View Full Version : N82 Tactical Holster for CW9

11-20-2012, 10:45 PM
I just got one of these. Ordered on Monday and in the mailbox on Friday so, not bad.
Anyway, I immediately noticed a big improvement in comfort over the other single clip IWB holsters I'd been using. You may read elsewhere something like, "it's so comfortable that I forget the 45 is on me" Maybe so, but I KNOW I'm carrying my little CW9 YMMV but it IS more comfortable. I also like the fact that my pistol doesn't shift that much when standing, sitting, etc.
If anyone is considering one of these (I got the Pro Series), my first impression is that you should go for it because it is comfortable and reholstering is easy. This holster REALLY holds onto the gun. I doubt if someone could take it from you. The system is that good in my opinion. For those of you that have researched this holster, you have to twist the gun slightly toward your body in order to draw. Otherwise, fugetaboutit!
With a little training the gun is starting to come out pretty easy, so plan on some drawing practice. Reminds me of all the creative swearing I used to do when I was first field stripping my Ruger MkIII, now i can (and have) disassembled and reassemled with my eyes closed. Shooters that have this pistol know what I'm talking about:D
If you're considering a new holster for the CW9 or many other guns, read about this style holster at n82tactical.com and elsewhere. I'm glad I did but southpaws be warned, I think their selection for the "professional" model is limited.

11-21-2012, 05:53 AM
Congrats..you will like the holster !I picked up the pro for my xds. n82 is located in the same town as me. It is a real comfortable holster.

Yogi 117
11-21-2012, 10:17 AM
Congrats & Enjoy. I have the "PRO" model for my Glock26 & enjoy mine very much. Can even carry during the hot summer months, as the gun never touches your skin. Very versatile & comfy! :D

11-23-2012, 05:40 AM
I just ordered the Original model with CTC Laserguard for my CW9. Comfort and conceal ability were the biggest factors for me. Not sure about the re-holstering .. we'll see. Hope to have it next week.