View Full Version : Appendix Carry…Thousands of Thugs Can’t be Wrong!
11-14-2012, 03:52 PM
This is a very good article about carrying in the appendix position. He lists many of the same advantages that I have found and posted about from my use of this carry method. In fact, he states that just like me his first use of appendix carry was with a J-frame. Great minds think alike! :D
Appendix Carry…Thousands of Thugs Can’t be Wrong! (
Here is one of my recent posts where I detail my findings.
11-14-2012, 04:03 PM
I carry AIWB, because of a shoulder injury that prevents me from easily reaching behind my right hip and pulling upward to draw. The only negative is that carrying AIWB places the gun closer to the perp that I'm trying to stop. This is in part why I feel that situational awareness is key to this type of carry. Other than that I see no problem with this method of carry.
11-14-2012, 04:36 PM
I carry and have trained utilizing AIWB, it is by far the fastest draw and most secure position to carry in. I have taken classes where we were victims of "car jacking type situations" and guys who opted to carry AIWB got on their gun the quickest. Also, from a holster retention standpoint it is much easier to protect the gun from a gun snatch. The Kahrs (K9 or PM9) hide very well appendix.
11-14-2012, 05:13 PM
I've been very happy carrying my S&W 642 in an Alessi APX holster between 1 and 2 o'clock. That article is right on the money. The right holster makes all the difference.
11-14-2012, 05:38 PM
I dont carry yet (still waiting on my permit to come in the mail) but I like the things mentioned in the article. Thanks JFootin! (as always) What about the mugger scenario where you're "reaching for your wallet" and come out with the gun that was being carried IWB behind the hip? I mean I know thats only one scenario, but doesnt that seem to be the most common (if you can call any of them that) reason to draw on someone?
11-14-2012, 06:11 PM
PYROhafe, in regards to your scenario the shoulder articulation is less from an AIWB draw than a 4 O'clock draw. Picture having you hands in the fence position (palms up facing the bad guy) and quickly reaching down, lifting your cover garment and coming on your target swiftly. If you practice the draw technique, you will see how fast it is. Also, in the appendix position you can access your gun with either hand (something that is a challenge with wearing it at the 3 or 4 o clock position). If you end up on the ground either on you back or on your stomach it is easier to access your weapon in front of you than on your side. I have taken ECQC classes with Shivworks instructors and once you train and understand the AIWB you will not want to carry any other way. I guarantee it.
11-14-2012, 06:36 PM
here is a good thread on Appendix carry.... it's only 65 pages long...
Longitude Zero
11-14-2012, 07:10 PM
With a good holster appendix carry is great. HOWEVER I have worked dozens of shootings when a thug doing it sans holster has de-nutted/euneched themselves. If you carry appendix w/o a holster you are truly stupid and deserve what you get.
The reality is that any belt holster except cross draw is almost worthless when belted into a car. Facts are facts. That is why I have another weapon mounted in a holster under the steering column for when I am in the car.
11-14-2012, 07:18 PM
With a good holster appendix carry is great. HOWEVER I have worked dozens of shootings when a thug doing it sans holster has de-nutted/euneched themselves. If you carry appendix w/o a holster you are truly stupid and deserve what you get.
11-14-2012, 08:16 PM
Great story JFootin. I only have one non-canted holster and it is for a G26. The holster is one of those cheap ones with a spring clip. I just tried it and it makes sense...even with the G26. The one thing that I cannot get over is that it is directly pointed at my manhood or, because I would probably have it closer to my hip, my femoral artery. That freaks me out! When I first carried, I was freaked about having a load in battery too, but now I don't think about it.
I'm predicting that you'll try to sell me a PJ, but what holsters do you use? Is kydex comfy or should it be leather? I'm a big fan of thin. BTW...been carrying my PJ almost exclusively now that the weather is cooler.
11-14-2012, 08:34 PM
itsthelaw, my favorite holster for AIWB is a Dale Fricke Archangel holster. Conceals nicely and allows a good combat grip. I have one both for my K9 as well as my Glock 19.
