View Full Version : Woman pulls gun on flasher: 'I'm going to blow your brains out'

11-16-2012, 01:23 PM
A note to flashers everywhere: The sight of a man's "junk" does NOT instantly and magically arouse women, regardless of the circumstances. I know that the reverse is true for most men, upon sightings of female genitalia, but women are wired DIFFERENTLY than we are. Get a grip (or, in this case, don't grip it).


11-16-2012, 01:42 PM
She said brains, but I wonder were she was pointing the gun. :p

11-16-2012, 01:46 PM
Exactly. Since he was obviously using that one to think with.

11-16-2012, 02:38 PM
You're telling me us fellers have another brain somewheres else but down there???

11-16-2012, 02:51 PM
I've got several, and they are always competing for control.
Fortunately, I managed to install a traffic control system for brain pattern routing, and most times it is effective.

11-16-2012, 02:57 PM
I'm still looking for just one. Don't show up in any x ray machine. Forget now what the doc called it, an anomaly? Ain't now word I ever heard of, I'll tell ya that.

11-16-2012, 03:54 PM
A note to flashers everywhere: The sight of a man's "junk" does NOT instantly and magically arouse women, regardless of the circumstances. I know that the reverse is true for most men, upon sightings of female genitalia, but women are wired DIFFERENTLY than we are. Get a grip (or, in this case, don't grip it).


my junk does!!! Just sayin:D

11-16-2012, 04:05 PM
my junk does!!! Just sayin:D

So your junk resembles a double chocolate ice cream sundae with hot fudge and chocolate shavings on it?


11-16-2012, 04:08 PM
I just checked to make sure my LCP was in the safe - it was.

11-16-2012, 05:51 PM
As long as you don't take your junk out and wave it around. Keep it in the safe.

mr surveyor
11-16-2012, 06:36 PM
how does WD40 do on rusty junk?:eek:

les strat
11-16-2012, 07:04 PM
A note to flashers everywhere: The sight of a man's "junk" does NOT instantly and magically arouse women, regardless of the circumstances. I know that the reverse is true for most men, upon sightings of female genitalia, but women are wired DIFFERENTLY than we are. Get a grip (or, in this case, don't grip it).


my junk does!!! Just sayin:D

So your junk resembles a double chocolate ice cream sundae with hot fudge and chocolate shavings on it?


Or a pair of shoes on sale?

11-16-2012, 09:03 PM
I wonder if she is hot.

He must be enjoying the new marijuana law a little too much.

11-16-2012, 09:16 PM
My 2 cents:

1) If he had really been out to harm her she would not have had time to produce the gun, insert the magazine, and rack a round into the chamber. I get that she has a kid, but if she really needed help it was about 5 seconds too far away. Tactical fail.

2) If she had pointed it at his junk, the authorities could have followed the stinky brown trail directly to the perp and arrested him. Since no one died or went to the ER, I declare it a Kahrma win. (even though it was an Elsie Pea...)

11-16-2012, 09:25 PM
So your junk resembles a double chocolate ice cream sundae with hot fudge and chocolate shavings on it?


Or a $400 dollar Coach purse? :rolleyes:

11-19-2012, 08:51 AM
OK, nobody likes a perv and everybody likes to see some bad guy get his come up-ance. It sounds very empowering, BUT am I the only one to think she was in wrong here? This is border line brandishing. My thought would be to not be in a dangerous situation at all and if you do find yourself in one to move away from it. Not to pull the gun and threaten the guy. I am sure it was unpleasant for her but if it wasn't a life threat then don't pull the gun... let the flames begin. :40:

11-19-2012, 09:40 AM
Small jump from flashing and "performing a sex act on himself" to forcible rape, which often includes actions that are life threatening, either during the incident as part of the sicko's pleasure, or afterward to keep her from identifying him.

Should she wait for him to no longer be content with doing his thing in front of her and her kid? Would he have been discouraged by the gun if he were committed to physical contact with her?

She did the right thing.

11-19-2012, 10:20 AM
At the very least, that guy deserved to be maced or tased.

11-19-2012, 10:44 AM
It wasn't just about exhibitionism (flashing). He was also "performing a sex act" which I have to assume means beating off (sexual gratification), and told her that she was supposed to watch (domination).

She also had her 6-year old son with her, so she was protecting her family as well as herself.

Who knows when he'd decide to take it to the next level, or what he would do when he made that decision?

11-19-2012, 11:10 AM
In either of my "home" states, in the scenario as described, both the flasher and the brandisher broke the law. Although it would actually be up to the jury to decide as to whether the man's actions passed the threshold for her reactions.

11-19-2012, 11:14 AM
And that's why we are where we are today. She should have shot him twice. Once in the head, once in the brains. Problem over, no chance of escalation.
Message sent to future perverts and sicko's. (Jocko withstanding of course)
Most importantly, no arrest, no lawsuit by family, no trial. Do not pass go, do not collect 200 dollars.

