View Full Version : Bayou Bullets

mr surveyor
11-24-2012, 07:17 PM
well, to follow up on my previous thread.....

I finally had a chance to take the box of Bayou Bullets to the range today to try in the Kimber Compact. Before we left for the range, I thoroughly cleaned the barrel to remove as much of the lead residue from some mid-quality lrn bullets as possible. The 230 gr lrn BB's were loaded up with 5.8 gr Unique, CCI LP primers, at 1.27 OAL, and closed up with a Lee Factory Crimp Die. Other than one time my son was able to force a stove pipe by limp wristing, these things cycled perfectly (and for the record, my son can make ANY 1911 malfunction just my looking at it:rolleyes:). The real test though was in the "clean-up" back at the homestead. I honestly think I could have just stopped with a tight dry patch down the tube followed by a patch with a bit of CLP, and another dry patch to remove the excess oil.

If it weren't so close to Christmas, in the middle of some pretty bleak economic times, I'd be on the phone Monday ordering a goodly supply of those magic green pills for everything I currently reload.


11-24-2012, 10:41 PM
How did you find these bullets smoke wise, more/less than traditional cast bullets?
I quit using lead for Steel Challenge because of the smoke, it was so bad that I had to consider wind direction, to determine weather to shoot right to left or left to right:32:

mr surveyor
11-24-2012, 11:22 PM
the only "smoke", and very little, was from my powder of choice at the time (Unique). Mr. Donnie's lube is virtually smokeless. Like I said, I can't wait to try these bullets in my .44 mag SRH.

Being it was Saturday, and the range was extremely busy this afternoon, we didn't really get to shoot much of anything for accuracy, or tuning loads. I'll load up some more tomorrow, and possibly slip out to the range during a week day and give them an accuracy test.

But, as for smoke/residue/leading..... very minimal at the most. They seem to fill my bore well, and the lube certainly seemed to do it's job well.

mr surveyor
12-26-2012, 12:32 PM
woohoo.... mrs surv got me a box of 138 gr wadcutters from Bayou Bullets to use in the little S&W M36. I'll probably load up a test batch today with 4.3+/- gr of Unique and give em a try in the back yard. All the neighbors are gone so I can shoot in the back yard today:D

12-26-2012, 01:58 PM
It's nice when a plan comes together. I wish they came in Navy blue. :)

mr surveyor
12-26-2012, 02:09 PM
I'm having a heck of a time finding load data for 138 gr wc's.... and the 4.3 gr of Unique may be a bit over the top.... maybe 3.3 gr to start???? I'm looking to keep them around 740 fps out of the M36 snub, and hopefully burn clean. I've got the next four days to figger it out:)

MW surveyor
12-26-2012, 02:33 PM
You sure they are 138s and not 148s?

You could split the difference between 125s and 148s (maybe?)

mr surveyor
12-26-2012, 02:53 PM
yep.... they are 138's.

I've seen load data for 140 wc's, which would work fine, and I'd guess that any load for the 148's would be totally safe with the 138's as there will be a bit more case volume available anyway.

mr surveyor
12-27-2012, 02:33 PM
I loaded up five of the 138 grainers with 3.5 gr of Unique and popped them in the back yard. Not much more recoil in the little steel M36 than shooting 22 lr in a lightweight pistol. I'll bump up to 3.8 gr but will probably stop at 4-4.2 in the .38's. Not looking for barn burners .... that's what the .357 mag and .44 mag are for:). I want the little wad cutters making those pretty round holes, real close together, with very little recoil to give mrs surv something affordable at the range other than .22 lr.

MW surveyor
12-28-2012, 02:47 PM
I'm sure that you probably know this but............................................... 148 grain DEWC over 2.7 grains of BE is like shooting a 22 out of a heavy 38/357. Not too bad out of the feather weight snubby either!

mr surveyor
12-28-2012, 04:55 PM
I don't keep Bullseye on the shelf, but I'm sure it would be more econimical. Seem to be stuck on Unique as a "fit 'em all" solution for most everything. Other than Unique, I do love 2400 for the magnums (I load mostly lead), AA#7 for the jacketed bullets, and TrailBoss for another lightweight shooting "fit 'em all" powder.