The biggest thing is with holstering and making sure your finger is clear of the trigger when holstering.
11-14-2012, 09:33 PM
I use appendix carry about 95% of the time. I have a PJ holster for my K9. It is thin, light weight, and very comfortable. With that said, I still prefer leather. I also have a Mitch Rosen clipper for my K9, my PM9, and my MK40. I bought all three of these from the Kahr site.
For me, the appendix carry works very well.
11-14-2012, 10:13 PM
Due to the fact that I have to lock my pistol in the car during my work week, appendix carry is just much easier to get off and on. Otherwise I OWC at the 3-3:30 position on the weekends. My preferred method of carry...
11-15-2012, 12:36 AM
here is a good thread on Appendix carry.... it's only 65 pages long...
Thanks, mluikey. That's a good thread. That Garrity In-Victus looks like it would allow me to carry my new Walther PPQ AIWB, but it's $170 and the wait might be a year. Nice thing is he doesn't require payment up front, but honor would compel me to pay him when he contacted me. I wonder if there is something close to it that is more affordable and available in less time? The Blackhawk CQC IWB looks like a possibility. It is tempting, but I am sceptical about being able to carry the PPQ AIWB because of my big belly. I have 2 kydex OWB holsters and I am awaiting delivery of a 2 clip leather IWB holster that I am going to evaluate with the PPQ. I would also really like to try the very inventive holster solution discussed in this THREAD (\) to see if I can achieve ultimate comfort and concealability with the PPQ.
Great story JFootin. I only have one non-canted holster and it is for a G26. The holster is one of those cheap ones with a spring clip. I just tried it and it makes sense...even with the G26. The one thing that I cannot get over is that it is directly pointed at my manhood or, because I would probably have it closer to my hip, my femoral artery. That freaks me out! When I first carried, I was freaked about having a load in battery too, but now I don't think about it.
I'm predicting that you'll try to sell me a PJ, but what holsters do you use? Is kydex comfy or should it be leather? I'm a big fan of thin. BTW...been carrying my PJ almost exclusively now that the weather is cooler.
You know I love Paul, but my belly is so soft and tender that I prefer something softer than kydex for AIWB. Also, please understand that I am way far from being any kind of an expert on this subject. So, here is a brief history of my experiments with AIWB carry.
I started getting interested in AIWB carry after I got my S&W 638 Airweight pistol. I ordered a PJ holster with zero cant to carry it at about 8:30. The holster is comfortable, but in that position near the hip the width of the cylinder makes it a little more noticeable than my CM9. I got the zero cant so I could also try it AIWB, but my soft belly didn't like it.
I have an Uncle Mike's #3 pocket holster. It has a strip of grippy material that goes around it's middle. I found that it will stay put real well AIWB under belt tension, so I started experimenting with it in the AIWB position with the J-frame. I tried the CM9 but found it less comfortable and way more likely to print above and below the waistline than the J-frame. So I concentrated on the J-frame, which seems like it is made for AIWB carry.
Each of us is built differently. All I can say is YMMV. I have a typical but not exaggerated middle-aged spread. You know, the belly and the spare tire going around the sides. My waist size is 42 and my belly does not droop down over my belt, but my belt rides in a trough below the belly and spare tire. As I have explained in other posts including the one linked below, I find the shape of the J-frame to be ideal for riding in that trough near my belt where an untucked shirt draping down from my belly totally hides it. I found that a low ride and a reverse cant help to position the gun ideally. All of this is explained in my linked post:
I was so encouraged by my experiment with the UM holster that I commissioned James Dean to make me a leather AIWB holster to my specs for the J-frame. I specified low ride, reverse cant, a tuckable steel clip and rounded edge so there are no corners to dig into my belly. It came out beautifully!
The holster works wonderfully and keeps my gun securely holstered.
I had added a Taurus 738 TCP 380 to my collection, so I ordered an inexpensive Side Guard Minimal Snap Holster ( to carry it AIWB.
