View Full Version : Range Membership

11-24-2012, 04:17 PM
How many of you guys are members at an indoor shooting range and how much did you pay for your membership? Just curious as I am probably about to become a member at my local range for $275. If I want to shoot frequently this is really my only option as the only outdoor range is 45 minutes away and only open of friday and saturday.

11-24-2012, 04:20 PM
My club has an indoor range. Annual dues are $110/Family or $95 for an individual. It's a pretty nice indoor range but to be honest, even with a great ventilation system, I'm not all that worked up breathing lead, gunpowder and anything else that becomes aerosol-ized in that environment. Much rather shoot on the outdoor ranges even if it's cold.

11-24-2012, 04:27 PM
Yeah this range is pretty nice, I think the price is a little bit steep, but like I said I don't really have options. There is another indoor range 25-30 minutes away that is over $300, and a long drive to a crowded outdoor range that is only open 2 days a week seems less than ideal, although it is cheap.

11-24-2012, 04:48 PM
$160/yr. but a one day special now for $112/yr. Piedmont North Carolina.

11-24-2012, 04:53 PM
I belong to an indoor range that's about 10 minutes from my house. Pretty convenient and never so busy that I have to wait very long if at all. My wife bought me a membership last year for Christmas for $160.00 After taking her there 1 time she really liked it so we upgraded to a family membership for $235.00 a year. Also have my dtr shooting and we have spent a good number of Saturdays together there. The only 2 problems are tired of shooting just paper targets and can't do any "drills" there, but overall pretty satisfied with it.

11-24-2012, 05:00 PM
I got a range membership last year for Christmas, upgraded it to family since at least one of the boys always goes along and the oldest now sometimes goes by himself since he's off on Mondays.

It's an hour away and after I got the membership it was always busy, they started scheduling class's during the off peak hours.

First 5 trips with the card I didn't shoot, about a 2 hours wait even on a Sunday morning early.

I think I got in to shoot 3 times this year. Kind of sad. Not their fault, they need a busy full range to stay in business. The other option indoor range, one where I actually worked for a short time closed up a couple months ago so alot of those shooter I'm sure are heading to this range too so it's not gonna get any better.

I like an indoor range for getting around, nice concrete floor and dry etc but I prefer outside alone, not a bunch of unknowns and no rangemasters, although my current range is really good with rangemasters. They watch but they don't attack for the slightest mismove.

Getting hard to find a place to shoot anymore around here.

11-24-2012, 05:00 PM
$50 per year for the family. It has trap, skeet, rifle berms to 400 yards and metal to 1000 yards. It is covered, not indoors, and pistol range. We're not city folks out here, with the big city prices. Open every day but Wednesday, you let yourself in.

11-24-2012, 05:53 PM
WE have 2 very nice indoor ranges where I live. Both are 20+ min away and both are pricy for membership. I had one for 3 years and since not working went on Tues or Thur around 10AM, after the early birds and before the lunch crowd.

That was great for the first 2 years as I didn't feel obligated to shoot 200rds to justify my daily fee. When I was modifying mags I'd often show up and not even get a target, just run through a couple mags to check the feeding.

Year 3 had me busy with doctors and the wife at least 3 days a week so I only used it about 6 or 8 times which didn't come near paying for itself. This year I have a bit more time and a new gun but still won't likely shoot more than once a month and it's 15 to break even on membership.

Y'all know I'm tight but at 40 miles round trip that's $8 in gas, plus $15 range ticket plus 100 reloads for about $20 more so it's $43 to shoot. No doubt I'd shoot more if I could shoot from the back porch but it is what it is.

11-24-2012, 06:11 PM
$50 per year for the family. It has trap, skeet, rifle berms to 400 yards and metal to 1000 yards. It is covered, not indoors, and pistol range. We're not city folks out here, with the big city prices. Open every day but Wednesday, you let yourself in.

Find me a place close by Alfonse, I'm coming over.

11-24-2012, 06:48 PM
I wonder if the concept of a shooting range even existed 100 years ago, or even 50, except for "city folks?" Back in the old days you would just go outside, just like you would to take a leak.

I like just "going outside" myself, which I do whenever I get the chance, which isn't that often. I don't like doing stuff with other people around. Just like I can't imagine belonging to a so-called "health club" where people go to exercise in public. Yuk!

Despite this, I do actually belong to a sportsmans' club and pay annual dues of $125 (which would only be $70 if you put in "work hours"), mostly to support the club, but also so I can meet up there on rare occasion with someone I know and shoot with them. I'm just fine on my own, but every so often I learn something from being with someone else, and it's worth it.

mr surveyor
11-24-2012, 08:28 PM
the nearest "indoor range" to me is about 30 miles, but we have one of the best outdoor ranges in NE Texas about 10 minutes from my house. At least 5 pistol ranges (some out to 40 yards), 5 rifle ranges (currently limited to 300 yds for the long ones), 5 stand shotgun, trap, and a few random clay throwers. Several of each are lighted. Key card entry for members. Used to be open until 10:00 p.m. until residential crap started popping up. Now, 8:30 p.m. summer, and 7:30 p.m. winter. Really puts a damper on the "working class". Just recently jacked prices to $110/yr...unlimited use (except for the stinking limited hours). In the "good old days" (ended 4 years ago for some mysterious reason), my buddies and I made at least three trips a week to the range. Spent many nights popping clays under the lights. Good memories.

