alive if I purchase anything else. :D

05-20-2010, 09:20 PM
Pictures are no problem Bawanna. Colts are difficult to come by around here so I felt I had to jump on them rather quickly. And the price wasn't too bad either.

These will be my last purchases for a quite a while. Commander-in-Chief House (AKA my wife) will skin me alive if I purchase anything else. :D

Sounds like we're married to the same woman. Sometimes a good skinning alive is worth it. I'd take one for another good Colt.

05-21-2010, 12:21 PM
It's nothing fancy, but here is my 1911:


05-21-2010, 12:27 PM

Not mine (yet), but I'm thinking about snagging one of the Westerner models in the future when money comes around again and I have fun funds.

05-21-2010, 12:41 PM

Not mine (yet), but I'm thinking about snagging one of the Westerner models in the future when money comes around again and I have fun funds.

I think I have a chubby! That is beautiful. I love color case hardening. I saw a Colt I think it was, long ago at a show that the guy had case hardened. Very nice.

05-23-2010, 05:58 AM
Okay, this is my first post here and I don't even have a Kahr yet -- I have a P380N on the way. Still, I never pass up a chance to pst a picture of my pride and joy -- a Wilson Combat CQB Compact. I shoot this better than anything else I own. It just seems to fit me better than anything else I have ever tried. The 1911 is an amazing platform and if you haven't ever fired one -- you need to try it to understand. Can they be finicky? Sure, I have a Kimber that was an adventure to make reliable. But when they are done right (and Wilsons are done right!), there is nothing better to shoot.


05-23-2010, 10:17 AM
Okay, this is my first post here and I don't even have a Kahr yet -- I have a P380N on the way. Still, I never pass up a chance to pst a picture of my pride and joy -- a Wilson Combat CQB Compact. I shoot this better than anything else I own. It just seems to fit me better than anything else I have ever tried. The 1911 is an amazing platform and if you haven't ever fired one -- you need to try it to understand. Can they be finicky? Sure, I have a Kimber that was an adventure to make reliable. But when they are done right (and Wilsons are done right!), there is nothing better to shoot.


Now I know I have a chubby. Every man alive should be blessed with at least one Wilson in their lifetime. My time hasn't come yet but I'm still looking forward to it.

05-23-2010, 10:22 AM
Okay, this is my first post here and I don't even have a Kahr yet -- I have a P380N on the way. Still, I never pass up a chance to pst a picture of my pride and joy -- a Wilson Combat CQB Compact. I shoot this better than anything else I own. It just seems to fit me better than anything else I have ever tried. The 1911 is an amazing platform and if you haven't ever fired one -- you need to try it to understand. Can they be finicky? Sure, I have a Kimber that was an adventure to make reliable. But when they are done right (and Wilsons are done right!), there is nothing better to shoot.


Oh and sorry I was so focused on your Wilson pic I neglected to welcome you to the group. We have alot of fun around here and we don't always exclusively talk kahrs. Sometimes we talk about Kahr magazines, or ammo for kahrs, or kahr holsters, how to wear a kahr, how to clean it. We also sometimes talk about Wilsons. We even talked about a Kel Tec once but it was a pretty brief conversaition.
I expect your gonna like your little 380 and suspect it won't be the last Kahr you'll be wanting. Pictures are definitely a plus when it arrives, targets good, all positive no failure reports are just excellent.

05-23-2010, 12:04 PM
I wish I could bankroll a Wilson like that. Mighty fine piece those. Welcome aboard.

05-23-2010, 12:06 PM
Now I know I have a chubby. Every man alive should be blessed with at least one Wilson in their lifetime. My time hasn't come yet but I'm still looking forward to it.

Chubby nothing, I dodging and typing. My time has not come yet either, but I look forward to it. I'd almost be afraid to shoot such a thing of beauty...almost;).

05-28-2010, 05:25 PM
My turn to play. My new Doug Koenig edition S/W 1911. Binocs are marked made in occupied japan.


05-28-2010, 05:31 PM
My turn to play. My new Doug Koenig edition S/W 1911. Binocs are marked made in occupied japan.


Now that's a gem. It's like that right out of the box? Mag funnel, straight trigger front strap checkering.
I've been looking at Smiths at gunshows around here but I must only be finding the economy or plain jane models. Haven't seen one with any kind of front strap checkering nor any of the cool stuff you got on yours.
That's truely a beauty and probably still decent priced (still expensive)compared to some of the Ed Browns, Wilson, STI's etc but surely will run with the big dogs I'm thinking. I just gotta quit hanging around with you guys, your a bad influence.

05-28-2010, 05:35 PM
Wait, looked again, no front strap checkering, whats with that?

Is that legal in Mass without a padlock on the trigger and the entire constitution printed on the slide. With a pic of Hillary on one side and Pelosi on the other. Now that would be a crime, doing that to a beautiful gun like that. Someone would have to pay for that deformation.

05-28-2010, 06:16 PM
The front strap has 12 or so straight lines cut into it top to bottom. It has had the front site changed to a nite site. I got it used from someone who only put enough rounds thru it to break it in. Best thing for me is it has a serial number of the year I was born. Cool for me!

05-28-2010, 07:37 PM
The front strap has 12 or so straight lines cut into it top to bottom. It has had the front site changed to a nite site. I got it used from someone who only put enough rounds thru it to break it in. Best thing for me is it has a serial number of the year I was born. Cool for me!

Makes it even cooler yet. She's a beauty, I don't care who you are. Nite sight or fiber optic? Looks fiber optic in the picture. Love those Ed Brown style grip safeties, look cool. Thumb that safety up for me though, makes me nervous c0cked and not locked. Probably empty but I've been burned before for a trivial discrepancy in a my photos so this might just be a payback.

