View Full Version : Pearce grip extension for CM40?

11-25-2012, 08:43 AM
Anyone here use these on their CM or PM guns? Do these tend to pinch at all while shooting the gun? I'm thinking of getting a couple for my CM40 magazines,but an wondering if they hinder reliability at all.

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11-25-2012, 09:43 AM
I have the CM9 with the extension on a 7 round mag. It doesn't pinch and doesn't seem to hinder performance unless I really grip too tight. Then I "think" it causes feed problems with the mag because it is slightly tilted. I don't carry with the 7 round mag so I kinda quit using it at the range, believing that it is better to practice how you carry. But to each his own.

Short Bus
11-25-2012, 11:33 AM
Why get a CM/PM and then get something to make the grip as big as a P/CW without the extra round?

11-25-2012, 11:35 AM
I have them on my PM9. I like them a lot and have never been pinched.

11-25-2012, 06:00 PM
I think they are more comfortable BUT.....kill the small size of gun.

11-25-2012, 06:21 PM
I have a Pearce extension for each of my six round magazines. My CM9 shoots very accurately and no pinching. They give me grip control and I like the pistol better with them than without.

-- Richard

11-27-2012, 11:00 AM
I have on on my CM40, I love it. World of difference with quick grip from holster and more control shooting. Mine doesn't pinch.

11-27-2012, 07:55 PM
So do they cause any trouble when conceal carrying with them?

11-28-2012, 07:42 AM
Depending on the shirt I wear, sometimes a little poke on the shirt. Most would not even notice or know what it is. I carry at about 8:45 (leftly) in a hybrid holster.

11-28-2012, 08:58 AM
Thanks guys think ill pick up a couple of these just to have options.

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11-28-2012, 10:41 AM
I use them on my PM9 and MK40. Mine don't pinch. They also don't don't add to the "print" due to their shape. I carry AIWB. Try it. I think you will like it.

11-30-2012, 10:23 AM
I put them on my CM40, and found that they caused pinching that I didn't get with the standard magazine. I think this is only because with the standard mag, my pinkie is under the mag, not if front of it. Didn't pinch every shot, but probably once per mag.

I ended up taking them off. Prefer the gun without them. They added extra height, without any real benefit. Maybe they work better on the CM9 than the CM40?

They now sit on my desk unused.

12-07-2012, 03:39 PM
I put one on my CM40 mag and found it really helped me get control of the pistol better. I've got larger hands and I appreciated the extra 1/2" for my pinky. I experienced no pinching with or without the extension.