I would check into another handgun powder, but have a new set of RCBS dies for 30-30 Win, so IMR4895 or Reloader15 will be my next powder purchase.... along with having to stock large rifle primers and flat nose .308 bullets.

MW surveyor
12-28-2012, 05:08 PM
Got away from using Unique except for the slower speed 357 magnum rounds using 158 grain LSWs. Just doesn't meter well for me on the turret.

Right now I have the Unique (1/2 pound left), Bullseye (a bunch +4 pounds), HP38 and Clays. Been experimenting!

mr surveyor
12-28-2012, 07:28 PM
I don't meter.... I use a digi scale for every load. I pick the Lee dipper closest to the charge weight, drop it in the pan, then trickle to hit the charge weight +/- a tenth. I'll charge twenty at a time in a loading block, check them with a flashlight, then seat bullets. When I have fifty charged and seated, I run them all through the Lee FCD. Sounds slow, but it really isn't. It breaks the monotany of doing the same action over and over, repetitively, again and again.... kinda redundant, huh?

MW surveyor
12-28-2012, 09:24 PM
The only loading that I do in single stage batch batch mode any more is the 357.

Everything else is on the turret press with the auto powder drop. Course the priming and bullet seating kinda breaks the monotony of pull'in the handle over and over. Plus checking to make sure that powder went into the case before inserting bullet.

mr surveyor
01-30-2013, 06:29 PM
Rather than start a new thread, thought I'd add a pic of my latest favorite .38 spl plinking load.


These are Mr. Donnie's Bayou Bullets in 138 gr WC. They're loaded over 3.7 gr Unique, CCI Small Pistol Primer, in mixed brass. Seated to crimp groove, just below the thin driving band. Unbelievable how little smoke, even with that "dirty old Unique", when compared to conventionally lubed commercial cast boolits.

I hope he can still fill orders when I finally recover enough financially to place an order for a few thousand in various configurations for .38spl, .357mag, .44mag and .45acp. If he made some 150 gr flat nose in .308 for .30-30, I'd be all over those too:).

mr surveyor
02-24-2013, 12:11 AM
loaded up another batch of the 230 gr Bayou Bullets to feed the old Kimber. This time I loaded them over 10.0 gr of AA#7. Hopefully I'll get out to the range in a day or so to give them a try.

I know most folks use AA#9, but my Lee manual, as well as the Accurate Arms load data also seem to rate #7 pretty high on the list. Actually, Lee has AA#7 at the top of his chart for the 230 lrn boolit.

Anyone use AA#7 with lead boolits in .45 acp?

mr surveyor
02-25-2013, 08:36 PM
no one uses AA#7?

Do I have BO (not "thu wun"....the other "BO")?

Am I really here, or is it my imagination?


mr surveyor
02-26-2013, 05:52 PM
wow.... I'm usually just a thread killer... but the whole sub-forum?

No one wants to talk reloading?

mr surveyor
03-01-2013, 07:37 PM
tried the AA#7 with Bayou Bullets today.... shot fine and felt like factory loads. Guess I'm satisfied...

MW surveyor
03-02-2013, 07:20 AM
I'm sorta here for you.

For some reason 10 grains sounds like a whole lot in a 45 but hey, what do I know!

Did you use the S&B primers? I loaded up 200 rounds of 45 ACP with 185 grain LWC over 4 grains of BE last week end and 200 rounds of 9 mm using the S&B primers. They seemed to set pretty good in the primer cup.

Now to just find the time to shoot them. Been kinda tied down with work since the 1st of the year.

mr surveyor
03-02-2013, 12:33 PM
According to Accurate Powder on-line load data, AA#7 is recommended from 9.9 gr to 11.0 gr for 230 gr LCRN. I figure that the 230 gr RN Bayou Bullets are "close enough" to the "laser cast" to start anyway. The Lee 2nd Edition manual lists the same data, and suprisingly the AA#7 is listed at the top of the chart. I bought the #7 back when I first started loading, after studying the Lee and a few other manuals to determine which powders would work in as many applications as possible. Actually #7 has been my go-to powder for loading jacketed rounds for both .357 and .44 mag (since I have it on hand), although I know there are many other powders that would be better.