05-29-2010, 03:33 AM
You are correct with fiber optic..I had 45 fever still and couldn't concentrate:D
Empty chamber indicator was in on the reverse side.
I will swap pics later. Don't want to crease someone's underwear.:o;)

05-29-2010, 10:57 AM
You are correct with fiber optic..I had 45 fever still and couldn't concentrate:D
Empty chamber indicator was in on the reverse side.
I will swap pics later. Don't want to crease someone's underwear.:o;)

These pics work awesome for me. I'm with ya on creaseing folk who wear underwear. That's still a beauty, darn fine looking 1911 to me.

05-29-2010, 11:05 AM
If it shoots, and shoots well then you can't go wrong with it. The other part of that equation is how it feels in YOUR hand. My 1911 is a Llama, and I've had many turn their noses at it until I out shoot them. If it's designed by Browning then it's hard to mess it up, to the point you have to work hard to do that. That makes a 1911 a thing of beauty regardless of what flavor it is.

05-29-2010, 11:06 AM
PS, I'd carry that and love it...

05-30-2010, 08:07 PM
Well, as promised, here are pictures of the new 1911s in my collection:

First, the Government model:


And now the Officer's:


They are sweet little shooters. I had to clean these old girls up though as the previous owner had never done a detail strip it seems. I've ordered a whole new set of springs and plan to have a little gun smithing done on them, but they are beautiful.

05-30-2010, 08:40 PM
Mmmmm yummy, I could give those a good home if you feel like they should be orphans.:rolleyes:

05-30-2010, 08:52 PM
Mmmmm yummy, I could give those a good home if you feel like they should be orphans.:rolleyes:

Unfortunately for you, my friend, I am not a deadbeat dad. :)

05-30-2010, 08:54 PM
I was hoping that there was that off chance... Give them a good home with lots of ammo to eat, and lots of oil and love.

05-30-2010, 09:03 PM
I was hoping that there was that off chance... Give them a good home with lots of ammo to eat, and lots of oil and love.

I intend to. The Officer's model is stainless and a real joy to shoot.

I've been debating getting full length guide rods for them. There is a part of me that says if a FLGR were better, John Moses Browning would have designed it that way. :D

05-30-2010, 09:24 PM
I intend to. The Officer's model is stainless and a real joy to shoot.

I've been debating getting full length guide rods for them. There is a part of me that says if a FLGR were better, John Moses Browning would have designed it that way. :D

Agreed. I never mess with mother nature or John Moses Browning! I had an officers model when they first came out long long ago. You are correct they are a sweet sweet gun. I have the LDA version Para now. As good as it is and as much as I love 1911's I just can't get comfy with that hammer back and locked, we can't say cocked here. It's totally me, obviously many many guys carry them all the time, just don't trust myself. I think the worst part is the opposite of that beware the man with one gun thing. Transitioning from Para, to Glock to Kahr to Colt, I need a margin for error perhaps larger than some with fully functioning brains.
Nice looking guns for sure, thanks for sharing and if you ever turn into a dead beat parent put me on the list in front of jlottmc PLEASE!

05-30-2010, 09:25 PM
PS, never had much use for full length guide rods myself either which is what I started to say before I got a temperature over your nice looking guns.

05-30-2010, 09:36 PM
PS, never had much use for full length guide rods myself either which is what I started to say before I got a temperature over your nice looking guns.

Yes, I've done a lot of reading on the FLGR because there sure are a lot of differing opinions about the topic. :D They've worked great for me stock so far. I did make one little change though. I ordered the single spring from Wolff instead of the 2 spring setup. We'll see how that works.

I'm with you on CCW with these guns. Not sure I'd like having the hammer back or having to rack the slide when I needed it. I carry my PM9 or a Seecamp .32 most of the time. The 1911s are just pure shooting fun. :tongue:

05-30-2010, 09:43 PM
Yes, I've done a lot of reading on the FLGR because there sure are a lot of differing opinions about the topic. :D They've worked great for me stock so far. I did make one little change though. I ordered the single spring from Wolff instead of the 2 spring setup. We'll see how that works.

I'm with you on CCW with these guns. Not sure I'd like having the hammer back or having to rack the slide when I needed it. I carry my PM9 or a Seecamp .32 most of the time. The 1911s are just pure shooting fun. :tongue:

It also kind of falls into that if it ain't busted why try to fix it category too. I carried 1911's for a long time with no issues but I carried nothing else. If you don't carry it cocked and locked you might as well leave it at home. I guess we can say that now? Hmmm. As my modest accumulation of guns increased I of course wanted to have them all spend quality time on my hip. Always went back to the 1911 of course. A few incidents involving huge amounts of adrenaline and down and dirty scared out of your wits mentality and I discovered that things that we do without question in normal circumstances are right out the window. When they say you will do what you trained to do they are correct. No harm done but I play with my 1911's at the range now too.

01-08-2011, 02:56 PM
My 1911s are never camera shy...

http://i31.servimg.com/u/f31/14/51/12/47/1911s10.jpg (http://www.servimg.com/image_preview.php?i=2193&u=14511247)

SW1911 Gov.

http://i61.servimg.com/u/f61/14/51/12/47/sw191115.jpg (http://www.servimg.com/image_preview.php?i=2175&u=14511247)

Kimber Ultra CDP II .45 with m1911 Compact Folder from Ultimate Equipment

http://i61.servimg.com/u/f61/14/51/12/47/kimber19.jpg (http://www.servimg.com/image_preview.php?i=2189&u=14511247)

01-08-2011, 03:17 PM
Nice pics. I love having a knife with a spare set of grips on it. How cool is that.