Get some welfare folks to haul the corpse off and bury it someplace for a Big Mac or something.

11-19-2012, 11:35 AM
OK, nobody likes a perv and everybody likes to see some bad guy get his come up-ance. It sounds very empowering, BUT am I the only one to think she was in wrong here? This is border line brandishing. My thought would be to not be in a dangerous situation at all and if you do find yourself in one to move away from it. Not to pull the gun and threaten the guy. I am sure it was unpleasant for her but if it wasn't a life threat then don't pull the gun... let the flames begin. :40:

I'm with you halfcocked. While her actions chased the perp away he was not threatening her life or threatening sexual assault on her. I applaud her balls but I don't condone what she did. Her next step might have been "that is the least impressive ***** I've ever seen and I'm armed with the most impressive firearm you will have ever seen. You've shown me yours and if you don't get the F out of here I'll show you mine"

Bongo Boy
11-19-2012, 12:58 PM
My opinion, not being a law enforcement person, a lawyer, a mother, criminal profiler or same-sex live-chat enthusiast...is that the woman did the right think in this case in ensuring she had her weapon at the ready, in hand.

Now, I believe once she was adequately prepared to defend herself, threatening with the weapon and making the particular comment she made was an error and not in her own best interest.

I'm going to give her a full ten points though--as errors go, it's probably the one I'd prefer my wife and daughters would make in the same situation.

Well, then there's the silly idea she had that she could 'blow your brains out' with a .380. I'd be more likely to think a .380 would ricochet off the guys super-thick skull.

Longitude Zero
11-19-2012, 01:01 PM
Based upon the totality of the circumstances here actions were borderline at best estimation. Based soley upon the information presented if she had shot him in many if not most jurisdictions it would be looked upon as a bad shooting.

11-19-2012, 01:12 PM
But she did not have to shoot him. She was able to end the threat just by showing it to him and verbally reassuring him that she was prepared to use it. And thus she did not have to actually use it, and maybe the guy learned something.

If she had not pulled it, maybe the guy, after playing with himself for a bit, could have decided that wasn't enough. Maybe she wouldn't have had time to make ready, and maybe she'd be a victim or a morgue resident today.

Seems like some people are advocating that.

11-19-2012, 01:16 PM
I guess we're right in a "selective enforcement" gray area here. The "brandishing" law is about preventing idiots from doing stupid things, like the guy who hung around a supermarket in a skin tight shirt with his hand on his gun, in a "ready to draw" posture, resisting multiple complaints and requests for him to leave, until the cops arrived, arrested him, and charged him for brandishing. That's what that law is for.

That law is not there to make a woman and her child wait until an attacker is pinning her to the ground with his hand under her clothes before she draws her gun, for fear of reprisal by law enforcement.

11-19-2012, 01:23 PM
But she did not have to shoot him. She was able to end the threat just by showing it to him and verbally reassuring him that she was prepared to use it. And thus she did not have to actually use it, and maybe the guy learned something.

If she had not pulled it, maybe the guy, after playing with himself for a bit, could have decided that wasn't enough. Maybe she wouldn't have had time to make ready, and maybe she'd be a victim or a morgue resident today.

Seems like some people are advocating that.

This exactly weed hopper. I think you are all correct. She should have handed the gun to the son so he could shoot him. Give a boy a gun.

Your all talking like lawyers.

Longitude Zero
11-19-2012, 02:05 PM
Your all talking like lawyers.

That is not necessarily a bad thing...I have read some pretty outrageous/nonsensical stuff here also.

11-19-2012, 03:20 PM
First of all I wasn't there. It appears none of us were, so everything beyond that is conjecture. I am not saying she should have just laid down and waited to be raped. She has every right to defend herself and her son. But from the article it doesn't look like the threat level was that high. For me and mine, we move away from danger, even if commanded by the perp to watch. I pocket carry and would have my hand on the gun ready. BUT I would move away and safely remove myself and family. We are responsible gun owners with the ability to end someones life and in that same moment totally screw your own life. If she pulled a loaded gun and it went off accidentally hitting someone else in the park, would the threat justify the out come. The anti -gun folks see "blow your brains out" and it becomes harder for all of us. Just my 2 centavos. :blah:

11-19-2012, 07:44 PM
If any of us are on the jury she gets a pass and a "heck yes"...

A jury is a living an (sometimes) thinking being, I like her chances since the gun did not go off.;)

11-23-2012, 02:45 AM
Gawd, could you tell me where you got that thing installed.

Of course, I dunno if I could stand the silence if my traffic was like Mayberry RFD.

I've got several, and they are always competing for control.
Fortunately, I managed to install a traffic control system for brain pattern routing, and most times it is effective.