It works well and is very comfortable, too. If I had it to do over, though, I might get the Minimal Clip Holster ( instead because I think it rides lower.
Now here is an interesting twist. I wanted a pocket holster for the TCP and I decided to try the Stays-Put Ultra (, which is just $14.95 shipped. I really liked it a lot! It is a well designed holster that is very thin, yet hides the gun well. And it STAYS PUT when I draw better than any pocket holster I have ever had. I ordered one for the J-frame, as well. It STAYS PUT even better because it fills up my jeans pocket. But, of course, I had to try them AIWB. Shazam! Boy, these holsters work extremely well there. They STAY PUT. They are effortless to insert or remove without having to fiddle with clips or snaps. They are lined with smooth nylon which makes the draw extra fast. They have a tiny little strip of flexible plastic that keeps the mouth open just enough to make it easy to reinsert the gun. Their thinness really enhances concealability. And they are so comfortable on my soft belly that I forget they are there! I found my perfect AIWB solution for 2 guns for just $29.90!
I use the leather holsters when I want to go a little dressier, and I still want to try the tuckable James Dean holster with a tucked in shirt. Haven't gotten around to it, yet.
Well, that's all I know. AIWB is my chosen carry method for the J-frame, and it is my favorite carry choice at present. I have a super cool covert carry system that I use for the TCP now, so the AIWB and pocket holsters don't see much use. Although, if carried on the waist, AIWB is my choice for the TCP. My CM9 carries ideally at about 8:30 in either my PM IWB holster or my James Dean 2 snap leather IWB holster. Based on my earlier experiments and the fact that I have 2 extremely comfortable and concealable holsters for carry behind the hip, I don't think I will pursue AIWB crry for the CM9. I'll have to let you know what I find that works for my new, larger gun - the Walther PPQ. It probably won't displace my small guns for concealed carry, but I would like to have a holster or two that can do it comfortably and concealably.
11-15-2012, 11:25 AM
JFootin, I agree 100% on using leather. The Garity looks like an awesome piece, but yes it is pricey as well as who knows how long it is going to take to get one. Here is another option, I personally do not have any experience with them but I have heard good things. I have contemplated ordering one from them. Their price is $60 less. I also like using the High Noon Holsters "Mr Softy" it is a thinner leather that is not fitted like many other holsters but it takes on the shape of the gun nicely and is very minimalistic. The mouth of the holster is not reinforced so it does collapse when the gun is removed but it is not an issue for me as I am not drawing and reholstering like I would be in a training environment. I like to carry my PM9 using the Mr Softy as it hides very well. I would say I am built much like you. If I wear a kydex holster, I need to make sure I have a baggy shirt on as the gun and holster has a tendency to roll forward and print due to my "extra baggage".
A friend of mine named Spencer Keepers is making a new holster called the "keeper" and is supposed to be an awesome holster. It is $150 but a lot of trainers and LEO buddies are swearing by it.
11-15-2012, 12:40 PM
JFootin, I agree 100% on using leather. The Garity looks like an awesome piece, but yes it is pricey as well as who knows how long it is going to take to get one. Here is another option, I personally do not have any experience with them but I have heard good things. I have contemplated ordering one from them. Their price is $60 less. I also like using the High Noon Holsters "Mr Softy" it is a thinner leather that is not fitted like many other holsters but it takes on the shape of the gun nicely and is very minimalistic. The mouth of the holster is not reinforced so it does collapse when the gun is removed but it is not an issue for me as I am not drawing and reholstering like I would be in a training environment. I like to carry my PM9 using the Mr Softy as it hides very well. I would say I am built much like you. If I wear a kydex holster, I need to make sure I have a baggy shirt on as the gun and holster has a tendency to roll forward and print due to my "extra baggage".
A friend of mine named Spencer Keepers is making a new holster called the "keeper" and is supposed to be an awesome holster. It is $150 but a lot of trainers and LEO buddies are swearing by it.