01-08-2011, 03:42 PM
Yeah, I love the knife. I recently swapped the grips for a set of rosewood double diamonds that match the Kimber. It's as functional as it is good looking. The stainless S30V blade is as sharp and tough as anything I've ever owned.

01-08-2011, 04:00 PM
I was gonna see if you wanted to make them match. You beat me to it.

01-08-2011, 04:31 PM
Here is my Springfield 1911-A1. Haven't done much to it, added a full length Wilson guide rod and "group gripper" and shok buffer, and some Hogue grips, which don't add much to the looks, but I like the feel of them. The trigger has been great right out of the box. Next up is to add some decent sights to it. It shoots nice and groups well. Need to polish the feed ramp so the some of the HP ammo feeds a little better. I rarely carry it, due to it's size and me being small framed, it's a bit hard for me to conceal. And I'm not real comfortable going cocked and locked these days. It mostly serves as one of my bedside guns. It's done pretty well in some target competitions and bowling pin shoots. (back when I could see the sights). Overall I've been pretty happy with it. I think it's about 20 some years old now. Thought about getting one of those guide rod lasers for it, until I did more research and it seems like quite a few people were having trouble with them, so I'll just get a good pair of sights for it and call it good.

01-08-2011, 04:47 PM
Nice, for some reason I've always been fond of spur hammers, no idea why. Does it bite you ever with the lack of a beavertail. My old colt has the spur and no beavertail and it's never got me. My High Power bites me everytime I drop my guard. If it was a dog I'd get a tetanus shot.

I agree those grips feel really nice but they pretty much fell out of an ugly tree in the looks department. Sometimes the grip has to overrule the beauty contest though.

She's a beauty and will only get prettier as time goes by.

01-08-2011, 10:17 PM
Thanks Bawanna, I have small hands and hammer bite has never been an issue for me. I tried a couple other grips, and finally settled on the Houge as they were the most comfortable to me. I really like the way the finger grooves help me keep very firm control of the gun when shooting it. Not very pretty, but very functional. It's probably the last pistol I would sell so never been worried about how it looks, just how it shoots. I get a lot of comments on the grips when I let others shoot it. Most people really like the feel of them.

01-12-2011, 01:10 PM
I promised myself that I wouldn't go overboard with IDPA shooting until I had been involved with it for more than a year and had actually shown some progress in my scores as compared to the rest of the field. I've had fun with a box stock G-17 and XDm 9mm, but it was time to turn things up a bit.

Meet my new Enhanced Service and Custom Defense class pistols. =) .45 in the foreground and 9mm in the background. Spartan is the right name for this model as it's the basic STI platform, but they use good parts. The bad parts (plastic mainspring housing, bad plastic "fiber optic", blah grips) are cheap to replace or would be replaced on most competition guns anyway.

Just picked them up from the smith last night where they received a nice 3 to 3.5 lb trigger. Can't wait to get to the range this weekend and try them out along with the .22 conversion kit.



01-12-2011, 01:28 PM
Now that's a fine looking pair right there. I'd hardly call them grip blah. See them on alot of high end pistols such as yours.
Does the 22 conversion fit on either gun?
I'm torn between getting a conversion kit (I always fall down at the price) or getting a GSG like TD2K got. Either would be good practice and the GSG would just be a dedicated 22 practice gun that acts like a 1911 which I guess makes sense since it is a 1911, go figure.

01-12-2011, 01:41 PM
Now that's a fine looking pair right there. I'd hardly call them grip blah. See them on alot of high end pistols such as yours.
Does the 22 conversion fit on either gun?
I'm torn between getting a conversion kit (I always fall down at the price) or getting a GSG like TD2K got. Either would be good practice and the GSG would just be a dedicated 22 practice gun that acts like a 1911 which I guess makes sense since it is a 1911, go figure.

Thanks! Those are the new VZ grips. The blah ones are put away in the box. :D

The conversion kit should fit on the .45, but not the 9mm due the the mag well. If it doesn't work on the Spartan .45, I have another .45 frame to try it on.

I also considered the GSG before spending my dough on the Advantage Arms kit. Here's why I didn't get the GSG.
1) Frame is some type of alloy. Who knows how long it will hold up under shooting stress.
2) Extra magazines are currently scarce and expensive at 2x the price of the Advantage spare mags. I need 7 mags when I use the gun for .22 match night at the range.
3) GSG does not offer a target model with adjustable sights.

The primary reason I got the Advantage over the Kimber is the Advantage front sight is mounted to the barrel so accuracy should be better than a slide mounted sight. Magazines for the Kimber are also more expensive than the Advantage, but they are fairly close on price.

01-12-2011, 03:36 PM
@ Ljutic: What is the finish on those guns?

01-12-2011, 03:45 PM
No wonder them handles didn't look blah! Guess I got good taste huh?

I've been trying to find a Marble 22 conversion, not sure they are even made anymore, probably not. I ran into a guy years ago at a range and it was just super nice.
Been looking for a genuine Colt Ace also but until my ship comes in one of those probably ain't gonna happen.
I suspect the Advantage Arms version is the best and most available choice right now.
The GSG would probably outlast me and serve my purposes but the Advantage might be the better option.

01-12-2011, 04:25 PM
@ Ljutic: What is the finish on those guns?

It's Parkerized. I think the finish is on the better side of OK, considering the $625.00 with state tax price from my local shop.

01-12-2011, 04:49 PM
I certainly agree with you there! Finish is better than good.

