View Full Version : Don hume JIT for appendix carry?

11-24-2012, 05:37 PM
Anyone here use this particular or any other straight drop owb holster for appendix carry? Its for a CM40 if this helps at all.

I prefer owb vs iwb for comfort thanks for any help on this guys.

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11-24-2012, 06:36 PM
OWB seems to me would sit too high for Apendix carry.

11-24-2012, 06:49 PM
OWB appendix carry?????? Interesting...

IMO, CM/PM are short enough that they do NOT push on the thigh.. the thinness of Kahr is perfect for IWB, they are SUPER comfy even for AIWB.

Anyway... for appendix IWB you can just buy a Mitch Rosen "CLP" (or Clipper) from Kahr shop (or direct from Mitch) and be happy.

Top is from Kahrshop. Bottom is from Mitch direct.


11-24-2012, 06:57 PM
BTW.. JIT is open-end.. I would NOT suggest you to use it for appendix carry.. when you sit down or bend down, your thigh would push on the muzzle and your piece come out.

If OWB-appendix is a must, then you need to look for closed-end holster...

I never like JIT-style open ended rigs, as the weapon can be accidentally pushed up (and out) by objects such as the arm of the chair, etc.

11-24-2012, 08:36 PM
Thanks guys all these different points I haven't thought of till now.

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11-25-2012, 06:33 PM
I have a Don Hume and carry either my CW9 or CM9. The CM9 does not stick down below the holster and my CW9 may be less that half an inch below the holster. I wear mine just in front of my left hip. I skip the nine O'clock belt loop so I can slide the holster a little back or forward. This adjustment allows me to adjust between sitting or standing. I guess a negative for the holster is that it does not hold as close as a pancake or IWB. It is comfortable for all day wear and does conceal well under a cover garment. In the driver seat a Lefty does have an advantage!

-- Richard