Thanks, Mike. Those are both interesting holsters, but they seem like they would ride too high, especially with a larger gun like the PPQ, and my big belly would push it out at the top, making it print and jaming the muzzle into my lower belly. The TT holster has a leather snap loop, which necessitates that the holster ride 3/4" above the belt to clear the snap. (I found that with my Side Guard holster for the TCP.) The other holster and the CCC one are just designed to be high riding. That may be necessary with a longer gun in order to prevent uncomfortable jaming against the leg when sitting. Maybe their designs are sturdy enough in the holster itself and the belt attachment to combat the belly push. I could wear it further to the side to avoid the belly push, but then it would definitely jam against my leg. I think I need a holster with a strong reverse cant. But these leather holsters are strait cant and cannot be adjusted. Questions, questions. :confused:
As you can see, my wheels are turning and I am still learning about making the AIWB carry work for more of my guns. Hopefully, we can all learn together in this thread. All intelligent additions to this conversation are welcome! :) But I don't want this thread to get into negative attitudes about safety and having a gun pointed at your junk. We are adults here, and we understand the risks and the need for extra precautions. This thread is for those who, having considered these things, is still interested in adopting this carry method and finding holsters that will work. So, positive, constructive posts, please.
11-15-2012, 01:38 PM
Positive, constructive post? Where the heck am I and how did I get here?
11-15-2012, 01:39 PM
You know, the popular Bianchi 100 Professional Holster might work well to carry a larger gun AIWB. The large gun shield and rounded edges look like they would contribute to the comfort. They don't list the Walther PPQ or P99, but it is not a detail molded holster and the one that fits the Glock 19 (and a few other guns) would fit. Cops Plus has them for $39.99. com%2FImagesJuly%2F41ioD1dgN1L.Sl500.jpg&d=51d257d88eacdee6f57f141ecf3ad9c77f0b3849
I wish it was available in black. :(
Longitude Zero
11-15-2012, 01:50 PM
11-15-2012, 01:52 PM
Desbien's Gunleather ( has a reversed cant AIWB holster that looks good.
AIWB #4 Hardcore Reverse Cant (R/C)
The AIWB #4 Hardcore R/C holster has been adopted by internationally known firearms instructor South Narc and his company Shiv Works as their official holster.
This holster is essentially the same as the IWB #4 Hardcore except that it is set at a reverse cant (muzzle forward) which places your hand and arm at the most optimal position for a fast draw from the holster whether you are standing, seated or lying on your back. We have also made the belt loop more stream line so as to make the holster more stream line (slimmer at the top where the loop attaches to the holster body). We are offering the AIWB #4 Hardcore R/C holster in a Low ride or high ride holster. We recommend the low ride for those who are not in the greatest of shape and high ride for those who have a flatter stomach. We also recommend that if you are small in stature (thin and narrow) and like to carry, for example a full size 1911 or Glock 17 then you would be better served ordering the AIWB #4 Hardcore which has a straight /neutral cant. The Reverse cant holster works great with the shorter length grips as the Glock 19 or the shorter grips found on several 1911′s. Compared to the AIWB #4 Hardcore holster the R/C holster is more comfortable to carry and sit with as the holster settles into the spot between your thigh and groin which makes easier to sit , squat , etc… Please indicate which ride height you want,(high ride or low ride) If you don’t we will automatically make you a low ride holster………For Semi-Autos only
Note: Due to the carry position and draw techniques associated with the AIWB #4 Hardcore R/C holster, it should only be used by trained and experienced shooters, and is not recommended for those new to concealed carry or firearms handling.~Price start at $115.00 ~ Cowhide only~
Edit: Wow! I am liking the looks of this holster! It is reverse canted and really looks like it could work for carrying my PPQ AIWB. I have 2 Kydex OWB holsters here and a leather IWB holster on the way to check out first. I'll probably have a couple of holsters to sell before this is over. Each of our bodies are different and a holster that doesn't work for me can work perfectly for someone else. We'll see.