01-22-2011, 12:27 PM
Ok, spent the last weeks reading these post and then I had to have a 1911. Started looking at the Springfield stainless steel Champion, but then I walk into the gun shop and find a good deal on a Sig GSR Compact. I am a sucker for a good deal; it came with Crimson Trace lazer grips.... and the stock gips for about half of retail for a new one.
I know if uses the external extractor but anyone have any opion one way or the other; don't worry you can't hurt my feelings, I don't have any.
I will try to get some pictures posted, it is a thing of beauty to me.

01-22-2011, 12:38 PM
kinda surprised kahr has never made a 1911, they are about the only gun maker left it seems!!!

01-22-2011, 01:43 PM
Ok, spent the last weeks reading these post and then I had to have a 1911. Started looking at the Springfield stainless steel Champion, but then I walk into the gun shop and find a good deal on a Sig GSR Compact. I am a sucker for a good deal; it came with Crimson Trace lazer grips.... and the stock gips for about half of retail for a new one.
I know if uses the external extractor but anyone have any opion one way or the other; don't worry you can't hurt my feelings, I don't have any.
I will try to get some pictures posted, it is a thing of beauty to me.

Kimber never could seem to figure out the external extractor set up, finally gave up. I haven't heard of any pandemic problems with the SIG.
They sure look nice, thats for sure.
I'd say if it's a thing of beauty to you, you have a winner.
Post them pictures when you find the time. Love to see it.

01-23-2011, 12:13 AM
I bought a SIG C3 about four months ago, and I don't think the external extractor is an issue. I have about 500 rounds so far with no problems. The C3 is sorta a 8/10's 1911 with a Commander length slide and Officer's grip, and you're right Bawanna, it's a classy looking pistol. It's also light and very easy to carry.

01-23-2011, 07:12 AM
My 1911. Dan Wesson CCO.

01-23-2011, 11:14 AM
I bought a SIG C3 about four months ago, and I don't think the external extractor is an issue. I have about 500 rounds so far with no problems. The C3 is sorta a 8/10's 1911 with a Commander length slide and Officer's grip, and you're right Bawanna, it's a classy looking pistol. It's also light and very easy to carry.

Looks just about like mine (GSR Compact SS); but the two tone looks good. The one I bought is all steel so the weight is more...got it more for a range gun I guess. Good to hear yours is running well;I hope to have the same result. The extractor looks like a brute, so it should hold up!

One thing I did notice is the mags are really nice, great workmanship.:86:

01-26-2011, 06:03 PM
I noticed that S&W also builds a 1911 with the external extractor; anyone know anythng about their effort; how does it measure up?

I have stated to notice thier 1911's in the local shops but it seems S&W has had thier share of problems in the last few years.

01-26-2011, 07:28 PM
Smith and Wesson has been using the external extractor since the beginning 39's, 59's, the 4516' and 645, had all those, wish I still did, with good success. I haven't heard of any real issues with them around our parts.

01-26-2011, 11:36 PM
I will probably find myself with a Rock Island .38 Super to work on in a month or two.

I plan on converting it to a 7.62x25 pistol. 86 grains moving along at 1500 fps.


01-27-2011, 09:32 AM
Is that your Springfield? I don't recall hearing about that. It looks like your hands, good pics. Nice looking thing for sure.

01-27-2011, 10:00 AM
I plan on converting it to a 7.62x25 pistol. 86 grains moving along at 1500 fps.Remember I don't know nothin yet.... but did you mean 8.6gn? I'm loading 5.4gn in my 45 and I can't fathom 86gns - that's a bunch!

01-27-2011, 10:03 AM
He's talking bullet weight. Where your loading 230 grains he's loading 86 and making em go really really fast.

01-27-2011, 12:07 PM
I noticed that S&W also builds a 1911 with the external extractor; anyone know anythng about their effort; how does it measure up?

I have stated to notice thier 1911's in the local shops but it seems S&W has had thier share of problems in the last few years.

Before it was stolen, I had a 4586. That's got to be one of the strongest and most reliable semi's ever built. Someone told me that it would even feed empty cases. Never one the take the word of others, I loaded a mag with empty 45 cases and hand racked it. It fed every one. I haven't tried this with other pistols, but I doubt that many would pass.

01-27-2011, 01:42 PM
Here's another one. Hopefully the attachment works!

01-27-2011, 02:14 PM
JEEP 45238: Sure darn nice photos.

01-29-2011, 03:26 AM
here is the new one i will post all of them sometime today

01-29-2011, 07:12 AM
:ohmy: Oh man, I've been looking at this one too...

01-29-2011, 09:54 AM
Before it was stolen, I had a 4586. That's got to be one of the strongest and most reliable semi's ever built. Someone told me that it would even feed empty cases. Never one the take the word of others, I loaded a mag with empty 45 cases and hand racked it. It fed every one. I haven't tried this with other pistols, but I doubt that many would pass.
I remember when posted that your guns had been stolen; hope the sting of that is less with time. I have had a few things stolen in the past and I stayed mad as hell for a good long time:33:
Never had a 4586 but I am now on the look out for a S$W 1911, going to the Tulsa gun show this weekend to see what I can find.:cool:

01-29-2011, 10:19 AM
:ohmy: Oh man, I've been looking at this one too...if no rain going to run about 400-500 today

01-29-2011, 10:23 AM
here is the new one i will post all of them sometime today

Looks just like the RI nickel Tactical I bought last month. I only have 300 rounds so far, but it's fed everything including Remington HP's.

01-29-2011, 10:31 AM
Is that what that is. I'm ashamed to say I couldn't tell. I can usually give a pretty good clue from 50 yards away but this one had me stumped.

I've never seen a stainless Rock before. Looks really good from what I can see.