Our trip to the range yesterday to test a few different loads wasn't under the best of conditions.... a bit too cool, windy, and by 4:00 p.m. when we got there it seems everyone else decided to take off work early to make a Friday afternoon range trip. So, I didn't really get to test accuracy (couldn't have done any good anyway due to my "eye problems"), but functionally the .45 loads performed well. My 4 gr of Unique with the 138 gr wc (also Bayou Bullets) were also great performers in the M36 snub.

It's still amazing to me how some 5 years ago we could go to the range (big private outdoor facility with multiple handgun, rifle and shotgun ranges) and find a "range" all to ourselves anytime but Saturday morning when the club events were taking place. Now, it's almost a "wait in line" during the workday to get a spot.

03-04-2013, 09:10 AM
I really am grateful that I can shoot literally out my back window if I desire.

From reload bench, to the window 8' away, into the pistol berm 55' away.

The rifle berm is 135 yards away.

03-06-2013, 11:53 AM
I've been tempted to try Bayou Bullets, but I've been told numerous times to NOT NOT NOT shoot lead bullets with my Glock, ONLY FMJ. Sooo....are these considered "lead" or does that coating make them more like a FMJ?

mr surveyor
03-06-2013, 12:18 PM
I've been tempted to try Bayou Bullets, but I've been told numerous times to NOT NOT NOT shoot lead bullets with my Glock, ONLY FMJ. Sooo....are these considered "lead" or does that coating make them more like a FMJ?

They are still lead bullets, but with a nice dry lube coating. I would suggest uou call Mr Donnie at Bayou Bullets and let him give you solid advice concerning the polygonal barrel issue. I do know that the bulk of his manufacturing used to go to competition shooters, of which I would assume involve a whole lot of Glock shooters.

03-06-2013, 12:23 PM
Got my last batch from Montana Gold, they're no longer accepting orders and who knows when they actually will start up again.
Precision Delta is my other source, they're 12 weeks out.
I'm not out of bullets, but I figure I should go ahead and get some on order now before I run out since it may take a 2 or 3 months to get them.

mr surveyor
03-06-2013, 01:04 PM
last I heard Bayou Bullets was pretty much overwhelmed with orders too, but I haven't personally called since November.

03-06-2013, 01:47 PM
hubby just ordered some 38 sp from them and they said 4 weeks

mr surveyor
03-06-2013, 01:49 PM
hubby just ordered some 38 sp from them and they said 4 weeks

RN's or WC's?

I've been loading a lot of the B/B 138 gr wadcutters and loving them in the little Model 36.

03-06-2013, 02:09 PM
not sure. Think RN, but I'd have to ask

I decided to read up a little more on the bayou before ordering them for my GL, so for the meantime I placed an order with Precision Delta:
6,000 9mm 115gr FMJ
3,000 40 S&W 165gr FMJ
1,000 45 Auto 230gr FMJ

Now if my backorders from 2 months ago of 10,000 primers and 32# of powder would ever arrive I'll be SET.

MW surveyor
03-06-2013, 03:14 PM
not sure. Think RN, but I'd have to ask

I decided to read up a little more on the bayou before ordering them for my GL, so for the meantime I placed an order with Precision Delta:
6,000 9mm 115gr FMJ
3,000 40 S&W 165gr FMJ
1,000 45 Auto 230gr FMJ

Now if my backorders from 2 months ago of 10,000 primers and 32# of powder would ever arrive I'll be SET.

geez louiez, that's a bunch of bullets! :ohmy:

03-06-2013, 03:18 PM
between practice, teaching, taking more classes, and competitions, we go thru a lot of bullets