11-15-2012, 02:01 PM
Positive, constructive post? Where the heck am I and how did I get here?
LOL! Wherever this is, you are welcome here! :)
You are a very succinct fellow, LZ. I concur!
11-15-2012, 02:24 PM
Here is an opposing view to Apendix carry and food for thought.
11-15-2012, 02:39 PM
I carried cross draw for many years, it worked for me but also many of the pros and cons of Appendix carry applied. I sometimes carried clear over and beyond 9 oclock so it was extreme cross draw.
Many of the officers here have taken to wearing tactical type vest with all their stuff on the vest rather than a conventional belt. Ala Steven Seagal.
I don't like the looks and the image it portrays to the public but mostly I don't like it because it's like presenting a roll away tool box to anyone standing in front of them. Every thing on the vest is just as accessible to me as it is to the officer.
I think the bottom line is a person has to find what works best for them. I certainly would prefer appendix over pocket carry but I don't carry in either mode but I'm taking it all in anyhow.
11-15-2012, 02:42 PM
Here is an opposing view to Apendix carry and food for thought.
Muggsy, what part of my post didn't you understand?
As you can see, my wheels are turning and I am still learning about making the AIWB carry work for more of my guns. Hopefully, we can all learn together in this thread. All intelligent additions to this conversation are welcome! :) But I don't want this thread to get into negative attitudes about safety and having a gun pointed at your junk. We are adults here, and we understand the risks and the need for extra precautions. This thread is for those who, having considered these things, is still interested in adopting this carry method and finding holsters that will work. So, positive, constructive posts, please.
11-15-2012, 02:53 PM
I sit a lot and even with fairly trim sides I have some belly flop. To draw appendix I'd have to rear back like a 3 o'clock position, and same with cross draw. That rules out both for me. In the service I had a time to carry a 38 snubby in a shoulder holster and would choose that if always wearing a sport coat or jacket, but I don't often enough to matter. I found my sweet spot for the G30 at 4:00 while the PM9 is 3:30. I can feel it it there when sitting but not nearly as much as my belly laying on top of either front side carry.
11-15-2012, 03:44 PM
Muggsy, what part of my post didn't you understand?
While not positive, for my 2 cents I found Muggsy's attached video constructive and probably helpful for folks considering appendix carry which in and of itself is positive.
I found the attacks on the video and the authors responses very entertaining as well.
11-15-2012, 04:48 PM
Positive, constructive post? Where the heck am I and how did I get in this handbasket?
Fixed it for ya
Longitude Zero
11-15-2012, 04:59 PM
For MANY years the Illinois State Police carried their weapons in pure crossdraw positions. The sound reasoning was that they spent over 90% of their time seated in a car so what was the easiest arrangement for drawing a weapon while seated.
Each carry method has its adherants and detractors. Find what works for you and go with it.
11-15-2012, 04:59 PM
Let us not jack this thread, it's one of very few serious ones we've had lately.
I'm serious and I mean it. :32::(:confused:;):rolleyes:
11-18-2012, 12:21 PM
For MANY years the Illinois State Police carried their weapons in pure crossdraw positions. The sound reasoning was that they spent over 90% of their time seated in a car so what was the easiest arrangement for drawing a weapon while seated.
Yeah, that works for righties who are in the driver's seat because the shoulder harness is out of the way. It wouldn't work riding shotgun. I'm a lefty, so AIWB works for me when I'm driving, and it would work for a righty riding shotgun. Righties have an advantage when they are in the driver's seat in that they can more easily point their gun out the side window than a lefty can. So, the ideal partnership would be a righty and a lefty, and they could switch from AIWB to crossdraw depending on who is driving. The most ideal would be crossdraw with the righty driving because of the side window thing.....Oh, I just thought of something: when driving, I can stick my elbow and gun out the side window, aim and shoot forwards or sideways, and my righty partner can do the same from the passenger seat. Less damaging to the ears than firing a gun inside the car, IMO. But I might have to transfer the gun to my weak hand if a perp was there at the side window. Plusses and minuses for each hand.