Course I don't recall ever seeing a 1911 that didn't blow my skirt up around my ears. Heck even Jeeps Para that he drug behind the truck on a cross country pilgrimage looked pretty fine.

01-29-2011, 10:34 AM
I remember when posted that your guns had been stolen; hope the sting of that is less with time. I have had a few things stolen in the past and I stayed mad as hell for a good long time:33:
Never had a 4586 but I am now on the look out for a S$W 1911, going to the Tulsa gun show this weekend to see what I can find.:cool:

I'm pretty much over it - the like new nickel SIG p220 was the only one I couldn't easily replace, and it was recovered. I replaced the S&W 4586 with a HK c 45, the P225 with the SIG C3, the SW9VE with a Ruger KP345, and I already had a PM45 to replace the CW9. I may pick up a CM9 when they come out if the price is right. Overall, I think I upgraded. ;)

Good luck at the show!

01-29-2011, 12:53 PM
if no rain going to run about 400-500 today

Please, don't let it rain :rain:. Updates, we need updates, PLEASE????

I'm close to buying and absorbing information as fast as I can get it? How's that "upgraded" trigger, sights and everything else? That same in black is on my short list.


01-31-2011, 08:01 PM
That Taurus is looking better and better to me. I keep going back and looking at it again and again.
Wonder what the meaning of this might be.:2rolleyes:
This pic is my daily carry 1st choice. Some would argue being an LDA that it's not a true 1911 but it looks like one and for anyone who doesn't like cocked and locked but likes the feel of a 1911 I think it's a good option. The only minus to me is like a Kahr the trigger reset sucks. Have to nearly release it all the way and pull again. I figure when I see the elephant I'm gonna be slapping and grinning anyhow, so hopefully it's accuracy will carry me thru.
The target is the first 10 magazines out of the gun at 12 yards. The backing was very large and clean so I have to assume alot of the rounds went thru the hole. ( I hope) It must be ok cause I really ain't that good a shot. I've since bobtailed the frame (can't find a picture of that)and I hope to get some XS sights probably standard dot eventually. I have those on the other 2 LDA's I have and for my old eyes they work very well.

I have been thinking a lot about a Para LDA Companion C 7.45 LDA. I have one spotted and it feels good. What do you think about the durabilty of the gun and the LDA action? I am still working on the guy to get to a fair price but he seems about ready to let it go so he can buy a new bike.

01-31-2011, 08:18 PM
I really like the LDA trigger. I don't think they are as tough and bomb proof as the basic 1911 but not fragile either. The one issue that some don't care for is the trigger reset. Like a Kahr you pretty much gotta let it all the way out and start over.
The trigger is just sweet and gives you much more margin for error than a traditional 1911. If you like a 1911 but aren't thrilled about c0cked and locked the LDA is the ticket.
I have 3. The full size P14-45, a 7-45 Limited and a Companion.
If I was issuing duty guns, I don't think I'd issue LDA's, but for a personal gun that your not gonna deliberately abuse I think they would last a long long time.

02-02-2011, 08:22 PM
I really like the LDA trigger. I don't think they are as tough and bomb proof as the basic 1911 but not fragile either. The one issue that some don't care for is the trigger reset. Like a Kahr you pretty much gotta let it all the way out and start over.
The trigger is just sweet and gives you much more margin for error than a traditional 1911. If you like a 1911 but aren't thrilled about c0cked and locked the LDA is the ticket.
I have 3. The full size P14-45, a 7-45 Limited and a Companion.
If I was issuing duty guns, I don't think I'd issue LDA's, but for a personal gun that your not gonna deliberately abuse I think they would last a long long time.

Thanks for the input; I found a test on the internet of a LDA 10,000 rounds fired and one of 5000 rounds fired without issue. Sounds tough enough. But for sure the trigger pull is fantastic...I am still working on a solution that would put one in my gun safe!:D The one I am looking at is an older gun made in Canada, 2001-2003.

02-02-2011, 09:04 PM
Nothing wrong with the older Para's and made in Canada don't hurt anything either. I think all mine were Canada produced. I might have to check the last one, not positive.
Like I say they ain't fragile but the trigger transfer bar on some is pretty easy to knock off. If you do like they say and don't try to thumb c0ck it and use just a little extra caution cleaning they'll run forever.
Everyone that looks at mine for some reason wants to thumb the hammer. The last two don't have hammer per se so we solved that.

MW surveyor
02-02-2011, 09:56 PM

Why no thumbing hammer? I really don't know.

02-02-2011, 10:12 PM
The LDA isn't designed to be c0cked. If you try to thumb it it sometimes messes up the transfer bar system. Not always catastrophic but it can be. I notice my latest version seems to be just a bit more scookum in that area. My double stack first version I easily knock the transfer bar off when cleaning.
It can't come off when the gun is all together so it's not a huge issue.
Kind of like using the slide release on a Kahr, don't thumb c0ck a LDA.

MW surveyor
02-03-2011, 04:47 AM
Mr. B.

Ok so the problem is thumb c0cking the LDA and not the "regular" 1911s. Thanks!


02-03-2011, 08:31 AM
The Companion LDA (same size as a Officers Model Colt)I am looking at has a spur type hammer, but it is there more for looks I guess; does not function like a normal SA 1911. You can not **** the weapon like you would a SA 1911.

The trigger pull feels like a really smooth Kahr trigger; if you like the Kahr trigger I would think you will like the LDA...:D

MW surveyor
02-03-2011, 09:42 AM
Almost bought a Para LDA Companion about six months ago. This was back when I was going to "up grade" to a 45! Went and bought a CZ in 9 mm, then bought the CW9 for daily carry. Now getting the "gotta have a new gun" viral attack again. May have to inoculate myself again. Only problem is that the inoculations only work for no more than six months or so.:)

02-03-2011, 03:51 PM
Anybody got experience mwith the Colt Double Eagles?

