View Full Version : K9 new or old style sights?

11-21-2012, 07:27 PM
Ok...I'm confused which is nothing new.
I have a new to me K9 which is about 8 years old and I have the dimple on the slide but my dovetail looks like the old style sights.
Here are some pics of the K9's dovetail which does not look like the new style sights on my CW9 which is only a few years old.
Which one do I have??


11-21-2012, 07:58 PM
dimple tells me u have the new style slide. If I was ordering sights, I would definitley order the sights for the new style slides..

11-21-2012, 08:32 PM
Dimple equals new style.

11-21-2012, 08:35 PM
My PM9 has two dimples. course it is the famous blunt nose kahr and I think kahr was telling me it is going to be a very rare gun. at least that is the story I am tellin anyhow.

maybe HOSE got alittle carried away one day with the dimple machine.

11-21-2012, 08:51 PM
Ok thanks guys.
Just doesn't look like the pics of the new style.

trust the dimple.......

11-21-2012, 10:40 PM
Ok...I'm confused which is nothing new.
I have a new to me K9 which is about 8 years old and I have the dimple on the slide but my dovetail looks like the old style sights.
Here are some pics of the K9's dovetail which does not look like the new style sights on my CW9 which is only a few years old.
Which one do I have??

I'm going against the flow here, but, IMO, that slide has the old style dovetail. Kahr is pretty specific about the location of the dimple that is used to indicate a "new style" slide (located towards the rear of the slide).

FWIW: my CW9 has the "new style slide", but like Jocko's PM9, has two dimples on the underside of the slide. One of those dimples is located as in espresso's photo and the other as per the photo from Kahr's website.
In comparison with espresso's excellent photo, I think it's evident that that his slide's dovetail is cut different from my CW9:

11-21-2012, 11:18 PM
Yeah gb6491 I noticed my dimple was not at the same place.
It definitely looks different than my Cw9's dovetail and I know that has the new style
......I think I have the old style.
I could send the pics to kahr to be sure.

11-22-2012, 06:28 AM
I just eyeballed my K9, which has the new style sights, and the front sight looks the same as the one pictured, at least to me. My slide has two dimples, one in the rear and one the same as Espresso's. The dimple locations vary in my six Kahrs that have them, (two are old style).

I have both styles. One way to tell would be to hold the K9 and CW9 slide to slide, dovetail cut to dovetail cut, to see if the width is different. The old style cut is obviously wider, by at least a tenth of an inch, and is easily discerned . If your CW and K width is the same then they are both new style.

03-08-2013, 04:19 PM
For comparison...
Top is my 2012 CW9 with 'new style' cuts.
Bottom is my 2002 K9 with 'old style' cuts. Jay at Kahr has no idea what the 'C' means. And supposedly the extra dimple on the K9 is an inspection mark they no longer use.

03-09-2013, 07:03 AM
With such good photos on the subject in these posts, should this thread become a K9/K40 sticky??Good info here. Thanks to all who have submitted.

03-09-2013, 08:55 AM
Here's a photo of both styles. Black slide is the wider "old style" and the stainless is the more narrow "new style". Hard to tell, I know, but I hope this helps.


03-14-2013, 07:02 PM
Thanks to all for the input and pics!
I can see a definite difference between my CW9 and my K9 sights so I must have the old style on my K9.
I've gotten used to the sights and at least for now will keep them.

03-14-2013, 07:10 PM
nice photos ripley, certainly even I can see the difference.