03-06-2013, 03:24 PM
wait, I lied. I have 20,000 primers on backorder.
10K CCI (me) and 10K Federal (hubby), 5K of each coming from 2 different places. :o

same with powder, 8# each of Hodgdon TiteGroup (me) and Hodgdon Clays (hubby) from 2 different places. (32# total)

mr surveyor
03-30-2013, 07:33 PM
I ordered 500 of the 240 gr lswc's for the .44's a couple of weeks ago, and got them in the mail 6 days later. Apparantly a small enough order, and not a major requested item at the time, that Mr, Donnie was able to fix me up. I loaded up a box to try in the recently acquired 20" M92 last week and finally had the time to run out to a buddy's place to function test. Only put 8 rounds through to find out how they worked in the rifle .... at 25 yards from a very rickity rest they were shooting about 1 inch, and amazingly poa. I loaded these down a bit from my normal use in the Super Red Hawk as those rounds in the Rossi Rifle with the deep concave crescent shaped buttplate was just downright punishing. The current load with the 240 gr Bayou Bullet over 18.5 gr of A2400 was a comfortable and accurate load. And, just like the .38, .357 and .45 acp B/B's I already been using, these were virtually smokeless and danged near completely free of leading.

I still need to sneak off during a "work day" for a range trip, when the range isn't so crazy, and really give the boolits and the rifle a true test at distance.


04-01-2013, 06:58 AM
Hubby's arrived last weekend, but we haven't gotten any test rounds made quite yet.

04-01-2013, 10:24 AM
Hubby's arrived last weekend, but we haven't gotten any test rounds made quite yet.

...Whatcha bin doin? ;)

04-01-2013, 11:37 AM
reloading 9mm!

I've pretty much claimed the entire reloading bench for myself. He'll have to bribe me for a turn.

04-01-2013, 11:39 AM
I'm tempted to buy new barrels for my glocks that are approved to shoot lead. Lead bullets are easier to get and a bit cheaper. Would save me in the long run.

I did some research, it has to do with the lands and grooves, factory glock barrels don't have lands and grooves so there is nowhere for the gasses to go, etc, which can cause your gun to blow up. at least that's what I've been told.

04-01-2013, 01:22 PM
geez louiez, that's a bunch of bullets! :ohmy:

That's not a lot of bullets!!!!!!!
That's a lot of fun!!!!!!

04-01-2013, 02:33 PM
Hubby's arrived last weekend, but we haven't gotten any test rounds made quite yet.

...Whatcha bin doin? ;)

reloading 9mm!

I've pretty much claimed the entire reloading bench for myself. He'll have to bribe me for a turn.

I think you missed the subtle meaning of my question, TD. If hubby arrived last weekend but you haven't gotten any test rounds made quite yet, the two of you must have been fooling around! :D

04-01-2013, 02:39 PM

well yeah that too :o

mr surveyor
04-14-2013, 12:29 AM
got my order of 158 gr lswc B/B's today in the mail.

Other than being a bit short on Unique and 2400, I'm pretty well set for wearing out every variety of handgun brass I have on hand now. After my last official meeting on the Emergency Services District board next week, I will finally recover enough spare time (after 8+ years) to do some serious reloading (and maybe even get to visit the range occasionally)

04-23-2013, 08:07 AM
I picked up a Wolf barrel for my Glock 34 so I can shoot lead bullets. I still have 2000 or so FMJ bullets but with the current situation I decided to go ahead an order some lead.

Bayou isn't accepting orders right now due to backlog, so I ordered a couple thousand thru The Bullet Works out of Van Buren, AR. They didn't specify a lead time, hopefully I'll get them sometime in the next few weeks.

Still waiting on my backorder from Precision Delta as well.

04-23-2013, 12:15 PM
I picked up a Wolf barrel for my Glock 34 so I can shoot lead bullets. I still have 2000 or so FMJ bullets but with the current situation I decided to go ahead an order some lead.

Bayou isn't accepting orders right now due to backlog, so I ordered a couple thousand thru The Bullet Works out of Van Buren, AR. They didn't specify a lead time, hopefully I'll get them sometime in the next few weeks.

Still waiting on my backorder from Precision Delta as well.