02-03-2011, 03:55 PM
I have none directly but I never heard much good about them. Years ago I spoke to a few shop owners and they didn't care much for them either.
I kind of wanted one just cause they were different, even with a bad rep but never got around to getting one.
I think they were a great concept that they didn't quite ever perfect. The Para LDA is about as good as that platform is gonna get I think.

02-03-2011, 04:46 PM
u know bawanna, I had to many issues with my carry 9 , now that was about 5 years ago. I loved that gun, for me no better double actiont rigger than the Para LDA. but i wonder sometimes if the issues I had in this 1911 style semi was more due to it being a 9 than a 45. U know John browning designed the 1911 as a 45 hard ballshooter and it just seems that when these gun makers got away from that ,, that things started to happen that normaly didn't happen with the 45"s. Or am i just dreaming. I really would like to have another Para lda carry 9 again. but I know not why really. I guess it is the love and looks of a 1911 that bends my crank just alitte. If one thnks kahrs triggers is smooth the Para lda IMo puts it to shame even...

02-03-2011, 07:24 PM
Almost bought a Para LDA Companion about six months ago. This was back when I was going to "up grade" to a 45! Went and bought a CZ in 9 mm, then bought the CW9 for daily carry. Now getting the "gotta have a new gun" viral attack again. May have to inoculate myself again. Only problem is that the inoculations only work for no more than six months or so.:)

I am a big fan of CZ product; they are a fine machine for sure. I have a few 75's, one 85 and one phantom.

They just work no matter what :86:

MW surveyor
02-03-2011, 08:11 PM
I've got the Phantom. Shoots very accurately and have had no problems with it. Kinda hard to conceal though. I can do it pretty well with using a 15 round mag that has a flush base. The 18 round mag sticks out just enough to make it print through.

02-05-2011, 07:55 PM
Here is my EDC......I also carry a titanium J frame on my ankle. It has original Simonich Gunner grips on it.
The knife is a Strider SMF with Gunner grips.......LOVE the way those feel.

And yes, I agree, every man should own a Wilson at some point in their life.

Within the next year, I will have them build me a lightweight Supergrade compact, with an SDS barrel.


02-05-2011, 08:01 PM
In the immortal words of my good friend Mr.Dietrich, that makes my britches stick out in front. Alot.
My bilogical clock is ticking, I think I need to sell my van or something and give Mr. Wilson a call.

02-06-2011, 09:19 AM
Hey! They are just "tools"! How many "hammers" do you need? :D

I wish that I could afford one of these 2-3K versions! I'd have to buy Tula or Wolf ammo, though, 'cause I couldn't afford the cheap U.S. stuff. :D

NICE looking hammer there, though. I have a Wilson Combat magazine that came with my "new" Champion.

Wynn :yo:

mr surveyor
02-07-2011, 08:36 PM
I have avoided this sub forum like it was the plague... I can't bear to look at all the 1911's that I can't own. So, I looked at the first page, then promptly skipped to the end of the ancient thread and decided to add one of my own.

Late 90's Kimber Stainless Compact. It ain't new, but it's all mine:D. Payed a pretty good price for it in '05, but it has been well worth the price.


Some day I will have the front strap checkered, change out the mainspring housing and replace the nearly dead tritium sights. It has been the most accurate handgun I've ever owned. I think I'll keep it:)


02-07-2011, 08:42 PM
Maybe I could interest you in some doggie handles someday? Nice gun.

02-08-2011, 11:20 AM
Her's another one

02-08-2011, 11:22 AM
Ups BTW yes the grip sleeve does affect the grip safety. Colt Double Eagle 90 Series, 3 1/2 top full size bottom, night sights-Trigicon

02-08-2011, 11:28 AM
What is that little lever sticking out of the left side grip? Decocker? I thought those were true DAO? Maybe once again I'm WRONG? This ain't gonna look good on my repetoire.

mr surveyor
02-08-2011, 04:43 PM
Bawanna.... I'm still studying what I want on the Kimber...whatever it is, it's gotta be agressive texture, with a sensitive sort of look:D

02-08-2011, 04:45 PM
Bawanna.... I'm still studying what I want on the Kimber...whatever it is, it's gotta be agressive texture, with a sensitive sort of look:D

I thought we were done with this sensitivity stuff? Agressive grrrrrr we can probably handle.

I got some lace wood, rather delicate looking, I don't think it will like checkering much but might fill the sensitive requirements.

02-08-2011, 06:41 PM
The day I brought it home, sold my Rock Island tactical model to put towards this:


Last year. Straight trigger, some internal work, fitted slide stop. Currently has different sights as well.

I'll stick to single sided safeties, thankyouverymuch :)

Fitted a high ride beavertail grip, Clark's recoil spring plug

Hey.... I got one of those 1991 A1's. You need to get rid of those stock sites. Actually, I am surprised your front site is still on the gun. Mine fell off after 500 rounds! :D I replaced it with an orange ramp (double staked) millet front site and then replaced the rear sight with a white outline Millet rear sight. Best improvement I could have made! I have since trained myself to use just the orange ramped front sight. The old eyes can no longer see the rear sight any more. The front sight is a blur as well. However, that 45acp bullet goes wherever I place that orange blur! :D

02-08-2011, 06:49 PM
Lots of pics of some very sweet guns out there. I will let you all know that tomorrow evening, I am picking up one of the Auto-Ordnance presentation grade 1911's. It is the one that is featured on the home page of this forum. I have handled (and fired) the new AO 1911's and they have been significantly improved over the older AO guns. I am kind of excited about that. This will be my 3rd 1911. (you can never have enough!)