How the heck does a feller shoot stuff indoors anyway? The only indoor shooting I ever did was killing rats in the feed rooms at the farm. Now that there was a shooting gallery:)

11-24-2012, 08:34 PM
An annual membership at my range runs $200. Eight one hour sessions at the range and you break even. The rest of the year you're shooting for free.

11-24-2012, 08:49 PM
Yeah if i go once a month I'll be pretty close to breaking even, and if I pay that 275 you can bet your backside I'll go more than that. Also as a member you get 8 free passes for a buddy to come, (i'm thinking 'come with me and pay for a box of ammo'). Another thing to think about is that it's $19+ for a lane for as long at you want, but with a membership I wont feel I have to shoot enough to justify the lane cost. I can go and shoot 25, 50, 100, 200+ rounds anytime I feel like, and not have to worry about it.

mr surveyor
11-24-2012, 08:52 PM
eight one hour sessions... break even at $200:confused:

are you limited to time per visit?

Y'all can tell, I've never had to undure "city life"

11-24-2012, 09:07 PM
Find me a place close by Alfonse, I'm coming over.

That I can handle! No problem getting you a place. Of course, we might as well get you a place with a few acres where you can just do your own range. That's not a problem either.

It is a pretty nice range, http://www.chelangunclub.com/

I guess I'm spoiled.

11-24-2012, 09:19 PM
That looks like a mighty nice range. How far out of town is it. Never seen it or signs to it passing thru.

I like the idea of acreage and my own range too. Imagine there might be money involved there though. One of our officers moved over there and went to work for Chelan county. Think he lives on the north side of the lake not far out of town I don't think.

11-24-2012, 11:33 PM
The range I'm a member of is right around 280 for an individual or like 3-320 for a family, but I live about 5-7 minutes away so I get there 5 times a week on average. However this range also gives 12 guest passes with each membership, with a normal daily fee being 15
It's 40yd rifle and 25yd pistol. Honestly it the nicest range and shop I've been to

Then again shooting outdoors up close and out to 400 at a friends weekly sure is a fun time, weather permitting

Really it just a matter of convenience and climate for me, but when I can I go to thee range at off peak hours for personal shooting, I just feel safer and that makes it relaxing:D

11-25-2012, 02:00 AM
The amount of ranges in New Jermany are very limited. The one I belong to is $250 yr but renewal drops to $225. I get 10 free guest passes. Reg Rate $22 m-f $25 on weekends PLUS tax Thanks to that a$$ Whole Jon Corzine! No Tax on the membership, however. So if you go more than 10x a year your ahead of the game...
Oh, state of the art facility rifle and pistol. Members always have priority to usage, I've never had to wait.

11-25-2012, 04:06 AM
We pay $200 for a six month family membership which allows us to shoot free on Tues. and Wed. and at a reduced rate on the other days.

11-25-2012, 04:24 AM
I belong to an outdoor gun club/range here in Central FL. It's a very well run facility, safe but laid back. We have a full time range/safety officer on duty as long as the gate is open.

I pay $150.00 a year + a $10.00 insurance assessment fee which I find to be quite reasonable nowadays.

Immediate family members shoot free. My wife is an automatic member with my membership. Guests $5.00 per visit.

11-25-2012, 09:18 AM
That looks like a mighty nice range. How far out of town is it. Never seen it or signs to it passing thru.

I like the idea of acreage and my own range too. Imagine there might be money involved there though. One of our officers moved over there and went to work for Chelan county. Think he lives on the north side of the lake not far out of town I don't think.

By local standards, it is a long ways out of town, about 15 minutes. You have to go out past the airport and then north and east a bit to get to it.
The county sheriff's office seems to be a pretty happy place these days. I bet your friend is enjoying it.

I saw a nice looking three bedroom, 2.5 bath home on nearly 12 acres for $230k a few days ago. That gives you an idea of the costs around these parts. Let me know your budget, and I'll see what I can do! :)

11-25-2012, 01:58 PM
The range I belong to is $125 for the first year and $100/yr there after. Excellent facilities.

11-25-2012, 02:40 PM
The Fish and Game I belong to has great outdoor ranges, and an indoor range that is just OK.

$40/yr individual membership plus $75 annual, or $5 per day range fee.

11-25-2012, 04:17 PM
mu club is $188 when you help at the club 8 hours a year they take off $88 it will be $100 NICE in door range.

11-30-2012, 07:54 AM
eight one hour sessions... break even at $200:confused:

are you limited to time per visit?

Y'all can tell, I've never had to undure "city life"

The range that I go to charges $25 per hour for a lane. If you buy targets or ammo from them the rate is discounted. I roll my own, so I seldom buy ammo. Almost every one who shoots there is a member.