That's discouraging, we have two orders in with precision.
How are you doing with primers?

04-23-2013, 12:30 PM
The Bullet works called about my order, said it would be 2 months.

I'm doing OK on primers finally. Our local range got some (500 per customer per day limit so I took several friends for a few days straight and built up my stock) and I found some online here and there.

04-23-2013, 12:32 PM
I placed an order with Precision Delta on 3/6, I believe at the time their website said they were running about 8 weeks behind.

Now they say 18 :eek:

04-23-2013, 12:44 PM
For once I was lucky and placed my order right before the panic of 13. Had my 2000 45's in stock and had it in just a few days.

That was good even before the panic. I can only imagine how backlogged they are now days.

Good for them, good for business, just not so good for the end user that has to wait.

If anyone's desperately low on components or ammo far as that goes, we can search around some and see what we got to do to get ya back to at least minimal inventory.

I'm semi flush on 45 FMJ's, and small pistol primers, course I'm not shooting much at all either or I wouldn't be flush for very long.

04-23-2013, 02:57 PM
We are still fine right now, I just don't like the uncertainty of when this that or the other might be available.

Fortunately, we stocked up during the summer.

MW surveyor
04-24-2013, 11:25 AM
At the rate I've been shooting lately, I've got enough stock on hand to last about 3 years. :(

After taking inventory the other day, I'm not buying any more bullets for a while (or the next trip to the reloading store). Need to try and pick up some more SPPs. Got an equal number of LPPs and 45 bullets. :)

04-24-2013, 12:02 PM
I've been using mostly Blazer brass cases which take a small primer. They work well and easy to tell for sure which are mine on the range floor although I take any and all I can pick up.

I try to keep a good amount of large primer cases too in case all I can find are large primers.

MW surveyor
04-24-2013, 04:15 PM
Started really collecting the blazer brass spp 45 about 6 months ago. Don't have a lot but I've got enough and still collecting more. Pretty flush on the LPP stuff.

LPPs are available here for some reason. SPP and SRPs are made of unobtainium!

Went by the reloading shop this afternoon. No SPPs. Good amount of lead bullets. No powder at all except for some black powder for the barrel stuffers. They did have some pre-primed 223 brass. Of course one Azhat wanted to buy all of his stock. Owner said no way.:Amflag2:

07-16-2013, 07:24 AM
My Precision Delta order from 3/6 arrived yesterday. 18.5 weeks. Bayou Bullets arrived last week, and the Bullet Works order should arrive today. I'm set for a while. :o

07-16-2013, 07:27 AM
My local range has more small pistol primers in stock than I've seen since December. Still have the 500/day limit, but they said they're considering raising that to 1k/day, maybe even removing the limit altogether. Thinking about cancelling my January backorders from Midsouth and Powder Valley (orders for both primer and powder from each place), but I'll give it a while longer.

mr surveyor
07-16-2013, 08:58 AM
sounds like you got a little busy work to do :D

mr surveyor
07-16-2013, 11:08 PM
I might add that I have been pushing Mr. Donnie's 240 gr swc's pretty hard through my .44 mag Ruger SRH and Rossi M92 levergun without any sign of leading at all. The rifle just gets a dirty bore snake drug through to remove powder residue, and maybe a touch of CLP on the end of it for good measure. I haven't really pushed the 230 gr rn .45 acp "BB's" hard, and don't plan to .... if the loads will cycle in my 4 inch Kimber Compact with a 22# spring, I figure they are good to go. Never a sign of leading at all. Actually, the same goes for the .357 158 gr lswc's and .38 spl 138 gr bnwc's, both of which I have pushed hard for lead boolit loads. Clean as a whistle, and no more smoke than from shooting plated or jacketed pills.

I done got spoilt .... still have quite the few pounds of regular cast boolits with toothpaste lube in the groove sitting in the stockpile, but I keep loading them pretty green ones. I sure wish Mr. Donnie would get some Ranch Dog molds for the 165 gr .30-30 win boolits ..... I'd never look elsewhere for lead