02-08-2011, 07:14 PM
I was looking at that on the homepage pretty hard this afternoon. That's one fine looking gun, looks to me like.

Not many of them left either. I was kind of holding for an MRI but that AO is calling. Course if I answer the missus will be calling and I won't be able to tell you what shes saying. It won't be pretty.

Tell us all about it after you pick it up. You plan to fondle and display or shoot that puppy. Actually isn't that the deal with it, you get one slide to display and one to shoot?

02-08-2011, 08:32 PM
Wish I could afford one.

02-08-2011, 08:45 PM
I've recently fallen in love w/ 1911's.

I used to be a Glock shooter, but my PM9 replaced my G26 and this STI replaced my G34. Ignore the dirt- it gets a lot of range time and is my competition gun. :)

On order, Colt Anniversary III


02-09-2011, 01:15 PM
Yep de-cocker. DA or SA. The size 3 1/2" barrel and full size frame with std mags. is great for carrying, BUT, its a very heavy all SS. MUCH much prefer P45. Haven't had opportunity to try a PM45.

02-09-2011, 01:44 PM
Yep de-cocker. DA or SA. The size 3 1/2" barrel and full size frame with std mags. is great for carrying, BUT, its a very heavy all SS. MUCH much prefer P45. Haven't had opportunity to try a PM45.

Well come on over you can try mine. I carry an all steel Cbob but the PM45 is always with me. Spends most of it's life on my ankle. I forget it's there. Course I usually forget my legs there, don't serve any good purpose other than hanging an ankle holster on it. On a good day if I really concentrate I can sometimes kick my dog but thats pretty rare and I really don't like to kick him anyhow.

02-09-2011, 09:30 PM
Hey, Bawanna", I have a question. I got the front sight off my Springfield Champion. I didn't use a vise but I clamped it to the table and protected it from marring. I used a plastic "dowel"... actually one of the supports for a two-tiered lazy-Susan thing for kitchen cabinet storage. Anyhow, a couple of medium taps with a hammer and it came off. There was a red residue that may have been RED Loctite or something similar. The good news is that I could scrape it off the dovetail bottom. The bad news is that I think it was used on the set screws for the rear sight. I tried WD-40, acetone, and heating with a butane torch... a couple of times. I still can't get those suckers to budge. Red Loctite calls for almost 500°F heat and disassembling while the parts are HOT. It IS considered a "permanent" bond. Blue or green should have been used.

I haven't ruined the rear sights, yet. Any ideas? I'm afraid to try "nudging" it too much with the set screws in place. They use a .050" hex or Allen wrench and those start to twist so much that I'm afraid the wrenches will break without loosening the suckers. I think it takes more torque than the wrenches can support.

I'm still thinking of asking Springfield and sending the slide or gun to them. Their available information is not abundant with pictures of the sights they offer.
I'm kind of leaning toward adjustable three-dot Tritium sights.

If I could get the rear sight off, I would have more options for installing sights myself.

Anyone have an idea?


02-09-2011, 10:37 PM
I'd try the allen wrenches again, maybe take a tiny punch, a real small roll pin punch would be perfect. Put it in where the screws are and give em a smack. Then go for the turn on the wrench. If they break, your not gonna like this but break out your dremel like tool with a cuttoff wheel and cut the sucker in half parallel to the dovetail. I had to to that to my kids XD to get the front off. I found later on the internet that that was the way many people did it.

Since it's so far off point of aim on your gun I suspect it's a mismatched set so we'd have a hard time figuring out what front sight we'd need to make them work anyhow.

I think the little smack might just pop things loose so you could drive that puppy out.

If you go the cut off wheel you gotta be super careful when you get close to the slide. A little cut in the middle will hide with no harm or foul but nick it on either side you'll hate yourself in the morning.

Be brave, go forth and conquer.:w00t::w00t:

02-09-2011, 11:32 PM
Jes' foolin' around, I took one of those aluminum screw sets for holding documents together and use the female half to make a front sight. It looked like crap, but I got it to fit the dovetail and cut off all of the hollow screw channel part until it was maybe an eighth of an inch tall and narrowed that to maybe 3/32" for kind of a ramped blade and then I used whiteout to make a small dot on the slightly ramped front.
Then I tested point of aim with my boresighter... pretty close. I didn't try it at the range, though. It wasn't that tight. It is a bad match... the rear sight is too low for the front sight which is .190" tall above the frame. The rear is only about .16" above the frame and then there's the post about .1" tall.
The rear sight dovetail seems to be .330 by 65° and the front about .300 by 65°. I think this is the Novak cut dimensions.

Maybe I can cut a piece of Allen wrench to use as a punch... something to tap with a hammer. Or, maybe I can just bite the bullet and send whatever Springfield needs to let them do it for about $200. Adjustable night sights installed with the dovetails already done is $175... if they are the right dimensions. <sigh>


02-10-2011, 09:26 AM
I don't know that you really need adjustable but if you want them that's a decent price.

You could just send it to Springfield or Trijicon or Novak, who ever and they will know what cut it is and could give you options. Take out the guess work and maybe give you more choices?

Cutting off an allen wrench might just be the ticket. You smacked the sight side to side pretty good to see if it will move. Sometimes them screws are just stuck and not really tightened down. The smacking with a punch on the side might just jar them loose too.