11-20-2012, 11:44 AM
Thanks to all for this post. I have never thought much about AIWB but after reading this post I tried it with my FBI cant PJ holster and to looks like a great option. I actually liked it better with my Shield with the extended mag better than my PM9. I wore it out this morning for about three hours with no issues at all.
11-20-2012, 12:11 PM
That's interesting. Glad it works for you. The fbi forward cant is opposite of what I have found ideal for AIWB, but maybe you are thinner than I am. :o
11-20-2012, 12:33 PM
You know, the popular Bianchi 100 Professional Holster might work well to carry a larger gun AIWB. The large gun shield and rounded edges look like they would contribute to the comfort. They don't list the Walther PPQ or P99, but it is not a detail molded holster and the one that fits the Glock 19 (and a few other guns) would fit. Cops Plus has them for $39.99. com%2FImagesJuly%2F41ioD1dgN1L.Sl500.jpg&d=51d257d88eacdee6f57f141ecf3ad9c77f0b3849
I wish it was available in black. :(
most excellent method of carry for this piece.
11-20-2012, 01:16 PM
Thanks Jerry. Where on the holster clock do you wear it?
11-20-2012, 03:02 PM
Thanks Jerry. Where on the holster clock do you wear it?
1 o'clock, AIWB.
11-20-2012, 03:55 PM
Thanks. If you don't mind, are you slender or do you have a belly?
With no cant, I wonder about the butt of the gun being pushed out by my belly, causing printing and jamming the muzzle into my soft lower belly. I have found that a very low ride and reverse cant are needed to avoid this with my build.
11-20-2012, 03:59 PM
If you guys start sending pictures back and forth to each other people are gonna start wondering, ya know?
11-20-2012, 04:24 PM
LOL! :D Nothing mano-a-mano intended.
11-20-2012, 04:36 PM pot belly if thats what you mean.
11-20-2012, 05:15 PM
Ok. So that can work for you! :) I'm looking at something about twice as expensive - the Desbiens AIWB #4 Hardcore Reverse Cant holster mentioned in Post #20 ( He is checking for a blue gun. Said he will make me one if he can get one.
11-20-2012, 07:43 PM
1 o'clock, AIWB.
Yep, that's the best place to carry. Works well for me.
11-20-2012, 08:59 PM
If you guys start sending pictures back and forth to each other people are gonna start wondering, ya know?
11-21-2012, 10:48 AM
JFOOTIN: I am 6'3" and 200Lbs. No belly yet, so any cant works for me. I do have a Silent Thunder holster for my PM9 and that does give me a lot of cant options. I will experiment with that one. What I have found, for me, is the need to sit without poking myself requires a short barrel gun with a preferably long grip that allows me the best chance at a full firing grip when drawing. I like my M&P shield with the 8 round mag. because of the added feature of a safety on the gun. I am aware of the possibility of shooting my little gun when drawing my big gun, but, as a 1911 shooter, and a slide mounted safety is just second nature to me anyway.
11-21-2012, 11:59 AM
340pd, if you put your hand like you're going to draw a gun from the AIWB position, keeping your elbow close to your side so as not to draw attention (another great benefit of the AIWB carry position), you will see that your natural draw stroke is up and back. The reverse cant aids that draw stroke. It also aids in gripping the gun without having to bend your wrist a lot. This works especially well for me with my J-frame.
I am still debating about whether I should spend a lot of money on that Desbiens reverse canted holster just to find that the muzzle of the larger PPQ still jams uncomfortably against my thigh when I am seated. But if I can get used to it, the draw from there would be a great advantage.
11-21-2012, 01:26 PM
im 6'04" 240, while i dont have a pot belly im not as lean as i once was.....but with a slim semi-auto at 1 o'clock it isnt hard at all to hide...
11-29-2012, 12:52 PM
I am still debating about whether I should spend a lot of money on that Desbiens reverse canted holster just to find that the muzzle of the larger PPQ still jams uncomfortably against my thigh when I am seated. But if I can get used to it, the draw from there would be a great advantage.
I have found another (expensive! :() holster that might have some advantages, the FIST #21A IWB STRONGSIDE AND CROSSDRAW ( Advantages include widely adjustable cant for wear anywhere around the waist, including AIWB with reverse cant, and dual leather snap loops for easy on/off and being able to straddle a belt loop on the pants. I find all of these advantages usefull because I would be wanting to use it to carry my PPQ with reverse cant and straddling my front belt loop on my jeans. Cool! :cool:
Actually, I can save $10 by omitting the hand boning. I don't like overly much retention in my holsters, so this would probably work better for me anyway.
If I cannot get comfortable with it at that location, this holster allows me to switch to forward cant and wear behind my hip. So, hopefully, not an expensive addition to my unused holster collection.
11-30-2012, 12:38 PM
After playing with my Garrett's Silent Thunder, I have found that a slight reverse cant does offer the best of all worlds draw position/comfort when sitting.
My PJ's holster is still a lot thinner and lighter. It would probably make good sense to get a reverse cant from Paul.
11-30-2012, 02:04 PM
There are pluses and minuses to every form of carry. I carry AIWB, because it works for me. I also pocket carry. All that I was trying to do in posting the video was to make people aware of the negatives, so that they might guard against them. I don't care how anyone carries. Situation awareness and maintaining distance is far more important than how you carry.
11-30-2012, 02:09 PM
My PJ's holster is still a lot thinner and lighter. It would probably make good sense to get a reverse cant from Paul.Other options are to send it back to Paul and ask him to change the cant for you for a few dollars. Or, you can try it yourself if you are adventurous. The kydex gets soft and pliable when heated enough. But if you seriously over do it, the kydex will be damaged.
I am thinking about modifying one or more of my PJ holsters. Paul, I'm sure, uses a heat gun. I don't have one and I'm not sure a hair dryer will heat it enough. But I am thinking I can put the area at the top where the clip rolls over near a medium hot electric burner and check it every 30 seconds until it is soft enough to rebend.
12-09-2012, 03:45 PM
I have been talking with Rhome Desbiens at Desbiens Gun Leather ( about a reverse canted IWB holster for AIWB carry. He doesn't list the PPQ, but he said he would check for availability of a blue gun. He just got back to me and said he will make a holster for me. The model I am looking at is the AIWB #4 Hardcore Reverse Cant (R/C) on the IWB Holster ( page.
A very impressive holster, IMO. If you click to enlarge the picture, you'll see how a G19 rides in one. I have become really sold on the advantages of AIWB carry, and this holster looks like it will make that possible with the PPQ.
His lead time is several months, so he doesn't require payment up front. You order the holster and then they contact you shortly before they can start on your holster and secure payment at that time. The price is reasonable.
12-17-2012, 08:09 PM
I recently purchased my first Kahr, still waiting for it to show up at my FFL, however, I am very interested in this thread and want to thank all of you for your excellent contributions so far.
JFootin, In regards to your potential kydex modification, you could pick up an inexpensive heat gun at Harbor Freight tools if one is nearby. They often run specials and normally have a 20% off coupon in various mags.
12-17-2012, 08:24 PM
Thanks. I've thought about getting a heat gun, but I don't think I would use it more than once or twice.
12-17-2012, 08:27 PM
I recently purchased my first Kahr, still waiting for it to show up at my FFL, however, I am very interested in this thread and want to thank all of you for your excellent contributions so far.
JFootin, In regards to your potential kydex modification, you could pick up an inexpensive heat gun at Harbor Freight tools if one is nearby. They often run specials and normally have a 20% off coupon in various mags.
Welcome to the forum! :) There is a wealth of valuable information in the New Member Area ( and the Kahr-Tech ( sections of the forum.
What model new Kahr did you get?
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