02-10-2011, 01:59 PM
I tried the cut off wrench... several pretty good whacks... no luck. I think I'll just call Springfield. Hopefully, I can just send them the slide and won't have to pay extra for pick up or drive across town.
Shoot, I coulda gotten an SS model with good sights by the time I do this. :)


02-10-2011, 07:58 PM
I tried the cut off wrench... several pretty good whacks... no luck. I think I'll just call Springfield. Hopefully, I can just send them the slide and won't have to pay extra for pick up or drive across town.
Shoot, I coulda gotten an SS model with good sights by the time I do this. :)


I sent them an email with pictures and asked what my options were with the present doevtails, trying to keep the costs down. :)


02-10-2011, 09:39 PM
Hey.... I got one of those 1991 A1's. You need to get rid of those stock sites. Actually, I am surprised your front site is still on the gun. Mine fell off after 500 rounds! :D I replaced it with an orange ramp (double staked) millet front site and then replaced the rear sight with a white outline Millet rear sight. Best improvement I could have made! I have since trained myself to use just the orange ramped front sight. The old eyes can no longer see the rear sight any more. The front sight is a blur as well. However, that 45acp bullet goes wherever I place that orange blur! :D
I have Milletts on my OACP (except it's a standard tenon front sight);

Hey Wynn,
harbor freight sells a mini-impact wrench that will work with screwdriver style allen bits: http://www.harborfreight.com/7-piece-reversible-impact-driver-set-93481.html
I've used one, in conjunction with PB Blaster and heat, to break some stubborn set screws loose. Another trick that has helped was to heat the part, then hit it with a blast from an upside down Dust Off (http://www.google.com/products/catalog?q=dust+off&oe=utf-8&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a&um=1&ie=UTF-8&cid=5749039564275172846&ei=Pb9UTbH-JY_AsAPv5ozoBQ&sa=X&oi=product_catalog_result&ct=image&resnum=4&ved=0CDkQ8gIwAw#) can for a hot/cold shock kind of thing.

02-10-2011, 11:54 PM
Thanks, Greg, but the hex key is 0.050" and the big trouble is that that small thing can't handle enough torque. I had a 3" or so one in a set that I cut about 3/4" off and used as a pin/punch... bent it a couple of times. Just using it as a wrench, it twists almost 90° and feels like it's about to break. I think it's red Loctite... a really dumb thing to use in this case. There was something red under the front sight and I scraped it off with a razor blade.
I'll wait and see what Springfield says about installing sights. Hopefully they can use the dovetails it has. It's $175 for adjustable night sights if they can use the existing cuts... $350 if they have to do the cuts, so I figure it's somewhere between those extremes. There aren't any pictures of their sight options, so I don't know if I would like the target or the night sights, but I want adjustable for a range gun. If it's too much, I might take the DLT and a cutting wheel or three... whatever it takes, and cut it out, as Bawanna' suggested.
Dang, I used up my last DustOff or I woulda tried that when I was playing with my butane torch.


02-11-2011, 11:20 AM
Well, I heard back from Springfield Custom Shop:

"Your pistol has a standard GI style rear sight, which would require milling for installation of any of the adjustable sight options available through our shop. Also the dovetail front sight appears to be slightly different than the Springfield dovetail cut. Estimated cost to install adjustable sights, with 3 white dots, on your pistol would be approx. $295-325. <:eek:!> Estimated turnaround time for this work would be approx. 3-5 weeks from receipt of the pistol in our shop for the work.

Since this pistol has had work done by someone other than our custom shop, the gunsmiths will need to inspect it prior to agreeing to perform any work on it."

So, I guess I'll be winging it. :(


02-11-2011, 11:27 AM
I wonder what options they have on 3 dot fixed non adjustable sights.

It kind of hurts to shell out that much money for this stuff, I went thru the same thing on my XS adjustable, I think they were over 350 installed. I love them but that's alot of loot.

Maybe check with Novak or Trijicon, Mepro or some of those and see if they have a sight that looks good to you.

02-11-2011, 12:08 PM
I know that I can get sights a lot cheaper. I may just get an adjustable rear and see if it will work with the front I have or just another sight. I still don't know if I want night sights or maybe just the front, but I sure want an adjustable notched rear! I guess I'll figure that out this weekend... got chores and things to do. Gotta go get a couple of LPG tanks filled before the third one gives out in the middle of cooking. :eek: Not good when there's no backup ready.


02-11-2011, 03:10 PM
Well, I heard back from Springfield Custom Shop:

"Your pistol has a standard GI style rear sight, which would require milling for installation of any of the adjustable sight options available through our shop. Also the dovetail front sight appears to be slightly different than the Springfield dovetail cut. Estimated cost to install adjustable sights, with 3 white dots, on your pistol would be approx. $295-325. <:eek:!> Estimated turnaround time for this work would be approx. 3-5 weeks from receipt of the pistol in our shop for the work.

Since this pistol has had work done by someone other than our custom shop, the gunsmiths will need to inspect it prior to agreeing to perform any work on it."

So, I guess I'll be winging it. :(Wynn:)

Darn for that kind of money, you could probably sell your current gun, get SA's Range Officer, and still be ahead. The RO's fit is to the standard of their TRP and Trophy Match. It has nice adjustable sights as well:)
Here's mine:

Otherwise, I believe that LPA makes an adjustable sight that fits the "GI" dovetail. That your front dovetail does not appear to be a Springfield cut is probably a good thing as their dovetail is a unique size.


02-11-2011, 08:22 PM
Well, I got the rear sight off! I didn't even need a vise. :D


I'm sure that I can find something and shape it a bit as necessary and whack it into place. I have hammers and files and other tools... just no great skills and NO patience.:rolleyes:


Now I can relax for a bit. Wifey will be home in an hour or so.